• Published 19th Nov 2018
  • 18,122 Views, 1,538 Comments

Bedbound (And Beyond) - Cackling Moron

Freshly-arrived human in a state of some disrepair is tended to by local deity.

  • ...

The heathens’ all around us

Author's Note:

I actually really like Pinkie Pie. I think she's adorable and she got poofy hair. I just don't rate my ability to capture that FIRE, that HEAT. But here we are.

I woke up at some time. Who knew when? I sure didn’t.

There was a dim recollection I had about the withholding of the track of time taking on a form of psychological torment. Not that I thought it was being done deliberately, of course, but still. I just assumed that I’d been up and around for four or so days, but that was just a guess. And before that unconscious and being looked after by Celestia for...how long?

Maybe I was losing my mind.

Then, given I spent my time now in the company of technicolour magical horse princesses I might have already lost it. Either way there wasn’t a whole lot I could do about it.

Best to just soldier on. No use lying in a tiny bed with my legs hanging out worrying about things beyond my ability to change.

Some time in the night I must have stripped down whilst asleep because I woke up nude. Little shocking, but hey, worse things had happened.

Rolling out of the bed - and missing the prodigious size of the one I’d been in before - I went and picked up my clothes, such as they were. Frowning, I gave the cloth a quick examine. I was going to need a new tablecloth soon, I reckoned. This one was starting to get a little, uh, rank.

Not that I was fussy. I’d take a curtain. I’m an easy man to please.

The odds of actual clothes seemed pretty long, obviously. Had I even seen anyone wearing trousers? At all? I didn’t think so. Maybe I just hadn’t been paying attention. But a fresh sheet couldn’t be beyond their means, I was sure.

All things in time.

When Twilight arrived to knock politely on the door I was decent again.

“You can come in, you won’t be horrified. Well, much,” I said.

Despite this she entered cautiously, keeping her eyes on the floor at first and then looking a little bashful over it when she finally looked up at me.

“Sorry,” she said, blushing.

“Given what happened last time I should probably be apologising to you. Forever. So let’s just start afresh, shall we?”

“Sounds good to me. Sleep well?”

I glanced back at the tiny bed. Comfortable, at least. And I was a big boy. I could curl up with the best of them.

“Very restful,” I said. This was true. I felt energised. And no dreams either which, given that whenever I had them they tended to be surreal and also include an uncomfortable conversation with Luna, was a definite plus.

“Good!” She said. “Was there anything special you wanted to do today?”

“Me? No. I am recuperating and I am also in your capable hands. Hooves, fuck. Sorry. Terminology. But yes, I defer to you. You know the area, is there anything special you think I should be doing?”

Twilight considered this, tapping a hoof to her chin.

“We could have breakfast out, if you like? You can meet a friend,” she said.

A fine offer.

You know, all things considered my life wasn’t going terribly, actually.

“Uh, sure, if that’s not going out of your way?”

Twilight beamed, again doing so with such force she closed her eyes. A full-face, top-to-bottom sort of a smile. Goddamn ponies. So Goddamn cute. One day I was going to do something I’d regret, I was sure of it. Like say ‘Aww’ to their faces.

“It’s not a problem! Kind of a treat for me, really. Well, another one, after last night,” she said. Referring to the cupcakes, I presumed. She could probably get away with two treats. I’d let her. Even if the things were enormous. Maybe breakfast would be something more modest.

“Then by all means, let’s treat ourselves. Well, you treat me. I can’t really treat anyone. Mostly just a millstone being passed around from neck to neck.”

“Now, don’t say things like that. You’re nice to have around and you’re our guest and that’s all you need to worry about. Celestia said I had to make sure you weren’t too down on yourself.”

“She did?” I asked. Twilight nodded.

The firm hand - er, hoof, fuck, again - of Celestia even now being felt. Kind of. Nice of her to have been thinking of my wellbeing, even if the thought of not being horribly self-deprecating made my skin crawl. She was just so nice to me.

I wondered what Celestia was doing for breakfast…

Shaking my head to clear away that useless bit of daydreaming I asked:

“What time is it? Just to ask?”

I don’t know what Twilight checked but it seemed to give her the answer.

“Little before nine. Why?”

“Just curious. Sounds a good time for breakfast for me.”

