• Published 13th Dec 2018
  • 3,384 Views, 15 Comments

Molt Down Alternate Ending - DGJabberwocky

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"What's happening! I-I can't moo-" screamed a frantic Spike as he became cocooned in stone.

It soon enveloped him fully, meanwhile, in the background, Twilight was still firing magic bolts at the roc.

The dragon remained petrified for a few moments until a cracking sound was heard. Soon, bits of the hard cocoon began to crumble and fall off revealing the baby dragon very much alive in there. First one finger showed, wriggling free off it's stony prison. It was followed by a second digit and then finally, the rest of the cocoon cracked with a blinding white light.

It all fell apart, revealing the dragon who still looked the same, until two new appendages on his back made their presence known.

"What just... happened?" a startled Spike asked himself.

As he laid his eyes on the new addition to his body, he said, "Did I just sprout wings?"

Then it dawned on him, "I JUST SPROUTED WINGS!!!"

But his celebration was cut short, courtesy an angry pterodactylic roar behind him. He spotted Twilight in hot pursuit of the roc that was after him earlier. The purple alicorn managed to land a lucky shot on the roc's clenched claw. Unfortunately, it also meant that the roc's prisoners, Rarity and Zecora were left hanging on for dear life on the talon.

The metamorphosed dragon gasped, "I've got to help them."

He looked around for a nearby pony, before it finally sank in that he had wings. With a determined look on his face, he launched himself in the air to attack, only to stumble a few times, having realized this was his first attempt at flying.

He thought, "Ok, note to self, ask Twilight, Rainbow or Fluttershy for flying lessons."

With that, he steadied himself and took off after the quartet of ponies and predatory birds. Unfortunately, he overshot his mark by a country mile, berated himself and doubled back to line up next to Twilight.

The startled alicorn could barely believe her eyes when she saw her lifelong companion fly alongside her. As she incredulously asked about the wings, he interrupted her, "Explain later, first let's save Rarity and Zecora."

Shaking her head, she turned back to their targets, "Right... We need a plan."

"Already on it!, I'll distract the bird while you focus on freeing Zecora and Rarity" said Spike.

"Alright... And Spike?"

"Yeah Twi?"

"Please stay safe"

"You got it, I don't plan to become bird food"

The plan was set in motion with Twilight blasting away while Spike began to yell insults at the infuriated bird. After performing a few moves that would have made Rainbow proud, he ended his flying routine with a massive fire belch. The startled roc dropped its prey to their doom. Or it would have been if Twilight and Spike hadn't swooped in and saved them.

After some explanation and reassurance from Twilight that she would NEVER send him away, the delighted dragon whizzed around before landing on Twilight's back.

"Let's go home Twi!"

"Uh... I don't need to carry you do I? You have wings now."

"Yeah, well I was thinking, let's surprise the girls. It would ruin the surprise if everypony saw me flying around."

"Good point", she turned to Rarity. "Could you get the girls and Starlight and ask them to meet us by the Friendship Map room?"

"Of course Twilight" and then Rarity galloped off.

Spike spoke up again, "Hey Twi, let's tell the Princesses and Shining Armor too"

"Good thinking Spike, take a letter"

"Dear Celestia and Luna,

If you two are not too busy, could you please come over too my castle as soon as you can? There is something I wanted to show you and it is very important.

Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle.

P.S. Could you also ask Cadence and Shining Armor to come as well?"

Spike set the scroll ablaze and watched the smoke waft towards Canterlot

A while later, Twilight stood in front of the map with Spike on her back, wings tucked firmly behind his back and out of sight. Rarity came back with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and the CMC. Applejack stepped up, "Ah hope ya don't mind but we thought we'd let the CMC tag along too."

Twilight smiled, "Of course! the more, the merrier."

Rainbow spoke up next, "So what is this 'really important' thing? It is another friendship mission?"

The alicorn giggled a little, "No Rainbow, I actually have something to show you all but we're still missing a few ponies."

Just at that moment, Starlight trotted in with Trixie behind her. The unicorn explained, "Trixie also decided to tag along as well."

Then a pop sounded next to the group as Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor also made an entrance.

"Hello Twilight, we got your message and luckily, Cadence and Shining Armor were visiting. Now what is this thing that you wanted to show us?"

Twilight turned to Spike and nodded. With that, the dragon hopped off and flared his wings proudly for all to see.

Thirteen pairs of eyes widened as they saw the purple wings splayed out before them. Rainbow and Scootaloo were the first to react. They squeed and whooped, "AWESOME!!! A NEW FLYING BUDDY!!!".

Spike chuckled, "Heh heh... yeah about that, I'm still having a bit of trouble actually, I only managed to beat that roc though sheer luck. Could you teach me Rainbow?"

