• Published 1st Mar 2019
  • 315 Views, 3 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - Zebrica - DocStallion

Life in the Stable isn't too bad. Being a pony in the midst of zebras doesn't make it easy however. Especially when your only friend disappears...

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Chapter One: Stable 127

“I wonder how it looks outside there now,” Sayansi whispered more to herself than me. “I wish we could go out. I'm sure we could help the zebras and ponies out there.”

“Assuming there still are any,” I responded. “Who knows what the megaspells did to Zebrica.”

“The zebras who are outside know,” she jokingly said and grinned. “Come on, you know as good as I do that there is at least something left. It has to. There's no way everything's just been wiped out.”

“Technically, there is,” I began but was quickly interrupted by Sayansi.

“Shut up, you.” She smiled and returned her gaze to the workers working at the Stable door as well as the four guards in front of them. One of them was constantly giving us mean glares. Although it was probably me he was directing the glares to. It's not the most pleasant thing to be one of half a dozen ponies in a Stable full of about forty zebras.

Officer Kawaida seemingly couldn't take it anymore after a while and went straight up to us. For whatever reason, he seemed to specifically dislike me and I never knew why.

“I think we should go,” I told Sayansi and was already on my way to leave. She nodded silently and followed me. As I looked over my shoulder, I saw that Officer Kawaida now stood in place and watched us walk away with a stern look on his face.

The both of us went to her room in the Stable which was better than most others. It was obvious why. Everyzebra,... sorry, everypony knew why. She was the Overzebra's niece and “Rushwa the Overzebra”, as she wanted to be called, favoured Sayansi in every way possible. Not that Sayansi wanted this though. The opposite was fact: She had tried everything she could to convince her aunt to stop favouring her. But she didn't get through Rushwa's thick skull.

“Boulder. Cute,” she smiled and I basically felt the sarcasm in her voice. I think she couldn't have made it any more obvious.

Gold Boulder. That has always been my name. Sometimes I liked it. On other days, I hated it. Sayansi always told me it was cute. I never understood that. How could it be cute being called a rock? Even if it was a golden one. That's why I always preferred to simply be called Gold. And when we arrived at her room, twice the size than mine, she once again started this topic.

I moaned. “Not this again. You want to break your record of addressing that more than sixteen times a week? You're coming pretty close.”

“Because you've been reacting so nicely that week,” she smiled. “Just like that moan. Beautiful.”

She began teasing me again. And even though I hated her teasing, I couldn't bring myself to tell her off. Not that she'd listen to me anyway. But my main problem was that I loved her. I always had. Since we both had been six or seven, I loved her. That love of course still developed. And I came to the decision to not bring a confession over my lips. I didn't want to make this decision but after she had dated another zebra in the Stable, I have felt terrible. I felt like the whole Stable has fallen apart and its remains have buried me beneath them. To me, it showed that she wasn't into me. And even though I already thought she wasn't, it didn't help dealing with my emotions.

With no response, Sayansi shrugged her shoulders while maintaining her typical cheeky smile and went over to her terminal. She loved that thing. And I never even knew what exactly she was doing with it. We have always been extremely close. One day without the other was an unacceptable thing for the both of us. We've spent time together whenever we could.

“Really? Now?” I asked her, trying not to sound too pissed. I realised it didn't quite work out immediately.

“Like I said, your reactions are beautiful this week. But relax, okay? I'm just putting the disk in.” She sounded so calm. I have always wondered how she managed to stay so calm and happy. In contrast to her, I seemed like the exact opposite. The only topic I ever saw her becoming furious about was leaving the Stable. She's always been eager to return to the surface. She wanted to see what happened to Zebrica after the megaspells hit it.

Sayansi and I were only ten years old when the megaspells came for society's demise. My parents and me were living in Zebrica for seven years after they decided to try their luck here because of the economic miracle. Even though the situation between Zebrica and Equestria has been dangerously tense already, the economy was really well. I didn't learn why and I could never comprehend how it was possible but that's what I have been told.

