• Published 7th Dec 2018
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Nutcracker Ponies and The 4 Realms - Wildcard25

Join the girls and Spike as they follow a girl into Four Magical Realms that're in grave danger. Only they and their allies have the means to restore order in the Realms.

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Entering The 4th Realm

As the sun began to rise, all in the palace awoke and prepare for today’s battle plan with weapons arranged as followed, sword and spear sharpened, rifle guns and cannon’s loaded and lanterns lit. All the soldiers outside the palace were too getting ready to set forth to the Fourth Realm, even the group themselves.

“Alright everyone, this is the day when we put things right again,” Twilight declared, “Not just The Four Realms, but also both Equestria and Human worlds.”

“And no matter what happens in there, we must all stay together,” Chet also declared.

The group nodded in agreement as they kept on hearing a boom sound.They turned and see what it was Pinkie firing her cannon, gathering all the confide, and put them all back. She then stuffed even more confide in her cannon. Much to the groups confusion.

“Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?” Rarity asked in a firm tone.

“Practicing the Big Bang when preparing the “we finished the big battle saving three worlds and claim victory” party, Duh!” Pinkie spoke all in one sentence and finished with a “duh.”

The group sighed and rolled they’re eyes.

“Pinkie, just because every time we set off to do big things in saving Equestria or some other, doesn’t mean you have to practice and create such a ruckus,” Rainbow spoke in annoyance.

“Well when was the last time that you practiced your “Sonic Rainboom” for anything this big? Huh Huh?” Pinkie asked with one of her “huh’s.”

“Pinkie, I don’t need to practice my Sonic Rainbow when clearly it already is awesome enough,” Rainbow responded with a chuckle.

Fluttershy whispered to the group at the side, “At least Pinkie didn’t bring along her “Big Bertha” cannon. That one still gave me a heart attack.”

“I hear that, that already got me on my nerves when we trying to put together that play for Princess Celestia’s One-versary,” Applejack recalled that time, “Or all of the other props she used to replace that old Sun prop.”

“Don’t remind me,” Twilight recalled that last prop that even made her ticked, courtesy from Trixie.

“Hey guys here comes Clara,” Spike called to the group as they turned and saw her wearing a solider outfit with eh solider shirt, ling red skirt, boots, solider hat and her hair all out in bun behind her head. She was coming down the stairs with Sugarplum. They were talking before approaching the group.

“Just know that my tippy top tooty fruity soldiers will be there for you,” Sugarplum spoke, “And will look forward to your return safely. Good luck my brave girl.”

Clara smiled at that pep talk, before Sugarplum spoke again.

“Until then,” Sugarplum paused for a moment, “Adieu!”

Sugarplum left and returned up stairs into the Palace as Captain Philip and the group approached Clara.

“Well, look at you all ready to lead into battle,” Rainbow commented with a smug on her face.

“My my, Clara, your wear looks simply divine!” Rarity complimented as Applejack rolled her eyes.

“For land sake Rarity. Clara’s prepared for war, not for a fashion show,” Applejack spoke up.

“Still, one can try to make this as a bright side darling,” Rarity replied with a huff.

“I appreciate the compliments you all have, but I still hope what we’re doing is right for the Kingdom that my mother created,” Clara replied.

“Just remember, you have us. We plan to stick together and see this through,” Chet reminded Clara as he placed his hand on her shoulder, “You’re mother would be proud for you making this stand.”

“Chet’s right Clara,” Twilight spoke right beside Chet, “With us you have nothing to fear.”

Clara smiled as she then got on her horse, “Thank you all.”

Captain Philip then went over and got up oil his horse, Jingles and spoke, “You are very lucky to have such good friends by your side.”

“Even you Captain,” Clara smiled as Captain Philip returned the gesture.

The group then heard someone clearing throat. They turned and saw it was none other than the two guards they met at the Palace gates.

“Begging your pardon your majesty,” the Skinny guard spoke before her us interrupted.

