• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 20 minutes ago


Weaver of stories of action, drama, love, sex and a loyal knight of the Sunset Empire! Hail to the phoenix empress! Sunlight & Sundagio are # 1


Comments ( 31 )

Thanks. Love this ship and it's always a pleasure writing them

Phew. That was a lot of fun. I liked how you gave them all believable jobs. Aria...yeah I could see her getting into that.

Fucking. "Cocopuff" may be the cutest goddamn nickname for Coco I have ever read.

Treehugger is like, super rad, man.

I love Sunset's ships. She can make sense with just about any of the cast if you make it work. Taking in Adagio is totally something she'd do and them going from there just suits them.

Also. Princess Twilight being all "welp! You have fun with that!" And you just know she put the book away as if just looking at it was interrupting them xD

Exactly what I thought when I put that lol

What's Squirting Edging?

keeping someone on the edge if climax to tease them and induce a bigger climax which for women is squirting.

Indoor Nudist couple.

I will be honest, I had a very hard time reading this. Not in regards to the subject or the shipping, but this was a wall of text with too lenghty sentenses. I recommend you to get an editor or a proofreader for your next story.

Trust me if I could I would. Replies never come through to asks for aid. One man crew here

Plus I feel breaking some of the sequences up messes the flow up but that could just be me. Like I said I rarely get a second opinion before posting but feedback like this is good too so thanks

Sure knows how that feels... It's tough.
Well, this story is done and finished so don't worry about that. But perhaps think about using slightly shorter sentences in your next story? Pauses are important in the flow as well.

And this is why I ask people to comment and give me feedback so I can improve lol. I love this ship and feel every story I write for them is special... hopeless romantic and all you know?😅

Well, you are not alone, my friend! Welcome to the wonderful world of Sunsagio! (Apparently the official name. I think "sundazzle" sounds better.)

I might be able to help with proofreading if you want btw.

I would love the help lol thank you

:) just pm me when you're working on your next story. I prefer Gdocs.

I am actually working on a new chapter of my story Melody of Love. PM me for details. Would love to throw ideas around

... Why do you use question marks in place of commas?

Each of them were told right off the bat that they needed to get jobs in order to stay with them and prove they could be productive members of society and so with that in mind? The three got to work trying to find work and while it took a couple of tries? Eventually they all found their ideal jobs and luck for them? They were all relatively close by one another.

There is no damn good reason for all those question marks, and it really makes it hard to read.

Again. One person production here and I can't catch everything. Thanks for the feedback I'll fix it


Just to clarify, that's not the only instance, just the most blatant.

This was very sexy. Sunset-Adagio shipping is very heavily trod ground, so 10/10 for having an original concept, and 10/10 for making the concept a fun one. Adagio using mind-control sexytimes for *good* produced a very good time for me.

Yes, as others noted you do have some areas for improvement with the structure and grammar. And yes, we did have to wade through a ton of extraneous scenes and worldbuilding before we got to the good part. But you have originality and good ideas, and these are the most important traits for an author. The rest can be learned.

Thank you for the feedback. It's comments like this why I write at all.

I just love this two girls ! They are made for each other. Especially the way you write them. The atmosphere in your stories feels increasingly natural and lifelike. It took a long time to see you back, but hey perfection takes time. :twilightsmile:

Haha thanks. My work is far from perfect but I do my best and it's comments like this that keep me going and wanting to put out more stories

Oh I found this pic too might use it

Damn! That was hot! Even I felt a little high on the dirty. Lol!

Glad you enjoyed! Stay tuned for more

Nice story, I have a weakness for the Sunset/Adagio ship, but I agree with those who say the excessive question marks are distracting.

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