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Episode 2: "Just a Regular Day?" (Part 2)

Sunset here. Nice to meet you, once again. After a lot a heated argument, me and my friends are transported to this new world. I meet a monster that claims that he is my partner. How will this play out?

OP 1 - "Butterfly" (Digimon Adventure Opening)

Sunset gazed at Koromon and the small Digimon saw something that shone in the sunlight. "You have a Digivice!" He cheered out happily. Sunset felt around on her body to feel a small device. When she gazed at it, it was a blue device that had registered Koromon in it.

"What's a Digivice?" Sunset asked Koromon. Koromon 'hmm' for a bit.

"I don't know myself, but it's this incredible device that helps me change my form." Koromon tells Sunset. Sunset was shocked at this.

"Really? You can get bigger?" At Koromon affirmative sound, she 'hmm' for a bit as well. These monsters are interesting. I hope nothing bad happens. Sunset thought. After she had finished her thought, a scream had erupted. Sunset had noticed how the scream had sounded and she cursed. "Fluttershy!" She ran to find Flutter, who was with a small creature just like she was. However, Fluttershy's creature had a small horn on its head.

"I see you have one of the creatures as well, Sunset. Mine is well, called Tsunomon." Fluttershy tells Sunset and Koromon, who noticed that that the Digimon that Fluttershy had was extremely violent.

"Would you look at who is is? It's weakling Koromon." Tsunomon tells Koromon. Koromon growled at the insult, but Fluttershy beat him to it to scold him.

"Now, Tsunomon, that wasn't very nice of you! Please apologize." Fluttershy ordered Tsunomon. The Digimon knew that he could hurt her, but he suddenly felt like that he should listen of her and stop being a hardass.

"I'm sorry, Koromon. Even though I'm actually not. He thought. He looked at Koromon to see that Koromon had rejected his apology. Tsunomon burned with anger in his little being, but he felt himself being hugged by Fluttershy, which had calmed him down slightly.

"Koromon, it's bad for a friend to not forgive their friends." Sunset tells Koromon. Koromon looked guilty as he stared at a hurt Fluttershy.

"I know, but Tsunomon is pure evil." Koromon kept with his opinion of Tsunomon, who glared at him.

"So what if I'm a Virus type Digimon? You all are Vaccine type, so it makes sense for a Virus type like me to be thrown into the fray." Tsunomon tells Koromon. Sunset's Digivice had started to shine brightly and Koromon started to Digivolve, but the plan had failed.

"Aww, I almost Digivolved too." Koromon says, glaring at Tsunomon.

"You're in the wrong." A young, but wise voice tells Koromon, who turns to stare at Motimon, who was on Twilight's shoulder. Sunset knew that the girl had a curiosity for things out of their human world, but this defies all logic that Twilight had.

"What do you think, Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"We're in another world. We're screwed-plain and simple." Twilight was panicking. Rainbow and Applejack had appeared. Tucked under Rainbow's arms was a small yellow Digimon with the name of Viximon.

"Woah, I thought you were a only a nighttime legend." Koromon had told Viximon. Viximon only purred.

"What I do is no concern to you." She had finally answered. I'm a Data type Digimon, so let us see how we will band together. She thought.

Applejack had Bukamon in her arms. "Ah supposed that Bukamon is a cute fellow." She spoke. Rarity came out with a small green Digimon that looked like a radish.

"I'm Tanemon." The green Digimon spoke. Sunset looked around at her friends and her eyes widened in fear. Sonata! Pinkie She thought.

"Sonata! Pinkie" Sunset cried out for the remaining two people that haven't showed up yet.

"Gummymon, we have to save her." Pinkie's voice had caught up to the group as they saw Pinkie being chased by a very big bug Digimon. On its jaws was Sonata and her Digimon!

"That's a Kuwagamon! Everyone, run!" Koromon commanded, however, Tsunomon had other ideas.

"No way, you idiot!" Tsunomon leaped out of Fluttershy's arms and he rushed at Kuwagamon and he was violently swiped away. Fluttershy ran to catch Tsunomon and her Digivice glowed. Tsunomon started to change.

"Tsunomon Digivolve to...BlackGabumon!" BlackGabumon marveled at his new body and he got ready to attack.

Everyone else's Digivices started to glow as well and their respective partners started to change. Koromon Digivolved into Agumon, Motimon Digivolved into Tentomon, Viximon Digivolved into Renamon, Bukamon Digivolved into Gomamon, Tanemon Digivolved into Palmon, Gummymon Digivolved into Terriermon and the small blue creature that was in Kuwagamon's grasp Digivolved into Veemon.

"Everyone! Charge!" Agumon ordered. All of the Digimon except BlackGabumon and Veemon attacked the Kuwagamon, but both BlackGabumon and Veemon had similar ideas.

"Petit Fire!" He attacked. After his attack landed, Veemon was ready to give the final attack.

"V-Headbutt!" Veemon shouted, causing the Kuwagamon to disappear into a large amounts of data. Noticing their scared looks, BlackGabumon took the time to explain.

"We didn't kill the Kuwagamon, but it was getting wild, so we've decided that we would give it back to the place of beginning where it will have a much happier life." Veemon caught Sonata with some difficultly.

"Sonata passed out after we were taken by that Kuwagamon." Veemon explained. Everyone ran up to Sonata and Sunset felt her forehead.

"Oh no, she has a fever!" Sunset panicked, taking out a rag and she placed it on Sonata's forehead. Sonata moaned.

"We can't travel now, but we need to get her out of the sun." Sunset tells the others. Tentomon tells them about a tree that keeps them safe from any more rampaging Digimon. Sunset agreed to the plan to hide in the tree until Sonata's well enough. They moved Sonata to the tree and Sonata started to feel the heat from her fever. Sonata whimpered and she reached closer to the closet person, which was Fluttershy. Fluttershy let Sonata rest her head in her lap while she recuperates from her fever.

"How do you think that her fever will last?" Fluttershy was very concerned as she asked Sunset. Sunset looked down at the young girl.

"Who knows? It'll break soon." Sunset tells Fluttershy to ease her of her worry. Her fever needs to break. I've just told Fluttershy something that may not even happen, but at least, I didn't lie to her. Sunset didn't know how she would feel if she ever lies to Fluttershy. Lying to Fluttershy is like kicking a puppy and Sunset didn't want to feel that way.

While everyone else were conversing with their Digimon partners, Pinkie was sitting in the comfort of the tree. She was careful to not push herself to far into the tree, lest she revealed herself to the other violent creatures. Terriermon gazed at his partner and he knew that she was thinking. I can Digivolve again. I wonder what will happen when the time for me to Digivolve again comes back around? He thought. Terriermon didn't want to cause a lot of damage when he Digivolves, but he guesses that it will all depend on him and Pinkie's newly growing relationship.

Author's Note:

With Sonata having a fever, the gang can't leave the safety of the tree! But, what will happen when a new foe comes to destroy the gang? Who will prevail in battle?

Next Episode: Agumon's Charge!

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