• Published 27th Dec 2018
  • 5,167 Views, 26 Comments

And everything in between - TalkingToMyself

During a slumber party, Sunset Shimmer notices how Twilight Sparkle suffers from a vicious nightmare and decides to help.

  • ...

And everything in between

Twilight turned around once again, only to figure out she didn't know this place. She was surrounded by hazy shapes of purple and red and any colour in between. Her first thought had been that she'd somehow lost her glasses, but they were still in place. The world around her stayed blurry and vague. The colours were slowly shifting, sometimes Twilight thought she could recognize something familiar, but every time, before she could name it, the shapes melted again into a hazy mess. No matter which direction she looked, there was no beginning and no end.

Then something changed. At first, she thought the colours just blended together to form a dark spot. But then she felt something coming from the black, crushing against her like a tidal wave and throwing her off balance: Rage. Pain. Anger. Hatred.

Twilight gasped and now realized the darkness wasn't coming from the colours, it consumed the colours. More and more shapes blurred away and turned into darkness. Another wave hit her, even stronger than before, but this time coming from inside her: Fear!

She turned around to run, but she was surrounded by darkness, nowhere left to go.

Suddenly right in front of her, a pair of eyes opened out of the black void. She immediately recognized the eyes and cried in fear, her arms instinctively rising up to cross in front of her face in a feeble attempt to protect herself.

Then a sound echoed through the darkness and through her mind. A menacing, vile and evil laughter, coming from the voice she learned to hate more than any other sound in the world. It was her own, but different at the same time

"Fool! Trying to run away from me? I am you, the better you, the one you were always meant to be."

Twilight cried and tried to cover her ears to block out the voice, which left her staring helplessly at Midnight Sparkle.

The monster she had transformed into at the Friendship Games by using stolen magic from Equestria and that now lived inside her mind. Tormenting her dreams and poisoning her thoughts even when she was awake. Whispered words of guilt, doubt and fear that stung into her heart like needles whenever she felt happy or proud or accepted. Four words that almost turned her into a sobbing mess each time she heard them

"You don't deserve this."

She could barely handle the voice in the back of her mind even with her friends around, but here in the darkness and eye to eye with the monster she felt desperately helpless. The monster hovered closer with its dark wings spread out wide

"Your friends can't help you. Once I am in control, I will make them all suffer! And there is nothing you can do to stop me!"

That vicious laughter surrounded her again despite her hands covering her ears. The voice penetrated her thoughts and she felt the sound cut into her mind like nails scratching over a chalkboard.

Unable to fight back her tears any longer, Twilight fell to her knees and her body squirmed in loud, desperate sobs.

Make it stop, make it stop, please make it stop...

Sunset Shimmer was lying on her side on top of her sleeping bag in Applejack's huge bedroom. Her left arm, elbow put on the floor to keep her in a half-upright position, held up her head. The fingers of her right hand idly traced along the hem of her pyjamas as she watched what was in front of her.

The room was quiet except for the sounds of her six best friends breathing in their sleep on the other side of the room. There was just barely enough moonlight shining in through the window for Sunset to make out any details, but what she could see made a wide smile stay glued on her face. Next to her, soundly asleep and halfway covered by a blanket, she watched the newest and closest of her friends.

Twilight was so close that Sunset could see the slow rise and fall of her chest. Her smile grew wider as the girl stirred gently in her sleep and turned over so Sunset could see her face again. Her usually pinned-up hair hung loose for the night, the purple and pink flowing down to her shoulders. A few strands stood out messy, left and right to her face. If anything, it made her look even more beautiful.

Sunset suppressed a giggle when one purple arm rose up and came to rest over her head, her fingers twitching. Her mouth opened a little and her lips moved as if speaking though no words could be heard. Twilight Sparkle was always very lively in her sleep, tossing and turning around a lot, sometimes even reaching out for others in her slumber. That was the reason why Sunset had suggested a blanket instead of a constricting sleeping bag. Not that either would have been necessary in a warm summer night like this and with Sunset watching over her.

Sunset had found out about Twilight's sleeping habits quickly during their first sleepover together, which was also Twilight's very first sleepover ever. Sunset's smile grew even softer when she remembered the shy, insecure girl standing in the doorway, clutching her bag to her chest and not daring to enter. The other girls had been already lost in the game Pinkie had brought along, but Sunset had noticed her and stood up. She had gently taken her hand and pulled her into the room and into the middle of the girls.

All the girls liked Twilight, every one of them helped her in their own special ways to loosen up, gain confidence and courage and forget her hurtful past in Crystal Prep. However, just like at the first sleepover, Sunset was always the one Twilight ended up sitting next to on the floor, leaning against the fiery-haired girl, or sleeping close to her when it was finally time to turn off the lights. The girls were enthusiastic, cheerful and bursting with energy at everything they did, so their slumber parties usually turned out rather loud and filled with activities. Twilight was of a very quiet and timid nature, just like Fluttershy, but she was easily pulled into the happy shenanigans each time. All it took was a small gesture, a gentle touch or a kind smile for her to open up, all of which Sunset was happy and eager to offer.

However, unlike Fluttershy, Twilight's emotional highs always came back at her, crashing down like a wave. Every moment of carefree joy eventually came back to gloom and worry. Sunset had seen the little signs from the first moment on. Delicate hands clutching on her shirt nervously after she aced a test at school. Doubt muddying those purple eyes when she felt like nobody was watching her. The tiniest indication of a frown like a blemish on her face.

Sunset could see all those little things and made it her personal mission to be there, to catch Twilight whenever something pulled her down. With little gestures at first, like a smile when she was nervous during class, a gentle squeeze of her hand when they were passing through the hallways. Slightly longer hugs when they met before school and before she left in the evenings. A short message on her phone every night before she went to sleep.

All those little gestures added up to something bigger. Just as it had been Sunset who first invited Twilight into their circle of friends, the shy girl always ended up with the former unicorn in the end, just like today. The others had lost themselves in one of Pinkie's newest board games but Twilight had been too worried today to get into it. Distracted by watching Twilight, Sunset was the first one to drop out, followed by her friend.

They ended up sitting a little away from the others and talking quietly as usual. They had a lot to relate after all, both had experienced quite a lot of things with magic. Twilight more accidently then Sunset, but still. Twilight wanted to learn more and Sunset was happy to explain. Of course, she knew why her friend asked these questions.

After all, she carried her own personal demon inside her. She could see what the other girls wouldn't. Like how Twilight sometimes avoided looking at her own reflection, afraid that a different pair of eyes would stare back at her. The way she stared blankly at times, hearing the voice in her head and trying to block out the words. And of course, the nightmares.

Sunset kept watching the sleeping girl with her smile as wide as always when she did this. She barely got any sleep during the sleepovers but she didn't care the least. Watching Twilight slumber peacefully was always worth being a little tired the next day.

She had learned to deal with little or no sleep in the time after the Fall Formal. Nightmares filled with images of the demon hurting others or being controlled by the demon made it impossible for her to find any rest as soon as she closed her eyes. It was at her own first slumber party when she learned she didn't have those horrible dreams when the girls were around. At least, not as bad. That was part of the reason why she had suggested as many slumber parties as the group could manage, for Twilight's sake. She didn't tell the other girls why, but she didn't need to anyways. They could all see how happy Twilight was during those nights together and of course they noticed how much more she smiled the next day. Helping a friend feel better was worth any hassle.

Sunset's smile faded a little when she saw the frown forming on Twilight's brow. Her fingers twitched more and her lips moved faster, her expression changed into fear. Sunset reached out with her free hand and gently touched Twilight's arm. She rubbed her fingers softly up and down, letting her know she was not alone. Her skin felt warm under her fingers, and she felt the same warmth inside her when the frown vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

Twilight floated helplessly in the darkness. Midnight Sparkle's magic held her tightly in its grip, her arms spread out to her sides, bound by the dark glow. Her head was tilted up and she couldn't even close her eyes as the monster forced her to stare into its eyes. She struggled but she couldn't move a single muscle.

The monster gave a wicked laugh and taunted her

"Poor little Twilight, so young and so naive. When will you learn, there is no stopping me!"

She wanted to cry again, but she couldn't. She could only stare at those eyes and the dark flame of insanity and rage that burned inside them.

Then her arms were freed from the bindings and the magic pressure around her vanished. She suddenly felt warm all around and her eyes blinked closed. When she opened them again, she could see them, all six of her friends hugging her at once. Fluttershy and Rarity with gentleness, Applejack and Rainbow Dash with reassuring strength, Pinkie Pie with a enormous squeeze that would usually press the air out of her.

Sunset Shimmer, holding her from behind, the tall girl's body pressed gently against her back, her arms slipping softly around her waist and pulling her closer. Her head rested gently on her shoulder. She could feel the red and golden strands of hair tickling her neck and she turned her head to gently nuzzle against her cheek, just like she always wanted to.

The monster laughed in a high-pitched screech that hurt in her ears

"They will safe you? Why should they? Because they are your friends? You don't even believe that yourself. You know that nobody would be your friend, because you're pathetic, a pushover and a doormat, weak and useless."
Twilight pressed herself into Sunset's hold and her friends squeezed her reassuringly. She found her voice and shouted

"That's not true! You're lying! They are my friends and I am theirs. They like me for who I am!"

The laughter cut through her confidence like a hot iron through wax

"Now who's the liar? You don't think they're spending time with you because they like you. Let me tell you why they let you stay close. I am the only reason. They don't care about you, but they want to keep an eye on me. They fear me and when I take control, they want to be ready."

Twilight flinched like she had taken a blow at her face.
"NO! That can't be true!"

"Oh, but it is. Face it, Twilight. With me, they'll always fear you. Without me, they'll just throw you away like a used napkin."

Twilight shivered and looked at her friends. Rainbow and Applejack glared at her with anger and hatred, their hands clenching into fists. She saw Fluttershy crawl away from her with utter fear inside her eyes. She turned her head and Rarity backed away with a frightened scream when their eyes met. Pinkie Pie's hair deflated and she cried her eyes out.

The monster cackled and tendrils of darkness shot at the girls. Like the colours before, they disappeared with shrieks of pain and fear.

"Don't worry Twilight. Once I have full control again, I won't rush things. I'll take my time to have my fun with them. Maybe I'll even let you stick around long enough so you can hear them begging for me to end them."

Twilight cried out in helpless fear, her body collapsing



Sunset felt a twinge inside her stomach when the frown returned, far worse than before. She felt Twilight's arm twitch under her hand and could hear the sobs and the sharp breaths in between.

She slipped off her sleeping bag and knelt next to her, leaning down to gently stroke Twilight's soft hair. She felt cold sweat under her fingers and another loud sob sent more needles of concern through her chest. Sunset's mind was numb from how much it physically hurt seeing her friend suffer in her dream. Seeing Twilight suffer. Did it really make that much of a difference? Would she feel the pain in her heart if Fluttershy or Applejack had a nightmare? Another sob and she knew the answer. This was Twilight. Seeing her scared, worried, insecure, or even... hurt. It made everything feel so much worse. She wouldn't let it happen, ever.

She leaned to Twilight's ear and whispered very softly

"Shhh... Twilight... I'm here..."

Twilight was pulled up by gentle hands. Then there was the warmth around her again, wrapped softly around her waist and across her chest. Sunset's firm but gentle embrace pulling her back against the taller girl. She felt the warmth of her body shine out to herself like a candle in the dark. She felt Sunset's head press gently against the back of her neck and she heard whispered words

"I'm here... I will always be there for you..."

