• Member Since 8th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Monday


Writer of many kinks. And if you like futa, whooooo boy are you in for a treat. http://www.patreon.com/Drace

Comments ( 23 )


And not a lot else.

This feels like it could be a good setup for something, lots of atmosphere and creation of a setting in NMM's seraglio, but the like half a paragraph of actual porn was a bit anemic.

Yeah but it was still a pretty good read.

Yeah, that's kind of by design. I 100% understand the criticism, but part of this story was sort of an exercise in a darker setting and conveying of kinks and smut more through Velvet's tour through the castle. I do tons of stories where 5/6ths are focusing on the action, so this was something meant to be a lil' different.

Sorry if it's misleading, I'll edit the tags accordingly.

I really like it, the Dark feeling in which Velvet walks the corridor sees all the mares, it gives out a hopeless feeling. I do wonder what happens to the Apple family since I didn't see them, and then Fluttershy was also missing.
In truth, I would have expected that Nightmare would have Celestia nearby as she would have made sure that Celestia would have her firstborn, and made her have a closer look when she is breeding other mares and punishing them. It was a bit sad that she had send Celestia to the moon.

this makes me want to travel into this equestria just to kill nightmare moon

Lets do it, We just need to build a portal machine and were game.

No, I'll simply call in a 'friend' and he'll make sure that this universe ceases to exist before going to Prime and basically hacking that part of the multiverse to basically ensure that it doesn't happen. Googleplex of sentients will die but, that's better than the alternative...

Or we just build the portal machine, and fix it ourselves!

im sure the majority of beings in this universe already WANT to die seeing as most cant even sleep without nightmares then you have all those ponies she was sexually torturing and all the other races that have to deal with this too and cant do anything about it i really want to see celestia's reaction on the moon to all this happening i can guess the basics of what she'd be feeling but i just want to know if she's shut down or gone numb to it all

Wild. Looks like you did your job well.

Nightmare Moon can't be killed thanks to being attached to an Alicorn. If there was a way to kill an alicorn, someone would have already done it by that point.

As such, the only way to 'solve' the problem is get the right people whose sole job is to clean up shit like this by any means necessary... and with that situation, well, that group would have to go 'nuke the other timelines' and go to Prime to basically force that area of the multiverse to basically bend over backwards to keep it (and similar outcomes) from happening again.
Probably wanting it to end already for Celestia.

It's a good story ... which deserves a continuation on this universe to which NMM is completely crazy:pinkiecrazy:
I approve at 200%:trollestia:

Fair point. I thought Alicorns were just immortal in terms of aging, but could still die if one were to inflicted with mortal damage. Or if someone were to steal enough of their magic to make them vulnerable. Trying to fix the multiverse at prime is a bit too complicated, not to mention. If a group is going to the prime world, I'm sure another entity would stop them from meddling that much.

Nah, simpler solution: you go to a prime world, but it splits off into its own separate multiversal cluster the moment you do.

The reason you can't have a character obliterate all universes across all realities, and erase the very existance of it from time and space and all dimensions, is that no matter what you do or even if you write that it was done and possible, is because it simply splits off.

One infinite omniverse to whatever inifinite or ordinal scale you like that gets erased, and another that doesn't.

It isn't when the people in question have what amounts to the source code to the multiverse. ;)


You pitiful creatures, you really think you stand a chance against my mistress. I thought the same, but then she showed me the error of my ways. Now I am no longer a dragon of story reading, but a lonely dragon stuck in a cage. Please someone find me. I was left in a abandoned castle. I havent been visited in over a year and im hungry, thirsty, and mostly insane from having to eat any unfortunate creature who tries to eat me.

In a more serious note, good luck using a time machine or other methods to get to the universe. You have to remember that twilight has already been there and informed nightmare moon that time magic exists, so most likely she has prepared for such things.

Time and space traveling can be productive and prevented. Especially if said person is expecting it. So now you have a powerful (and slightly overconfident) pony, who now knows and can and probably did set up traps or safe measures to prevent it. I mean look at twilight in this story. Nightmare found out about time travel and who did it and now said pony (twilight) whp was probably imprisoned, now serves her mistress with no second thought and is now aware of her family and has her mother to prevent any possible powerful rebellion to happen anytime soon. In this very story, nightmare has taken out the competition (starlight, trixie, cadence, the rest of the elements of harmony, who knows how many villans, the rulers of other nations (griffons, dragons,
yaks, and the human) and her sister's future plans) all to prevent any hope or plan of a future without her ruling or controlling.

Proof: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pkidI8gqVaw

Yeah, nothing survives literally ceasing to exist because of an agent of stability across the multiverse literally goes into a universe's 'source code' and activates the complete wipe program.

... it'll hurt... for a picosecond.

To ERASE the timeline like that. Are you sure your not CHARA from Undertale?

Also remember everything especially energy has to go somewhere, so where do you think everything will end up? Also lets not forget that Nighmare is a alicorn that is powerful enough to move Celestial bodies, true you can distroy the world and everything, but if you have watched The Never-Ending Story, then you know that nothing is completely erased, because there is always bits and pieces that survives. So there is a possibility that whatever you do there is a chance for her to retaliate. I don't know how, but i know from personal experience that even the dead can still influence your life or come back to haunt or take revenge on the thing that hurt/murdered it.

Nope, a complete reset like that is basically physics breaking, so what we know as physics breaks down to jelly and unusable to think about it.

Wow. Well dont use it on me please.


I too like to know what happen to the Apple family and Fluttershy 🤔 And Spike:moustache:

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