• Published 3rd Dec 2018
  • 1,262 Views, 28 Comments

A Short Visit - Dorath

Twilight and Revan take their family through the Mirror for a brief vacation.

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Ch. 02; I’m What?!

Twilight and Applejack both blinked at the princess’ statement, before the farmgirl shrugged and stepped forward, “Well howdy there, Ma’am, it’s right nice ta meet ya.”

“Don’t you ‘Ma’am’ me, AJ,” Revan replied as she shook the offered hand, “I get enough of that from my students.”

“Yeah, because that’s the only way any of them will ever get to see you squirm,” Spike snickered from where he was still cuddled in Mission’s arms.

While all of this had been going on, Twilight had been looking from the princess, to her wife, to their daughter, and back again, “Wait, how does that even work?”

“Magic!” Twi’ quickly answer, cutting off Revan’s reply, before turning to glare at the Jedi, “I’m quite certain that they already know the … mechanics, and we are not having this discussion in front of Mission until she’s much older,” she declared, drawing a disappointed pout from the little girl.

“Fine, Twi’, fine,” Revan yielded, “So … you’re Sunset Shimmer,” the transformed twi’lek added, turning back to the other girls, “I’ve heard about you.”

“You have?”

“Yes. I heard about how you bullied your peers. I heard about how you hurt Celestia. I heard about how you tried to stage a coup with an army of mind-controlled slaves,” Sunset began to sweat under the older woman’s cold, measuring gaze, “I also heard about how you accepted the ostracism from the same peers you used to abuse when you lost your power, about how you made friends with some the same girls you used to torment, and how you risked your sheb on two occasions to protect this world,” Revan’s lips curled in a grin as she held out her hand, “Not a bad job of redeeming yourself.”

“Uhm, thanks?”

“Revan, stop teasing poor Sunset,” Twi’ admonished her wife, smacking the older woman lightly on the shoulder, “And you owe the swear jar,” she added firmly as Spike and Mission giggled and the teens exchanged amused looks.

“Well, everyone is waitin’ for us back at tha farm,” Applejack said as she waved at her truck, “We got a ‘Welcome’ barbeque all set up an’ waitin’, with plenty of grilled veggies,” she added, glancing at the Equestrians.

“Not a problem, AJ,” Revan replied as she carried their bags over, “I’ve managed to broaden Twi’s culinary horizons a little, and she’ll eat poultry for special occasions … like a special meal during a family vacation.”

“Or shrimp,” added Spike, “It turns out Twi’ really likes shrimp.”

Mission started to giggle, “Auntie Rarity puwwed out her fainting couch once after Mommy ate aww the shrimp cocktaiw at a fancy party!”

“I’m sure whatever you have prepared will be wonderful,” the transformed alicorn said hastily, a deep blush coloring her face as the three teenagers chuckled, “Now we really shouldn’t keep everypony waiting!”

The truck bounced slightly as it made its way over the dirt road that wound through the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, up to a familiar farmhouse, where a small group of people had gathered outside. “Oh, look, it’s Big Mac, Granny and Apple Bloom …,” Twi’ turned to the teens with a nervous smile, her eye twitching, “I’m … sure I can come up with an explanation for everything ….”

“Well, ya could jus’ tell ‘em tha truth,” the farmgirl suggested, “With all tha weird stuff goin’ on around Canterlot High, they already know about tha magic and ya bein’ a princess from pony world.”

“They do?” blinked Twi’, “Oh, well that does make everything much easier.”

Piling out of the truck, the Equestrians held back, letting Twilight, Applejack and Sunset take the lead, although Revan kept a hand on Mission’s shoulder to control the girl, who was almost bouncing with excitement as she waved eagerly at everybody.

Stepping forward, Sunset cleared her throat and addressed the slightly confused looking crowd (except for Pinkie Pie, who was enthusiastically waving back at Mission), “So, Twi’ said she was bringing a surprise, and she brought a doozy. This is her wife, Revan … and their daughter, Mission.”

Fluttershy let out a squee as she rushed forward and scooped up Mission, who giggled happily as she returned the embrace, “Hewwo, Auntie Fwuttershy!”

“Darling,” Rarity said reproachfully, “Why didn’t you tell us that you were married?”

“Because I wasn’t married yet when we first met …,” the princess flushed with embarrassment, “And, well, with the temporal distortion, I was afraid of how you girls might react to my actual age … I’m so sorry, can you please forgive me?”

The fashionista raised an eyebrow and looked at her friends to gauge their opinions, before embracing Twi’, “Of course we forgive you, darling, but you simply must tell us all about the wedding!”

