• Published 8th Nov 2018
  • 3,784 Views, 15 Comments

Poor Boy’s Greatest Saviors - Lonely Fanboy48

The Rainbooms offers to help an eight year old who has been bullied to the point he almost committed suicide.

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Honorary Member Of The Rainbooms

Oliver, Tony and the Rainbooms continued their list of activities to pass the time. They ate their pizza thy ordered for lunch, swam in the ocean, and collected seashells along the shore.

Soon, sunset was upon them. Twilight noticed the position of the sun in the sky, and decided it was time for the day of fun to end.

“Okay. Everyone: I think it’s time for Oliver to go back to his mom,” Twilight said.

“What? But, we were just getting started!” Pinkie protested.

“Yeah! I was gonna teach Oliver how to surf!” Dash said.

“And we were going to go to the tidepools to look at starfish,” Fluttershy added.

“I know. But, it’s sunset now, and he has to go back to his mom,” Twilight said.

There was a wave of moans. It had been fun, but they knew Twilight was right. She always was.

“Alright. Come on, Oliver. Tony. Let’s get you boys--” Sunset began, but noticed something that was now very out of place. “--Hey! Where’d the boys go?”

In truth, Oliver and Tony had hidden behind one of the nearby concession stands. In his bid to convey his feelings about the girls, Oliver had taken a pen and pad of paper from Twilight’s bag, and was feverishly writing down his thoughts.

“Come on, what is it?” Tony wondered.

“You’ll see in a second,” Oliver answered.

It wasn’t hard for the girls to spot them where they were hiding. They weren’t even twenty feet away from where they were standing. Having seen them, they jogged over to where they boys were.

“There you kids are,” Twilight said. “Let’s go. You’re parents are probably on their way to pick you up.”

“In a second. First: I want to tell you something,” Oliver said.

“Yeah? Alright. Speak yer mind, pardner,” Applejack said.

Oliver took a moment to prepare himself. What he was about to convey was going to force him to confront the horrible memories of the bullies who tormented him. One look to Tony and the Rainbooms, and he knew that he was strong enough to overcome it.

“Okay. There was a reason my mom brought a camera to the beach today. She found out on the news that those bullies had posted the video they took of me to the internet, and was afraid it would go viral,” Oliver began.

Tony only nodded grimly. He had seen the video on the internet, and was appalled to see that the view counter was well into quadruple digits. The comment section showed nothing but concern and sympathy for Oliver, and complete disdain and contempt for the bullies. But, it broke his heart to know that so many people had to see such a brutal thing happen to his friend.

The girls didn’t know what to say. But, they would try.

“Oliver…” Sunset began.

Oliver raised a hand, stopping her.

“It’s alright, Sunset. Because of what happened next. You see, it was my dad’s idea to make another video that showed me after the attack. He wanted them to see that I hadn’t changed who I was, just because they didn’t like it. And, well, I didn’t think it would change anything. But, after that day I spent with you guys, I know that it can. Just look at me. Even I can see how I’ve changed since I first got here. I’m going to take this video, and I’m going to upload it. This is going to be the me that people see. And this is what other kids who have ever felt bullied will think of when they see how I could get over it. I want to help those kids, just like you helped me. So, thank you. I never could have done it without you girls.”

The Rainbooms were completely silent. Rarity and Fluttershy both had joyful tears running down their faces. Even Rainbow Dash had to turn away, so nobody could see her crying.

Twilight took one step forward, and placed her hand on Oliver’s shoulder. “Oliver…” She began. She wanted to say something deeply profound and heart touching. But, anything she could say would come nowhere close to what she had just heard. Instead, she only said, “You’re welcome.”

With a beaming smile, Olive embraced Twilight, and again, Tony, Spike and the other Rainbooms joined in for another group hug.

“You know what? I think we should do just one more thing for Oliver,” Sunset said.

“I think yer right,” Applejack said, on the exact same page as Sunset.

“I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Fluttershy added.

“What is it?” Oliver wondered.

“Well,” Twilight said suggestively, “Me and the girls were thinking that we should make you an honorary Rainboom.”

“You mean it!?” Oliver said.

“Of course we do. You certainly have the spirit of a Rainboom,” Rarity said.

“Yes!” Oliver said, as he high-fived Tony.

