• Published 8th Feb 2019
  • 2,672 Views, 343 Comments

Of Stars and Sails - RadBunny

When an eccentric gryphon and his for-hire crew are tasked with kidnapping a Princess for her own safety, it was sure to be an odd job. But when plans and alliances fail, no port is safe when a dagger is hidden behind every friendly smile.

  • ...

Chapter Nine: Island Mishaps

“He’s getting worse.” Skystar murmured, the sleeping gryphon under her claws shifting back and forth. As Alabaster sent the Crystal Hail whizzing across the ocean, the crew had tried to conduct repairs as best they could. The engines were nearly fried, and Skystar had discovered an unfortunate fact after opening a supply room closet.
Apparently burned crystal circuits smelled like bad potato chips.
Really, REALLY bad potato chips.

An hour into their frantic flight, Galen had suddenly slumped against Skystar’s shoulder with a burning fever, which then led to him passed out on the couch in his current condition.
Goodness he’s warm…

Staunch let out a huff, horn lighting up with a spell as she examined Galen’s side.
A dull gold glow pulsed out from underneath the gryphon’s feathers, prompting a sad sigh from the medic.
“That dagger he was stabbed with- It had some sort of magic, and it’s moving through his arcane form like an infection. Thankfully, his physical body is trying to fight it. He might be ok, or he might not. The usual healing spells aren’t helping” she whispered, gesturing to a large burlap bag set next to the sofa.
“Galen has a nice stash in there of these weird crystals. I’ve never seen them before, but they seem to treat the infection, or at least keep it at bay. Alabaster says it’s Ashen medical magic, but I don’t know much about it.”

Skystar nodded, her own heart aching as Galen shifted in his sleep.
“They are the equivalent of antibiotics.” Alabaster reported, coalescing into form next to the three individuals.
“Unfortunately, they are not fully effective against…whatever this is. He needs to be at the medical center in Anthracite. These will forestall the infection though, and maybe cure it with high enough and regular doses, but I don’t know. He’s got quite a stash here, so, maybe.”
Maybe isn’t a ‘yes.’
But at least it isn’t a ‘no.’

After a moment of hesitation, Skystar began to run her claws through Galen’s blue crest, and she could have sworn the Knight relaxed a bit more at her touch.
“You really care about him, huh?” Staunch asked, prompting Skystar to nod once.
“Yeah. That hasn’t really changed.” she murmured, prompting an almost sad smile from the medic.
“Well, he certainly needs someone to care about him. I’m surprised all of the news didn’t phase things.”
Not saying anything at first, Skystar finally shrugged, continuing to caress Galen’s head feathers.
“I mean it did a bit, of course. A Prince? A full-fledged Ashen? Of course those things are huge, but he’s still…him. Who he is hasn’t changed, only the labels. Ever since he talked with me half a year ago, this guy has only become more interesting. And the blue feathers are a total bonus.” she mused, prompting a soft snicker from Staunch.
“Sounds like he’s in good claws though. He certainly likes you, obviously.”

Skystar smiled at her words, shrugging her wings slightly again.
“I just like being with him. I don’t doubt that he’s wondering if my feelings have changed with all that crazy news.” she murmured, moving her claws to rest against Galen’s cheek- still increasing with the heat of a fever. The princess’s heart jumped into her throat as the Captain shifted, pressing against her touch with a happy sigh.

“Didn’t change a thing though, I know all about state secrets and the toll they can take on you. I saw that with my mom more often than not. All he was trying to do was protect himself, his family, and the Ashen. I can’t blame him for that. In fact, from what I understand, the burden was hurting him- enough so that the council of Anthracite is extremely regretful for it. That’s what I overheard anyways. So why would I consider he had malicious intentions? That’s…just not him.”

Staunch nodded, still all smiles as Skystar continued to muse, then posing another question she never had gotten an answer to.
“Hey Staunch? What did you find out about Galen? You were about to say so, but then stuff happened.” the hippogriff asked, prompting the pony to sigh.
“Ah. Yes, well, guess you deserve an answer to that. The others will get the same thing whenever they ask again.” she murmured.

“A few months after I joined the crew over a year and a half ago, we got stranded. The ship went down for repairs during a horrifying storm, right over a nasty jungle. Galen bailed out with me when I got thrown overboard.” she recalled, sitting down to continue the story.

“Short version, even with his help, I got attacked by…something. Still not sure what it was, but the fangs made my chest look like swiss cheese. I’m not sure what I said, but something made Galen help. He turned into that blue form, and healed my wounds. Well, sort of. His chest glowed exactly in the points I had been hurt. Remember the avalanche victims?”