Twilight relaxed in the warmth and let herself feel safe in Sunset's embrace, but the monster just laughed harder

"Sunset Shimmer? Saving you? She is the worst of all your friends. The others don't care about you at all. But Sunset has a very special interest in you."
Twilight shivered and looked from Sunset's caring smile to the wicked grin of the monster

"Sunset always helps me! She's the best friend I could ever ask for. She's... I..."

Before she could follow her train of thoughts, the monster yelled at her, its face a grimace of pure rage now

"Shut up! She just wants you to trust her. She wants you to rely only on her. And when you do, she will take everything from you."

Twilight was surprised at the fear she heard in the monster's voice for a moment as it continued with its rant

"Don't you see it? All she ever wanted is power and magic. We have both in spades. She's only waiting for the right moment to strike and take it all away from us, so she will be powerful again."

The monster shot a beam of darkness at Sunset and Twilight backed away in fear as she watched her friend change before her eyes. Hands turned into blood red claws, large bat-like wings sprouted from her shoulders, glowing green eyes with black pupils stared at her and she could see fangs flash in the evil grin of the she-demon. Her throaty laughter joined into the monster's high-pitched one and Twilight felt every ounce of warmth leave her body as she froze from the inside.

For a moment it seemed that Twilight's nightmare had passed but then her whole body started to shiver, all muscles tensed up in a panic attack. The needles of concern in Sunset's chest were set on fire as her friend all but screamed in fear despite her attempts to comfort her.

A tiny whisper poked into her thoughts, a voice she barely heard anymore but recognized anyways

"She's afraid of you. She hates you."

Sunset dismissed the demon, she knew it had no power over her anymore, never again. Ever since Twilight had joined their group of friends, the voice was weak and unable to even reach her mind most of the time. When it did, the words were merely hollow husks with no meaning whatsoever. None of them were important when Twilight was around. No nightmare stood a chance when the images of the smart and beautiful girl filled her dreams.

"You really believe it, do you? You really think she, out of everyone, cares for you?"

Sunset groaned silently as the demon tried to push itself back into her thoughts

"The person you're trying to call is currently unavailable. Please call again later. Like, next December."

Sunset gently caressed the velvety soft hair and worry filled her voice as she whispered

"Please don't be afraid Twilight. I'm here for you. I'm with you."

She gently took hold of Twilight's hand and squeezed tenderly

"You're not alone."


"Don't be afraid, Twilight."

The voice was so soft and warm, filled with genuine concern. It clashed with the image of the she-demon and Twilight's vision swam for a moment. Then she noticed that the green eyes had changed. They looked more human-like now and there was a shade of blue shimmering under the surface.

Again she heard the voice that made her completely forget the monster for a moment and focus only on the demon girl before her. It was so soft in the harsh darkness that still surrounded her and it felt like floating to listen to every word.

"I'm here for you."

A red claw reached out for her. It was not a menace or an attack. With the palm facing up, red fingers loosely spread and that kindness in her eyes, it was an invitation. A promise.

"You're not alone."

Twilight's eyes filled with tears again, but this time tears of joy. She could still feel her and see her. Sunset Shimmer. Her Sunset.

The monster cried in anguish and frustration as she reached out for the hand

"Don't trust her! She's going to make us weak again!"

Twilight didn't look back and kept her eyes fixed on Sunset. Despite tears running down her cheeks, her voice was loud and clear for the first time

"Even if she's a demon, she's still my friend. She's my best friend Sunset. I trust her more than anyone else on the world."

She took the red claw and felt soft fingers gently wrap around hers. The form of the demon flickered and was replaced by an angel with large wings of golden light. Her hair floated above her head like a crown of fiery red and golden yellow flame. Her brilliant blue eyes shone in kindness, understanding and joy all mixed into something more, something even stronger than friendship.

