• Published 25th Dec 2018
  • 2,293 Views, 79 Comments

When Did This Happen - Natedogg2006

There are times in life when one has to stop and reflect on how they came to the place they are now. For Rainbow Dash, that happens while barreling down the hall to Rarity's studio to ask her a very important question.

  • ...

Tight Corners and Etiquette Lessons

The gym and most of the athletic facilities were located on the older side of the school. Since they had all long since been brought up to modern standards, it meant they had been renovated and remodeled many times over. This was becoming a particular annoyance to Rainbow Dash as she tried to maintain speed as she worked her way through the labyrinth like jumble of halls that arbitrarily seperated the various departments.

That annoyance grew as she rounded a particularly tight corner. She'd been using her hands to grip walls to the best of her abilities as she tried to manage the turns faster. This time however she became aware of how slick her hands still were after her shower in the locker room. She could still smell that borrowed bottle of body wash she would normally never use on herself coming off of her. It wasn't her style and she knew it. The question of why she had used it, why she had even taken the time to shower, came to her mind as the baby smooth skin of her fingers slipped off the wall mid turn.

The sudden loss of sideways momentum combined with the speed she'd been moving made her slingshot away from the wall and away from her desired direction. This course change forced her momentum to carry her full body weight into a collision with the small Wondercolts statue that marked the entrance to the athletics departments.

The impact hurt, but Rainbow didn't have much time to linger on it. She noticed with shock that the force of her impact had been enough to knock the obstacle off balance just enough. She jumped back to her feet and darted to the opposite side. With a grunt of effort she put her weight into it to force it back the other way. As it toppled back Rainbow breathed hard as she watched it rock back and forth before it started to settle back into position.

This gave her another moment to think that she really didn't actually want right now. Though the tense moment had made her start to sweat again, the flowery smell remained. Her previous questions came back to her. She had wanted to hurry as much as she could. Why had she wasted so much time on a shower, or even getting out of her practice clothes. Heck, it would have probably been quicker to just skip going through the school at all and just book it clear around the campus.

But as her breathing steadied and the statue stopped shaking she realized she was doing the same thing she was back on the field. She turned back to the hallway she'd been trying to navigate moments before, knowing she already knew the answer to those questions.

'I did it because she wouldn't have appreciated it if I didn't. And for some reason I care about that.

She began running again.










'Dang it. I know Spitfires a hardass, but this is getting excessive even for her.'

This is what Rainbow remembered thinking the Monday after prom weekend as she jogged to school. She was sore all over which was slowing her down. Combining that with having had such a hard time waking up meant she was going to have a hard time even being reasonably late to school at this point.

"Rainbow darling." Rainbow turned to the road she was currently running beside. The car driving next to her was a Sedan Rarity's parents had handed down to her when she got her licence. Rarity was behind the wheel trying to still watch where she was going while flagging her friend down. She pulled over as Rainbow trotted to the edge of the street and next to the car.

"Hey Rares. What are you doing around these parts."

"This week is my donut week, remember?" Rarity indicated the box of donuts in the passenger seat Rainbow hadn't noticed until that moment. It was one of many rituals the girls had come up with to keep their friendship close. A guilty pleasure they shared together. "You seem to be running a little late. Could I interest you in a ride, and maybe first pick." She picked up the box and shook it enticingly.

Rainbow Dash couldn't get in the car fast enough. "Oh you are speaking my language this morning Rares. Had to skip breakfast I was in such a hurry." Rarity placed the box on Rainbows lap with a smile as she started driving again. Rainbow remembered how much she had been salivating as she opened the box. "Oh yeah, you always make sure to get the good ones too," she said as she dug into a warm pastry that left cream on her chin and fingers.

Rarity had apparently noticed out of the corner of her eye as Rainbow noticed her roll her eyes and open the middle console where she always kept napkins. Rainbow rolled her own eyes as she took one, hoping it would avoid Rarity nagging her about her manners. "I am curious though Rainbow dear, what has you running so late?"

"Well I'm not running late anymore. If anything your gonna get us there way early."

