• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 1,492 Views, 45 Comments

A Hearth's Warming Dream - Anzel

All Crystal and Silent want for Hearth’s Warming is to celebrate the holiday with all their friends and family, but something always gets in the way. This year, their dream is finally coming true—just not how they imagined.

  • ...

And There Were Five

The world outside looked like their home was trapped inside a snow globe somepony had shaken up. Crystal Wishes lounged on the floor with Cherry Blossom nestled between her forelegs, occasionally glancing up at the pegasus loft to see Clement Knight's white-tipped wing draping over the edge.

Coral Knight remained steadfastly planted on the windowsill, her forehooves pressed up against the glass. She broke into a squeal and hopped down to the floor, her too-long legs buckling from the sudden motion.

"Intruder!" she shrieked and skidded to a halt right before crashing into Crystal's side. "Mom! I need my battle braid!"

Crystal huffed a soft laugh. Her magic lit up to pull Coral's blue mane out of its puffy ponytail and started on a short, tight braid. "Clement, dear, can you see who our intruder is?"

There was a small grunt, as if lifting his head was a great and difficult task, before Clement called down, "It's just Auntie Velvet…” He trailed of before his inflection perked up. “And Velour!"

Coral puffed out her cheeks. "They could be rogues in disguise!” As soon as the braid was tied off, she charged at the door. "Defensive positions, everypony!"

The little filly's hindlegs were ensnared in a pink glow, halting her a safe distance from the door while Crystal sent another swirl of magic at the doorknob.

Velvet Step stood on the stoop, a hoof poised mid-air to knock. "Oh." She blinked down at Coral, who was glaring up at her. "Hey, little guard. At ease?"

"You're not my commanding officer," Coral huffed.

"No, but I'm bigger than you." Velvet tilted her head toward the lanky colt standing beside her. "And I've got backup."

Coral, to her credit, was never short on bravado. She squirmed against the magic holding her in place, then barked at the pegasus loft above her, "Clement! Defend me!"

With a loud yawn, Clement stretched out to peer over the edge. "It's just Auntie, Cor."

Crystal looked across the room to meet Velvet's gaze. They shared an amused smile, but neither made any move to interrupt the proceedings.

"Useless as always," Coral muttered through clenched teeth. "All right. You've left me with no choice." Her horn sparkled, sputtered, and flared with a flash of gold.

Though nothing seemed to happen, Velvet raised a hoof to her nose. "Oh! Ow! I've been wounded!" She swooned against the doorframe. "Velour, remember your mother fondly." Sliding down to the floor, Velvet sucked in an exaggeratedly loud breath. "Remember... me... fondly..."

Velour rolled his eyes and trotted inside. "Aunt Crystal, your little menace just offed my mom." He flapped his wings a few times to lift into the air and join Clement on the loft. "Budge over, Cuz."

Clement was always more than eager to share the space he’d staked out as his own with Velour. Only his father and favorite cousin were allowed to join him… and, occasionally, an alicorn.

"That's not very fond," Velvet called from where she lay prone in the doorway, all four legs sticking straight in the air.

Crystal scooped Coral up in a magic embrace and floated her over to rest between her forelegs next to Cherry. "My darling, would you please undo the wicked curse you put on your aunt?"

"Not unless she says the magic words," Coral mumbled as she rested her head on top of Cherry's.

Velvet snorted. "For the Honor of the Knight of Wishes."

Coral gave a curt nod. "Okay. I undo the curse. You may enter the fortress."

“Thanks, kiddo.” Velvet rolled back onto her hooves and stepped inside, kicking the door shut behind her and shaking the snow from her thick sweater and scarf. “So, Mama Wishes, about your Hearth’s Warming party.”

Crystal’s head jerked up and her lips pursed into a tight line. “Velvet, don’t tell me you’re going to cancel, too.”

“Okay.” Velvet stood perfectly still, one thin brow arched.

Crystal stared up at her.

Velvet stared back, unblinking.

With a heavy sigh, Crystal dropped her head to rest it beside her foals. “Go on, then. What’s your reason?”

“My grandma all but begged.” Her eyes darted to the side and her tone softened. “This is her first Hearth’s Warming without Papa Batter.”

An awkward moment of silence held them before Velvet sniffed and shifted on her hooves. “Sorry. I should have given you more notice, but you’ll still have fun without Vel and me.”

Crystal gave a petulant huff. “Everypony else cancelled, too. It’s just the Knight Clan this year.” Her ears drooped. “Again.”

