• Published 17th May 2019
  • 1,597 Views, 108 Comments

Trials of A Princess - Rose Quill

Twilight is accused of magical crimes by the Deerkin, leaving Sunset to be her advocate.

  • ...

20 Enlistment

Luna stood steady as Silver Vein worked on the broken pieces of her barding. It had been badly damaged the last time she had worn it; the joints of her wing plates snapped or frayed, scores burned across the breastplate, and rent sections across her helm.

“This should have been taken care of ages ago, Your Highness,” Vein said. “I can’t complete sufficient repairs to damage of this magnitude in the time you are giving me.”

“Just do your best,” Luna replied, watching as Gleaming Shield trotted in, mane still a bit mussed from her slumber. “I hope that I am wrong, but it is best to be prepared.”

Once Gleaming Shield and three other guards had arrived, Luna turned slightly to address them. She ignored the frustrated growl from Silver Vein.

“As you are aware, there have been disturbances near the Tree of Harmony,” she said. “I intend to investigate the cause. To this end, we have several goals to achieve. Captain Shield.”

“Ma’am,” the pony spoke sharply, her playful manner absent.

“Gather the castle guard. We may be the first line of defense against whatever might be coming.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Gleaming Shield gave a crisp salute and left to discharge her orders.

“Sergeant Lunes, your group will accompany myself and the Archmage to the Tree. We will ascertain the cause and any possible dangers.”

The Thestral stood straight and nodded. The Unicorn to his left and the Pegasus to the right snapped salutes.

“Vein, what is left?” Luna asked.

“About five months worth of reforging, replacements, and tinkering.” the Earth Pony grumbled. “But these repairs should be able to hold up against anything short of an Alicorn or Changeling Royalty.”

“That should do,” Luna replied, stepping away. She turned and looked at the yellow Pegasus in the side of the room, huddled over a pedestal holding a shining sphere of marble. Her soft voice could barely be heard as she chanted, eyes closed. After a moment, she shook her head, the bun on the back of her head wobbling.

“Still no response, Your Majesty,” she said. “Raven says that the Archmage is in the middle of a difficult ritual and isn’t responding to her stone. She is going to report the situation to Radiant Hope, however.”

“I hope she has more luck,” Luna sighed. “I’d really like an expert in magical lore with me when we head out to check on things.”

Twilight sneezed as the Calico parted the clouds near the coast of the Crystal Empire.

“You ok?” I asked.

“Yeah, just some cloud wisps.” She wiped her muzzle and smiled. “Not a bad way to travel, is it?”

I looked around, nodding. The crew was beginning to reef in the sails with the rapid approach of her home port, except for a few off-duty salts that were throwing bones with Bernie. The Ibex had a sizable pile of bits at her side. Moonrose was at the bow, her hood blown off and her dreadlocks stirring in the sea breeze, intense eyes staring forward.

“Not a bad way at all,” I said, a faint smile growing on my lips.

As we settled into dock, Sorla came running out to greet us, a smile on her face. Compared to the sneers and glares I had seen on her when we first met, I preferred this look entirely.

“Welcome back!” she said as we disembarked. “I trust it was a successful trip?”

As Moonrose and Bernie clambered down, I glanced back. “You could say that. We have some suspicions on just what happened and the best way to get home.”

She looked at the two. “And they are?”

Twilight followed her glance. “New friends that helped us get some very important information.”

Moonrose lowered her head. “It has been some years, your Highness. It is good to see you again. Is your tutor still in residence?”

Sorla blinked. “Uh, no,” she stammered. “Mistress Glimmer is currently the Headmare of the School for Gifted Unicorns in Canterlot. How did you know her?”

Moonrose smiled. “We were disciples of the same teacher, once upon a time.”

I blinked. “Starlight Glimmer is here?”

Sorla looked at me quizzically. “Yes, she was the royal tutor for a while before taking over the school when Luna stepped down.”

“What does any of this have to do with anything?” Bernie asked, readjusting her pack.

“That adds another high-powered Unicorn to the equation,” Twilight said. “And that might help us with —“

“Your Highness!”

We turned to see a guard rushing forward, multicolored mane flying back as her wings shoved her forward.

“Steady on, Lieutenant Dust,” she said. “What’s going on?”

“Lady Hope requests that you bring the guests to the audience chamber at once! We’ve received dire news from the Queen! Something has happened to the Tree of Harmony!”

I felt my heart clench at the words.

“We’d best hurry, then,” Sorla said.


Radiant Hope paced anxiously on the dias as the Sending was repeated, Fluttershy’s voice laying out what they knew and that they were preparing to go investigate.

Cold had seeped into me. I didn’t think anything could assault the Tree. It was… well, it was one of the integral parts of Creation. In our fight with Entropy, it was displayed as one of the Five Unending constants of Equestria; Harmony.

“Where is the Archmage?” Sombra asked, his baritone voice cold.

“When we forced the door on her sanctum, we found her in a delirium, Sire,” a Crystal Pony announced. “Several ritual items were found burned and broken. The mages are looking it over now, but they are unable to tell what caused it.”

“Maybe I could look, as well?” Twilight asked. “I might be able to tell you what happened or at least what she was trying to do.”

Moonrose stepped forward as well. “I would like to go as well. I am well-versed in healing arts and may be of some use.”

Sombra nodded. “Corporal Zest, take them to the medical ward and introduce them to the staff.”

The Crystal Pony saluted and turned, my two friends in her wake.

“Meanwhile, I suggest that we prepare a contingent to supplement their numbers. Our own well being aside, Luna may need it.” Sombra turned to Raven Inkwell, her ever-present clipboard hovering in her red magic. “See to it that they have supplies and that the commanders of the First and Third battalions report to me in one hour.”

The Unicorn nodded, marking notes and sending them off with flashes of magic.

“Now,” he rumbled, turning to me. “What can we do to assist you?”

I gave a faint tilt of my head.

“You’ve already been extremely helpful, and I hesitate to ask anything further.” I chewed my lip for a moment. “To return home, we need to gain the Elements of Harmony and find the bearers of them in this world. We believe that it may be the only way to open a conduit to where we came from. We had hoped the Archmage would be able to help us scry for them. However…”

“With the Tree under siege and the Elements’ state in question, you feel you may need to go see to that need instead,” Sombra completed for me, nodding. “Very well. Until the Archmage recovers, there is naught we can do for you as far as the Bearers. However, we can get you to the Castle with haste. It may not be as swift as Twilight’s transit rings, but it will allow you time to prepare.”

Raven nodded at the King’s look. “The Calico is undergoing refitting now. She will be ready to depart in an hour.” She checked something on her list. “Captain Shadow is rather irate at the sudden recall.”

“When isn’t she, though?” Hope chuckled, shaking her head ruefully.

“Meanwhile,” Sombra said. “See if you can get a message to Starlight. See if she can make her way up here to consult.”

He looked down at me and smiled.

“Now, tell me what you have learned in the sands of that far-off land.”

Author's Note:

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