Skystar’s eyes widened, and she nodded once.
“Same thing. He can heal from physical wounds like these golden freaks- and he can take someone else’s hurt onto himself in an odd fashion. He still gets affected by it, but it can stop a fatal injury. It doesn’t impact him the same way though, since he can heal differently than us. He did that for me, but made me promise to never say a word of it. If I did, he said my memory would need to be wiped. At first, I was too scared to even consider it, but once I learned more about him, about Anthracite, that changed. I didn’t stay quiet out of fear anymore, I eventually didn’t say anything because I respected Galen.”

Staunch paused, eyes narrowing ever so slightly.
“There is more, and I want you to ask him. He told me a few things about himself when we were down there- things you deserve to know. He’s hurting, Skystar, and I don’t mean just about losing his family. When he’s better, ask him. I think he’ll tell you.”

The hippogriff nodded, a thankful smile edging onto her beak.
“Thank you, Staunch. I will.” she whispered.
The vessel suddenly shivered- and Alabaster’s brow furrowed, having stayed silent the entire time.
“The generated storms continue to try and rock us. No lightning yet this time, but the vessels are slowly catching up. I am unsure how to proceed. We can repel one vessel, maybe destroy it, but four? They are the size of cruisers, so we need Galen’s help.” the Ashen sighed regretfully.

Seeing Galen shiver under her claws, Skystar couldn’t help but want nothing more than to just help- even if such a thing wasn’t possible.
You’re hurting, in ways I don’t even know yet, and all I can do is just be here, I guess.
But maybe that’s enough for now.

“If you could wake him, Skystar, and help him to the bridge that would be appreciated. There’s some other preparations we need to make.” Alabaster added, then nodding to Staunch before vanishing.
“Basically, in case we are boarded. I’ll see you topside.”

As she trotted away, Skystar felt Galen press against her claws slightly, a peaceful breath leaving his frame.
This certainly isn’t helping the pell-mell tumble I’m in, falling for you that is…
As Galen cracked open his eyes, the Princess couldn’t help but giggle.
“You were awake, huh?” she whispered, the smile on Galen’s face answer enough.
“Only after that ship shivered.” he murmured, the affection in his blue eyes causing Skystar’s heart to skip a few beats.
“After you help up on the bridge, I’m tooootally fine going back to this, if you are too of course.”
Galen nodded, slowly levering himself up with a clear bit of reluctance.
“If I didn’t enjoy what you were doing, I’d have said something. It’s…nice.” he mused, a slight blush now on his feathers.

Galen nodded, and promptly leaned on Skystar’s shoulder for support as he stood up. She let out a surprised squeak however, when he sighed and nuzzled her feathers.
“Really nice. And I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but your freckles add a lot to your face when you’re blushing…”

Despite feeling like the mentioned freckles would burn off from her face, Skystar let out a half-mumbling thanks as they walked towards the bridge.
“And before you blame it on the fever, I’ve always thought that.”
Dangit Galen!

Not able to resist a smile, Skystar shoved the gryphon slightly.
“Is a side effect of a fever flattery?” she teased, and then paused as Galen blinked, ears seeming to flatten ever so slightly.
“No, but it certainly is due when somegriff I care about is still here for me, even after…” Galen’s words trailed off, prompting the Princess to lean her head over onto his.
“Of course I’m still here. You really thought that would drive me away, huh?”
A brief nod was his reply, and as they neared the bridge, Skystar had a realization that nearly caused her to stumble.
I’ve never seen him this vulnerable before. Not like this at least. It’s similar to him admitting his feelings, but, more.
I love it. It’s just, him.
Toooootally increases his huggable factor too.

“Well I’m not going anywhere. I know more than anyone here the burden of being royalty places on you. Having to hide that with all the other secrets; I can’t imagine how difficult that would be. Why would I hold something against you that was meant to protect others?”
As she spoke, Skystar saw Galen’s ears flick upwards ever so slightly, the gryphon finally nodding.
“Thanks, Sky.”
She couldn’t resist a giggle, giving Galen’s shoulder another shove.
“Y’know, I like that nickname. You’ve used it a few times.”
The gryphon’s feathers fluffed, and he immediately began to stammer an apology. Of course, that quickly ended when Skystar paused and leaned over to nuzzle his shoulder feathers.
“Shush. I like it. Nobody ever really thought to use one since I was always Princess Skystar. It’s nice to just be me.”