“And, maybe someday, we’ll take you to meet some of our other friends,” Sunset said, planning to one day take Oliver to Equestria to meet Princess Twilight.

“Oliver!” Came the call of the boy’s mother.

“Oh! That’s mom!” Oliver said. He turned to answer. “Coming, mom!”

He almost started running, until Tony reminded him of something.

“Wait! Your pad!” Tony said.

Oliver quickly turned around, and gave Twilight back her pen and paper pad, while he took back his camera.

Twilight didn’t even have time to reprimand the boys for going through her bag, when they both turned and left to join with Oliver’s mother. She simply stood, watching the boys as they rejoined with Oliver’s mom. Apparently, Tony’s mom had joined up with Oliver’s mom on the beach, and was greeted by her son as well.

“Well?” Rarity wondered.

“What’s it say?” Pinkie added.

Twilight was so busy watching the boys, she had almost forgotten what she had been given.

“Oh. Um,” Twilight said. She lifted the paper pad up, and read aloud what Oliver had written.

“To the Rainbooms: Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash , Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer and Spike.

When my day started, I never thought my life could move on from the nightmare that it had become. I thought for sure that I would be miserable for the rest of my life. But, that all changed when my parents suggested something as simple as a trip to the beach.

From out of nowhere, seven girls and their dog, who I had never met before a day in my life came out of the blue to save me. It was almost like we were meant to meet them that day.

At first, I thought they were weird. Nobody would ever volunteer to look after a kid they had just met. But, they did. It was why I started talking to them, after I hadn’t spoken to almost nobody in a week. They were so different from any of the people, (and especially any of the dogs) I had ever met.

Pinkie Pie baked me a chocolate muffin from scratch. Fluttershy took me and Tony on an amazing trip into the forest. Rarity made me new clothes. Twilight and Sunset helped make the commercial for kids like me. And the splash party, where I remembered fun and friendship.

It was all like a dream come wonderfully true.

The baked sweets full of love.

The wonders of nature shown to me.

The creative ingenuity and intelligent planning.

The simple gestures of a small friend.

The generous gifts given

The spirit of fun shared by two girls.

The Rainbooms were like a savior sent just for me. And that’s how I want people to think of them. Not just as a band, or a group of friends. As the people who saved the future of one little boy who thought he had none. They are my greatest saviors.

“Oh…that’s...” Was all Rainbow Dash choked out, before she turned her back.

“It’s alright, sugarcube. Let it out with me,” Applejack said, hugging Dash and joining her in her tears.

“And to think we only thought today was a trip to the beach,” Sunset said wistfully.

“Yeah. Who’d have thought we’d end up saving a young life,” Twilight said.

She held the note in her hand, knowing she was going to save it for the rest of her life. The message conveyed on it would be one that she would carry with her forever. And she would share it with others in her life. Through her words and through her music.

Back in the parking lot, Oliver and his mother arrived at their car. Both of them were smiling from what had transpired that day.

The car started, and they were on their way home.

“Mom?” Oliver began, “If it’s alright: could I spend another day with those girls some day?”

After the change that had happened in her son, there was only one answer his mom could give. “Of course you can.”

Oliver only smiled. He knew that brighter days were still ahead for him.

Comments ( 11 )

Shouldn't you wait until this story is complete before you start the sequel?

Sorry I forgot to changed it once I was done.

I really don't understand why you got so many dislikes. (Then again, they're probably pissy because you spammed their feed by adding this story to all character folders instead of just the Main folder)
I mean, the story is pretty basic, and theres alot of weird phrasing and leap of faiths. But I don't think its offensive or bad enough to warant such response.
You just need some more practice 's all!

Hope you don't let it discourage you and that you keep improving!

Comment posted by Strawberry Surprise deleted Mar 7th, 2019

Speaking of phrasing, I'll have to ask you to rephrase that.
Are you agreeing or disagreeing, and what do you mean with that last bit?

Comment posted by Strawberry Surprise deleted Mar 7th, 2019

Rainbooms' Favorite Boy

FTFY. The Rainbooms (noun) are implicated to possess something (In this case, their favorite boy.) so there should be an apostrophe to indicate such a thing.

Don't blame me, blame the English language.

Bullycide is not a word.

I heard that in college.

Bullying would make more sense.

My Little Reviews & Feedback Forgot to link this to the group. Your review.

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