Gives me an idea, at least. And so off we went.

At the very least I’d been right about one thing: sleeping on it had made me feel infinitely better about going out amongst the ponies. Most of those that were up and awake did still stare, yes, but a few also didn’t and a handful seemed content to glance before getting on without whatever they were doing.

I waved. One pony - who was tiny, so I figured may have been a pony-child - waved back, at least until their parent stopped them. Well, I tried.

“So what constitutes a treat breakfast around here?” I asked Twilight, waving again to another pony who’d just leant out of a window. They lent back in again and shut it. Wasn’t going to stop me trying so joke’s on you, pony!

“Sugarcube Corner. My friend Pinkie works there. Seems as good a place to start introducing you as any, although, given there were three cupcakes yesterday I have a feeling she somehow knew you were here already…”

“‘Sugarcube Corner’?” I repeated.

“Uh huh,” said Twilight.

Sounded twee, but appropriate. She then pointed it out to me, as it was up ahead.

The place looked like a frosted gingerbread nightmare, which for a bakery I supposed counted as theming? Someone had also seen fit to plonk what appeared to be a cupcake-shaped extension on top. Who was I to judge?

“Subtle,” I said, limping ahead of Twilight in time to get the door for her. Habit. She seemed thankful enough. I just prefer to bring up the rear.

Wait, no, ew.

The inside was slightly more subdued, for which I was thankful. The smell of baking was enough to instantly make me want to forgive just about anything about the place. Some tables had been set up in the larger, emptier, customerier part of the insides and some of these tables were occupied. There was a small queue of bleary-eyed ponies lined up in front of a counter, and behind the counter an exceptionally pink pony who made me feel exhausted just from glancing.

She appeared to be hopping?

Twilight and I joined the queue, something which just felt natural and right to me. Those in it either didn’t mind us doing this or did, saw me and were mildly alarmed for a moment before seeing I wasn’t going to do anything, at which point they just became mildly worried instead. Those already sat at tables became noticeably more quiet, but that was their problem.

And there in the queue we stood, shuffling forward with pleasing rapidity until we’d reached the front, whereupon the pink one gasped.

“Twilight! I didn’t see you come in!”

How? How had she not? I standing next to her! Me! A three-times-her-size obelisk of oddity and unusualness. Then again, good she was concentrating on her job.

Twilight looked set to reply but then the pink one locked eyes onto me. I froze.

Something was about to happen. I could feel it.

With alarming acrobatic ability she hopped up and landed on the counter, which struck me as unsanitary. From this lofty perch she looked me up from bottom to top, one eye closed, the other beady. I stood and let this happen, as seemed polite.

“You!” She said, pointing. “You’re new!”

Well she wasn’t wrong, I guess.

Before I’d had a chance to properly appreciate this she’d transferred from the counter and onto me, winding first down around my left leg then up my right, over my hip past my belly, over my shoulder and then back down again.

This took seconds, by the way, and at no-point did she stop talking. If anything, she started talking faster.

I think there might have been words in it? If there were I couldn’t pick them out. Had I been able to sit down and concentrate I might have been able to parse it, but as she was climbing me like a Goddamn tree I didn’t really have the opportunity.

“You’re all over me!” I said, and she really was!

“There’s just so much of you!” She said, slithering across my front in defiance of reason itself, coming in under my arm and then seeming to disappear completely. I could no longer feel her weight on me. I turned, and saw nothing. The expressions of those watching - which, to my surprise, wasn’t everyone - told me nothing.

I’d lost track of her.

Then, slowly, a beaming pink face lowered into my vision from above. Upside-down.

“You have excellent balance,” I said, nose-to-nose with her.

By contrast I did not, and my gammy leg chose this moment to demonstrate this. Having stood as still as possible to provide the best climbing frame I could was clearly more intensive than I would have thought, because what had started out as a twinge became in moments an obvious prelude to giving way.

I was going to fall over. A-fucking-gain.

Unwilling to properly timber it in such a crowded place and definitely unwilling to squash poor Pinkie I instead executed a very elegant - I think - twist on the spot on my remaining good leg, slammed myself back into the nearest wall and then slid to the floor.

This resulted in maybe making the building shake a little, Pinkie dropping from my head and into my arms and alarming everyone present, but kept anyone from being flattened or any tables from being upset.