The Knight nodded, pausing as they sat outside the wheelhouse door, near the top of the stairwell.
“I’m glad.” he murmured, then sighing and sagging against Skystar’s shoulder.
“I’d like more of this. It’s been so long since I’ve been free from all of the secrets, it feels strange to not have that anymore. It’s both uncomfortable, and freeing.”

“Well, we’ve got plenty of time for more of this. First we need to get rid of the creeps though.”
Skystar managed a final whisper as they walked into the wheelhouse, Alabaster waving as he glanced over the various instruments.
“Ah, excellent. Captain, the four ships are slowly gaining, as is the storm. Gears and Switch have restored most of our engine function, but I dare not push them higher unless we have to. I don’t know how long the repairs will hold with increased power.” Alabaster relayed, watching as Galen leaned against the bolted-down table in the room.
“Hmm. We’re near an island chain. Perhaps we can lose them there, cause a distraction and hide the ship.” the captain mused.

“How long do we have?” Galen asked, then wincing and clutching his chest as a dull golden glow pulsed from the stabbed area.

“About forty minutes, Sir. They only recently began to outpace our repaired engines. The storm will be upon us in half that time.”
The knight nodded, breaths coming in rather shaky spurts. Sweat shone from his brow, and the gryphon accepted a crystal Alabaster produced. Clutching it in his claws, Galen stared at the oblong object as white wisps of magic ebbed from within, disappearing into his chest.
“I can take out one of the ships for certain, but I don’t know past that.” he whispered, Tilly now entering the bridge with a wince.
“Oh, wow. You look like crap, Captain.” she muttered, prompting a tired wave.
“Hello to you too, and I certainly feel like it. Not sure how much use I’ll be. Any ideas? Hiding in the island chain is all I’ve got.” Galen relayed, Staunch now trotting onto the bridge with a thick burlap sack in tow.
“You don’t go anywhere without these. It’s a good thing Alabaster fetched one.” The medic grumbled, Skystar noting it was the container with all the medical gems inside.
I hope they can keep this infection at bay…whatever it is.

“I believe hiding in the island chain will work. Once the storm is upon us, perhaps we can create some sort of diversion and slip into the forests. I believe a few of them have dense tree cover.” Alabaster added, prompting a nod from Galen and the others.
“Alright then. Tilly? You and Gears load the ballista with explosive bolts. If we can wound the ships or at least confuse them, that’ll give us the time we need. I doubt they’ll do anything, especially if they’re using helium or levitation spells, but it’s better than nothing. We’ll need to then drop almost straight down- possibly vent our air bladder and cut our levitation spells. We can’t slowly drift away…” Galen added, then shaking his head.

“Sorry. It’s getting harder to think.”
“We’ll take care of it, Captain.” Tilly remarked, tossing a salute before trotting off the bridge.
You need to rest and use these gems regularly. They will certainly forestall the infection, and may just cure it, if you alternate the five types we have.” Staunch instructed, handing Skystar the large bag.
“Please make sure he takes these. The small crystal set on the bag will blink when a dose is due.”
Skystar nodded, noting a small circular blue gem sewn into the thick material near the opening.
Time to make sure the naughty gryphon takes his medicine.
Her face instantly heated up at that thought- and the Princess made a mental note about phrasing.
At least I didn’t say that out loud around Gears…

“Erm, Skystar? You alright there?” Galen asked, and she noticed the others had left, the pair now alone in the wheelhouse.
“Erm, yep. Fine. Just was thinking.” she stammered, prompting a tired but genuine grin,
“Oh? About what? Your cheeks are a lovely shade of pink…”
She glared at him, gesturing to the bag briefly.
“Just have to make sure you take your medicine.”
Please leave it there please just leave it-

“Hmm. So, someone likes the idea of being a nurse? I mean, a gown and fish-net stockings would-”
“OK. NEW TOPIC!” Skystar steamed, reaching over to clamp Galen’s beak shut, despite the wide grin on his face.
“Wmmppphh.” Galen replied, an exaggerated frown on his features. Such an expression only caused Skystar’s face to burn more, her cheeks hurting from trying to resist the utterly embarrassed smile edging onto her beak.
“Shush you. That was so totally not fair.” she grumbled, the gryphon laughing before clutching his side as his beak was released.
“Oh I want to laugh, but that hurts. Ugh. Good to know though.”
Good to know?
Not thinking about that right now. Nope. Not now. Nope nope. But I wonder if-

Apparently her the conflict showed, and Galen couldn’t help but smile as he edged over to flop on a cushioned bench.
“I guess I found the opposite of a nerve…” he mused, sighing as his claws started to shake slightly. The Knight’s demeanor then shifted, the gryphon shaking his head slowly.
“Skystar, I have no idea how this is all going to play out.”