In a sudden flash of clarity Twilight understood

"Angel or demon or anything in between, I trust Sunset with all I am. I... I lo-..."

She hesitated for a moment, but it was all the monster needed. With a jarring cry of fear and rage, Midnight Sparkle jumped at her from behind. She felt hands with claws sharp as razors burying into her throat and strangling her, leaving her unable to speak, let alone breathe. Her vision swam before her eyes again and her hand lost grip of the angel that was Sunset Shimmer. Desperately, she reached out and croaked one single word before the world went dark before her eyes


Sunset felt Twilight’s hand gently squeeze back and her heart sang as she saw that beautiful smile return. Her thumb brushed softly over the back of Twilight's hand to help her calm down again and hopefully get some more sleep.

"She doesn't know who you are, or what you are."

Sunset frowned and tried to block out the voice, wondering why the demon was so persistent tonight

"She's a human and you're a unicorn, nothing can ever change that."

Sunset's fingers froze, just for a moment. Then she smiled and watched Twilight

"She knows me better than any pony ever has. She understands what it means to be different.”

But does she really understand you? Understand us?”

Sunset nodded without any hesitation

“If anyone or anypony ever understands, it’s her. And if she doesn’t, she won’t stop trying to understand and learn.”
“People and ponies fear what they don’t understand. Twilight Sparkle is no exception. You can sense her fear as clear as I can.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes and her frown merged into an expression of pure determination

“I’ll help her overcome those fears. I won’t let her feel alone. I’ll do whatever I can so she won’t lose herself in dark thoughts like we did.”

For the first time during their internal conversation, the demon hesitated. Sunset could almost feel her staring with wide eyes of disbelieve. When the demon finally replied, its voice was surprisingly soft

By all stars. You truly believe this. You and this girl…”

Sunset allowed herself a smirk as the demon’s voice trailed off, but then something changed. Twilight twitched violently next to her, her hand flinging out of her gentle hold. Her body arched and coiled in pain and her face turned into a grimace of agony and desperation.

Sunset flinched and tried to reach out for Twilight’s hand again, but the girl was shivering and flailing her arms all around. Her mouth opened and she croaked out breathlessly, as if she’d have troubles to inhale. Her chest rose but no air seemed to get to Twilight and quickly the girl’s face took an unhealthy shade of red.

Sunset couldn’t move and just stared. She didn’t understand what was happening, she’d seen Twilight move in her sleep before, she’d seen her react agitated during nightmares, but this was not normal at all. Twilight seemed to be lost in a lucid dream, so real to her that her body reacted to whatever she saw in her nightmare. And it was hurting her. Sunset gasped and nearly started to cry when Twilight’s breathing went fast and uneven, the girl struggling for air even more, her body twitching and squirming out of her control. She’d been so brave with her words before, but now that she saw this her heart sank down into her stomach. How could she help against something that had such a tight grip on Twilight’s subconscious?

Twilight’s mouth opened again and between heavy pants and desperate heaves of breath, she managed to press out a single word


Sunset’s eyes opened so wide they threatened to bulge out of her head. Twilight knew. She called for her. She’d seen all the little gestures, she’d recognized all the kind words and the true meaning behind them. Sunset had been determined as long as she thought her true feelings disguised under the mantle of friendship. Not anymore. Twilight knew there was more, she called for Sunset and Sunset alone. There she was on the verge of dying and Sunset’s name was the only thing she said. Sunset had acted so brave, but now? Where was all that burning will that pushed away the demon each time, for Twilight’s sake? Where was her courage now that she was about to reveal what was locked inside her?

As Sunset trembled and could only watch Twilight’s suffering, a voice broke out inside her, hot as a burning flame and all consuming. A voice she heard once before, when she’d put on a stolen crown from another word. But this time, the voice and the demon behind it did not attack her. She felt anger in the voice, but the words told her what she needed to hear

Don’t you dare hesitate now, Sunset Shimmer!”