Cherry gurgled and wobbled herself in a semi-circle to face Crystal. With only the bare minimum of coordination necessary, the little foal pulled the pacifier out of her mouth and held it up in offering.

“Oh, my sweet heart.” Crystal smiled and nuzzled the young filly’s curly pink mane. “Thank you, but Mama will be okay.”

Velvet cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, Crystal.”

“It’s okay.” Crystal inclined her head to smile up at her. “Honest. That’s just how it goes these days as we get older. Priorities change. I understand.”

“I’ll come by when we get back from Manehattan, okay?” Velvet walked over and ruffled Coral’s fluffy bangs. “Maybe we can see how your defenses are against surprise attacks.”

Coral’s eyes went wide. “You can do stealth maneuvers?”

Velvet winked. “That’d be telling, now, wouldn’t it?”

Coral had never gazed at her aunt with more awe or respect than in that moment. Velvet threw her head back with a laugh, then turned for the door. “C’mon, Vel, we’ve got a train to catch. You can sunbathe later.”

“There’s even less sun in Manehattan, though,” Velour groused, but jumped down to follow his mother outside. “Bye, Clem, keep that spot warm.”

“Dismissed!” Coral shouted after them just as the door shut, then scrambled out of Crystal’s loose embrace to return to her post at the bay window. “They’ve left the premises, Mom.”

Crystal sighed, shifting to lay over on her side without disturbing Cherry. “Let me know if you spot your father so I can get dinner on, Cadet.”

Coral grunted in acceptance of her mission. Cherry held onto a stray lock that had escaped Crystal’s loose bun, both little hooves batting the blonde hair while she gurgled and giggled.

It had been a trying day, more so than most. She loved being a mother more than anything else, but Hearth’s Warming Eve brought out the worst in all foals. Even Clement acted out in excitement on this particular holiday.

She’d finally gotten them settled down barely an hour ago. It only took two blanket fort wars, three dozen batches of cookies, and a dramatic retelling of the time she and their aunts Velvet and Horsey got lost in the woods just south of the Canterlot gates.

But she knew it wouldn’t last; as soon as Silent came home, they would all be wound up again.

Her eyes drifted shut as she enjoyed the fragile moment of peace. Cherry gave a wet smack of her lips and Crystal was certain that meant her hair was getting a saliva wash, as it did every day.

She wouldn’t trade this life for anything in Equestria. Not bits, not jewels, not her very own castle with a plush pink throne, like the miniature one in Cherry’s palace playset.

“Colonel spotted!” Coral shrieked with delight and jumped down from the windowsill. Not even the skidding of her little hooves against the wooden floors could stop her from getting to the door in record time.

“Grab your coat!” Crystal jolted upright, freeing her mane from Cherry’s mouth. “Coral!”

The filly was already bounding through the snow and launching herself into Silent’s embrace by the time Crystal was at the door. He scooped her up in one wing with a small grunt and smiled. “I’ve got her.”

Crystal ushered them inside, waving her hoof. “Would you two get in here? The weather ponies have it freezing out there!”

“Yes, ma’am,” Silent replied as he carried Coral inside, stopping only to kiss Crystal on the cheek. “I’m home early.”

“Early for you, late for anypony else.” She laughed softly, pushing his head back with a hoof to his helmet so she could look him in the eyes. “Welcome home.” Her brow arched in challenge. “Do you have any idea what it’s like having three foals to deal with on Hearth’s Warming Eve?”

Coral squeaked in offense. “Hey!”

Her heart fluttered at the coltish grin he gave her. “About the same as it was last year, or the year before?”

“Oh, ha, ha, ha.” She leveled a glare at him, then waved a hoof at their daughter. “Coral, let your father get changed. You can help me with Cherry.”

Coral looked more than ready to argue, but as soon as Silent set her down, all of her attention was on him.

“Do as your mother says, Cadet.”

Coral gave a sharp salute. “Yes, sir!” She turned on her hindleg and marched toward the nursery.

Crystal sighed away some of the tension that gripped her shoulders as she unclasped Silent’s cloak. “Why won’t she just do as I say?”

He shrugged. “You’re not a soldier.”

While the cloak floated over to the coat rack, she fluttered her lashes up at him. “Well, maybe you should consider giving me a commission?”

He chuckled on his way to the master bedroom, stopping at the doorway and looking back at her. “I’m almost entirely sure that is the definition of nepotism.”