The princess was quiet for a moment, walking over to sit next him.
“Well, just do your best? That’s all we can do.”
Her words seemed to cause Galen’s brow to furrow, the gryphon shaking his head.
“And yet sometimes that’s not enough. I have to protect you, my crew; these creatures are out for blood. And this is all while I can barely walk.”

Reaching over to give his nearest talons a squeeze, Skystar could only shrug her wings, a tentative smile on her face.
“Well, I certainly trust you to make the right call, and every-creature else probably more so.”
Her heart soared as Galen managed a slight smile back, returning the gesture with his own claws before taking a few deep breaths.
“Thanks Sky. I’m…um, going to need your help to get to the main deck.” he admitted, prompting a sly grin from Skystar as she offered her shoulder.
“Uh huh. And you’re toooootally not using that as an excuse to be close?” she teased- promptly Galen to immediately blush, facial feathers fluffing noticeably.
“I m-mean, it’s a nice bonus…” he muttered.
Ohmygosh. I didn’t expect him to SAY anything...
Apparently, her mental thoughts were expressed as a squeak, because Galen glanced up to Skystar with a grin as they walked.
“You asked.”
Ugh. Still love it.

Once on the main deck, Galen stopped, looking over to the right where Gears was examining a series of crystals embedded into the wooden railings.
“Hey, Gears? Can you get Skystar set up in the armory again, and ready the emergency packs?” he asked, prompting a raised eyebrow from the hedgehog.
“The emergency packs? Are we abandoning ship?”
Galen shook his head, gesturing behind them to where four distant shadows were visible behind flashes of lightning.
“Not ideally. But if we have to land, we’ll have to run some guerilla tactics until we can retake the ship from those monsters. Just latch the packs to the railing as planned.”

Waving to Skystar, Gears led the hippogriff downstairs, leaving Galen leaning against the mast.
The tension, it’s like a rubber band slowly being drawn back.
And it’s going to snap within the next hour.

Rain doused the group on the deck as the storm fully encompassed the ship. Galen was now barely able to stand, the gryphon’s fever having gotten worse despite the regular use of the medical crystals over the past hour.
He had only managed to deflect a single lightning bolt, and even that had blown apart a piece of the side railing instead of vanishingly harmlessly into the night.
I can’t do much…we’ll have to land.

The gryphon was sitting at the wheelhouse- the two functioning lightning rods on the ship performing adequately. These new strikes seemed more of a haphazard aim towards the vessel, not directed in any way. Clearly, whoever was on the four pursuing ships wasn’t well-versed in the magic. That may have indeed saved them, at least for now.

The ship was angling down, headed towards a cluster of large islands south-east of the Hayseed Swamps.
Probably our luck then- they’re far enough off the coast that most maps don’t show them. They’re certainly big enough to show up on a map though- only a matter of time until that happens I suppose.

“So, what’s the plan, Captain?” Tilly asked as the other members of the crew, including Skystar, gathered in the wheelhouse.

“They’ll catch up to us before we can land. We’ll try to stall them, disable one or two of their ships. Only once they’re disoriented should we run. They will try to disable our ship and restrain it, mainly because they want Skystar alive. For everyone else, Alabaster and Switch can either hide in the ship or vanish to the surface. We’ll jump as soon as things spin into chaos. We’ll hide in the forests below, regroup, and then retake our ship.” Galen explained, managing a slight smile.

“They have to cover all their ships, including ours. Once they have a base camp set up, it’ll be easier to hit and run. We’ll need to move quick to avoid further reinforcements. Honestly, once landed and secured, Alabaster and Switch can free the ship on their own, so they say. The arcane emitters are functioning, but barely. It’s enough to burn through rope and chains a few times- so they’ll be able to take off once we get onboard and distract the landing party. So, lay low, and make our way towards my beacon as soon as you can. I’ll help as long as I can, but…we’ll see how that goes.”

Every creature was nodding in agreement, Tilly gesturing to Skystar.
“You jump with me, or whoever is closest. Staunch will go with Galen to try and fight off that infection.” She instructed, Galen then looking over to an increasingly nervous Skystar.

“Stay put until someone jumps, then follow them. Easy enough?” he asked calmly, the hippogriff nodding once. Between the emergency backpack and the two daggers strapped to her arms, Skystar at least felt a bit prepared.
But prepared for what, she was still trying to figure out.
Hang in there Skystar….

