• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 5,427 Views, 98 Comments

Queen of the Dead - Viper Pit

All are equal in death that is a fact how ever there is one exception. The queen rules death and she doesn't take kindly to immortals who deny her what is rightfully owed

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Deaths tools

It had taken me a lot longer then I would have liked to calm myself down after hearing that DISGUSTING word. Thankfully only the grass was the only thing to be harmed by my wrath.

Though I do worry about Sombra as he was excited and terrified at the same time about my power. I just shrugged that behavior off but, honestly, this concerns me since normal little kids... I mean, foals tend to be... frightened out of their minds if they witnessed something like that.

It has been about two weeks since I lost my temper and I am still looking for my missing piece... Whatever that could be. My search has been hindered considerably since I had to take care of Sombra living necessities like food, water, a place to sleep, and... Ahem, hygienic needs. Ever since I arrived, my body isn't demanding any of these basic necessities and for some unsettling reason, I don't feel any concern about this, not one bit at all.

We have gotten to know each other pretty well in that time and I have to admit he has really grown on me. The locals seemed to have calmed down over time as well none of them wanna talk to me all they know is that I'm looking for something and I won't leave until I find it, and that's fine by me.

The mare whose foal I saved has started to let Sombra stay with her at nights as a form of compensation while I continue my search. Her name is Granite Pie and She is the closest I have to what the ponies call friends.

The concept is not lost on me but it feels weird to have somepony (apparently that is their version of saying "someone", but it's better than every creature, I guess.) Call me a friend, but I just use her to look after Sombra so that I'm allowed to search during more dangerous nights without endangering, what is basically at this point, my property.

Speaking of night searches, I have been using that time to also practice my soul transferring powers on some animals. It was really funny to take the soul of a bird and squirrel and put them in each other's bodies. Oh, lord, just remembering the bird-squirrel trying to flap its nonexistent wings and the squirrel-bird trying to climb the tree by using its beak was funny as hell. I don't care who you are, and don't worry I did put them in the correct bodies after a few minutes.

Returning to the house after another failed night of searching. I just open the door and walk in to see Granite making breakfast for Sombra and herself.

"You're back early." Granite said, not looking back from the meal she is preparing. "Still no luck on your little search, I take it?"

"Well, the good news here is that I got more control over my powers but that's about it," I replied as Sombra gave me a welcome home hug. "I know it's somewhere in this town but that's all I know."

"Well, I know you already checked the cemetery, the woods, and the park, so maybe whatever you're looking for is in your heart." I just look at Granite with a skeptical look. "Too cheesy?"

"Yes, it was Aunt Granite," Sombra says as he goes back to his seat to get his breakfast. Granite gives him some hashbrowns with cheese. "So Loreley, when can I come with you at night?" He asked with his mouth half full. Gross.

"When three things happen," I said. I can see his smile and sparkling eyes widen with anticipation. "The first one is when you can defend yourself." He nods "The second thing is when you can stay up past sundown consistently." He nods faster his smile growing. A smile forms on my face when Granite takes the words out of my mouth.

"When you can speak without having food in your mouth." She and I have a good chuckle as Sombra looks away embarrassed while he finishes his breakfast in a sloppy manner. She then looks over at me. "So what are you gonna do when you find this missing thing of yours."

"Probably find myself a place to rule in peace," I said without much thought or understanding by what I meant rule.

"Well be sure to send a letter when you do deary I would love to visit with the little one sometime." I just nod in response as she takes Sombra's plate and we head out leaving her to rest.

Sombra and I quickly find an unsearched land by a newly built lumbermill near a river. I allow Sombra to do as he pleases while I keep looking. I find myself humming while I look. after an hour I still find nothing with a sigh I got look for the much easier to find Sombra. Whom I find digging a rather large hole in the sand.

"What did you find Sombra?" I giggled as he jumps at the suddenness of my voice.

"I found a really big bone and I thought I would dig it up for you Loreley." He then gets out of his hole as I go to take a closer look. "I wonder what creature has a bone this big?" He continues as I touch the bone and the second I touch it I knew I found what I was looking for.

"Take a step back Sombra sweetie," I say as I feel that missing part of myself disappear and I command them to rise. The ground shakes and stirs and the bone quickly becomes bones and form back to their original shape of two hands about five feet from end to end.

"Whoah, that is seriously cool." I heard Sombra happily exclaimed as I dropped a hand for him to look at. "So what now?"

"I'm off to correct some things you can come if you want but I would prefer if you stayed with Granite," I state as I get on one of the hands and it lifts me off the ground with no issue.

"I understand Loreley." I lowered the other hand and he gets on. I can tell he is really nervous about the prospect of flying the hand but I have a mission to do so I just have him tow behind me at a slower speed as we take off to those cursed ones. "Weeeeeeeeeee." He says until we arrive at granites house about three in the afternoon.

We land in front of Granites house and I walk in causing her to jump some as she was apparently about to leave. "I have found what I was missing," I informed her.

"That is wonderful Loreley." She gives me a hug. I don't hug back as I notice a small puddle a couple of feet behind her. "But if you don't mind I need to get going." I nod and I bring over one of the hands for her to ride on. "I don't care I'm in labor and I need this baby out as of yesterday."

"Sombra, stay here and watch the house," I instructed as I get on the other hand.

Sombra gives me a salute. "Yes mom," He quickly covers his mouth as I just nod and I take Granite away.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I don't feel like wasting much time on her.

"The doc's office *oof* It-it has a big red cross on it." She instructs. I remember seeing it while searching and I immediately head there. It takes about three minutes to find the place mostly because I didn't want Granite to fall. I may be able to have her soul but her body is a different story. Once we land I help her down. "Thank you so much, Loreley." She says. I just nod and leave as she goes into the building.

I head back to her house to pick up Sombra. Entering the building, I find the unique colt pacing back and forth. "Change of plans. You are coming with me but stay out of trouble." I said to him

"Can I leave a note for Aunt Granite?" He asks with big round eyes.

"Yes but make it quick," I say as he goes off to find something to write with and on. I'm heading into a fight that I may very well lose. Should something happen to me he will need a place to stay. I think which gets me a little worried to I then say. "Be sure to put that if something happens You are to return here."

"Okay." He yells from the other room.

If they really are immortal then this fight will last a long time. I better come up with a plan to beat them. I think as I head outside to ponder this some more. And if they really do control the sun and moon respectively then I will need to stop to allow them to do their duties.

"Okay, I'm ready to go," Sombra says from behind me.

"Good we will be walking as I have left a part of me with Granite so she can get home safely," I said as Sombra just groaned. With that, we head out for our journey.

As we walk one final thought comes to me. I think numbers will be a good way to test their abilities. Looks like we will need to stop by some graves.

Author's Note:

I found this song and thought it was a hell of a coincidence