“No, no, it isn’t,” she said in a mock haughty tone. “I’m sure the Royal Guard would understand.”

“I’ll check with Pony Resources.”

She nodded. “You do that first thing when you get back to work.” She turned her head to levitate Cherry off the floor and over to rest in the crook of one foreleg. “Now, did you have any luck convincing anypony to join us this holiday?”

Though she had a small glimmer of hope, she wasn’t entirely surprised to learn he hadn’t. It was the same every year: they sent out invitations, and they received declinations. There was the ever-standing invite to join her own parents’ festivities, but that involved staying up all night with the social elite of Canterlot.

It would be a very, very cold day in Tartarus when Crystal attended a holiday gala willingly, much less subjected her foals to one.

As she made her way toward the nursery, Crystal tried to put her spirits back in order. Their friends had their own lives that didn’t revolve around them, and she understood that. It didn’t make her miss them any less, though.

Crystal found Coral halfway through illuminating the soft pink unicorn lanterns that gently bobbed in the air, a stern look of determination on her little face. “Wait, I can do this! Let me finish!”

Crystal smiled, saying nothing as she lowered Cherry into the crib.

Her little horn fizzled out and she groaned. “Mom, it’s not working!”

“You’re trying too hard, dear heart.” Crystal sat down on a stool and patted her lap, which Coral eagerly climbed onto. “Relax. Feel the magic all around us. Let it flow through you. Don’t force it.”

Coral scrunched her nose and closed her eyes as tight as she could. The very tip of her horn started to glow before the entire length sparkled with gold, and the rest of the unicorn lanterns lit up.

“Well done.” Crystal nuzzled the top of her daughter’s head. “Now, will you sing your little sister to sleep with me?”

“Yes, Mama.” Coral stood up to rest her forehooves against the crib’s railing, gazing fondly down at the little blonde-coated filly as they sang together.

Crystal lifted her gaze to the jewel hanging above the crib, which resonated the melody of their lullaby. Just as it had carried a purple-and-blue glow during Coral’s foalhood, and a silver-and-blue one for Clement’s, it shimmered gold-and-pink for Cherry.

The little foal was fast asleep halfway through the first verse, but Coral never left a song—or anything—unfinished. Crystal levitated Coral to the floor as she stood, their voices giving way to the gentle chimes of Aria while they tiphoofed out of the nursery.

Silent was already sitting on the couch with Clement beside him, the two talking in low tones about something. Crystal’s trained ear tried to spy on the conversation, but as soon as it swiveled toward them, they both went quiet.

While Coral set the table, Crystal pulled a pre-portioned bag out of the freezer and emptied its contents into a skillet. Make-ahead meals were the saving grace of busy house-spouses across Equestria, and her foals kept her hooves more than full.

“So,” Silent said, sticking his head through the doorway into the kitchen, “It really will be just the five of us, then.”

Crystal frowned down at the thawing meal while flames lapped at the sides of the skillet. “I’m afraid so.”

“I’m sorry, honey.” Silent came up beside her and rubbed his cheek to hers. “I know you were looking forward to it. Maybe next year?”

“That’s what we say every year,” she lamented, but leaned into his touch nonetheless. “I’m worried there never will be a Hearth’s Warming we all spend together.”

Silent kissed the corner of her mouth. “What about a different time of year? We could make our own holiday without encroaching on existing plans. Just like Dream Pop’s family does.”

“I… I know, but. I just wanted it to work this time.” She pouted and tried to focus on stirring the zucchini, noodles, and blocks of frozen sauce. “But it’s fine. I’ll get over it. I’m more than lucky to have such a wonderful family to spend the holidays with, I shouldn’t be greedy and want more than that.”

His wing draped over her back. “My wife deserves whatever she wants, and if this is what she wants, I will make it my solemn mission next year to ensure it happens.”

“Me, too!” Coral squeaked from behind them. They looked over their shoulders to see her chest puffed out with determined pride.

Clement came into view in the doorway. “If it’ll make Mom happy, count me in, too.”

Crystal laughed softly and wiped the corner of her eye. “Oh, my darling hearts, just this moment alone is enough to make this a perfect Hearth’s Warming.” She left the stove to kiss both of her foals’ foreheads. “Dinner’s almost ready. Wash up and take your seats.”

“Yes, Mom,” they said and trotted off together.

Silent nuzzled just behind her ear, sending a small shiver down her spine. “You’ll get your dream Hearth’s Warming. I promise, love.”

