• Member Since 18th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen May 16th

Liquid Savage

A guy who writes about fat horse, among other things. If that's not your thing, no one's stopping you from looking someplace else.


Princess Luna is on a diet. But she soon discovers that her low self-control and her flair for the dramatic have a price...

Just a quick silly thing I wrote for a writing contest in Discord. Hope you like it!

Happy Nightmare Night!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Soooooo tantabus wins I guess. I can dig it. I was wondering why Pinkie was skipped there for a minute.

This was a great story.

Very sharp :raritywink:
Glad you liked it!

Thank you kindly :yay:

I wonder what'll happen to the rest of the world Equestria's a part of.

And if, if you gain weight in the Tantabus's dream, you gain weight for real.

And if they do gain in real life if they gain in the Tantabus's dream, how would the world adjust?

They'll figure that out when it's all been taken over :moustache:
Glad you liked it!

The open book hovered up, and swirled around into a mass of dark energy. Luna glowered at it, while Twilight slowly blinked with dazed confusion. Globs shot out from the mass toward the bookshelves and stacks, causing tomes and scrolls to fly over to the two alicorns. They opened and unfurled to reveal images of cakes, pies and other confectionaries, which pulled themselves out from the pages and made themselves real. Luna’s jaw dropped in terror, while Twilight giggled. Luna jumped and rolled around the treats being shot at her, while Twilight happily opened her mouth and accepted them. Luna grimaced as Twilight chewed and swallowed each mouthful, every lump sliding down her throat into her belly causing it and the rest of her body to bounce out with another layer of jiggling adipose. Her cheeks inflated, her legs thickened, and flab spilled down from behind her chin.

we're almost out of bearers! considering the fact pinkie lives in a bakery, she's probably fatter than the other 5 combined

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