• Published 8th Dec 2018
  • 1,168 Views, 9 Comments

SPK - sejox

This is the story of a sorceress, a dragon, and a society not eager to accept them.

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Chapter 1

The sound of water dropping slowly, the rancid smell of rotten meat and the deep darkness that consumed everything. Between of it all there was a girl and an egg. The girl looked at its companion with anxiety and enjoyment; shaking more for every second that passed. After her time for hesitation concluded, she took a deep breath and then her hands started to swirl and dance as the corner of the room began to illuminate by blue flames. A brown tome was now visible standing right beside her, featuring in it the page six hundred seventy-three.

She read out loud the words imprinted on the book. The world around her shake as her face curled into a smile. The egg started to move, which made her double the speed of her chanting out of excitement. The egg cracked, and so her heart bumped.

A pestilence emerged from the crack, yet she not found a reason to stop her chanting; her eyes reaching the bottom of the page. Finally the spell concluded. The girl fixed her purple hair to one side to make sure everything was correct on her previous job before laying her eyes on the egg.

Then she waited, her arms trembling, her fingers fidgeting. The egg cracked once again, and she bowed for a closer inspection, waiting for the climax of her experiment… and then.

Crack, and crack. You emerged out from your egg and into my lair.

Spiky, spiky fins, shiny scales and a hungry look,

For. My. Flesh.

The creature crawled out of his previous home and approached the girl, his mouth was open, and droll was staining the already wet and dirty floor. He looked at the eyes of his savior, and then at her body.

Then you take me.

Then you smell me.

You noticed something wrong with me.

The creature left his savior on the ground and ran into the dark entrance of the room. His stride was relentless and his breathing would have been easily misunderstood as the growl of a beast. He reached a stair that led to natural light and kept it’s strode, the smell coming from the outside luring him.

Once he arrived to the end of the stairs he was met by a room filled to the brim with veggies, plants and fruits; Meat, grease, and blood from any kind of animal. Everything was well-preserved and fresh yet unorganized and out at the open. The creature ogled at the uncooked feast before him.

If not because of the natural state of the room, maybe the creature wouldn’t have saw the knife and cooking book while dozing off at the food.

The girl soon found her way to him and, to her surprise, found him wearing an apron and cutting the meat and veggies. His arms handled the food while his eyes and tail took care of the book.

The sunlight pierced through the papers and leaves on the windows and found its way to the creature, showing his purple and black scales, the green fins that traveled down his spine, and its reptile features.

The reptile looked at the girl and then smiled, his tail left the book at the same time his foot moved towards.

How about we have a big meal.

Have some salad.

Or some chili, and then a big steak.

That’s what your eyes told me.

The girl jumped in delight and approved the creature’s idea. He, in return, served her with a cup filled with salad; one plate of many more to come.

The creature kept his studies at the art of cooking while the girl wrote the results on one of the many journals stocked in the corner of the room. But with given time they got out food for the creature to cook. The girl, looking at the dilemma before them, smiled at the drake.

Worry not, I’ll give you more recourses.

Don’t need to show me how.

Because I’m a mad sorceress proclaimed by myself.

Being laws or lack of skill.

My past or your future.

No one shall ever try to dare stop us.

A flick of the girl’s fingers proclaimed the arrival of new food into their house. Fish, crabs, chicken, and meat proved the strength of the oak structure lying at the center of the kitchen; meanwhile, fruit, veggies, spices, wheat and grain lay on top as if a mountain of food was the spell's purpose.

Your cook, and your skills

Your smile, and your kindness

Scales or spikes won’t ever make me despite you

You are loving my whole self.

I’m loving your spikes.

You are my only Spike.

And so the duo started to live together, and because of it, the house started to look more like one than a simple den. The creature was fond to the act of cleaning and housekeeping, and the girl—now with more time to study and with a wholesome diet—learned to make spell to enhance and rebuild the house.

One. Two. Three more meals.

One, two. One, two. Till we succeed.

Days kept passing and they changed for the better with each one. The creature grow wings and developed the power to breathe fire, making of him not a simple creature or reptile but a dragon; a weak one and prone to lose his scales every now and then, but still a dragon, and that made the girl all the more happy and proud.

She started to create clothes for both, then better beds, and curtains, and utensils, and a new kitchen. She knew that her life was starting to become better and their new house will be the first thing to remember her of that.

Now, the second one that will remember her of that…

Twi. Twilight.

You call as your arms stretched out.

Asking for a hug.

And then out of the blue you smiled

It made me. Cry of joy.

Twilight, the sorcerer, jumped to the arms of the drake and hugged him. Tenderly. Gently. Joyfully.

She parted from the hug and stared at the drake. His clothes matched hers, his smile matched hers. Everything they did together seemed to match, as if there could be no way for them to not have been together since birth. She looked at the books, an idea forming inside her mind.

Come here, my Spike.

Help me, my Spike.

You took out my books.

From his fire came the magic, and from the magic, the drake gave life to the spells scripted in the book. He move his arms around the sparkling flames as if a serpent flew through the silhouette of his arms. Such expertise he showed that it seemed like he had learned it from someone else, as if he had watched those same movements day after day…

That’s when I realized

We’ve became family.

Smoke poured from the flame’s tail; a dense, almost solid-like smoke.

Twilight looked in awe at the black matter that slowly started to dissipate. For her ever-growing surprise of the moment, a big fish emerged from the smoke.

She ogled at the drake’s creation, and then turned at the drake, and repeat. Once, two, three—her smile grew even more—four, five, six times. She couldn’t resist the urge and hugged him once again.

She laughed out of cheerfulness for a while, the drake by his part took the hug with the same amount of love and returned it to her. The scene would have been perfect for them to last a bit more, but someone opened the door at that right instant. Twilight swiped the hair out of her eyes… eyes who grew in sheer horror at the sight before her.

Then she came

A girl of grey and black, she is holding.

Lightning spear.

And an S.M.I.L.E badge.

The fear made Twilight unable to move; she watched in agony as his dragon greeted the visitor with snacks and tea.

Then she aimed, her spear at you and throw.

Her weapon~

Your chest burst.

A woman stood in a cell absent of any light but the one coming from the flames near the cells. A putrid smell constantly made its way out of it. The smell was enough reason for the guards of the prison to step aside from that cell, yet it was the looks on the woman’s eyes who showed them how incapable she was to try to make an escape.

From the inside, the voice of the woman, a once dangerous sorceress by the name of Twilight, resonated

It’s okay,

I’ll stich back up.

Don’t need to show me how.

Because I’m a mad sorceress proclaimed by myself.

Inside the cell, blood stains and repeated iterations of the word Spike, Spik, and SPK furnished the rotten walls . Glyphs, and numbers imprinted with red in the floor surrounded Twilight and the body resting on her lap. She caressed the dead creature: Spike, his dragon, with the up most care; making sure to not touch him with her tainted fingers.

The girl breathed deeply—even though the smell of the drake could easily make any human lose its last eaten meal—and said.

I’ll give you half my heart.

And feed you with my soul.

And I’ll make sure I get us to reunite.

The drake woke slowly from the death and sat up, facing once again at his savior. He then inspected his surroundings, the cell, the smell of decomposed bodies in the inside, and the taste of fear coming from the outside. His eyes focused on the bars with determination and readied himself for making an exit by force.

Twilight, stood by his side, ready for the truth to meet the drake dare he try to end that blow; and he did. He punched the metal with all his might but nothing happened, there was no movement nor pain, and the drake felt fear because of it. He looked at his scaly arm, and then at his savior, as if by looking for an answer.

Being feeling or feeding.

Strength or intelligence.

Nothing I make will ever give us our life back now.

She hugged the drake, yet he did not feel it. He couldn’t feel her, he could make the same kind of food for her. He…

“I am useless for you…” he cried, tears flowing down and falling on her clothes.

She glanced down to him and cleaned the tears off from his face, “but you’re still my SPK” she parted from the hug and caressed his cheek, “I’m seeking for my SPK.”

The dragon smiled back at her. She took him and let his head rest on her chest.

I only need my SPK.

Author's Note:

I have barely known about Mili for a month, yet every song of her catches my attention. Maybe that's because I'm weak to stories-made-song... I don't know for sure.

Anyway, if you liked my story, make sure to hear the original track RTRT, or all the others if you want. Mili has a lot (if not all) of her songs in her YouTube account.

Comments ( 9 )

OH jeez, that's, that's heartbreaking at the end there. Very good though.

iT TeArS mE fRoM ThE iNsIdE, rIgHt InTo My FeEls!

I made you cry? yas! I made someone felt the same feeling I got after hearing the song!

>contents of story don't match cover
>spelling errors in description
>description isn't much of a synopsis and doesn't explain story premise
How the fuck is this derivative dribble Featured?

Da Faq iz dis shit? Seems like a lesson in how to be a loser whiner. 😝
The character development and the quasi-shitard lyrics only inspire trailer trash mothers how to birth abomination children into the world.

Wut, did this made it to the feature page? That is weird...

Can't say anything on the description thou.

I won't consider that as a review until you post it with the soviet anthem.

I dunno if that is supposed to be either a complement or something else.

nah, it was just me messing around with the comments at 2AM.

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