"Yes, I do like getting places early whenever possible. But that's not what I meant darling."

"Yeah yeah," Rainbow said while swallowing another bite. "Spitfire found out the regulations on how much she can make us train off season aren't as strict as the ones for how much she can make us train during the season. So she decided to start calling extra preseason training. First one was yesterday, and she was kicking our butts. When I got home I just collapsed into bed and passed out. Slept through all three of my alarms, and Mom and Dad had already left for the day." She took another bite of her sweet treat before continuing. "So it's whatever, I was just gonna get there late," she finished while chewing her food.

Rarity tisked at that but otherwise didn't react to her lack of decorum. "Well coach Spitfire certainly seems to be every bit the strict task master I've heard. I'm glad I have miss Fleetfoot, she tells us to play dodge ball and goes to her office to text. Fluttershy and I just do light cardio on the track during gym."

Rainbow Dash gave a snort of laughter as she popped the last bite of her donut into her mouth. "Oh yeah, Fluttershys told me about that before. You two girly girls got it made with that. As I understand it, as long as there's a few dodge balls in the gym when she comes back out she doesn't question it. Maybe I need to transfer in, get you two on a stricter workout plan."

Rarity betrayed no reaction to Rainbows jab at her. She replied in a casual manner. "That sounds like it would be a lovely time. But I dare say that your beloved coach wouldn't want to part with her star athlete."

Rainbow gave a snort of laughter again. "Ha, beloved. 'You don't win championships if your team likes you'. She literally tells us that."

"Oh my, you certainly do have your work cut out for you don't you?"

"Oh yeah. My feet are killing me and I feel like garbage." She said it with a laugh as she licked the last bits of her donut off of her fingers.

Rarity gave a small giggle at that, then Rainbow noticed her nose begin to twitch. The twitching grew to nose flaring sniffs while Dash pretended not to notice while sizing up her next pastry victim. Before she could decide Rarity spoke again.

"Rainbow dear. Forgive me for asking but I feel I need a little clarification." She paused briefly as if she was waiting for Rainbow to give her some kind of go ahead, but proceeded nonetheless. "Your practice yesterday was so hard that you passed out immediately when you got home, and it made you wake up so late you didn't even get breakfast."

This time Rainbow did actually give her a go ahead. A simple, "uh-huh", that was enough for Rarity.

"So am I to assume you haven't showered at all during that time period?"

"Like I said, I feel like garbage. Salty garbage." Rainbow emphasized this point by pulling at her lose fitting shirt in an effort to cool herself. This resulted in Rarity's expression souring noticably as Rainbow also finally started to notice a very certain smell start to become the dominant one in the car.

Rarity had rolled Rainbows window up when she had gotten in, but it and the rest of the windows in the car were now lowered enough that no smell could stay in it for long. "This is very disappointing Rainbow Dash," she said as she stopped at the last stop sign before the school.

"It's not a big deal Rares. I'm an athlete, sometimes we stink. It's just something that happens. I'll deal with it when I can." Rainbow was mildly offended by this, but for some reason she felt less inclined then usual to voice this at her friends somewhat condescending nature to anything uncooth.

"I'm not disappointed at you Rainbow." Suddenly Rainbow was very confused. "I'm disappointed at myself." That confusion deepened as they began to drive again. "I really have been neglectful to you as a friend haven't I?"

Rarity proceeded to drive right past the entrance to the main parking lot of the school. In her confusion Rainbow Dash felt the need to voice this observation. "Uhh, Rarity. You just missed the turn."

"I did not actually. We have much to do and I'd say just enough time to do it. But we must be economical with our time." She proceeded to drive to the far side of the school and pull into the parking lot on the opposite side near the sports fields. Rainbow was still confused as Rarity found a spot right up front and close to a door of the gym.

Rarity exited the car quickly. Quickly enough that Rainbow didn't really register her doing so in her confusion until the other girl was opening the door and pulling her out. Rainbow was really unsure what was going on, so she remembered her brain latching onto irrelevant things. "What about the donuts?"

