• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 1,529 Views, 11 Comments

Coming Out - NightCoreMoon

Rarity comes to Rainbow Dash in tears, and an emergency friendship meeting is called. Sunset struggles with her PTSD and feelings towards the Spitfire from Equestria while being around the human one. Twilight finally unveils a long-held revelation.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Please don't take this chapter seriously.

It's a hostess cupcake after a thicc slice of meatloaf.

The next few days passed with a varying degree of incidence. Twilight and Rarity rapidly grew to become accustomed to each other’s constant presence, and eventually the delayed housewarming was upon them.

It went about as well as could be expected, and Pinkie Pie went all out as she usually did.

Eventually the party proper wound down, and the girls were cooling down in the living room. Twilight and Rarity sat on the couch beside the entangled prone forms of Rainbow Dash and Spitfire. Pinkie Pie lay down by the fireplace, feet propped up on the stone ledge beside it. Fluttershy sat in the corner with Spike curled up in her lap, scratching him behind the ears as he lazily kicked a free leg. Sunny Flare, whom Rarity had invited, was texting in another corner. Applejack threatened to doze off in the armchair, and Sunset had just returned from the bathroom.

“What’d I miss?” She asked. “Tell me that nothing cool happened while I powdered my...”



“There you go,” Rarity said, pointing.

“Your human sayings don’t make any fucking sense...” she muttered, crossing across the room to mirror Pinkie. “You're not powdering anything, you're taking a leak. Hey Pinkie, got anything else planned?”

“Nope,” she sighed. “I am partied out. And I don't say that often.”

“I told the girls they should come next time,” Sunny quietly said. “Although to be fair, this was scheduled the same day as the mathletics competition...”

“How’s that going?” Twilight asked.

“Not as well as it was when you were still with us,” she confessed, “but Indigo is destroying on the trig circuit.”

Sunset snickered. “War flashbacks...” she murmured, prompting Fluttershy to giggle and immediately apologize.

“What?” Sunny asked.

“It's an inside joke, dear,” Rarity said, waving it off. “Explaining it would be... difficult.”


A silence filled the room. Not an awkward one, but one that left Twilight restless.

She nudged Spitfire, who looked up. Twilight conveyed a look that Spitfire immediately recognized. She nodded and sat up, making Rainbow lightly groan.

“Babe,” she quietly whined. “Now I'm cold.”

“Everyone...” Twilight said, placing her hand in Rarity’s, who squeezed it supportively. “I wanna say something.”

Once all eyes were on her- except Applejack’s, but Twilight could tell she was tuned in by the direction of the toothpick in her mouth.

“I, uh...” she took a deep breath. “I wanna tell you all something that only the people on the couch know.”

Rainbow snapped her eyes to Twilight before sitting up, an O of recognition forming on her mouth before moved in closer and took her other hand.

“What's up?” Pinkie asked. “Did you win the lottery or something?”

“No, and before you ask six other questions that grow exponentially in ridiculousness as I say no in more and more of an exasperated fashion, I’m gonna continue with what I was going to say in the first place. Last week, when we were almost all at Rainbow Dash’s house, Rainbow talked to me and then Spitfire talked to me, and after Rarity and I got home we talked. And, uh... I’ve kinda been hiding something from you girls.”

Applejack opened her eyes and raised her hat at this, and both Pinkie and Sunset leaned forward.

Twilight took a deep breath as Rainbow and Rarity squeezed her hands, and Spitfire gave her an encouraging nod.


“PREGNANT!?” Pinkie asked, getting excited.

Twilight sighed. “It's funny you say that. Well, not funny ha-ha but funny ironic considering I can't get pregnant.”

“Oh!” Sunset gasped before lightly punching the floor a few times.

Twilight raised a brow. “Wha-”

“Sorry, ignore me!” She said, before putting her fingers of one hand to her mouth.

“Okay... uh... well, there goes the momentum. Fuck it. I'm transgender.”

A beat of silence passed.

“Ha! I told you she'd tell us before summer was over, Pinkie!” Applejack cried, standing up.

“Dang it!” Pinkie exclaimed, falling back. “I mean, yay Twilight, we love you and we accept you and all that stuff. Now I'm out twenty bits AND I have to plan a ‘congratulations on finally coming out to us’ party!”

The entire couch and Sunset gaped open-mouthed at the two.

“You knew?” Rarity asked.

“You fucking knew!?” Rainbow asked.

“You fucking knew AND YOU MADE BETS ON IT!?” Twilight exclaimed.

Applejack and Pinkie immediately adopted sheepish grins and looked at the floor.

“Sorry Twilight.” They said in unison.

Twilight slammed her head back into the couch. “And Sunset knew, apparently, too. Did everyone already know?”

“I didn't...” Sunny murmured. “I don't mind though.”

“Princess Twilight let it slip to me when she first came over so I knew longer than any of you,” Fluttershy confessed.

Twilight looked up.


Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Did... did you not realize when you went to Equestria with me? Equine genitalia isn't exactly subtle.”

“Twi Twi, you were in a hospital room in the men’s wing with Flash’s brother.” Pinkie scratched her head. “I really don't get how you didn't think we knew.”

“I almost punched out the nurse who said you were a guy when I visited you in your coma.” Applejack shrugged and crossed her arms. “But you were, well... in a coma.”

Twilight threw her hands in the air. “Son of a bitch. Son... Of a BITCH! You're telling me I’ve been losing my goddamn mind over this for years and you all already knew? SON. OF. A BITCH.”

Spitfire evaluated the room before shrugging. “Eh, so am I.”

Rarity leaned over and whispered in Twilight’s ear. “I bet you thought this was going to be dramatic and heartfelt.”

“Yeah, kind of.” Twilight crossed her arms. “Well, alright then. That was... easy.” She huffed. “So, uh. There's that.”

Twilight leaned over and fell into Rarity’s lap.

“Oh yeah. Happy housewarming.”

Comments ( 5 )

This was great, thank you.

I found one of your other stories earlier and have been skipping around through your chronology because I just instantly fell in love with your writing. Your dialogue has this beautiful bounce and liveliness to it that helps the emotions really hit home, and the emotions are high and your stories are rife with all sorts of wonderful drama.

In general, there's this flow that makes your writing just naturally fun to read-- I was actively and constantly engaged in and excited to turn the next page, so to speak. You also, I feel, have a really good grasp of the economy of a story so to speak-- of knowing exactly what to show and when to cut away or skim over or leave as hint or implication, and that just adds to how engaging your writing is. I'm continually encouraged to read closely because if I'm not paying attention I could miss a hint towards figuring out the exact details of all the drama going down. It's really well crafted and fun to read!

Beyond that, I love the characterizations you hand out and the headcanons you play with-- it always makes me happy to see some good trans stories on here. Better yet, you handle everything-- touching on difficult or dark topics-- with this respectful ease and grace that prevents it from feeling gratuitous or exhausting.

Thank you so much for sharing your writing on here, and I look forward to seeing anything else you care to show!

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