A rumble shook the ship, Alabaster’s voice cutting through the speakers.
“They fired an energy blast- trying to slow us down I think. It missed, but I fear we are well within range. They are closing fast.” he relayed.

“Alright. Every-creature to the deck.” Galen instructed, everyone filing out to stand a few paces apart.
“Hmm. Those two, to the top left. I’ll try to burn the right one, and it should slam into the left- Alabaster, fire an explosive bolt to the left one, starboard side.”

The opposing warships now came into view, and Skystar let out a soft squeak. Refitted Storm King Vessels, the cruisers were one of the more intimidating ships that sailed the skies. A good third larger than the Crystal Hail, the armor and cannons lining their sides announced the vessel was one of war.

“Alabaster, I’m seeing a lot of harpoon restraints. That’s too many.” Galen muttered, Alabaster appearing at his side with a grim nod.
“Over twenty per vessel. Usual compliment was three.”
“…crud. That’s too many.” Gears muttered, as Skystar’s ears pinned back.

“Alright. We need to take them out before they fire. Alabaster? Emergency dive as soon as we fire. Engage the ballista as soon as I hit the right ship.” Galen called, closing his eyes. Blue arcane tendrils crept up from the deck and burrowed into the gryphon’s body, a low hum charging the air.

“Escaping Vessel- this is your one and only warning.” A loud voice blared from the farthest right ship, the three others arraying in a neat line behind the Crystal Hail, but beginning to fan out to either side.
“Slow down and give us the Princess, or we’ll do so by force. You will not be harmed if you surrender peacefully. If you do not, we’ll be forced to-“
The deep voice cut off as Galen fired, sending a beam of white energy towards a left ship. Punching straight through the large air envelope, the energy began to spread out, licking to either side of the impact zone as the entire structure promptly burst into flame.
“Hydrogen? Those idiots are using hydrogen?” Gears cackled, watching as the large Ballista on the Crystal’s deck fired- the explosive-tipped bolt casing a similar reaction to the other ship.

“Ok, we might be-“
Galen’s voice cut out as an impact shook the entire ship- followed by a staccato of rumbles and shivering through the deck timbers.

The remaining two ships had quickly repositioned, each firing their harpoons into the sides of the smaller vessel. Ten strong chords now bound the Crystal Hail to each ship- which was starting to drag them down, away from the island’s forested interior and to the open sand beaches.
As Galen turned to gesture to his crew, the deck shivered and bucked- every creature being forced to the floor by a concussive blast.

More followed, each disorienting strike making the ship shiver and shudder as the enemy vessels inched closed.
They’re trying to make sure we can’t run? Some kind of sonic and pressure spell…

As another blast shook the ship, Galen looked up to his crew-
And promptly felt his head meet the deck as another strike from the other side made the Crystal Hail buck like an angry pony.
A yelp caught his attention- and the gryphon’s heart dropped as he saw Skystar flop over, her head having smacked into one of the deck’s railings.
No no no no-
The world seeming to move in slow motion due to the blasts, Galen watched as Skystar’s body flopped over the side- the unconscious hippogriff plummeting to the forest a thousand feet below.

Fighting through the fever and chills, the Knight sent a haphazard bolt of energy towards the blurry figures on the nearest vessel- prompting a shower of flame to erupt. Alabaster unleashed another explosive bolt from the Ballista, making the second enemy ship’s deck a mess of splinters and metal shards.

With the brief reprise from attacks, Galen dashed towards the edge of the deck, a single shout leaving his beak as he dove towards the increasingly small pink figure below.

The Crystal Hail grew smaller behind him as Galen folded his wings, reaching out with a set of claws towards Skystar.
I’m not losing any of my crew,
And I’m not losing you!

A series of explosions erupted behind him- but Galen’s focus was fully on the short distance between Skystar and his claws.

The forest was now growing in disturbing clarity, a series of vine growths covering a rocky outcropping. Drooping from tall trees, the vines would hopefully allow a soft landing.
As he wrapped his claws around Skystar’s forelimb, the Knight’s eyes widened and tucked his body underneath hers- the trees now far too close to open his wings more than halfway.
Oh, this is gonna hurt.

Activating two protective runes- the gryphon felt arcane energy wrap around the pair before the impact made the world go black.

Author's Note:

A bit shorter of a chapter this time and likely here on out, but looks things are picking up! Or rather...hurtling down. :trollestia: