• Published 3rd Nov 2018
  • 8,191 Views, 78 Comments

Celestia is still a Spider and Chrysalis hasn't been Informed - Equimorto

Upon waking up one day and finding out that she'd become a spider, Celestia had reacted in a surprisingly calm manner, simply deciding to inform her subjects of the fact. Chrysalis, unfortunately, had not been among them. It disturbed her greatly.

  • ...

She really wishes Someone told Her about It sooner

Chrysalis slipped through the door, closing it behind herself, and returned her body to its natural shape. Getting inside the castle had been even easier than she'd anticipated, and once inside it had been surprisingly simple to get past all the guards and ponies she met by switching through various disguises. Now she was inside the library, where she'd been told Celestia was reading alone, and all she needed to do was take her by surprise.

She began to walk between two tall bookcases, listening for any sound that might have informed her of the alicorn's position, but she suddenly came to a stop. In front of her was a large wall of what looked like white fabric. She tried to prod the barrier with a hoof and found it was flexible but resistant, and a little sticky. She detached her hoof and moved her head closer to observe the thing, but she was distracted by a cacophony of sounds coming from behind her, like a multitude of very large legs clittering over the pavement.

She turned around and found a large spider staring back. "Hello, Chrysalis," the spider said in Celestia's voice.

Chrysalis immediately teleported out. Or, she tried to, at least. But instead of reappearing outside of the castle she found herself stuck on a web in a corner of the library. She tried to teleport away again, but the web blocked her magic.

Celestia calmly made her way to her by crawling up on a wall and then walking upside down on the ceiling. "What brings you here?" she asked to the changeling.

Chrysalis silently gulped, trembling in fear, and she stared at the large arachnid's body as it moved towards her, her face reflecting in each one of Celestia's six bulbous eyes.

The spider momentarily stopped and tilted her head to the side. "Oh, sorry," she said with a small jump, "I guess you haven't been informed about this yet. I'm a spider now."

"So... how did it happen?" Chrysalis asked, trying to stay as far from the spider as she could. Not that she could stay that much further from her, given how she was stuck on the web, but at least she tried.

"It just did," Celestia replied, going back to walking towards Chrysalis. "So, what brings you here?"

Chrysalis didn't reply. Instead, she just silently stared as the spider moved closer to her, placed herself over her body, and began to weave a web around her. She looked up to see the spider's fangs, twitching just above her face, and her body involuntarily began to shake. "Are... Are you going to t-trap me here?" she finally managed to say.

"Why do you ask, dear?" Celestia asked.

Chrysalis lowered her eyes and stared at the way the spider's legs were working on her web.

Celestia followed her gaze. "Oh, sorry, I wasn't doing that on purpose. Must be my spider instincts taking over," she said. She did not stop weaving her web.

"A-A-Are you not-t going to st-stop?" the changeling asked, frightened.

Celestia looked back at her legs. "Oh, silly me. I forgot to stop myself." She still kept going.

Chrysalis's limbs were completely blocked at that point. She gave out a sound from her throat, halfway between a grunt and a desperate cry for mercy.

Celestia looked at her legs once more. "I really need to start working on controlling my instincts." Her legs did not stop. "Although, now that I think about it, this would be an appropriate payback for what you did to me. Forced to hang from the ceiling inside a cocoon, your captor's body crawling on the outside of your prison, your powers drained from you. The dreadful wait as you observe what may happen next, knowing that, whatever it may be, it's fully outside of your control. Knowing that the thing that captured you cannot possibly have any good intentions towards you."

Chrysalis gulped.

Celestia finished covering the entirety of the changeling's body in her web. "Did you know, Chrysalis, that spiders usually eat bugs?"

Chrysalis nodded. Then, upon realizing that the spider could not see her through the web, she tried to reply. "Y-Y-Y-Yes, I-I k-k-knew ab-b-b-bout tha-at," she finally managed to get out of her dry throat.

"And do you know what they do with them before eating them?" the spider asked, repositioning herself over Chrysalis's body.

