• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 329 Views, 5 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Vacation - Comrade Bagel Muffin

Atom Smasher learns life isn't all fun and games, as she faces down the shadows of her past and future.

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Check Up

I walked into the kitchen feeling a little bit groggy and extremely queasy. It was still dark outside, my ShitBuck (patent pending) said it was around 4 am. I groaned, whatever was going around the town it was a nasty piece of work. I opened the fridge and grabbed a Popped Cherry, a little soda drink that Cherry Bomb and I made a few years ago. It was a favorite for the local traders. It was a shame he was born in this hell hole if the world hadn't gone to hell he would have given the Cola company a run for their bits. I took a sip of the sugary cherry drink. I tried to calm down my stomach, this was the fourth day in a row that I had been sick in the morning. I was going to head to the base today to get myself checked up. I yawned and rubbed my eyes before taking a swig of the sugary cherry drink. I looked down at my gut I wasn't sure if I was imagining it or not, and I didn't want to worry Cal until I knew for sure, but I had my suspicions. Either I was pregnant, or I was just getting fat. There was the soft sound of hooves on the floor my ears perked up and I looked over my shoulder to the little light orange filly.

"Good morning Peace did I wake you up?" I asked as she came over to the table. She shook her head.

"No I had a bad dweam." She walked up to me. I picked her up with my wing and sat her on my lap. She was a lot smaller than most ponies her age were. "I don't know what it was though."

"It's okay Peace it was just a dream." I rocked back and forth in the chair being sure to keep he nice and secure in my lap. "Today we're going to the base to visit your auntie Ivy, uncle Rainbow, and Good Friday. That'll be fun right?" She nodded softly as she lay on top of me.

"Why arwe you up so eawly mommy?" she asked looking up at me.

"Just feeling a little queasy sweetie." I petted her soft brown mane as I rocked in the dinning room chair. In only a few minutes she was out like a light, softly snoring as we rocked in the dinning room chair. A few minutes later Cal walked in from our bedroom. He walked over to the table and sat down opposite from me.

"Good morning," he said softly. "Is Peace okay?"

"Yeah she just had a bad dream," I answered just as soft. He nodded and gave me a soft smile.

"And you?"

"Just a little bit queasy." I answered. "You?"

"I wanted to finish your pistol before we left for the base today," he answered. I looked at my blaster. Cal had working on it since the last attack. Some stupid as fuck raider got a lucky shot with a shot gun and fucked up my gun. I sighed. The gun was kind of like a marriage ring for me. I looked over at all the parts watching as Cal put my gun back together, as I rocked back and forth holding Peace Maker close.

"Hey wasn't that suppose to be a ruby?" I asked pointing to a small blue diamond.

"Yes." He nodded. "But This will make it a lot better, and a lot more unique." He gave me a smile. "It'll be a lot more you." I gave him a soft smile. The soft rocking had helped sooth my stomach's queasiness, and some time later I fell asleep in the chair, as Caliber worked on my laser pistol.

The alarm clock on my Shit Buck (trademark) woke me up two hours later. I put my wings around Piece to keep a good hold on her as I stretched and yawned. Cal was completely engrossed in his work. He didn't even look up from my custom laser pistol which was nearly finished. I sat up and cut off the alarm as Peace Marker started waking up.

"Morning sweetie. I'm going to get Cherry up you get something to eat and make sure that you dad gets food to. We're going to be heading out soon okay?" She nodded rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Good filly." I gave her a soft nuzzle before helping her slid off of me. I walked in to the Cherry's bedroom. "Cherry come on time to wake up." I nuzzled him softly. "We're heading to the Steel Ranger Base today, for check ups."

"Okay mom," he groaned and started rubbing his eyes before sitting up "Can we take some Cherry Bombs too?" he asked. "Space Dude really likes that stuff."

"Uh, I'm not sure if Elder Prickly Pear would want us giving that stuff to her look out." I thought back to my time of being high on his Star Stuff I shivered a little bit. "And I don't think Space Dude needs to be drinking that with his regular supply. They don't mix well. Now come on get up." He slowly rolled out of his bed. The two of us headed back out into the main room of our dugout.