"Of course buddy! I'm teaching Scoots as well, you can join us."

Applejack spoke next, "Hooo!!! Ah'm so happy for ya Spike. Ah was wondering when they would sprout."

"Yeah! It'll be so much fun now to see you fly and play with us" said Applebloom excitedly.

Fluttershy looked as if she was about to burst. With surprising speed she tackled him with a hug, "Oh Spikey! I'm so happy that you finally got your wings. I always knew you were going to grow into a big and really nice dragon".

Starlight spoke up, "Wow! I never thought I'd see the day when you finally get your wings!"

Trixie's horn suddenly sparked and a small firework burst in the castle. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is delighted that you have your wings now!"

"Wow Spike! Your wings look cool!" squealed Sweetie Belle.

*Wumf* This time, the hug tackle came from Princess Celestia. "Oh my sweet dragon! You're finally growing up!"

"OH MOST GLORIOUS OF DAYS!!!!!!!!", Luna's Royal Canterlot Voice boomed throughout the entire castle.

Cadence and Shining Armor wrapped him in a hug. Shining said, "We're so happy for you little bro".

"We're sorry Flurry couldn't come and see you but she's a little too young to travel. Also, I may have to tell that sculptor to make a few adjustments to your statue" said Cadence.

Everyone turned to Pinkie who had a broad smile on her face and was shaking like a cork to a bottle of fizzy cider that had just been shaken.

"WHOOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to need everything in my arsenal for my official 'Hooray Spikey Got His Wings' Party!!!!". The Pinkie dam had finally burst.


Sure enough, Pinkie lived up to her promise, she had to. The revelries lasted well into the night and Rainbow also made a Pinkie Promise to train Spike and Scootaloo.

Comments ( 15 )

Not bad, pretty sweet little story, however I must admit that them asking all the princesses and Rulers of the Crystal Empire to drop everything to come see Spike's wings is a little odd.... but that's just me, it's still a good story overallđź’š

Okay. I like this ending where they decided to surprise everyone. Very nice.

This needs an AU tag.

"Good point", she turned to Rarity. "Could you get the girls and Starlight and ask them to meet us by the Friendship Map room?"

"Of course Twilight" and then Rarity galloped off.

Rarity shouldn’t be able to hear Twilight.

This is how it should've ended, not with Rarity taking advantage of Spike's wings to make him feel taller to model her outfits.

Spike could visit the Crystal Empire and the Dragon Lands to show them his wings.

I found this story when it popped up in the accusation fic group feed...............how is this an accusation fic?

Anyway. Cute story overall.


Wondering a similar thing; granted, I didn't watch the episode yet, but I heard and read much enough to get the gist of it...

Nice work.

That’s a good question.

Someone must have accidentally put it there, It wasn't me

The best part of this story would have to be Rainbow Dash's reaction to Spike sprouting wings and that was something that was so very sorely missing from the actual episode. I also loved how Spike asked her if she could teach him how to fly and she agreed, with also revealing that she was currently teaching Scootaloo how to fly as well. I wanted to see Rainbow Dash show Spike how to fly as she did with Twilight and Hasbro even teased this at the beginning of the episode, 'Father Knows Best,' but didn't give us what the majority of us wanted to see. It would've been awesome to see Rainbow Dash in that instructor kind of role with teaching those closes to her on how to fly, whether this be Scootaloo, Twilight, or Spike. We saw her achieve her goal of becoming a WonderBolt and it would be great for her character if she'd passed down her craft of flying down to her friends, or hell those that consider her family in regards to Spike and Scootaloo. Everything that I explained is just a idea of what those who makes this amazing show could do in regards to character development for these characters we love so much, if they achieve their goals then it makes sense to give them new goals to strive to achieve and if they don't do that then they really have no purpose that adds onto the overall show. It would also be cool see the interactions of two beloved characters like Rainbow Dash and Spike with Rainbow Dash teaching him how to fly, I mean it's always beneficial when two fan favorite characters are interacting with each other and it's a whole new thing of awesomeness when they work off each other to move the plot forward and it's meaningful to either the overall plot of the story, the characters development, and in the best case scenario is if it can achieve those two elements that I had just mentioned.

This alternate ending was pretty good. But, Fluttershy and Celestia are like a bit out of character. I've never seen Fluttershy tackle anybody in the show. And Celestia tackled Spike as well, what kind of elderly princess tackles somepony?

Fluttershy has tackled plenty of ponies.
Literally the first time we see her, she basically rams Twilight out of the way to speak to Spike.

As for Celestia?
Well, she has known Spike since he was literally born and very likely took part in raising him, as it would be dumb to let a small kid, Twilight in this case, raise a baby on their own.

Yes, Celestia is a 1000 years old, but I wouldn't exactly call her frail

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