"Leave them here, we should have enough time to come get them. Now let's go." Rainbow then remembered being pulled out of the car and forced along by the suddenly very strong seeming fashionista.

Rainbow Dash would probably never remember why she allowed it to happen, but she knew she would remember the rant Rarity then broke into as they went, if only for the surreal nature it gave to the situation.

"Honestly Rainbow Dash, I'm not sure how I've let you go around neglecting personal hygiene like this. What kind of friend am I that I would allow you to treat yourself so poorly when I'm absolutely sure it's just mild ignorance that's to blame for it. Really, when I think of what all that caked on dirt and dried up sweat has been doing to your skin... Well I'm just furious with myself."

"Rarity relax. I'm just a little smelly, it's not a big deal." Rarity had by this time forced them both through a door leading into the gym and was making a b-line to the girls locker room.

"It is most certainly a big deal Rainbow Dash. Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It's health is representative of the health of your entire body. You are an athlete, you should know that maintaining your body is much more then just a healthy diet and regular exercise. You must take care of it if you expect it to take care of you."

By this time Rarity had brought them into the locker room. The area was large enough that there were separated areas for student athletes and for regular gym students. It was at the entrance to the student athletes lockers that Rarity finally stopped and directly addressed her.

"So, I presume you have proper accouterments ready in your gym locker."

"Accounter.... What?"

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Shampoo, body wash, anything that might make you clean and more presentable."

"... No?"


"Not really. No." Rainbow was finally coming back to reality and getting a better handle on the situation.

"And why in the world not?" Rarity complained as she began to give Rainbow a nasty look.

"Cause before soccer season starts gym really isn't a big deal to me. I don't really get sweaty enough to need a shower at all, much less more then just a rinse."

Rarity was really scowling now. "As I said before, you should always take care of your skin. Your hair too." She was literally shaking her finger at Rainbow at this point. The finger went to her chin as she seemed to consider for a moment. "There's nothing for it then." She then quickly went to a locker near the back of the room and just a row down. She quickly entered a combination and opened it, retrieving a midsize bottle of something. "There we are." She said while handing it over to Rainbow.

"What the heck is this?"

"Hair and body wash in one. Not the best thing you can use, but it gets the job done and it does it quickly. Now get to it." Rarity once again started to push Rainbow along.

Rainbow Dash was coherent enough by this time to hold her ground and didn't allow herself to be turned back in the direction of the gym showers. With a slight snap in her voice she finally addressed the situation she'd suddenly been thrust into.

"Rarity! This is crazy. You're being crazy. I'm not just gonna go take a shower right before school starts like this for no reason."

Rarity was not startled in the least by Rainbows sudden outburst. She confidently turned up her nose to dash before addressing her. "Rainbow dear, if you'd been paying attention to me at all these past few minutes then you'd know there is a very good reason for this. I am not being crazy, right now I'm being a better friend then I've been in the past." Her usual haughty tone changed to nearly a growl as she began to glare as she spoke. "Crazy is what you'll see if you don't get in there this instant."

As Rarity shoved her in the direction of the shower again Rainbow let it happen. It was not fear of the dainty girl that motivated her, Rainbow was sure of that. But there was something about the way Rarity had spoken that had let Rainbow know there was little room for argument. Rarity was definitely tougher then Rainbow had ever given her credit for, and in a lot of ways. With a quick stop to her own gym locker to grab her towel Rainbow proceeded to the showers.


Rainbow showered quickly. Probably even more quickly then she normally did after a game or for a practice, but not as quickly as her usual gym classes. Using the frufru product Rarity had provided had taken some time. However, as she was drying her hair and stepping out of the shower she had to admit to herself that she did find herself feeling more clean after a shower then she normally did. Rarity's cheap level girly stuff seemed to be better then even her own regular stuff at home.

Rainbow kept running the towel through her hair, staggered by how soft it suddenly felt after getting all the grime out of it. Her skin even felt different as she felt the air from the locker room hit it. She had to admit to herself that she kind of liked how it felt. But as she automatically walked in the direction she knew her locker was in, she also decided she didn't have to admit that to Rarity.