A win, in my book.

Pinkie looked stunned, which was probably the least-active I’d seen her in the small time I’d known her. Apparently I’d succeeded in taking her off-guard. Though this didn’t last, and barely a second later she blinked and those vast blue eyes stopped staring into space and swivelled my way.

“Oh my gosh,” she breathed, far quieter than I would have expected possible, making it my turn to be stunned. “Are you okay?”

“You’re quite squidgy, anyone ever told you that? Wait, no, cuddly. That’s the word. Cuddly,” I said. Should probably have thought of that one before actually saying it, in retrospect, but Pinkie didn’t seem to mind, wiggling around and giggling.

Ponies giggling, man. Fucks me up. I’d let ‘em get away with anything. I gave Pinke a pat on the head and her giggling got even less constrained, devolving into snorting as she twisted to try and get more comfortable in my grasp.

One would have thought she’d want out, but what do I know?

Twilight appeared, making me jump. In all the excitement I’d quite forgotten she was there.

“Are you alright? That keeps happening,” she said, concerned, eyeing me

“Yeah, my bad. Leg’s kind of janky. It’ll sort itself out,” I said, shifting my arms to better support Pinkie’s weight. From the looks of things she appeared to have gone to sleep, though she might just have closed her eyes.

I couldn’t look too long. I might have died.

“What was with the twist?” Twilight asked, describing a little circle in midair with her hoof. Something about this gesture tickled me greatly.

“Well I didn’t want to fall flat, did I? Would have taken out half the shop,” I said, nodding towards the table and customers.

Twilight looked over the extent of me, seeming to remember that I was tall and gangly.

“Do you need a hand up?” She asked.

“I can manage, it’s just your friend has kind of latched onto me here,” I said, this time nodding downwards. Ah, the nod. So useful.

Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Pinkie, let him get up.”

“But he’s warm!” She wailed, attempting to burrow deeper into me.

This got odd pretty fast. I’d probably been called worse things than warm in my life. Probably just as well I couldn’t remember any of them.

“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” Twilight asked, squinting in disapproval.

With obvious, grumbling reluctance Pinkie dismounted and I hauled myself back up, bracing against the wall for support and then letting my left leg take the weight.

“Uh, sorry about that, you lot,” I said, seeing that one or two of the customers were still eyeing me. There came back from the cafe in general a kind of mumbled ‘it’s alright’, which was something, I supposed.

“Do you need to sit down?” Twilight asked, moving halfway towards the closest table. I shook my head.

“Nah, I’ll be fine. These things happen. Just-”

I tried to take a step, tentatively. I could tell at once that it was not going to be happening, not right then. Maybe soon, but not right then.

“Uh, actually maybe sitting for a minute wouldn’t be a terrible idea,” I said.

What followed was a patently undignified hop over to the table, after which further dignity was bled away as I struggled to lower myself into a chair that was far too small anyway.

Really, at this point, why should I even care?

“I’ll get something for us. Do you like coffee?” She asked.

“I do but, uh, tea is probably more my speed. If you guys have any. In fact don’t worry. Water’s fine. Maybe some crusts if they have any.”

Twilight ignored this. I wondered if she got that from Celestia, or if she’d always been like that. Hadn’t she been a student?

“What kind of tea?”

“Do you guys have any English breakfa- you know, I don’t even know why I bothered asking that. Just your most regular tea, please. That’ll sort me out.”

Well at least I remembered about tea, I guess.

“Alright, just sit. I’ll be back.”

More waiting followed as I sat and felt just a touch sorry for myself. More than that though I felt annoyed at myself. Irritating leg. Get better quicker so I can stop falling over and causing problems.

I also, briefly, considered what might have happened if I’d just fallen over flat. I doubted the results would have been pretty. Upset tables, for one, upset customers for another. And what’s worse, a possibly squashed Pinkie!

Looking at the pink one again I dreaded the very idea. What sort of world would it be where she was flattened? No world I wanted a hand in making, that was for sure. She was adorable!

They were all so fucking adorable!

And Pinkie had been very cuddly. Ponies really were quite touchy-feely, weren’t they? And while Celestia had had this lovely, big, reassuring, warm presence to her Pinke had been all tiny and bundle-sized with a kind of pleasant heft that filled the arms. I started to wonder what Twilight might be like to cuddle before realising with an ice-cold spike of dread that my mind was wandering into places it really shouldn’t.