Caliber was still working on my laser pistol still dead to the world. Peace Maker was eating 200 hundred old preservatives in the shape of cereal, and drinking some Popped Cherry. "Good Mowning Bwother." She offered him a bowl and the box of preservative flakes. He pulled up a chair next to his sister, and poured his bowl. I sat down next to Cal and poured us both our breakfast after thirty minutes I decided to pull him out of his work and back to reality.

"Cal. Come on Breakfast." He didn't look up from his work. I knew better than to take it personal. Cal's work was always his kind of special world. He could work in the middle of a battle field and not even notice. I sighed as I watched him work the pistol was done and all he was doing was polishing it. I rolled my eyes it was only going to get dust on it. "Cal. Come on I might not use it a lot but it is going to be used eventually. So don't bother polishing it." I leaned in and kissed him. That brought him back to reality quickly. A kiss always did the trick.

"Huh?" He looked around after I pulled away from the kiss. Our two foals giggled. I gave him a playful smile.

"Time for food Caliber," I said. The two of us finished our breakfast and then the whole family headed out. Nevada following slowly at our side. We headed out of the gate. My Deputy, Deputy; convenient I know, waved as we headed out. Cherry and Peace waved back to him as they rode on Cal and my backs respectively.


It was a couple of hours past sunrise when we made it to the base. Rocket Man just gave us a little nod as we made our way in. "No Cherry Bombs today little dude?" Space Man asked as we trotted into the gate.

"Sorry Night Light, but mom said that it wouldn't mix well with the moon stuff."

"What no man that stuff goes great with moon stuff. You just can drink to much of it. Everything goes good with moon stuff. Just don't try to mix your highs, Little Cherry."

"Careful Rocket Man, boss mare is coming," I lied trying to derail the conversation before Space Man tried to give my kids a free sample of his moon stuff again. That shit just wasn't kosher.

"Yeah I saw Boss Mare walk out of the bass." I looked around my and to my surprise Prickly Pear was leaving the mess hall with Ivy, Rainbow Code, and Good Friday.

"Huh. Damn good eyes there Rocket man." Cal and I headed over to the group. Hopefully Prickly Pear wasn't in one of her bitchy moods, though even after she took a chill pile, bitchy still seemed to be the default for her. "Come on you two why don't you go play with your cousin. My check up is first. I'll get you when it's your turn." Cal and I let them off of our backs. The two of them ran off calling to Good Friday. "Make sure Space man doesn't share his stuff with them."

"Will you ever tell me why you don't like Moon Stuff? It's not a bad drug."

"I just had a bad experience. That stuff just doesn't agree with me any more." The two of us head to the other group. Ivy was talking with Prickly Pear, while my brother was coming up to the two of us. Peace Maker and Cherry Bomb were playing around with Good Friday.

"Your here early," my brother said as he came up and greeted Cal and me. "I didn't think you'd get here until around lunch."

"Yeah, well I thought we'd stop by and surprise you," I said as a deftly dodged a hug from the big goof. "I need to go talk to the Doc. I'll catch up after I've been checked up okay?" I asked waving as I headed to the base's clinic. I knew my way around the base pretty well even if they moved a lot of things around since they rebuilt the base after the Enclave attack nearly a decade ago. I walked down several halls until I walked into the clinic. Then my whole day went south.

It took the damn doctor about three minutes to find out that I was in fact pregnant. This caused them to panic and insist on doing an immediate abortion, of course, I did the only civilized and sane thing I could and punched their ass out cold. Things escalated pretty quickly, as the other doctors and nurses pulled me off the fucking fucker, as I attempted to beat him to a bloody pulp. The next thing that I know they stuck me with a fucking needle and I slipped into unconsciousness as three or four of them held me on a cot. I had a hell of a dozy of a nightmare, but when I woke up I couldn't remember what it was about. Which was a good thing because I woke up to my brother scowling at me.