Sayansi's family which only consisted of herself and her father as the mother had left before Sayansi even was born due to a divorce as well as mine both had bought passports for entrance to the Stable 127 in case of a war. My mother has told me that it had been really hard for them to get them in the first place, considering they both were ponies living in Zebrica during such a hard time, full of disrespect of ponies and zebras alike.

I sometimes felt weird living during this time. Shortly after entering the Stable, we all were frozen in cryo pods. I slept through approximately one hundred and twenty-two years. Knowing that, I felt like living in the wrong timeline. I had connections to the old world but was living in a time I should never have lived in. It just felt wrong. Sadly, I didn't get to know why the cryo pods have been needed. Either Rushwa didn't want to tell us why or she didn't know herself. Stable-Tec is above her, after all. By Celestia, I didn't even know if she herself was frozen in a cryo pod or not.

“Disk? Like a game? You still have one?” I asked her surprised. Rushwa had confiscated all video games a week ago. No idea why.

“You know how she is,” Sayansi told me and sighed. “Anyway, you want to play or what?”

I shortly laughed. “You don't have to ask me twice.”

The game was fun. A kart racing game. As far as I know a relict of the old world. And I beat her.

“Not fair. Not fair!” she exclaimed after I passed in the last turn and with that won the grand-prix. “You waited with your boost there just to destroy my hopes of winning!”

“How's that unfair? That's tactic. Ever heard of that?” I sarcastically asked her and laughed. I even got her to chuckle as well.

“I get it. Revenge for the Boulder thing,” she said and smiled again. “Seems fair.”

“Not my fault if you want to waste your most useful items,” I said and tried to close the discussion with that.

“Shut up, you,” her response was.

“Come on, you said that today already. Isn't there anything else in stock?” She gave me a sarcastically annoyed look. “Okay, I'll stop.”


I stepped out of the shower and was drying my wet light orange coat and brown mane when my father decided to walk in. I almost shrieked in surprise. My father loved to more or less sneak up on me. He gave a hearty chuckle at my expertise.

“You gotta practice your attention skills. I didn't even try to be quiet in the slightest.”

“I get it, Dad,” I said and continued drying my coat. “What is it?”

“Class's been called off for today. Don't ask me why 'cause I don't know.” He liked being direct and bringing everything down to its important aspects. “You'll spend more time with your love then, I suppose.”

“Dad!” I said and began sounding like a little colt all over again.

He chuckled again. “What’s the deal? You even told me you loved her. Why do you always feel so embarrassed when I mention your crush?”

“I… I don't know how to explain,” I almost whispered.

“Sensitive topic, isn't it?” He sounded way more serious suddenly. “Just remember that you can talk to me about this and that, okay?” And with that, he left the bathroom so that I could dry myself off.

I actually had told him that I was in love with my old childhood friend. Unlike Sayansi or Moon, I never had problems with talking to my parents, especially my father, about topics like love or even the birds and the bees. Sometimes I regretted having done so but I trusted him.

Moon was the only bat pony in the whole Stable. By Celestia, maybe even the only bat pony left in Zebrica. His parents died before they could get to the Stable. Turned out bat ponies are more sensitive to the megaspells’ radiation for whatever reason. And so, while he barely got in, his parents didn't. It's been almost sixteen years now. He had a dark purple coat and light blue eyes. His ears seemed significantly longer than it's common for bat ponies, at least in contrast with my books.

When I entered my room, Sayansi was already awaiting me. I again jumped slightly in shock.

“Celestia dammit! Everyzebra wants to scare me today!” I shouted but calmed down quickly again.

“Then don't let yourself be scared,” she snickered. “Anyway, now that class is dismissed, I wanted to ask you something.” She sounded serious. She actually sounded serious. It made me nervous because I already felt where this discussion was going.

“You know, since yesterday, I noticed that the guards always take their shifts at specific times. At ten in the morning, to be precise. That means that there is always a very short time with no guards. We could just make a run for it and get out. The mechanics couldn't stop us. And then, we could be heroes. Real heroes and help all the zebras and maybe even ponies out there. Moon would be willing to come with me. He told me that earlier in the hallway.”

I started in Sayansi's green eyes. Her completely black mane, like usually, was tied to a ponytail at the back of her head. Otherwise, she actually didn't look that much different from other zebras and yet completely different. I knew I'd have recognised her even if she would be in a room with a thousand other zebras.

