• Published 16th Nov 2018
  • 1,407 Views, 21 Comments

The Crass Menagerie - Coyotek4

The 'School Six' become possessed by the spirits of Chrysalis's creations.

  • ...

Reunion, Part I

For a period, the cutie map room lay silent as the professors and their students digest Chrysalis’s appearance and sudden exit. Fluttershy eventually breaks the silence: “Does anyone else think Chrysalis knows more about this than she let on?”

Applejack stomps her forehooves in disgust. “Dangit, Twilight, Ah thought the map went plum haywire on us! Now what do we do?”

“I could chase her down,” Rainbow asserts.

“No,” Twilight responds. “Even weakened, Chrysalis still wields great power. We need to help Gallus, plain and simple.” She turns to Starlight. “Can you teleport yourself and the students to Griffinstone?”

Starlight’s eyes roll. “Well, I’ve never been to the home of the griffins,” she admits, “but it can’t be much different than when Trixie and I visited the changeling hive.”

“Trixie told us the two of you bounced all around Equestria before finally finding the hive,” Ocellus points out.

Starlight blushes at the comment. “Yeeah,” she says with a forced chuckle, “that might’ve taken a couple more stops than originally intended. But the scenery was pleasant throughout our trip.”

Smolder eyes Starlight as she addresses the group. “Yeah, that’s inspiring confidence. Maybe Silverstream, Ocellus and I should just fly out and meet up with the rest of you later.”

“NO!” Yona forcefully retorts. “We do this together.”

“I’m with Yona,” Sandbar adds. “It’s what the Tree of Harmony would expect from us.”

“The same Tree that invited Queen Psycho to tag along?” Smolder counters, causing another pause in the conversation.

“The cutie map has sent us on a number of friendship quests,” Twilight states, “and it’s never led us astray. I agree with Yona; you should stay together on this. I have full confidence that Starlight will get you to Griffinstone so you can help Gallus.”

“But what about Chrysalis?” Applejack asks.

“I honestly don’t know … but I’m sure there’s a good reason for the map to have called her.” Twilight turns back to Starlight and her students. “Go … and good luck to all of you. I’m sure you’ll make things right.”

“OK everyone, close your eyes,” Starlight instructs the students. A moment later, Starlight shuts her own eyes and concentrates; in a *poof*, the group of six disappear.

Seated at a table in a distant corner, Gallus puts down his book to take a breath and a break. *Hmph* … ‘Library’ is too strong a word, he thinks to himself, observing the scant selection of text scattered along the select few shelves in the room. At least it’s quiet in here.


Of course! Gallus turns in the direction of Grampa Gruff, as the latter scuffles his way towards the young griffin.

“So it’s true,” Gruff starts. “You’ve left that ‘friendship’ school and come home like the prodigal son!”

Gallus rolls his eyes and utters a low ‘yeah’.

Aah, ‘bout time too! I knew this whole ‘friendship’ thing was pure codswallup. Was never in favor of it, but I had to placate the crazies of our kind like Gilda out there, hawkin’ her scones and tryin’ to get our kind to change who we are. So what convinced you to return, eh?”

Gallus considers a proper response. “It’s like you said … I’m a griffin, and griffins don’t do friendship.”

“Darn straight, Gallus!” Gruff scans the text on the table. “Looks like you picked up other habits while you were there. Since when do griffins bury their heads in books?”

“That really isn’t any of your concern,” Gallus curtly replies. Gruff recoils aghast, leading Gallus to wonder if he overstepped.

“That’s not a particularly polite way to address your elders, son,” he starts … before breaking out in a smile. “You’re comin’ along just fine.” Satisfied with Gallus’s progress, Gruff turns and exits the library.

Gallus breathes a sigh of relief before burying his head back into the book.

Just on the outskirts of Griffinstone, the calmness is broken by a *POP* and the sudden appearance of Starlight and five exhausted, water-logged creatures. Starlight scans the area around her and smiles upon seeing the entrance to the home of the griffins. “Guys, we made it!” she exclaims, met by half-hearted groans. “Seventeenth time's the charm, I guess,” she conceded.