“Yeah, yeah, the wedding, we’ll get to that” Rainbow waved her hand dismissively, “Let’s have a look at this wife of yours,” stomping forward, she put her hands on her hips and glared up at the older woman, who merely returned the athlete’s gaze with an amused half-smile, “Hmmm … you do realize that she looks like the Big Bad’s lieutenant from a movie or a Daring Do novel, right?” she asked, earning her a disapproving frown from Fluttershy and a slap on the head from Rarity, “What?”

Revan just chuckled, “Lieutenant? I’m full Big Bad material, thank you very much.”

“Yeah?” challenged Rainbow, “Then what would your villain name be?”

“Soultaker,” the scarred woman replied immediately.

“That’s not a very nice name,” observed Apple Bloom as she, Big Macintosh and Granny Smith walked over to join the group.

“I wasn’t a very nice person back when I earned it, Apple Bloom,” the Jedi replied casually, “Thank you for offering to host us, Granny,” she added, nodding to the oldest Apple.

“Don’t think nothin’ of it, young’un,” Granny waved off Revan’s thanks, “Frettin’ about how ya look ta yer friends an’ family causes plenty of foolish decisions,” she added as she reached over to give Twi’ a comforting pat on the shoulder, “I conjure tha same goes even for princesses, ya didn’t mean no harm, an’ no harm done. Now, let’s eat!”

Everyone eagerly descended upon the feast the Apples had prepared, happily chatting away as Twi’ and the teens caught up with each other, while the other Equestrians got to know the Apples from this side of the Mirror.

“I hate to be forward, darling, but I simply must ask, where is your ring?”

“Ponies don’t use rings to symbolize marriage,” Twi’ explained, “Though I’m familiar with the concept from Griffon and Minotaur culture. But we did receive these for our fourth anniversary,” she added, as she and Revan pulled out matching silver pendants, each set with a piece of pale blue crystal.

“Ooh, pretty!” chirped Pinkie as she leaned over for a look.

“Yes, they are indeed, Pinkie,” Rarity agreed, “Although I don’t recognize the stones ….”

“They’re shards from an Ilum crystal,” Revan explained, “The only one in Equestria, actually, they were a gift from Rarity, uh, pony-Rarity.”

“Well, that certainly explains their fabulous design,” the fashionista observed, “Now, tell us all about your wedding!”

Mission Sparkle, daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Revan Vao, little sister of Spike the dragon, and future Cutie Mark Crusader, watched the clouds idly as her parents, brother and assorted Aunts talked. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the story of her parents’ wedding, it was just that she had heard it so often already, and that cloud really looked like a bunny. Glancing around, she noticed that Big Macintosh was watching her, instead of talking with the rest of the big ponies, and he was wearing that “I’m thinking” frown he got sometimes, “Is something wrong, Uncwe Mac?”

“Ah’m sorry if Ah was starin’, Mission,” Macintosh apologized, “Ah was jus’ wonderin’ how old ya are, what with tha temporal distortion that Ms. Twi’ mentioned.”

“I’m five-and-a-hawf-years-old,” Mission replied proudly, “Next year I get to go to schoow!” her eager pronouncement caused chuckles, and a few amused head-shakes, from the others around the table.

“But how does that work?” asked Fluttershy, her forehead wrinkling in confusion, “If Twi’ and Revan and, I suppose, Sunset all get younger from going through the Mirror, why is Mission the same age on both sides?”

“We’re … still trying to figure out exactly how Starswirl’s Mirror works,” Twi’ admitted as she and Sunset both gave embarrassed chuckles.

“Speaking of school,” Twilight broke in, pulling out her pad and pen once more, “Spike mentioned that you have students, Revan, what subject do you teach?”

“Actually, I’m the headmaster, and one of the three full-time teachers at a school of, well, I guess you’d call it magic.”

Pinkie cocked her head, “Well is it magic or isn’t it?”

“Force-training and magic can do a lot of the same things, and practitioners face many of the same risks,” Revan ran a hand through her hair as she tried to explain, “But they follow different rules, and folks who can’t do magic may be capable of wielding the Force … it’s complicated.”

“I thought Ilum crystal sounded familiar!” Twilight declared, slapping the table triumphantly.

“Good one, Revan,” Rainbow chuckled, “‘The Force’, what was next, claiming to be a Jedi?”

Instead of joining in on the laughter, Revan, Twi’ and Spike just stared at the others, “You’ve heard of the Jedi?!” the princess finally burst out incredulously.

“Aw, c‘mon, now ye’re jus’ overplayin’ it,” Applejack chided.

“Um, Applejack? I don’t think they’re playing a prank on us,” Fluttershy murmured.