“I know you mean it well,” I began my search for words, “but this is madness! And also, what about your father? Or my family? I can't just leave them behind. I can't!”

Sayansi looked at me for what felt like several minutes even if it were only about three seconds. Then, she simply nodded. “I see. I see.” She seemed sad. I didn't think I've ever seen her actually sad before or I didn't remember. Sayansi slowly walked out of the room.

Moon was standing outside and came in after Sayansi left. It surprised me as he never seemed to go to anyzebra like that. At least I've never seen it before.

“Hey,” he really quietly said. “Sayansi told you already?”

“Yes,” I shortly responded. I felt bad. Real bad. It felt like I broke Sayansi's heart for some reason. It was tempting to leave the Stable after all but I knew I didn't have it in me to actually do it. Way too dangerous.

“I don't want her leaving all by herself,” Moon explained to me, “and I have nothing here that keeps me tied to this place. No offense.”

“I get it, I guess,” I lied. I honestly didn't really get it and that was because I couldn't imagine him out of all zebras and ponies in the Stable to willingly abandon the safety they're comforted with.

“Well, you won't come with us?” Moon didn't sound as shy as he usually did.

“I can't. My family is here. And I'm not strong enough anyway. Neither physically nor mentally. I want to know what's going on out there. But from what I learned, there will be mutated monsters and zebras could have gone insane thanks to the megaspells. Just thinking about it makes me sick even though I can't remember much from before.” I took a deep breath after having said everything way too fast without taking a break to get some fresh air. Moon looked at me.

“I guess everypony has their reasons.” He stepped inside. “I otherwise just wanted to say that I like you. You're really okay. I know we never really had much time with one another but you're one of the few guys here that seem okay.”

I felt a bit better at hearing his compliment but felt unsure too. “Where's that coming from all of the sudden?”

“You can use something to comfort you in the moment,” he said. “I still mean it though. You really are okay. It just seemed like the right moment to me.”

“Thanks, man,” I just said and smiled for a second. Not any longer than that.

“You're welcome,” he put me off and was about to leave when I stopped him.

“Wait! Just one question, okay?”

“Sure.” He turned around. “What is it?”

“You don't seem very shy now. Why you've been for yourself all this time, then?”

“Like I said, you're one of only a few here I like. I don't see a reason to bond with zebras who won't accept me anyways so I mostly keep to myself.”

I nodded. “Okay. Understood. Sorry this happens to you. Just so you know, even if it isn't as hard for me as it is for you, it's also not that easy for me here.”

He nodded this time. “I know.” After a bit of awkward silence, he left.


I haven't told Rushwa what Sayansi had planned. I didn't even think she'd do it. I knew she could though - she was brave enough, much braver than me. But I thought that even she would be hesitant about leaving when she got the chance.

We two stood at the open Stable door again. Kawaida wasn't there fortunately. And also unfortunately.

Since the day before, I heard that the door needed to be completely checked every fifteen to twenty years to ensure complete safety from radiation. For that, the door at the end of a small tunnel was blocked off by yet another Stable door. I have also heard that one door is always closed when the other is open which would explain how they want to keep any rest of the megaspells out. Sayansi had found out a lot during the time. And as far I was informed, she only had had this plan for a week or so to actually go out, for real this time.

Sayansi sighed and turned to face me. “You know, maybe you're right with what you said. You know, with family and everything,” she said.

“I can understand you want to help zebras and ponies out there and it's really impressive. Things like this are the reason I admire you so much. But the Stable is safe after all,” I told her and tried to lighten up her mood, even a tiny bit at least. Didn't work.

The guards left their station. The workers however did too. The door began to close. The work at the Stable door has just been finished.

“Tell my dad I love him. And I'll miss you all. Especially you,” Sayansi then quickly said and before I understood what was happening, she ran through the tiny gap between door and wall and barely managed to get through before the Stable door closed.

I ran to the door and screamed her name in agony. To no avail, of course. I couldn't believe she just did that. It was just horrifying to me. In tears, I slid down and laid on the cold stone floor.

