• Published 20th Nov 2018
  • 1,426 Views, 9 Comments

Spike The 'Invalid' - deadpansnarker

After an unfortunate accident, a bedbound Spike is enjoying the experience of being pampered so much it's almost like he doesn't want to get better. Perhaps what he needs is a little persuasion, curtesy of an unlikely source...

  • ...

For Whom The Bell Tolls

"I thought I'd put the kettle on for us. Would you like a tea, or a coffee?"

"Te--nah, on second thoughts, make mine a coffee. I predict a very long night under the sheets with my flashlight, reading comic books. It'll be a struggle, but at least I won't be bored."

"Spike! I'm fed up of seeing you so static and bleary-eyed! How are you supposed to heal properly, if you won't get the proper exercise and rest you clearly need?"

"Honest Twi, I've been trying to move as much as I can... but the pain is just too much. I don't feel tired enough to sleep, either. Might as well spend the time doing something 'useful'."

"I offered to cast a spell on you, remember? To give you the boost in drowsiness you needed to get you snoozing, at least. How about you reconsider..."

"After seeing the effect it had, when you tried it out on that flower a few months ago? I don't think so. It's summer now, and that plant still hasn't unfurled it's petals. I want a few hours sleep, not the full hibernation package."

"I-I just have to work out a few kinks with it, that's all. It should be ready in no time..."

"Not quickly enough 'til I'm better, based on previous experiments of yours. Just the coffee will be fine for now, thanks. And please put some tasty marshmallows in there, if it's not too much trouble."

"Yes, maste--- I mean, Spike." Twilight grumbled mostly to herself, as she exited her Special Guy's bedroom to prepare the hot beverage. It was hard enough doing all of her dragon friend's usual physical chores around the castle, on top of her typical princessy duties, but waiting on him hoof and horseshoe? This was a little more hard to stomach.

And all because he had turned around to grin at her triumphantly whilst pulling off his first aerial loop-de-loop. Sadly, what wasn't quite so impressive was his head-on collision with Rainbow Dash heading in the opposite direction.

The multi-hued Pegasus hadn't fared too badly, no extended stay in Ponyville General this time for her. A bloody muzzle and a couple of 'cool' bruises she could show off to her Wonderbolt buddies was the worst of the damage her end. Spike, on the other claw...

Well, let's just say his broken wing and fractured right foot had laid him out for a good few weeks at least so far. The thing is though, instead of actually trying any kind of useful therapy to get better, the mattress-bound dragon seemed quite content to spend his days having everything done for him.

Twilight in turn, was far too polite to give her assistant the firm push he truly needed to make inroads into his recovery. Indeed, with one well-meaning act of kindness alone, she'd actually made the situation much, much worse.

Why did I have to give him that darn bell?! The much put-upon alicorn fumed internally, referencing her decision in a moment of guilt to bestow upon the drake a device with which he could call her at any time. I told him to 'use it sparingly', which he has done, it a way. He's rung it so often that it's beginning to drive me spare!

Once Spike had gotten comfortable, and seen the numerous pros of his temporary immobile state, the temptation had apparently been too great to resist. Every time the demanding dragon wanted his pillows fluffed or a nice scale rub he made sure Twilight knew about it instantly, and being the good-hearted soul she was, who was she to not acquiesce his requests?

Tinkle Tinkle! Oh Celestia, what cruel fate is this? I'm not even halfway downstairs yet and he's already at it again! Twilight snarled audibly in her frustration, but made sure that her face was encased in a somewhat forced grin by the time she'd flown back to once more answer Spike's plea.

"Yes, what is it? My little... friend." The grimacing alicorn said through gritted teeth.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see if this thing still worked..." A preoccupied Spike replied blithely, staring at the miniature bell always waiting by his bedside. "I thought the clapper might've got stuck or something, since you were so slow reacting the last time I rang. But you were pretty quick just now, so I suppose it was just my imagination. You may leave."

Ooh, he is really pushing it, he is really pushing it... Twilight didn't want to say anything she might later regret, so the seething alicorn proffered a simple bow before closing the door gently behind her. Even though every fibre in her head screamed that she should slam it with all her might.

"Don't forget the coffee!" A yawning Spike 'reminded' her as she left, and this to all intents and purposes was probably the last straw for our unwilling Princess-turned-maid for the day.

Grr!! What is it about dragons, when it comes to taking advantage of the benevolence of others during times of injury? Twilight frowned to herself, referencing the fake drake who'd purported to be Spike's father a while ago. As soon as they get accustomed to others serving them, it's like they make no effort to get better at all! How is Spike supposed to recover properly, if he just stays in bed all day reading and ringing? I'm at my wits end, I really am...