Smirking to herself just a little she finally looked up from the process of drying her hair. A set of glaring eyes met hers as she did.

Rainbow gave a start and jumped back slightly. Another step, maybe two, and the two might have bumped heads. Rarity seemed unfazed by this and stood unmoving at Rainbows now confused expression.

"Ummmmmm, Rares? What umm, what's up?" It was all Rainbow could think to say at the moment. Rarity's glare remained unmoving.

"Really Rainbow Dash? Really?" Rainbow still could not figure out what was going on this time, so she just kept staring in question at the girl in front of her. Rarity's glare did not move, but one of the hands that were firmly planted on her hips came off. Said hand made a gesturing motion down the length of Rainbows body.

Rainbow looked down to the towel that had now come to a rest covering her shoulders, and not much else. Still not sure what was going on, Rainbow just looked back up to the glaring eyes. "What?"

Rarity suddenly looked away, exhaling dramatically and resting her head in the palm of her hand. "You really are hopeless aren't you." Rainbow was pretty sure that was not meant as a question, but she still didn't respond as she still didn't know what she was being accused of. Rarity faced her again, glare gone but disappointment still obvious. "Rainbow Dash, a proper lady does not walk around in such an improper state."

Rarity was gesturing to Rainbows body again, and she finally made the connection. "Rarity, we're in a locker room. And I'm not a lady, I'm an athlete. This is just what we do."

Rarity again seemed unfazed as her gaze shifted to a deadpan. "So you mean to tell me that every other member of your team, as well as all the other girls in all the gym classes you've ever attended, have all walked around as naked and unconcerned as you are right now?"

"Yeah, of c....." Rainbow suddenly had to stop and think about that question. "Well, I guess not all...," She trailed off thinking again. "Well... I guess not out of the shower, but I mean... In front of their lockers, usually. Most of the time. I think?" Her argument was weak and she knew it, but she was having a hard time conceding this point.

Rarity however already seemed to be claiming victory. With a smug smile she replied. "So just you then." Once again Rainbow did not think it seemed like a question. She didn't reply so Rarity continued. "A lady should never be ashamed of her body. But showing it off so freely is the mark of one who does not show it proper respect as well. Now if you would darling, please at least attempt to cover up."

Rainbow gave a huff, but decided to comply. She lowered the towel down and secured it around her waist. Rarity's head tilted as she gave another glare. Rainbow gave a questioning look back. Rarity suddenly reached forward, unhitched the towel, and scooted it further up onto her back. She finished securing it under her armpits and above her chest.

"This is the proper way to show humility without showing shame."

Rainbow swatted the hands away the second the towel had been secured. With an exaggerated tone she responded. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Don't be getting handsie with me all of a sudden."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Please, I've literally taken every measurement on your body at least twice." The two finally shared a laugh as Rainbow stepped past Rarity and over to her locker.

Rainbow didn't have much of a routine as far as getting ready for anything, but she got into it as a question came to her mind. "Hey Rares. What did you even come over here for? Thought you'd go meet up with the rest of the girls, or at least stay in the regular locker room." She looked over to the other girl, and for the first time realized she was holding Rainbows shirt.

"I had a sudden thought and had to check it out." She now held the piece of clothing up. She grasped it by two fingers at the very edge while holding it away from herself as if it was dangerous. "Putting on dirty clothes almost negates the point of doing this whole thing. Please tell me this stinks only because it was on you and not because you wore it yesterday during practice."

"Have a little faith in me Rarity. My practice clothes were covered in dirt and grass stains. Even I wouldn't go out looking that torn up." She said this while reaching for her stolen shirt.

Rarity pulled it away just enough for her to miss, then immediately threw it so it landed over Rainbows head. "Well I suppose there's hope for you yet." Rainbow just rolled her eyes as she grabbed the shirt.

Rainbow then thought better of her next actions. She turned away from Rarity and towards her locker before dropping her towel again and finished getting dressed.