“What was that?” Kawaida who seemed to just have appeared out of nowhere screamed in my ear and left me no chance to answer. He pulled me up at my left ear and it only intensified my pain.

“Answer, piece of shit!”

How was I supposed to? He almost ripped my ear off.

He dragged me all the way to Rushwa like this. At this point, I wanted to take my ear off myself. A lot of the other zebras and also the other ponies had heard the screaming and came together, looking at me being dragged away and whispering to one another. And honestly, as much as it hurt, this scene was wonderful. Ponies and zebras together, talking. No racial conflicts between them whatsoever. They were a group for once.

He threw me in Rushwa's office. It felt like I broke my nose. Even Rushwa stood up quickly and looked surprised. That didn't last very long however as she soon saw Kawaida stepping inside. He didn't waste any time.

“Sayansi's gone. Ran out.” I at this point thought that his only intention was to somehow, no matter how, simply destroy everything I had in the Stable to get Rushwa to throw me out. I felt genuine hate for what seemed to be the first time ever.

“My niece!? Gone? Outside in the wasteland!?” she began screaming. This was really unusual, even for her. Rushwa was usually the type of overzebra to stare everyzebra down, maybe shout. But legitimate screaming was something that has never been in her repertoire.

She walked up to me and pulled me up as well. I didn't even know how my ear felt at this point, I couldn't define it. Maybe like it was about to implode. No idea.

“What have you done?” she snarled at me. She had a look on her face that told me she'd stab me to death if I didn't say something that satisfied her.

“I didn't do anything!”

“Great job, brain.”

She threw me to the ground. My head hit the wall and I was getting dizzy.

“She decided to go out herself,” I started to explain everything, fully aware she wouldn't believe a single word I said. “I tried to stop her but she didn't listen. She wants to help the zebras outside, be a hero.”

Rushwa slowly approached me and sat down in front of me. “And where did she get that shitty idea?” she quietly but angrily whispered. She really scared me with her attitude.

“I don't know,” I quietly answered. “She told just recently.”

“... Okay,” Rushwa said and stood up and scared me even more by doing so. Her tone was completely neutral. No anger to be heard. She stepped to the door and stood in place. “Come on,” she harshly told me and as she went out, I simply followed her.

We went right back to she Stable door. Without any hesitation, she ordered a guard to open it and he did. Rushwa turned to me.

“You've got one week to bring her back. Otherwise, you'll be exiled from the Stable forever.”

My fear shot right up. I instantly felt my heart begin to pound as fast as it could and my breathing became heavy. “Please don't do this. Please!” I begged her but to no avail, as predicted.

“What are you doing?” my mom then arrived at the scene. Shortly behind her was my father who looked more confused than ever. I also noticed Moon standing in the back of the hall.

“Your son's going to bring me my niece back,” Rushwa coldy stated and began shoving me towards the exit.

“Wait!” my father then interrupted but was hastily pushed aside by guards. “You can't do this!” he shouted as the guards pulled him away.

“That's not right!” I could hear my mother shout as well. I tried getting out of Rushwa's grip but she was way better prepared than I've thought. Her grip was iron tight.

“I dare you returning without her,” she growled and pushed me out into the tunnel. Somezebra was already closing the Stable door again and Rushwa quickly stepped back inside before the door closed.

I stood in place. But I didn't want to succumb to my emotions already which would have meant a total freak-out for me so I just walked through the small tunnel. It was maybe twenty metres long but it seemed like it was a mile.

The wooden door at the end was surprisingly sturdy. Not one ray of sunshine got through. In the wall, left to it, I saw the second Stable door and wondered for a moment if it was common that a Stable got two of them.

“Here we go,” I mumbled to myself and pushed open the door.

Comments ( 3 )

Some very interesting concepts. I like your idea of the stasis pods, especially for such a high number stable. i am also interested in your stable population. I bit more on the culture of the stable would have been nice, just so we could get to see a start on not only who the characters are, but what has made them the way they are so far. I look forward to reading more of your story.

Thanks. I was kinda struggling while deciding how much I'd include in the first chapter already. I'll try picking these topics up again later.

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