Respect, man, respect! They’re cute but they’re people! If they want to crawl all over you and fall into your arms or do weird pouncing things where they end up pinning you to the floor then that’s fine, that’s their lookout, but don’t you go all misty-eyed thinking about it.

Wait, that’s a really weird double-standard you got going for yourself there, you know?

Twilight came back before I could descend further down that particular hole, and for this I was grateful.

She did look soft…

No! Drink your tea! What the hell is wrong with you!

“Ah, thank you,” I said, taking the tea once Twilight had set it all down and having a sip. This burnt my tongue, but I hid this well.

“So that’s Pinkie,” Twilight said, settling herself in on the chair opposite. “I probably should have warned you better.”

“Why?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“A lot of ponies can sometimes find her a little...overwhelming.”

“Eh, I’ll admit I perhaps wasn’t expecting, well, any of it really, but worse things have happened. She seems friendly enough.”

I waved at Pinkie. She waved back! Success! My trying paid off!

“Did she actually introduce herself to me at any point during all that?” I asked, thinking back.

“It might have been just before she sat on your head. You might have missed it.”

“I think I must have.”

Waiting for my tea to cool I turned my attention to the actual breakfasts. Baked goods of some kind! Appeared to be danish pastries or whatever those things are. Big whirls with icing and such. I probably got the name wrong.

These were also huge. I wasn’t even sure where I was supposed to start. Though I’d need a mattock just to get things going.

“About your leg…” Twilight said.

Ugh. Serious business.

“It’s fine, really. It’s getting better. I could go right now, if we needed to.”

Just lucky that we didn’t because this was a lie and I doubted I’d be getting up for a hot minute.

Twilight held her hooves up defensively.

“I believe you, just, ah, would you maybe like something to help you get around if it gets ‘janky’ again? Just to be on the safe side?”

Her interest in my welfare was, as with Celestia’s, obviously and overwhelming sincere. So much so I couldn’t even deny her. I just felt compelled to let them care about me. It was distinctly unnatural to me.

“Anything but another wheelchair. How’d you think I got this?” I said, pointing to my eye. Hopefully this would raise more questions than it answered.

“Uh…” Twilight said, unsure where to go from there. I decided to help her out.

“It’s fine, really. A stick or something would help, I guess, but really it’s fine. This’ll clear up soon enough I’m sure. Probably sat on it funny on the ride here or slept on it funny or something.”

Even I wasn’t convinced by this.

“I’ll see what I can do,” Twilight said, getting started on her own breakfast. I watched her, hoping I might see some techniques for mine, but I learnt little. Eventually I just resorted to tearing out fistful of the thing and even then could only manage about half. On the plus side it was bloody delicious - kudos to the baker, says I.

“Are you not going to finish that?” Twilight asked as I slumped back, defeated. Stuffed beyond the immediate capacity for rational response I waved a hand and shook my head.

There was a pink blur and the remains of my breakfast vanished from their plate. I blinked. Behind the counter Pinkie now appeared to be chewing something of such size her whole head distended. This was alarming, and took me a few seconds to piece together.

“Aren’t you worried about my freakish, alien germs?” I asked loudly over the hubbub, causing those sitting nearest to scoot away.

Another pink blur and then there was my breakfast again, this time glazed with something that was not icing.

“Well I’m not finishing it now,” I said to Twilight, who looked disgusted.

“Psst,” Pinkie hissed, appearing from behind me out of thin fucking air and making me jump nearly out of my seat. “Do you really have freakish alien germs?”

“Maybe? Probably?”

I mean, I should, right?

“Will I become super-big like you?” Pinkie asked, surreptitiously, eyes whizzing from side to side as though enemies were everywhere. I looked to Twilight for help. She could give me none.

“Could happen?” I proffered.

Pinkie’s eyes whizzed some more.

“We’ll discuss this later,” she said, sidling away from me in one direction before appearing in an entirely different direction as though she’d come from the other side completely.

My brain fizzed.

“Is, uh, is that the sort of thing people aren’t usually prepared for?” I asked Twilight.

“Your tea’s getting cold,” she said, in lieu of giving me a proper answer.

Probably best left alone.