"Much better," Rarity praised. Rainbow rolled her eyes knowing Rarity would understand it even without seeing it. "But still, I'd like to find time to get you over to the fibers studio and get you into something clean."

"Ha, yeah right. Like I'm going to let you play dress up on me. You ain't getting me into one of your fancy shmansey dresses that easily."

"I happen to have dresses that even a tomboy like you would be able to stand wearing. And I also have things besides dresses as well. I'm sure I could find you an ensemble that you'd be ok with."

"Yeah, still not gonna happen. The only one who can get me to do something that uncool would be Fluttershy." Rarity had wandered out of the student athletes locker room area but now poked her head around the corner to flash Rainbow a questioning look. "Don't ask. Freaking butterfly sanctuary." She grumbled the last part under her breath. That was apparently loud enough for Rarity.

She gave a little giggle before retreating back around the corner. "I remember Fluttershy mentioning that actually. She said you going with her was one of the sweetest presents you've ever given her."

Rainbow gave a growl. "Oh she's gonna pay for that."

"Oh you shouldn't be so hesitant to show your softer side Rainbow dear."

"I don't have a softer side!" Rainbow barked back through the locker room wall. She could hear giggling coming from the other side.

"So I'd just have to become as good a friend to you as Fluttershy and I could dress you up as much as I want?"

Rainbow Dash gave a legitimate laugh at that. "Yeah, good luck with that one Rares. You may annoy me less then you use to, but I've known Shy since kindergarten."

Rarity once again poked her head around the corner to direct a pout at Rainbow. "So you really think there's no chance?"

Rainbow was now fully dressed and closing her locker. She rolled her eyes as she began walking over to where Rarity waited. "Tell you what. If that ever happens I'll let you go to town on me, no restrictions." Rainbow said this while holding out her hand with the bottle from before in it.

"Guess I'll accept that deal, hopeless as you seem to think it is." She looked down at the bottle but did not accept it back. Rainbow remembered noticing her look over to her other hand where she was unconsciously rubbing the much softened skin together. Rarity gave a knowing smile. "So how did you like it?"

Rainbow stopped her fingers immediately. She raised the bottle to her eyes and made a show of examining it. She finally tilted it back in Rarities direction and gave an "eh".



Rarity's smile became more smug. "Do forgive me, but I don't think someone would be smiling so much while drying their hair for something that was just 'eh'."

Rainbow Dash just shrugged her shoulders and once again offered the other girl the bottle.

Rarity's smile became a very fake scowl. "You know Rainbow dear, lieing is not very becoming of a lady. I dare say that if I am trying to be a better friend to you from now on I should take a firm stance to discourage such behaviour." Rainbow didn't betray any concern at the words, but she was intrigued by the girls persistence. "I'm afraid a lady that lies is not a lady that deserves more donuts."

Rainbows traitorous stomach gave her up immediately. The loud growl that came from it was matched by one from her lips a moment later. "I can't remember my hair and skin ever feeling this nice. My clothes actually feel more comfortable. I honestly never realized how gross the stuff I've been using is." Despite her words she still held the bottle to the other girl.

"Then keep it. It was my spare anyway. It's the least I can do after last week." Rainbow actually hadn't expected Rarity to be the first one to bring up the prom, but she figured it meant she was not likely taking any protests to the offer. With a quick trip to her locker to stow the bottle away she joined Rarity in the trip back to her car.

The conversation during the trip betrayed no sign of the potentially awkward situation that had transpired between them.

"I must say that this parking lot is a nice little hidden gem. I dare say the main parking lot is probably full by now, and I think we're actually closer to the lunch room from here. Why have you never told me of this little secret Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow just shrugged as Rarity retrieved the promised sugary prize from her car. "I don't drive to school so I wouldn't know or even think about it. And maybe I've just been a bad friend this whole time too."

"Oh pshaw Rainbow darling. Though I feel like we should tell the girls about this. I dare say we might be able to find ourselves a nice little meeting spot over here for the mornings." She was now re-entering the school from a side entrance that Rainbow Dash was holding open for her.

