• Published 24th Nov 2018
  • 1,323 Views, 95 Comments

Power of the Cybernetic Soldier - HeartfireFirebrand

A young teenage thief running from the police winds up in EQG Canterlot as Tempest Shadow getting a new chance at life.

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Chapter 8: Shopping

It was the next morning, Tempest was sitting in the kitchen with Sunset and Snowy. Tempest smiled as she slowly ate her Weetbix, she swallowed as turned to Snowy “Would you like to come with us as we buy Sunset here some personal items?”

Snowy cast a glare at Sunset “Why are you helping her again?!” Sunset ran behind Tempest.

Tempest scowled “Snowy she is an orphan, a lot of what she did likely is a result of that!”

Snowy looked away ashamed for a few moments before turning back “I’ll come.”

Tempest smiled “Good, I have to have a quick shower before we go?”

Sunset frowned as the two were left alone asked “How did you two beat Snips and Snails?! They were powered by magic, it should have been impossible!”

Snowy sighed “Do you want the short answer or the long answer?”

Sunset laid back in her chair “Give me both.”

Snowy nodded “Very well the short answer is we have highly advanced cybernetic enhancements that allow us to access all of our potential.”

Sunset frowned “That doesn't make much sense, potential energy doesn’t do that?’

Snowy smiled “Ah you get it good, the short answer is more for those who don’t understand science, the truth is our cybernetics are powered by a powerful force we have called potentia. The truth of the matter is we know very little about it as it is incredibly powerful and every living thing has it, it can generate power, turn a normal human into a super soldier and so many other things, as for how our best scientists have studied it for millions of years and we are no closer to an answer as to how it does what it does.”

Sunset sighed “Okay can you tell me how your cybernetics work then?”

Snowy smiled happy to have a human who can understand this “That is simple we use it to unleash the inner potentia in a loving creature the more potentia it has the more the cybernetics can get out of the body, in the case of Tempest at a minimum she can easily shatter mountains, take blows of the same strength and even move at faster than light speeds. In truth the cybernetics behave the same as flesh on a cellular level, it’s the potentia that they allow the body to unleash that really changes things. The cybernetics do provide one advantage, they give the body the ability to adapt to hostile forces, the speed at which it can do this depends on the amount of potentia they have in their body, in Tempest’s case it will done in seconds. It also stops aging.”

Sunset eyes widened “She sounds like a god!”

Snowy frowned “I don’t think she is but honestly that isn’t what scares me, it the fact she has not shown the full limits of her strength or speed. In truth we are not sure of how much potentia she has or even if her cybernetics allow her to unleash all of it, she is as much of an enigma to us as she is to us as she is to you.”

Before Sunset could respond Tempest came out with wet hair dressed in a plain blue shirt and green jeans “So are you two ready to go?” The tow nod at her with a smile on their faces, Tempest smiled “I’m glad you two are getting along.” The three of them got into Tempest car and Tempest drove off to the Canterlot Mall.

They got out in front of the massive building, they enter the mall. Tempest smiled as she saw a furniture store with a massive sign above it Iron Oak’s Furniture Emporium. Tempest smiled “We need need to get you some furniture and some new clothes as well as a proper computer.”

Snowy smiled as she looked at a large finely engraved wooden desk with several drawers “This looks good, what do you think Sunset?”

Sunset walked over and looked at “It does look quite good but…” her eyes widened as she read the price tag she then turned to Tempest “This is three thousand dollars, I can’t have you spend on me?!”

Tempest smiled “Relax, I have plenty of money.”

An eight foot giant, muscular old man with a massive beard walked over with a grin “Tempest, it’s been years!”

Tempest chuckled at the old man “Iron Oak, you’re still kicking I see.”

Iron Oak grinned as he flexed “I don’t feel a day over sixty!”

Sunset Shimmer blinked in confusion as she looked between the two “How old is he?”

Iron Oak lifted Sunset onto his shoulder as with a smile “I’m ain’t a day over eighty. ” He then grinned “You want this beauty of a table right, crafted it myself?”

Tempest smiled “We are getting that table as Sunset is living with me now and need furniture.” Iron Oak grinned as he hefted the table over his other shoulder. Tempest grinned before he could walk away “Where are you taking Sunset?”

Iron Oaks burst into laughter “Nothing ever gets past you does it.” He put Sunset down next to Tempest.”

Snowy called out “I found the perfect desk chair… she would like that computer as well!”

Tempest rubbed the back of her head “Me and Sunset need to get going, Snowy is getting too into this.” About an hour later they arrived at the checkout desk with a whole bunch of goods.

Iron Oak eyes widened as he saw everything “That is a lot Tempest, are you sure you can afford it?”

Tempest smiled “Don’t you worry, I still have quite a bit of money saved up from my days in the Military.” With that Tempest quickly paid for everything, she then smiled “Snowy, you are much better than me at all of this and you have a much better fashion sense than I so why don’t you take Sunset to the clothes shop for some new clothes while I take these to the car.”

Snowy smiled “Sure.” Tempest smiled back as she left with all the furniture, Snowy then grinned at Sunset “It’s time to go shopping!” Sunset’s eyes widened as Snowy dragged her into Glitz and Glam, the local clothing store.

Sunset frowned as Snowy dragged her to the dress section, she pulled a flowery pink dress. Sunset grimaced “That’s not my style.”

Snowy whined “But you’ll look so good in it.”

Sunset rolled her eyes, she then began to look around. Her eyes gazed upon a section full of black dresses, she smiled as she grabbed a few black dresses, she then turned to the girl’s shirts and jeans section where she picked out several orange shirts and a few pair of dark blue jeans. Snowy frowned “Why are picking all those?”

Sunset grinned “Because they are my style!” Sunset walked over to the dressing room, Snowy watching as in a mix of intrigue as Sunset came in a deep black dress that perfectly molded with her frame, Sunset cast a playful grin at her.

Snowy jumped as a hand taped her shoulder, Tempest chuckled “Jumpy are you?” She then looked at Sunset and back to her “Looks like you love of pink flowery dresses was not shared by Sunset.”

Snowy pouted “You two have no understanding of fashion.”

Sunset grinned as she came out in her normal clothes, “I’m done.”

Tempest smiled as they purchased the clothes, they then proceeded to the Cafeteria for Lunch. Tempest sighed as she looked at Sunset “There is something I need to discuss with you.”

Sunset frowned “What is it?”

Tempest gave her a forced smile “I want to adopt you.”

Sunset shouted “Why, you barely know me?!”

Tempest sighed “True but we will get to know each other better over the months. Plus you have no legal guardian and by doing this I will legally be your parent which will help you later in life.”

Sunset nodded “True, it would be good to have some legal ground.”

Snowy smiled “I will help you in any way that I can.” The three sat there quietly eating lunch exchanged some quiet banter.

Author's Note:

I had some quite technical explanations, I hope I didn't overwhelm anyone.