"N-N-N-No," the terrified changeling said, putting a great deal of effort into making sure that her words actually left her mouth, and that they were audible and intelligible, unlike the constant squeals of pure terror she was constantly emitting.

"First," Celestia began, "they leave their web and wait for them to fall into it. Then, once their prey is helplessly trapped, they make their way towards it and imprison it inside a cocoon of web. And then, once they have made sure that their next meal can't escape... Well..."

Chrysalis was paralysed, hyperventilating, eyes wide as she stared at the spider's shadow visible through the white walls of her prison.

Celestia repositioned herself once more. "Once they have their prey where they want it, they bite into the cocoon and inject it with their venom, melting their victim, and then they drink it out." Celestia leaned back, ready to strike.

Chrysalis's survival instincts overtook her rational mind and waked her from her state of shock. "Wait!" she screamed, "I was actually here to become your friend!" she lied.

Celestia's fangs pierced through the surface of the cocoon, barely stopping in time not to hit Chrysalis's face. The spider slowly took them out. "Uh, hem... Sorry about that. I wasn't actually planning on biting you, my instincts just sort of took over me. I really need to learn how to control them."

Chrysalis was both extremely relieved and inconceivably furious. She decided it was best to choose the calmer of the two sides when dealing with her natural predator. "Thank you for not killing me," she said.

Celestia grabbed Chrysalis's cocoon and began to drag it across the ceiling, then secured it with a thread of her web and left it to hang in the middle of the room.

"Wait! What is happening? What are you doing?" Chrysalis asked.

"I'm leaving you there. I'll decide what to do of you later, now I need to finish my book," Celestia replied.

"Hey guys! We've got another one!" a voice cheerfully said from Chrysalis's left.

Numerous other voices cheered back from a multitude of other cocoons hanging all around the one the changeling was in.

"Who are you?" Chrysalis asked.

"Mostly guards, and some members of the castle's staff. I bet Celestia did the whole trying to eat you thing to you too, right?"

Chrysalis didn't answer that. "So how long have you guys been here for?"

"Heh, a couple of days at most. Don't worry, she'll remember about us eventually. Wanna play chess in the meantime?"

"How do you even play chess withou-"

"I'll start! Knight in C three."

Chrysalis gave a low, frustrated sigh.

Comments ( 78 )

Celestia finished covering the entirety of the changeling's body in her web. "Did you know, Chrysalis, that spiders usually eat bugs?"


Chrysalis's survival instincts overtook her rational mind and waked her from her state of shock. "Wait!" she screamed, "I was actually here to become your friend!" she lied.

This always works with ponies.

Chrysalis: ":twilightangry2: Where the fuck is Alondro with that bloody can of RAID the one time when I NEED IT!? :facehoof:"

Yutah123 #4 · Nov 3rd, 2018 · · 1 ·

"Mostly guards, and some members of the castle's staff. I bet Celestia did the whole trying to eat you thing to you too, right?"

Wow, Celestia want lying when she said she can't control her instincts.

"How do you even play chess withou-"

"I'll start! Knight in C three."

Eidetic memory, much?

He's off doing his insane, maniacal laugh.

IceHawk #5 · Nov 3rd, 2018 · · 1 ·

* slow clap *

I'm looking forward to more Spider Celestia shenanigans!

Loved this one-shot even more than its predecessor. :rainbowlaugh:

I actually think when it comes to Celestia she sees though the lie but is just so positive about the power of friendship she goes with the off chance the baddie will decide to become friends for real after fakeing it.

I feel like Chrysalis can use this time to make friends with her other webmates i know its ooc but i think it would be kinda funny.

So primal flight instincts, arachnophobia, or both?

Glad to see a sequel, can't wait to see what happens next.

Probably instinct

Yes, I'm going to go with yes.

Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 7th, 2018

This is somehow better than the first one

This... should have been a second chapter to the first one, not a separate story.