“I thought teleportation came more naturally to you and Headmare Twilight,” Sandbar states.

“Well again, it’s like I said before; when one hasn’t been to the actual destination, there isn’t as much to focus on to get the spell just right.”

“Uh-huh,” Smolder adds, “and what about ending up in the middle of a lake?”

“There might have been a momentary lack of focus on my part,” Starlight admits. “Sorry again about that.”

“Yaks not like water,” Yona declares as she shakes off stray droplets and shifts her focus to the main thoroughfare of the town. “What now?”

“Now we go in, find Gallus, and bring him back,” Starlight answers as she leads the group into town. “We’ll start by asking the locals if they’ve seen him.”

“What locals?” Sandbar asks as he looks around. “The whole town looks deserted.

“Gallus wasn’t kidding when he talked about this town during Hearthswarming,” Ocellus admits. “It must have been awful for him to grow up in an environment like this.”

“Dragons tend to be independent,” Smolder states, “but we do still have group activities. Even I’m surprised about how desolate everything is around here.”

Silverstream sniffs at the air. “Hey, something smells good around here!” She flies off down the road, towards a lone griffin in the distance, as the others scramble to catch up.

Eyeing a figure fast approaching, Gilda begins her usual offer: “Scone for two … Whoa, you’re not a griffin!”

Silverstream giggles at the comment. “Well, ‘hippogriff’ and ‘griffin’ both have ‘griff’ in them, so maybe we’re related or something.”

Gilda briefly attempts to figure out Silverstream’s comment, before her attention turns to the group of decidedly non-griffins. “Where did you all come from?” she asks incredulously.

“Sorry,” Starlight starts, “she’s with us. My name is Starlight Glimmer, and these are some of our special students at—”

“You know Rainbow Dash!” Gilda interrupts, quickly putting the pieces together. “You guys are the other non-ponies in that ‘friendship’ school, right?”

“Wow, we’re celebrities!” Silverstream excitedly declares.

Starlight chuckles before readdressing Gilda. “Great, so maybe you can help us. Have you seen—”

“What the hay did you do to him?” the griffin asks pointedly, taking Starlight aback. “I thought he was supposed to be learning all about friendship and stuff, but he flew back here earlier worse now than when he left Griffinstone. He’s even at the library right now, and no griffin bothers to use the library anymore.”

“It’s a long story,” Starlight states. “Where’s the library?”

“Just down the road … but seriously, what’s wrong with Gallus? You owe us some sort of explanation.”

“Yes, I do.” Starlight admits before turning to her students. “Get to the library and find Gallus; I’ll catch up.”

Her students nod and rush down the main thoroughfare of Griffinstone.

Coming across what passes for the town’s library, the fivesome quickly file in and scan the area …

“I see him!” Silverstream exclaims as she swoops towards the griffin. She gives Gallus a tight hug, a gleeful smile upon her face … the smile fading as she realizes he doesn’t reciprocate the gesture; she releases her embrace as the others rush to their position.

“Yo, Gallus,” Sandbar asks, “you feelin’ okay?”

“What business is it of any of you?” he coldly responds, eliciting small gasps from the group.

“But … Gallus is Yona’s friend. Gallus is all our friends.”


Gallus spits at the notion. “What friends? The ones who cost me a chance at greatness? The one who couldn’t stop being imbeciles for five lousy minutes, before getting us all turned back into so much driftwood?”

The group turn to each other with puzzled looks. Smolder turns back to Gallus: “What are you even talking about?”

“Wait a minute,” Ocellus says, a realization hitting her. “Those pony images that got purged from us, those mean-spirited versions of our professors … they were your friends?”

“Bra-vo!” Gallus answers as he slow-claps the changeling’s conclusion. “So let me guess … they’re all gone now. As in, ‘gone’ gone.”

Ocellus and the others nod in acknowledgement.

“Figured as much. Given a second chance, and I knew they’d screw it up. It took what, five minutes before the worst of them shone through? I’m sure that magic act went over real well.”