"Awe. But if you tell everyone it won't be a secret anymore."

"Oh, so you'd like to keep this our little secret then?"

"If it gives me first dibs on donuts when you bring them."

The two shared a laugh as they entered the lunchroom through the back entrance still with a good number of minutes left before the first bell rang. Their tardiness as well as the circumstances of it were noticed by the group of girls they now approached.

"Finally, donuts!!!!!" Pinkie exclaimed, dashing over to the pair to liberate the treats and place them between the rest of the eagerly waiting girls. Though they all dug in immediately there was one in the group who seemed much more interested in casting questioning glances to the pair that had entered together.

"So, where exactly have the two of you been this whole time?" Apple Jack asked the question with a sly smile and more then a little implication in her voice.

Rarity was oblivious to it, much to Rainbows regret. "Oh, I happened to notice Rainbow was running late this morning when I passed her on the road, so I decided to give her a ride." Rainbow was happy that her explanation ended there, the rest of the story would make the rest of this conversation much harder to deal with.

"Oh really now? The way y'all were just strollin' in all casual like after your big date last week. If I didn't know better I'd think y'all were coming from the same place." She waggled her eyebrows at the pair. Rarity gasped in shock and indignation. Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Apple Jack, just what is it you are attempting to imply?" Rainbow groaned. Rarity was setting her up and Apple Jack was just going to knock them down.

"Oh nothin' really sugar cube. I just figured the two of ya' had such a good time at prom I woulda' thought y'alls wouldn't want the night to end there." By this time the whole group was sending the two girls sly glances while digging into their unhealthy breakfast.

Rarity was now sputtering with indignation at this point. "Apple Jack, that sort of thinking is so uncooth. Even if there was even the slightest chance Rainbow and I were in some way... involved, a lady does not bring up or discuss such things." Her slightly frantic state was doing nothing to remove the smiles from the rest of the group.

Rainbow Dash groaned as she sat down and grabbed her second donut from the box. "Rarity, just be quiet. You're only making this easier for her."

Rarity's indignation was now directed towards Dash as her fit continued. "Rainbow Dash, I can't just stand by while she makes claims that should be perfectly clear are not true."

"Did you seriously not expect this to happen after last week?"

"Why would I expect anyone to be making such ridiculously untrue claims about the nature of our relationship?"

Rainbow Dash cringed. Pinkie was the one who caught that one. "Ohhhhh, 'our relationship'," Pinkie said with enough implication to feel it drip from the words.

Rarity made a noise like she was going to make another response. Rainbow knew it would be one that did them no favors so she responded first. "Have you learned nothing from watching me and AJ doing this over the years?" Rainbow asked in half serious exasperation while shaking her head in disappointment. "Oh Rarity. I really have neglected you as a friend haven't I?" Rarity became silent and after a moment gave Rainbow a smile to continue. "Let me teach you the proper etiquette for busting people's balls."

"Umm, Rainbow dear. They don't specifically have... Umm, that is to say..."

"Not important. First things first, it's useless to poke fun at Pinkie. She literally can't be embarrassed."

"It's true," Pinkie chimed in, now wearing her second chosen donut on her nose. She then snaked her tongue out and gulped said donut down in one slurp.

"Noted", Rarity said with a cringe.

"Fluttershy does not participate in this particular game. Sunset is trying too hard to be a goodie two shoes and still doesn't understand human satire well enough to be a real threat. The only ones you have to worry about are me, obviously the biggest threat. And AJ." She gave her usual sparring buddy a smug look. "Luckily there are certain ways to get under her skin that always work."

"Oh don't you dare Rainb..."

"For example. Eh-hem. Apple Jack, the only way me and Rarity would be involved in any scenario involving 'staying over' with each other is if we were double teaming Big Macintosh."

Both Rarity's and Apple Jack's faces went very red for very different reasons.

"Rainbow Dash, I told ya' the next time ya' started in on this I was gonna tan yer' hide."

Rainbow didn't miss a beat. "Oh, does the spanking thing run in the family? Because Mac's got some big... hands and I could totally get into that." She waggled her eyebrows in an overly exaggerated way.