In other news Cadance discovers that Flurryheart is actually an ablatros and comes to canterlot to inform everyone

:rainbowlaugh: :ajbemused:
Since when has that stopped anyone? Most of the people on this site don't care and if you really wanted it that way you would've messaged the author instead of posting out in the open for everyone to see. You have the right to post your opinion and people have the right to argue against or support said opinion openly as well.

This critique is vague, subjective and nonconstructive and has the audacity to imply whether a fic or not deserves being featured. Even though featuring is purely a function of like/dislike ratios and time-frame and not a metric for the overall quality of the fic in itself. Vignettes and one-shots are a perfectly valid form of writing and sometimes a story don't need to outstay its welcome by dragging on and on ad nauseum.

I am sorry but if you wish to improve as a critic you will need to be able to take it in turn, whether it is wanted or not. Lest you come across as some kind of churlish oaf rather than someone sincerely trying to help a budding author to improve.

I have not read either of these.

But they get a favorite and an upvote just from the titles.

Someday I will get around to them, but for now, know you have made me nearly spit coke on my screen :p

16 people (and much more later on) disagree with you.

>.> 9 out of 10, should have made changeling soup....but still
i'm picturing celestia in this as more of the cutsy arachne type half pony she was depicted as in the picture on the first story rather then as ana ctual full spider, but even then to a bughorse like chrysi id imagine that was horifying

Oh please say you'll do more of these. They are hilarious.

At long last, Celestia has proper revenge upon the evil cherngelerng!

I mean, yeah she's prolly gonna eat a bunch of ponies too... but Chrysalis will die horribly, so yay!



Any time something makes featured that isn't some sort of monolith of a story, someone comes in and gets bitchy about it. Jealous-sounding, even. "How DARE you get into the featured box when I didn't/something else I liked didn't!" Don't choke on your salt.

These people never even bother to take the time to realize how the featured box works, and often put too much importance in it - as if making the featured box is a reward or something for 'good writing'. When it's not. You didn't have to post anything here, and now you've opened yourself up to people realizing what a wad you are. Good job, that reputation's going to follow you about this community. Take it from someone with some experience in that.

Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 5th, 2018
Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 4th, 2018

sometimes I really wish if people were required to take simple tutorial before being allowed to browse the internets.... in this case "The art of trolling" and "How to not get trolled section"

btw for a light 1000 or so words story this is great.
Write more... lots more...

Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 5th, 2018

You seem to have misunderstood me. I didn't argue one way or the other about your main statement, I just thought it was funny you would post with the closing part of your statement when I'm fairly certain you knew people would respond. It was also meant to taken as a bit of an ironic joke if you sit back and look at it considering it was also the first response to your comment.

Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 5th, 2018
Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 5th, 2018

Seriously? You just go out insulting the users of the sight? Whatever happened to "friendship is magic"? Did we all forget why we came on here in the first place?

Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 5th, 2018
Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 5th, 2018
Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 5th, 2018
Comment posted by Gravity012 deleted Nov 5th, 2018
Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 7th, 2018

I don't know, I like the change from the near constant norm of being half clop almost all the time. I don't mind the occasional bit of clop myself, it can just get tiring after a while.

Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 7th, 2018

Then pay someone to custom tailor it to your fetishes and kinks. Or, better yet, hire multiple authors and ask them to finish it by a specific deadline within reason. There you go, you just filled the front page.

Pretty sure you're going to ignore that puppet dude, but regardless I find these stories kinda funny and amusing considering the rare subject matter.

It's our time to waste, just like you posting that is your time to waste. I wasn't going to upvote this but your comment convinced me.

unless that book is about instinct controle she might want to put it down and work on keeping her instincts under contole. or she may end up with several less guards and staff members. and best bug.

Hmmmmmm, was this Crlestia's plan all along or just a happy accident?:trixieshiftright: :rainbowderp:

Probably just total dumb luck. :trollestia:

That is the most downvoted comment that I have ever seen. On this site, that is.

Comment posted by NebulaNyx deleted Nov 6th, 2018
Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 6th, 2018
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