• Member Since 12th Apr, 2018
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


It's say, do, or both in this world. It's either hate or love daily things. It's either be a follower, a contributor, or a leader. It's either do, or die. So, what are you gonna do?



Family Disclosure Protocol: Revision 90

Jeremiah Cimmerian, Phillip Foster, Jeffery Jacobs, Green Spoon, Moondancer

Abstract: Humans and Ponies, by our very nature, are social creatures. We gather, we find partners, and we form families. This is no less true for members of the Foundation than it is for any other group. Unfortunately, due to the nature of our work, such relationships create the potentials for massive breaches of security, and in several cases, have required the use of amnestics. By granting the loved ones of specific Foundation personnel a special class of Level 0 clearance, not only does one decrease what could be considered a potential security breach, but also reduces amnestic use, and in many cases, helps alleviate the stress and physical/mental strain constant deception of loved ones has upon Foundation personnel…

Twilight has been working for the Foundation for several years now, ever since she rose to become Celestia's personal student and turned 18, she has been working with the Foundation.
But now, after all the adventures she and her friends and family and gone through, all the tears and laughs, they still do not know of her affliction with the Foundation, or that the Foundation even existed.

After witnessing how Dr. Deep Study's daughter denounced her father as a workaholic who never pays attention to her and loves working more than her, even though he died preventing a ZK-End-of-Reality Scenario, Twilight has decided it was time to activate FD90, and reveal to her freinds and family...what she does in the dark.

Crossover with the SCP Foundation.
Inspired by this Tale

Second Story, tell me how it is, constructive criticism is encouraged and needed.

Rated Teen for mention of Death, mentions of things that are deadly and disgusting.
Basically everything the Foundation does that's not 18+ and I'm gonna mention it in this story.

(The Sequel Prequel to A Cold Day!)

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 15 )

I'm interested. Tracking.
A few grammar errors I noticed:

In the hole was a casket with the body of Deep Study inside, Site-184's many researchers. The casket was simple with hardly any features except for Deep Study's engraved on it.

I believe you mean one of Site-184's many researchers.

"Well, Stargale doesn't know what my and her pap did, all she knew was he went out to work at dawn and came back at midnight, she always had the thought that pap was a workaholic who didn't care about us, pap tired several times to reach out to her, but apparently it was too late.
SCP-3999 got him,"

Not sure if there is supposed to be something between "too late" and SCP-3999.

Twilight thought about her beloved ones will feel, they'll all feel that it came out of nowhere, and they might also realize that the facts given to them by Foundation operatives don't match up,

Insert a "how" in the middle of the underlined portions.

Thank you for pointing the mistakes.

Hmmmmm... I wonder who the Director might be... Luna, perhaps? Unlikely, but it's the best idea I've got, given the evidence...

Secondly, her family. Ever done Twilight's brother married to Pretty Pink Princess, she's also related to Princess Celestia, and then Luna.

Here it states that Twilight is related to Celestia and Luna via Cadence. If I was to say who the Director is, I would have mentioned them in this part of the story.
So Faceless maker, it's not Luna...or is it?

An editor. please.
It will make everything so much easier.

Get an Editor. Before your poor spelling and shitty grammar bring this story to its knees.

Learn some manners before I start censoring some of your comments

I'm sorry. that was out of line.
...you do need an Editor though...

I know.

But fuck it.

In all seriousness, i am still searching for an editor. Still searching.

uhhhh you missed the princesses

Well, I organically gonna do them, but then I thought about it.
It's the princesses.
The Foundation preety much makes deals with the highest levels of Governments so they already should know about the Foundation.
And I thought, hey, by not having Princess Celestia told about this, I could use this as a plot device in the next story!

I spotted the Doctor Who Reference.

I thought this kind of stuff was Lyras' schtick.

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