Apple Jack stood in anger, but the rest of the girls were now having a hard enough time stifling their laughter that Rainbow knew she couldn't justify her rage at that moment. Even Rarity was having trouble keeping her giggling to her usual daintiness.

"See, now that I have her mad I just gotta keep poking the wound by turning everything around on her." She said this while changing from her usual snarky and sarcastic tone to sounding like some kind of generic Kung Fu master teaching a student. Her tone went snarky again as she continued. "Sorta like how I'd like Big Mac to turn me arou...."

"You do not even think about touching my brother ya' hear." Obviously any cutting rebuttals to Rainbows teasing were long gone by this point.

Rainbow raised her arms in apparent surrender. "Hey hey hey, no problem. I don't need to touch. But if your gonna make me work with those kind of restrictions then could you at least install bleachers at Sweet Apple Acres. Heck, if you did that and made him work shirtless I don't think you guys would actually have to harvest apples anymore."

Rainbow now noticed Rarity laughing openly at Apple Jack's plight. Through her laughter she managed to take a jab of her own. "Better yet Rainbow dear. Perhaps I could gift him with some particularly tight fitting work clothing. I dare say I could probably pull it off so they'd tear off of him at the precise right momen.."

"Enough." Apple Jack half shouted. She was mad, but Rainbow could tell she could take at least one more jab. She tried to convey as much with a glance to Rarity. Rarity's lips pursed tightly as she tried to suppress a goofy smile. "Rainbow dear?" She asked innocently as if nothing had been happening.


"Do you happen to know when Macintosh's birthday is?"

With that Apple Jack smashed her fist into the table with a noticable slam. She stood glaring at the two girls with looks of barely contained laughter on their faces. She then swung her arm to smack the box of donuts to face her. She took her second one and began stomping from the lunchroom in defeat.

Rainbow remembered Rarity laughing just as hard as she was as she left. Only the mildly disapproving stare of one of their remaining friends remained to be delt with.

"That was a little too much you two," Sunset tried to tell them over their laughter. Rainbow could tell she was gearing for some kind of lecture but Rainbow was having way too much fun to let it happen.

"Oh no. She totally started that one and deserves what she got." Sunset didn't seem impressed by that observation and was clearly about to launch into something when she was cut off by the first period bell. "Saved by the bell," Rainbow exclaimed as she shot Sunset a smug grin. "Guess this'll have to wait for another time."

Rainbow looked down to the box of donuts. The last remaining hold out Rainbow happened to notice was Rarities favorite kind. The standing rule in the group on donut day was that starting bell made the box free game no matter who had had what. Rainbow noticed Pinkie literally crouching like a cat and ready to pounce on it. With the speed of a trained athlete she reached out and snagged it, causing Pinkie to fly past and smash into the next table with a sad, "awwweee" as she went.

She turned to Rarity and offered the tasty treat as if it were a sword in some kind of ritual. "I present to you, your prize." She was using her generic Kung Fu master voice again. "May it forever stand as a symbol of your first victory in the war of words and innuendo."

Rainbow remembered seeing Rarity take a dainty bite from the donut to hide her smirk. She remembered thinking that her and Rarity might actually make a good team under certain circumstances. She also remembered Rarity's smile being particularly infectious. She returned it as she turned away to head to her first class. It seemed like that day was going to be a pretty good one.

Author's Note:

Hopefully that didn't get too weird there for every one. My thought process for it was to show that they hadn't suddenly fallen madly in love with each other. So I wanted to put them in a situation where those who did have feeling for each other might become uncomfortable and have them totally not react at all. But they clearly needed a bonding moment, and the issue of what happened at prom had to be addressed. So I guess Apple Jack is the closest thing to an antagonist this story is going to have. I think she's going to be obliviously poking fun at them for the duration.
It's going to be going a very different direction next time around. Also I'm not sure what else I could present as some kind of obstacle while running through a school, so if anyone has any ideas let me know.
As usual, let me know what you think, good or bad.