• Published 14th Nov 2018
  • 824 Views, 27 Comments

The First True Alicorns - Bronyxy

Who were the first alicorns and where did they come from? Who were the first immortal alicorns? What price had to be paid and by whom to grant them this most unique of gifts? A story of love and self-sacrifice.

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3 The Gift

Once they were safely out of earshot seated around a table in a secluded alcove, Clover told them what had happened:
“Your Majesties, your daughters have been given the opportunity to claim the rarest of gifts, but it will come at a cost. We have all become used to ponies, as all living things having a lifetime and then dying. The spirits who created you two have been impressed by the way you have brought peace and prosperity to Equestria and are prepared to grant to your daughters the gift of immortality to provide stability of leadership until the very end of Equestria itself, not linked to any future vagaries of succession.”

The Queen had her forehoof raised over her mouth suppressing a gasp, but her wide eyes expressed her emotions. The King looked levelly at his closest and most trusted friend, “Clover, there must be a downside.”
“Yes, your Majesties, there is. If this is the path you all choose, then they will be infertile; barren.”
The Queen let out a quiet sob and the King reached a forehoof over to comfort her.
“That is indeed a high price” acknowledged the King sadly.

“But there is more, your Majesties” continued Clover, “You will have to give your consent.”
“Well, naturally we would support them in whatever decision they chose to take” responded the King immediately, turning to see his wife nodding in agreement.
“Hear me out please” interjected Clover, the omission of his usual deferential greeting being somewhat stark, “If they are to accept this gift, which is in itself a two edged sword, they will outlive all their family, all their friends and never be able to forge lasting relationships with anypony other than between themselves. Further, if you are all in agreement that they proceed, then you will have to give your consent and in so doing will be agreeing with the sprits to shorten your own lives. It is possible that you may be the first ponies they see die.”

“How long would we have?” asked the Queen calmly, her own mortality weighing on her far less heavily than the prospect of her daughters being barren.
“I cannot give a you a time, but it will not be long. The spirits have limited direct power over this world, and while they can sustain four alicorns, it is beyond their capability currently to sustain two mortal and two immortal alicorns concurrently. I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry.”
“Three days, you say?” asked the King.
“Somewhere between two and four, Sire. I will have to check.”
“Thank you Clover. When we come to discuss this with our daughters, I propose we omit telling them about the potential risk to us. If they choose to accept the mantle of immortality, then we will be gone in a twinkle of their eye anyway” rationalised the King, glancing towards his wife who looked lovingly back into his own eyes and nodded her agreement, reaching out across the table with her forehoof for his. His hoof gently touched hers and a spark crossed between them. They had made their decision. It was time for their daughters to make their own decisions now.

“This evening’s events have indeed been momentous” continued the King, expertly replacing his characteristic smile, “I hear the band is playing some invigorating dance music, so I propose we partake and enjoy the celebrations!”
He took his wife gently by the forehoof and helped her up, admiring her for her beauty and her courage as if he had so little opportunity to ever do it again and wanted to savour the image. Forever.

They emerged back into the Great Hall, Clover choosing to sit as the tempo of the music was way beyond what he felt capable of getting his old bones to comply with.

The evening was a great success and only started to lose momentum when the sky could be seen through the windows sliding through its delicate palate of purples, reds and oranges that heralded the dawn.

One by one, couples and small groups from the different corners of Equestria came to offer their thanks and congratulations to the two Princesses and their thanks to the King and Queen before heading away to retire.

After the last die hards left the dance floor, the band heaved a grateful sigh of relief and slipped away leaving a few ponies still propping up the bar.

“Papa! Momma!” squealed Luna in delight as she wrapped her forelegs around her fathers neck and Celestia did the same to her mother, “That was amazing. Thank you so much!”
Even knowing what they did, the King and Queen weren’t going to allow the possibility of their premature deaths spoil the moment and instead shared bubbling anecdotes about who had been seen with whom and how good the band had been and the food …

Finally they all turned in, the Princesses happier than they had ever been, falling straight to sleep. Their parents didn’t go to bed as they had directed their daughters, but instead summoned their legal advisers and started checking their plans for succession under the pretence of planning a sudden retirement now that their daughters had come of age.
Clover meanwhile, consulted his magic runes, trying to get a more precise answer to one particularly difficult question – how long would the King and Queen have to live if the Princesses chose immortality?

By early afternoon, the sisters had staggered down for breakfast where they were met by their parents who were happy to take a break from the hours spent clarifying the legal position for succession.
“Good morning girls” greeted their father cheerily “How are my little Princesses today?”
“Not little any more Papa, don’t you remember we came of age last night?” replied Celestia cheekily.
“Oh, was that what the noise was in the Great Hall last night? I was just about to call out the exterminators to deal with an infestation …”
They all shared the joke and heartfelt embraces.

When they pulled apart, Luna noticed a tear in her mother’s eye.
“What’s wrong, Momma?” she asked.
“Oh, it’s … nothing dear” she lied unconvincingly.
“Once you have had some breakfast, we should all have a little chat in the presence of Clover the Clever.”
“It’s to do with the magic last night, isn’t it?” pushed Luna.
“Yes. You have a special opportunity we need to discuss further. But get some food in you first; the breakfast staff have been waiting for simply ages to be stood down” said their father with a broad smile.
Celestia took her father at face value and started helping herself from the buffet, but Luna remained concerned; that sad tear in her mother’s eye told another story.

Suddenly, she didn’t feel quite so grown up.

Suddenly, she didn’t want to be grown up at all.