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Coyote de La Mancha

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This story is a sequel to Detective Pony Comics Presents (Vol. 1)

She has waited.

She has watched.

She has completely re-designed her costume.

And now, she is ready to strike.

Even with the help of Sparrow, can Batmane protect Equestria’s most valuable diamond from the sinister wily ways of... Feline Fatale?

And when they clash, will the secrets they carry destroy them all?
(Or, you know, not.)

Read on to find out, in Volume 2 of Detective Pony Comics Presents!

(Part of the DPCP Continuity)

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 5 )

Huh. Looks like Gloriosa's doing camp counseling regardless of species.

"the Walls of Fruitless Endeavors," also known as the wall of the Crusaders' clubhouse in general.

“B’s.” He shook his head. “My god.”

:facehoof::rainbowlaugh: You wonderful, absolute madman.

The therapeutic aspect of the Scootasuit is genuinely heartwarming.

Fantastic opening, especially the narrator getting a second wind on those metaphors. Eagerly looking forward to more.

Absolutely fabulous, as usual. I may have teared up a little bit at the hidden secrets of Scootaloo's suit, but the giggles that the rest of the story had in store balanced it out quite marvelously.


Huh. Looks like Gloriosa's doing camp counseling regardless of species.

Yep. Much like Celestia is generally a teacher and protector, in some form or fashion.

:facehoof::rainbowlaugh: You wonderful, absolute madman.

*grateful bow* Many thanks.

I may have teared up a little bit at the hidden secrets of Scootaloo's suit, but the giggles that the rest of the story had in store balanced it out quite marvelously.

The therapeutic aspect of the Scootasuit is genuinely heartwarming.

On the Scootasuit... yeah, I thought very carefully about including that.

Chaplain said it best, I think, when he said that comedy is a sad art. I interpret that to mean that comedy cannot live long without tears, any more than horror can live long without hope. So I knew there were going to be some somber (or at least semi-somber) scenes now and then. The Adam West show had ‘em as well (mostly in the Catwoman episodes, as I recall).

But, this is Batmane. I haven’t decided to what extent his origin is like the classic DC Batman. But being a version of that particular Eternal Champion, however much removed... well, there’s just no way that Batmane wouldn’t help a child as much as he could.

Additionally, while Batmane adores all the CMCs, there is also a special bond between him and Scoots. I’m not certain if it will ever come up directly in-story, but in this continuity her parents are not merely absent.

I confess, I was a little concerned that the suit’s secret would distract from the flow of the tale, but in the end it seemed character-breaking to omit it. I’m glad it worked. :twilightsmile:

Her voice trailed off, and she said, “It seems sometimes like this is your real voice, like the Blueblood voice is just an act. Instead of the other way around?”

The key difference between the big names of DC is that Clark Kent sometimes puts on a funny costume and calls himself Superman, while Batman sometimes puts on a funny costume and calls himself Bruce Wayne.
(Diana, meanwhile, is about as well-adjusted as a divinely animated clay golem can be.)

Pretty sire you meant commissioner and not commisar. Rather different titles, and Spacious Fort isn't shooting anypony for heresy.

Sparrow glided upwards with the grace of a feathered serpent dancing the Macarena

Which even more impressive when you consider how feathered serpents don't have arms.

I have to wonder about ponies using gloves for calling cards. If nothing else, anypony purchasing something made for fingers is suspicious. (Or is it more of a sock?)

By my Aunt Moria, it’s purple!

Did you mean Moira, or is the police chief's aunt a dwarf? Because I could accept either. :raritywink:



Fantastic Westian deduction and conflicted-loyalty drama. Looking forward to the next installment.


The key difference between the big names of DC is that Clark Kent sometimes puts on a funny costume and calls himself Superman, while Batman sometimes puts on a funny costume and calls himself Bruce Wayne.
(Diana, meanwhile, is about as well-adjusted as a divinely animated clay golem can be.)

*nods* Yeah, exactly. Kill Bill has an interesting monologue about Supes where the villain argues the opposite, but I think that is far more telling of Bill’s particular form of elitism than the comic character. Meanwhile, I think there was even a point where Silver Banshee tried to use Batman’s ‘True Name’ of Bruce Wayne against him, and it didn’t work because his ‘True Name’ was actually Batman.
(And Diana is just awesome.)

Pretty sire you meant commissioner and not commisar.

:rainbowderp: Aroo?
*quick Internet search*
:twilightoops: Well, now. That doesn’t mean what I thought it did at all.
:facehoof: Whoops. Thank you. *amends*

I have to wonder about ponies using gloves for calling cards... (Or is it more of a sock?)

It’s more like a sock. A sign of the wealthiest upper class mares (such as Spoiled Rich) is the luxury of wearing soft materials on their forehooves, implying they’ll never have to walk on anything that would tear them. The gloves are usually thrown away after one use; should the evening include such distractions as walking in hedge mazes and the like, a servant will have differently embroidered gloves for the lady to slip on after each activity.:twilightsmile:

Did you mean Moira, or is the police chief's aunt a dwarf? Because I could accept either

:rainbowlaugh: You know, I hadn’t been thinking of the mines, but rather the Irish girl’s name. (I really should have expected this; most of us love JRRT.) But now that you mention it, I could go with either one, as well... :twilightsmile:


Heh. I apologize for nothing. :raritywink:

Glad you enjoyed, and thank you so much for the feedback! I’m hoping next chapter will have more Biff, Pow, and Kablam, but we shall see what the ultimate shape of things looks like... :moustache:

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