“Thank you.” She kissed him, allowing the press of their lips to linger while they had a moment of privacy before she returned to their dinner. “I’m happy with just us, though. Honest.”

Dinner was as ordinary as it normally was in their household, with Coral asking about every minute of Silent’s day. When there wasn’t enough excitement present in his reports, she would start to spin a fable about her own day, most of it having only happened in her imagination.

She was a fascinating combination of both their skills, and Crystal couldn’t love her more.

Clement, on the other hoof, was content to wait for his turn to talk sports with his father. As soon as the winter turned to spring, they had a hoofball match to settle a score about whether offense was the best defense or vice versa.

He was all Silent, save for the golden-blond streaks in his mane and tail, and Crystal loved every bit of him just the same.

As soon as dinner was over, the two foals were sent off to bed with kisses and hugs, and finally the parents were alone.

“She’s getting too big for me to hold in one wing,” Silent said, the frown audible in his voice. “Can we stop that?”

“Stop her from growing up?” Crystal laughed, lifting the whistling kettle off the stove and pouring out two cups of chamomile tea. “I’m sure there’s a spell somewhere, but I’m also sure it’s highly illegal magic.”

Silent huffed in feigned offense. “I’m friends with the princesses. They’ll make an exception.”

Sitting across from him and setting the tea cups on the table, Crystal shook her head. “When my foals are involved, I’m the highest authority there is, and I veto your motion to halt Coral’s aging process.”

“Unfair mare advantage.” He huffed again and took a sip of tea, the lingering tension of the day easing from his tight wings.

They lapsed into a companionable silence, the stillness interrupted by occasional sips and contented hums. Crystal looked out the doorway into the limited view of the living room and the picture frames cast in moonlight.

In a soft voice, she murmured, “It's easy to forget, sometimes, all that happened to bring us here." She reached across the table and took one of his hooves in hers, meeting his tired eyes with her own. "The war feels like it was so long ago."

His body stiffened briefly before he relaxed into a shrug. "Sometimes it feels like just yesterday for me." He returned her worried gaze with a small smile. "But most days, all I can think about is you and our foals and everything happening right now."

Crystal pushed herself up to lean forward, and he met her halfway with a soft kiss. "Me, too." She sat back in her seat and savored a few slow, thoughtful sips. "Coral got in a scuffle at school."

Silent's ears stood straight up. "She what?"

"A colt was teasing her." She lifted the teacup to hide her coy smile, but she knew amusement shone in her eyes by the way he relaxed. "He declared she had cooties. She insisted she didn't, and kissed him." A giggle escaped her. "Right on the mouth."

He arched one brow. "Isn't she a little young to be interested in kissing?"

With another little giggle, Crystal lowered her empty teacup and rested her elbows on the table. "She claims it wasn't a kiss, but a calculated strike to weaken the enemy's defenses." She cleared her throat. "Do I want to know where she learned that from?"

"Not me!" He raised a plaintive hoof. "I have nothing to do with that. Maybe she got it from your novels."

They stared at one another for a while before Silent cracked first with a throaty chuckle. She devolved into a quiet fit of laughter, one hoof over her mouth to smother the sound.

"I think that's the sign it's time for bed," she said, standing up while her magic put their cups and saucers in the sink. "Come along." Her tail swished as she walked past him to brush against his neck. "Colonel."

As soon as she said it, she cringed.

Silent's nose scrunched up. "That's almost as bad as the time you tried to call me 'Daddy'."

"Oh, just—" She sputtered and trotted toward the bedroom a little faster than necessary. "Forget I said anything and come to bed with me."

"Yes, ma'am," he replied, chuckling. His hoofsteps were louder than hers as they followed until they hit the carpet. She didn't hear his rapid advance until they collided, his forelegs wrapping around her middle as he tackled her onto the bed.

"Silent!" she squeaked before sputtering into laughter. "What are you doing?”

Silent pressed his muzzle against her neck. “Cheering up my wife.”

Every bit of her went pliant beneath him and she tilted her head back. “Oh, well, I suppose that’s acceptable.”

He nipped just below her jaw. “I’ll make you forget all about the party. Just close your eyes...”

... and so she did.

Author's Note:

If you are enjoying this story, please consider taking a look at Crystal and my's website QuillnBlade.com for extra content such as mini stories, Q&B AU wiki, and special rewards for the awesome folks who support our Patreon. We have monthly art give aways, a Q&B Discord RPG, a several other fun gifts for patrons.