"Still keeping you busy, is he?" Starlight Glimmer wandered nonchalantly upstairs, fully aware of the situation herself. "Next, he'll asking you to cut up his food too. Well, smash it up in his case."

"Oh, ha ha! A fat lot of help you are, rushing off this morning as soon as the going got tough!" Twilight chastised her former student, who'd done a disappearing act earlier even her bestie Trixie Lulamoon would've be proud of. "Don't you have anything useful to contribute, instead of making silly quips? Like, I dunno, taking the next 'shift'?"

"Actually, I have been doing something to help out!" Starlight answered with a sly wink."I went out and got someone who I think might be able cure Spike of what ails him(!)"

"Oh, really?" Twilight raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite herself. "And who might that be, then? I doubt it's Nurse Redheart, as she's most likely doing a double shift at the hospital. Zecora is too far away to make such a long journey at short notice, so who could you possibly..."

"Oh... somepony much more effective than those two, believe me." Starlight chuckled cryptically.


"Oooh, I'm a toasty bun, coated in hot lava and sitting in a steam room!" An utterly at ease Spike sighed in contentment, his tail dangling off his duvet whilst he purposefully wrapped himself further in his bedsheets. "And when my hot drink finally arrives, I'll be as warm inside as I am out! What's keeping Twilight, anyway? She should have been back by now. Perhaps I should alert her again, to find out her progress..."

But just before the disruptive dragon could reach once more for that ubiquitous bell, a blurry life form going as fast as Pinkie (but of a more greenish colour) sped in unexpectedly to nab it first. While Spike gaped in surprise and rubbed his eyes, the rapid figure came to an abrupt halt, to reveal it's identity as... the oldest resident in town. By some distance.

"Lands sake, child! What kinda dragon are yer, lollygagging the whole day long? I'm two generations and a new hip older than yer, and even I put yer to shame!" Granny Smith was clearly not impressed by young Spike's inertia. "Ya should be up, up and 'bout, putting some pressure on that leg ter help the healing process get underway! Lying down won't help none, it'll just make ya a lazy good-fer-nothing what'll never wanna see the light of day again! I gotta wheelchair with yer name on it outside, it's got a squeaky axle but yer'll just have ter live with it! Then, when yer've gotten used ter that, we can try a few basic steps and flaps! We'll have yer running marathons and flying like the wind in no time! Now, budge! Or do yer want me ter become uncivil?!"

So it was that Spike's extended tenure undercover was brought to an abrupt end, as he was literally carried outside by a militaristic matriarch who simply wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. As Twilight and Starlight watched him leave, countering his dirty looks with barely disguised smirks, the Princess had something to ask her unicorn friend.

"That was brilliant, Starlight! By the time she's finished with Spike, I'm sure he'll be in the mood for plenty of sleep, too! He might disapprove at first, but once he's back fighting fit, I know he'll appreciate what you've done for him. Whatever gave you the idea to get Granny Smith involved?"

"Well, during my trip to Sire's Hollow, I couldn't stop thinking of how much Stellar Flare reminded me of her, in terms of stubbornness and persistence anyway. You've told me yourself how she always seems to motivate the other Apples to finish just in time every Zap Apple harvest. What better qualities to help recuperate a reluctant patient? Now, shall we go inside and open the windows? I get the feeling the room could do with a good airing."

And you know what? She was right, again. Blech! holds nose

Author's Note:

Just a little something I wrote while bored, because I love writing about the relationship between these three. Hope you enjoyed! :scootangel:

Comments ( 9 )

Spike's characterization is a bit off-center here. Not sure he'd actually be comfortable being waited on claw and hoof by Twilight, but the story has its moments.

Anyone can get too comfortable, if they're in a relaxed environment where they don't have to do anything for themselves for a long time. Especially someone used to working as hard as Spike normally does. Perhaps he might enjoy the 'boot' being on the other foot for a change. :moustache:

Thanks for adding it to your library. :scootangel:

I really hope Spike's get revenge on Starlight, when one wants to make a malicious attack, the other will not hold until he gets his revenge.

To be honest, Spike is doing so much as Twilight assisstant plus all the other stuff for others, I can only sympaphise with him. He earned his rest.

Yes, but there's a difference between having a 'rest' and endangering your health by not doing anything to get better. In this story, it's clear Spike is in the latter camp, so in getting him back on his feet Star and Twi only have his best interests at heart.

I have to agree, Spike gets a little overused by Twilight. Starlight taught him. good lesson, though: don't take advantage of your position or your friends.

No better motivator than Granny Apple

This was a funny little short story

I’m sure spike helps a lot at rhe school.

Found this story randomly by google search haha

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