“What are you doing?” the Large one spoke, “You’re saying it wrong! You don't say “Beggin' your pardon” like that!”

“Oh what do you know!” The skinny one replied before facing the group again, “As I was saying, my comrade, Caviler and I, Harley Quinn, have decided to join...”

“Volunteering!” Caviler interrupted, thus annoy Harley Quinn.

“To join in the battle side by side with you all,” Harley Quinn finished.

“You two?” Clara asked in confusion.

“You’re kidding right?” Applejack chuckled being dumbfounded, “No offense but y’all don't look like you have any fighting experiences.”

“On the contrary, my dear, we are professional,” Caviler spoke for the themselves.

“We are trained killers,” Harley Quinn spoke as he was tossing up his knife but didn’t look to catch the knife as it dropped to the ground.

“Trained Killers...right” Rainbow snickered.

“They look like to be two royal jesters if you ask me,” Spike whispered as the group giggled at the thought before Twilight shushed him.

Clara then cleared her throat before calling, “Attention!!”

With that all the soldiers started to gather in two line formation, while the group gather round Clara and Captain Philip. Chet then got on Applejack once again to ride her.

“Lower the gate!” Clara called out again as the Palace gate was lowered down, “Forward March!!”

The troops then began marching across the Bridge from the Palace to the Fourth Realm.

As they approach toward the tree entrance there was a bit of shivering int he teeth going on with the soldiers as if none of them has ever entered the four realm before. Only been hearing terrible stories about it. But regardless they proceeded onward.

Through the spooky wood pathway, the group and the troops proceeded with the upmost caution.

“Remember your training,” Caviler spoke to Harley Quinn, “Stay alert!”

“I’m not alert. I’m scared here,” Harley Quinn whimpered.

The group looked around the wooded environment as they started to hear noises.

“Um....is it just me or did the woods seem a lot more spookier than last time?” Fluttershy shuttered in fear.

“Stay strong, Fluttershy,” Chet spoke to her in confidence, “This is nothing compared to the dangers back home.”

Eventually the group and the troops halted as they then came upon the entrance gate in the shape of a toy clown. With fog coming from behind it. Within the fog, they heard music noises, creepy kinds.

“Why did we stop?” Clara asked, “Come on what are you afraid of? It’s just a bit of fog!”

“Its not just the fog, Clara,” Captain Philip pointed out, “It’s what within the fog they’re afraid of.”

“Uh, Clara, I think judging by that clown looking gate,” Spike flapping his wings noticed before he started to shutter, “I’m understanding why they’re afraid.”

“Well, said, sir dragon,” Harley Quinn spoke in fear, “Say here’s an idea why don’t we just stay out here in the nice safe woods?”

The group gave Harley Quinn a deadpan look as Clara and Captain Philip got off their horses. Chet then got off of Applejack as the three then proceeded first to the gate followed by Twilight, Spike and the girls and then the troops.

“Or we just go into the fog,” Harley Quinn winced since no was for his first idea and then he and Caviler went in.

When they all got through the fog, what they saw next was an old abandon amusement park with rides looking run down and Monkey statue props looking little bit more creepy than usual. They then heard crows cawing from all over. Fortunately, the soldiers all had their rifle lanterns on bright as they all looked around.

“Oooo an Amusement Park!!” Pinkie spoke in excitement before looking a bit disappointed, “Looks like it has been running good in years.”

“What a mess,” Rarity spoke in disgust, “Just look at what this amusement park has gone through past times.”

“Sheesh, and I thought Mount Aries looked a bit like a ghost town before the Hippogriffs rebuild their homes,” Spike looking a bit creeped.

“A gh-gh-gh ghost town?” Fluttershy feeling even more scared clung onto Spike, despite him being squeezed too tight.

“There’s nothing to be scared of as long as we stay together,” Twilight reminded the others.

“Twilight’s right, no use in trying to separate this time,” Applejack agreed.

The discussion didn't last long. As things got a bit more quieter, they then heard a crumbling sound. They looked about and noticed a few soldiers were missing.

