• Published 7th Dec 2018
  • 550 Views, 2 Comments

A Furious Storm - TKitten16

Queen Chrysalis finds a book that can summon a person from another universe.

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Chapter 2, Waking up.

The first thing Fawful sensed was sunlight beaming down on him. the beanish inventor was confused, wasn’t he in Bowser's body when he died?
He then noticed that he was breathing, was he somehow alive after all that happened to him? Fawful opened his eyes and got up from the scorched earth.

“I-I have aliveness?” He said realization slowly taking over him, “I have aliveness!” he repeated. He was actually alive! He didn’t know how or why he had his pre-dark star clothes back on (minus the cloak for whatever reason) but that wouldn’t stop him now, he had to get back to figuring out how to take over the world and finally-

the sound of a twig snapping stopped his train of thought. Looking around cautiously he noticed a pair of yellow eyes staring right at him from the bushes, he tried to reach for his blaster but his hand only met empty air. fear begun to well up inside as he realized that he didn't have anything on him the could protect himself with.

Seeing it's Chance to strike, the creature, a wolf seemingly made of wood, tried to lunge at the beanish inventor. He quickly sidestepped out of the way and desperately looked for Something to defend himself with. He noticed the strange purple and green fire that was there when he woke up and got an idea.

The wolf lunged at him again, but instead of dodging Fawful threw a stick that had the fire on it that struck the wolf, making a massive inferno from its body. It tried to run away but was fully burned before it was able to.

Fawful stood in front of the last remaining embers of the wooden wolf’s body, and grinned, “hah! You had the thinking you would be the having of Fawful but you had wrongness! Wrongness like a child eating the cookie of raisins instead of chocolate!” he boasted to the ashen remains of the creature.

he was about to speak again but was interrupted by a wolf's howl and multiple approaching footsteps, realizing that he couldn’t possibly defeat more than one of these creatures in his current condition he ran away as fast as he could from the scene. grabbing some leftover fire before leaving just in case he ran into more of the odd creatures along the way.

Getting deeper into the strange forest Fawful noticed how much different this place was compared to the other places he's been, for one thing there were no mushroom or beanbean kingdom creatures here at all, and another thing being how odd it felt even walking around this place in general, like he was not supposed to even be there.

Fawful stopped his train of thought when he saw a bridge up ahead with some sort of castle ruins on the other side of it, which for some reason reminded of beanbean castle back at his home kingdom. curious, he walked across the bridge and went inside the strange ruins.

Author's Note:

Poor Timberwolf.

Welcome to the end of the chapters i made before joining NaPoWriMo and making a lot more chapters than i thought i would even do for this thing, i have 10 more chapters to go through and edit heck. anyway, see you next chapter!