• Published 5th Aug 2012
  • 1,491 Views, 5 Comments

Redemption, Reincarnation, Apples, and Faith - epicdonus1123 BOT

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Princesses Celestia and Luna are both very important ponies. They rule Equestria together, except for the past one-thousand years. Never the matter, they both love to have fun with their subjects. Luna focused more on the experienced pranks while Celestia would take fake sips of tea, or something else simple. Luna liked to prank Celestia and vice versa, the best. One night in Canterlot, Luna found herself bored, so she decided to spice up the night.

"Hey Celestia, could thou be a dear and come here?"

"You don't have to talk like that, little sister."

"I know; I just want you to come over here." Out came a maniacal chuckle from the mischievous little sister. Luna looked at the door frame, particularly the bucket on top. Celestia hesitated a bit, but magically opened the door; she, however, did not step through. The bellowing bucket plundered down on the path of Celestia's expectation. Princess Celestia beamed down at Luna, seeping through her guiltily wondering eyes.

"Ugh, where did thy bucket com-"

"Don't waste your breath, Luna. I know you, and you would put that bucket there."

"Why do you have to blame me all the time?"

"Because you did it." Celestia blamed Luna, foreseeing her little twitches and rubs.

"Okay fine, Celsty, I did it; you happy?"

"Quite." She gladly bounced away the scene. Luna, as always, picked up the bucket and restored the water into it. She tried to convincingly put the bucket away, but she put it back on top of the door. In her tendency of trouble, Luna tried to think of a better prank on Celestia. In a moment's notice, she got the perfect idea. Luna ran for the door; she opened it. Forgetting about the bucket was her first mistake, opening the door was her second. It fell and ruined her mane.

"Aw nuts!" she shrieked. Luna went back to dry her mane off, meanwhile Celestia is at the main hall. She was minding her business, nothing more to it. She sat, lead, met, read, walked, talked, ate, locked, ran, manned, breathed, stand, looked, cooked, hooked, and booked; pretty much her whole afternoon wrapped up in one, two...sixteen words. As she performed the tasks, the occasional Luna would pop up to spoil it. "Celsty! Celsty!"

"What do you want, Luna?"

"I want to know what thou is doing?"

"Well right now, I am talking to you."

"I know that!"

"Then why did you ask?"

"Err Celsty, why are you so mature!? Why don't you act childish every once in a while!?"

"Because that position has been taken." Her highness was right, Celestia was a bit overboard with maturity. She ought to pull a prank on Luna.

"Come on Celsty, do a prank on me!"

"If you say so; I shall perform this task!" Celestia was also a bit overly dramatic.

"That's the spirit, Celsty!" Celestia gave a deep and loud groan.

"Luna, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, you can."

"Will you stop calling me 'Celsty?'"

"Sure!" Luna pipped and she ran away. She's awfully jumpy today. Celestia thought. Luna, on the other hand, was bouncing until she came to a halt. She had just remembered why she went to Celestia in the first place, to prank her! But instead, she just talked herself into one; Luna sure isn't the ripest grape on the vine. Princess Luna wandered if she could manage to reverse it, but she didn't want to let "Celsty" down." Nevertheless, what could Celsty do that could really get Luna? In the meantime, however, Celestia was searching the alphabetically arranged bookcases for what a prank really is. Yes, the ruler of Equestria doesn't understand a prank.

"It's got to be here...here it is!" she grabbed the book and immediately started reading. She read and read and read, for several hours. Twilight Sparkle obviously gets her inspiration for reading by Celestia by the way she was researching. The first page of the prank book went like this,

Chapter 1. The History of Pranks

The art of pranking originated back to the days of our ancestors. In their times, they'd have to boringly work all day and night. A stallion by the name of Joker, appropriately named, gave his siblings the wrong seeds to plant. Originally, it was supposed to be revenge for them mocking him, so instead of giving them the carrot seeds, he gave them the lima bean seeds. Lima beans are supposed to be planted in summer, while carrot seeds in early fall. As said earlier, this was intended to be revenge, but due to his positivity and optimism, they took it as a joke. They supposedly laughed along with Joker, who by now left their little farm. An early misconception is what lead ponies to perform more jokes on each other, some being more realistic than others.

Chapter 2. The Different Stages of Pranking

Staging and classifying the seriousness and importance of a prank is imperative for the pranker. If his or her prank becomes to serious, it could become an issue. Everypony differentiates when it comes to their input of a prank. Someponies can take sarcasm and facetiousness jokingly, and someponies take it literally. Obviously, ponies who get around a lot will mostly get it, but ponies who confine themselves in solitude will not. Depending on the pony that you perform the prank on will determine the kind of prank you'll perform; here is a list of the stages of pranking.


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1- Harmless Prank, 2- A Bit Offensive, 3- More Offensive, 4- Dirty Prank, 5- Rude Joke, 6- Dirty Joke, 7- Direct Cruel Joke, if I must go on, you are a cruel and rude pony.

Celestia studied this page very hard, memorizing every line. She, metaphorically speaking, glued the page onto the side of her brain to remember. Watching the table carefully, she noticed that the spaces between the numbers got bigger and smaller again. Seemingly, the biggest gap was between eight and nine, probably separating the weaker pranks with the big dogs. Coherently, Celestia closed the book and trotted in circles. What could she possibly do that could hurt Luna so much that she could see that Celestia had it in her, but that it wasn't to cruel for her to hate her. Her subjects, and fellow ruler, have to respect her, for she's royalty. Suddenly, an idea popped inside her mind like popcorn; Luna can us magic or fly to do her pranks, but what would happen if she had to do it manually? Celestia bolted out of the library and ran for Luna. Princess Luna was bouncing around the castle as giddy as a...Pinkie Pie! She just couldn't wait to see Celesia's prank crash and fall. She noticed Celestia dashing down the hallways with her horn glowing.

"Hey there...Celsty!"

"Not now, Luna, I've got my prank!"

"You aren't supposed to tell me!"

"I can if you don't know what it is." Celestia stated.

"So, what is it?"

"Watch." Her horn was fully charged; she shot it at Luna. It started striking Luna, causing her to shift and shake. Some guards came in from behind her, and the started to block her. Their gold outfits ricocheted some of the blast back at Celestia. When she was done shooting her horn, she passed out. When she awoke from what felt like three seconds, Luna peered over her.

"You okay Celsty?" Her mane wasn't moving, nor was it shiny and glittery; it was like in the shape of what it looked like when the Elements defeated Nightmare Moon. She appeared shorter, younger, more adorable... and more energetic.

Comments ( 5 )

Skimmed through, will fully read later. Loving "Celsty" Will comment again.:twilightsmile:

Cool story!:pinkiehappy: Can't wait for more!

the writing feels short/blunt, but it's sweet and to the point! I can't wait to see more! :twilightsmile:

I think you forgot a closing italics bracket somewhere, since the whole thing is in italics and so is the first comment. I'm interested in seeing where this goes, though.

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