“It wasn’t a fun performance,” Silverstream admits with a frown.

“But the way those idiots carried on … I’m sure that got someone’s attention, didn’t it? Got someone to realize that my friends were in control. But not anymore, of course. Now I’m the only one left … and I suppose you’re all here to ‘fix’ me.”

“OK,” Smolder says, “you need to back up. Exactly who or what are you?

Gallus sighs. “Fine … you came this far, I guess you have the right to know. But you keep this information to yourselves; no telling any ponies or any other creatures, got it?”

“We can’t agree to that!” Sandbar declares.

“Then we have nothing more to discuss; you can show yourselves out.”

“Wait,” Yona states. “If Yona and others promise to keep secret, will you tell us?”

“I will.”

Yona turns to the others, who reluctantly agree to Gallus’s terms. “Then we promise.”

“Very well,” Gallus starts. “I came into this world not by birth, but by curse. A spell cast by that incompetent changeling, Chrysalis.”

Gasps come from the collective group. Gallus stops and eyes each of them; they quickly regain composure as he continues.

“She had ideas about using us … me and the other five … to harness the power of the Elements of Harmony. I had other plans; being given Twilight Sparkle’s physical appearance also gave me her powers. I knew the six of us combined would be far more powerful than Chrysalis, so I played along as the good soldier, letting her ‘lead’ our group to the cave that contained the Tree of Harmony.”

“So what happened?” Ocellus asks.

“You seem brighter than your former queen; I’m guessing you already know.”

Ocellus pauses. “… the Tree of Harmony saw through your façades, didn’t it.”

“It was all their fault,” he continues with wistful regret in his voice. “They couldn’t keep their urges in check for five seconds. I had Chrysalis right where I wanted her … and I could see it in her eyes, she knew I had defeated her. Then that Tree struck us down. All of us. Petrified, turned back into bare logs. Trapped in a void for an eternity. Until …”

“Until some unwitting guests took a field trip?” Smolder asks.

“The Tree weakened us, took our physical forms, left us for dead … but it underestimated our spirit. All we needed was time … and vessels. And so, here I am, the last of Chrysalis’s creations.”

“Wow,” Silverstream starts, breaking the silence. “That’s incredible. So, uh … can we have our Gallus back?”

“You must be the funny one” Gallus deadpans, “… but no.”

“He was here first,” Smolder asserts.

“And I’m here now; you think I care that I wasn’t first?”

“Yona just want friend back,” the young yak glumly says.

“Well tough. I didn’t fly away from that execution chamber just to get purged into nothingness here in this dump. I may not have the powers I once wielded, but I’m still breathing … and I intend to live out this meaningless existence for as long as possible.”

“Gallus,” Sandbar calls out, “we know you’re still in there! We know you can fight this spirit!”

“Oh please! You think pleas for your friend will do any good?”

We all fought our way back,” Ocellus points out.

“And you’re not griffins!”

“What difference does—”

“It makes ALL the difference! And I’ll admit; I hit the jackpot getting your friend to pick me. You think waxing nostalgic about friendship and good times is going to do any good? Griffins are made of stronger stuff than that. Just look around this town; friendship isn’t in their nature.”

“You’re wrong about that,” Sandbar counters. “Gallus has proven time and again that the power of friendship is within him, just like it’s within all of us.”

“And we won’t stop fighting you until you give us our friend back!” Silverstream adds. The others glare at Gallus, nodding in agreement at the hippogriff’s declaration.

“Whatever,” Gallus says as he turns his attention back to his book. The others turn to each other, puzzled over how to proceed. From the corner of her eye, Smolder sees a familiar face.

“Starlight, we’re over here,” she calls out, getting the unicorn’s attention. “Maybe you have some ideas about how we can—.”

Starlight’s horn illuminates intensely, causing Smolder to turn away. In a flash, a pulsating beam shoots from the tip and strikes Gallus full force, sending him crashing into a wall.

“This ends now,” she states as she approaches the griffin.