“Of course they are ‘Shy,” Rainbow gave the pink-haired girl a friendly nudge, “There’s no way …,” silence descended on the table as Revan raised her hand and a drumstick floated over to her.

Twi’ swatted the smirking Jedi on the shoulder, “I thought you said you weren’t sure if your abilities would work on this side of the Mirror.”

“I wasn’t,” Revan admitted, “But I could feel everyone as soon as I recovered from the portal, and, well, just look at their faces, Twi’, it was hilarious!”

“Okay, their faces are adorable,” the princess giggled, “But you still shouldn’t tease them like that, so I’m fining you one drumstick.”

“I knew the smell of the Apple’s chicken would get to you eventually,” the taller woman grinned down at her wife as she handed over the drumstick before turning back to the rest of the gathering, “So, how do you know about the Force?”

“Star Wars,” everyone replied.

“Which wars, now?”

“Star Wars,” Sunset explained, “It’s a science-fantasy series of movies, books and comics on this side of the Mirror.”

“Wait, I’m fiction?” asked Revan incredulously, “Is it at least good fiction?” seeing the conflicted looks on her hosts, and Big Mac waggling his hand, she reached up to pinch the bridge of her nose, “Wonderful.”

“It’s okay,” Twilight assured the older woman while Pinkie patted her shoulder, “Star Wars is a very iconic story, it’s just that there has been something like forty authors for the novels alone, it was inevitable that the quality would vary.”

“Girls!” Rainbow broke in, “You’re missing the point, we’re sitting here, having lunch, with an actual Jedi! This. Is. So. Awesome!” she nearly squealed. The others nodded, conceding the athlete’s point, as they began to eagerly interrogation the transformed twi’lek, with even Granny and Big Mac leaning forward curiously to listen in.

“And Granny, Hondo Flanks, Cloudy Quartz, Mosely Orange and Princess Celestia have all been working to get the entire extended family together for the Apple Clan reunion in Manehattan next year,” Twi’ explained, “Celestia normally spends the Summer Sun Celebration away from the Court but arranging for Princess Luna and Cadance to have pre-planned time away from their duties as well is proving to be a tad difficult.”

“Hey, I volunteered to take over for a day or two and give the Princesses a little time off,” Revan pointed out, “But none of you will take me up on it.”

“Because holding Court is very different from running a small school or commanding a platoon,” her wife replied, “And there’s the little problem that you’re forbidden from going anywhere near an ambassador without a chaperon.”

“Talking to Luna like that, in front of other envoys to boot, the koochoo was trying to cause a confrontation,” the Jedi protested, “Saying it in front of me, of all people, just meant he had a death wish as well. And the Griffonstone ambassador supported my response wholeheartedly … once she stopped having nightmares.”

“And you nearly gave him what he wanted,” Twi’ scolded, “It was as much luck as anything else that we managed to avoid having a diplomatic incident with Prance.”

“And Rouge Traînée offering deliberate and extreme insults to one of the Diarchy wasn’t provoking an incident?” countered Revan, “I’ve seen wars started over less. Still …,” she sighed, “Okay, I guess I can see why you and the other Princesses won’t let me pick up more of the slack for you.”

“It sounds like you have rather the temper, Revan,” Rarity observed, “While I understand that you were goaded, it is something a lady should work on controlling,” she added, shooting a slightly reproachful glance at Rainbow and Sunset, her two most volatile friends, “Especially if she is in front of the public eye.”

“It’s getting late,” commented Twilight reluctantly, as she finally noticed the dark sky and the slight chill in the air, “And we all have work tomorrow,” everyone quickly rose to help clean up, and then exchanged good nights and promises to see each other on the morrow.

“So … what do you think of the girls?”

Revan looked up as she and Twi’ prepared for bed in the small guest room the Apple’s had given them, “I like them, they’re definitely our vod, but younger … less … mature, more excitable,” she grinned, “Seeing them like this is certainly an experience … so is meeting Twilight,” she added, her lips curling in a crooked grin.

“Mind out of the gutter, you incorrigible chi’kan,” Twi’ retorted with a smile of her own, gently punching her wife in the shoulder, “She’s underage and in a relationship.”

The one-eyed woman laughed as she wrapped her princess in her arms, “Trust me, pika, one Twilight Sparkle is quite enough for me.”

“It’d better be,” growled Twi’ playfully as she cuddled closer to the Jedi.

Author's Note:

This story is assuming that The Knight of the Old Republic was never made in the Equestria Girls reality. While this is a great loss to the Star Wars universe, it is also the only way to keep Revan’s name from being a dead giveaway to any Human!World Star Wars fans.