“Uh, where did some of our soldiers go?” Fluttershy looked around still clinging on to Spike.

Rainbow flying around looked at some holes, started to get suspicious, “I think a better question would be where did these holes come from?”

The group pondered on that matter for. A brief moment until they noticed a few more soldiers being sucked down by the holes being made.

“Everyone gather at the Carousel!” Captain Philip ordered as they all gathered at that ride.

They all kept they eye out for anything that could be responsible for the soldier disappearances. But it was stop dark and foggy to see.

“We can’t fight what we can’t see,” Clara spoke as she then found a switch to turn on the lanterns.

Soon it made it a little better to see all of the Amusement park. but it was cut short when they then heard scurrying noises from all directions. The noises soon became louder and louder.

“It’s the mice!!” Clara shouted, "They're under us!".

Rarity shrieked at the sight of the many rodents. The group gasped in seeing the thousands and thousands of mice coming toward them and got under the Carousel. They soon then began burrowing.

“They trying to bury us!” Captain Philip noticed as he then drew his sword out ready for battle, “Everyone off the Carousel and scatter!!”

They all then got off the ride and started to run away from the mice. They then notice some of the mice started to form mini versions of the Mouse King.

“Good Grief!!” Chet spoke in shock, “As if facing the Mouse King wasn't enough.”

Chet then drew out his swords and he and Captain Philip began to fight off the mini mouse swarms, trying to clear a path for the others.

Princess Twilight and Rarity used their magic to blast some of the min swarms away but they kept on regenerating from every blast. Spike flew around and breathed fire at the mini swarms in which some started to retreat. Applejack lassoed a few and buck kicked them away from them. Pinkie gathered a few of the mini swarms, stuffed them into the party cannon and fired them away from the area, must to her laughing in amusement. Rainbow flew around a performed aerial attacks on the mini swarms which knocked them away as well.

Rainbow then noticed Fluttershy whimpering on a tree, “Uh Fluttershy? Aren’t you going to oh I don't know....Help?!?!”

“Sorry, Dashie,” Fluttershy whimpered, “But I can’t harm these little mice. Especially if they being nice.....giant...evil swarm versions of the Mouse King!!”

The remaining soldiers commence firing their rifles at the mice swarms as well but some of them were being over powered by the min swarms. Afterwards they started to retreat. Even Caviler and Harley Quinn.

Rainbow who noticed what they were doing called out to them, "COWARDS!!!"

Clara continued to run from the mini swarms but in her attempt to escape, a hole was being made right in front of her and tried to dodge but she slipped on the edge and fell in the hole. Captain Philip who noticed rush to Clara and grabbed her hand and started to pull her out.

“Hold on Clara I got you!” Captain Philip tried but then noticed a bunch of mice underground who made these holes grabbed hot dog Clara and began to pull her down.

Captain Philip called tot he others, “I need help!”

To avail, Chet and Twilight rushed to him and grabbed hold of Clara and tarted to pull as well.

“Hold on!!” Twilight cried.

“We gotcha!” Chet called, “Don't let go!! Come on pull!!”

And so the three tried. However due to the might and strength of the mice, they pulled not only Clara but Chet and Twilight as well into the hole and started to carry them away.

“Clara! Chetgeki! Twilight!!” Captain Philip called through the hole.

The others who overheard the cry, rushed to the captain.

“What happened here Captain?” Spike asked.

“The mice carried Clara, Twilight and Chet away through that hole!” Captain Philip responded.

The group gasped in fright.

“This is terribly bad!!” Fluttershy began to freak out.

“What ever are we going to do?” Rarity panicked in distress

“We must go after them,” Captain Philip declared before jumping in the hole and started crawling, “Follow me!!”

Spike followed the Captain, Pinkie laughingly jumped in. Rarity being stubborn to not get her hooves dirty was then push inky Applejack before she jumped in. Fluttershy looked down at the hole and was too scared to go in. That is until Rainbow grabbed hold of her and the two flew in as well following the others to wherever the hold path leads.