Her name. The demon never called her by her name before. She’d been ‘girl’ or ‘weakling’ on every other occasion. But this time, the demon wasn’t trying to pull her away. It pushed her into the same direction she wanted to go. The demon and the girl striving for the same goal for once.

The flame burned inside her, consuming doubts and fears and igniting her ambition and determination once more. Her arms reached out and grabbed Twilight, holding her close. The demon’s strength stopped the arms from flailing, the girl’s gentleness soothed Twilight’s panic.

Words formed inside her mind, coming from somewhere deep within her soul, the soul she shared with the demon as well. She whispered into Twilight’s ears as the nightmare grew stronger and her breathing got weaker and weaker

“Don’t give up, Twilight. Please don’t leave me. If anyone can overcome the darkness, it’s you and me. Let’s do this together.”

Three words, their meaning old as time and powerful as magic, spoken in unison from both Sunsets, human and demon

“I love you.”

Twilight's world turned into darkness and pain. There was a shape of colour left in front of her, looking at it made the pain just bearable. But the colours were fading away and in the same pace, fear and desperation grew stronger inside her. She kept fighting but it was hard to remember why. If she stopped, the pain would just go away. It would be all over. She felt cold and weak, but it would all end as soon as she stopped struggling. Her world went black, her eyes closed, every muscle in her body went limp as she gave up.

For the briefest of moments, there was silence, around her as well as inside her head. Then there was a voice. Not just any voice, the voice. Sunset's voice

"Don't give up."

"You and me, let's do this together."

"I love you."

Twilight gasped and suddenly she could breathe again. Her empty lungs sucked in as much air as they could and her head cleared up again.

“I love you.”

The colours, the shapes, all grew clear again. The pain and the cold faded.

“I love you.”

Twilight felt arms around her, strong and reassuring but so gentle and caring at the same time. She buried herself into the embrace and with a burst of light, the world returned to her.

Sunset held her so close, her arms wrapped tightly around Twilight. There was still an echo of the angelic wings floating behind her, but this was the Sunset Shimmer she knew so well. The girl who stood by her side all the time and even now. Sunset Shimmer who loved her.

The burst of light had broken the monster’s grip on her and had thrown it away. It stared at the two girls with rage and seething anger, but also with fear in its eyes.

With a desperate scream, its midnight-coloured wings flared up and it rushed back towards them, hands like claws and glowing with magic.

Neither of the girls saw it nor heard it. Sunset’s eyes were only on Twilight and Twilight had hers closed as the three words ran through her head and sunk in.

Twilight’s eyes opened and met with blue ones gazing at her. Her hands reached out and found Sunset’s, clasping them gently

I love you too!”

Just as Midnight Sparkle was about to sink her claws into the girls, the monster felt someone holding her back. A tight, merciless grip around the wrists pulled it away from its target. Midnight Sparkle spun around and her burning eyes fell on a cold glare of black and green. Midnight wings flared to pull free, but bat-like wings of Demon Sunset easily countered the attempt. For the first time, the monster’s rage vanished as fear took over

“You’re here to destroy me. I won’t let you!”

The demon just stared at the monster. By now, the girls noticed as well. Twilight pressed closer to Sunset, clutching her hands, while Sunset’s arms circled protectively around her. She didn’t feel afraid, she could not fear so close to Sunset. The arms around her gripped tighter when she felt the sudden rise of magic. Sunset stared at them with worry in her eyes, but nothing could take her away from Twilight now.

Midnight Sparkle's hand balled into a fist and a ball of purple magic was thrown towards the girls. A wall of green fire popped into existence and intercepted the destructive magic, leaving only a harmless could of smoke before it faded.

When Sunset could see past the flames again, she saw the demon and the monster staring at each other. Midnight Sparkle looked small against the she-demon. Her body was half curled into a defensive stance, her arms crossed before her chest like a shield. The purple eyes now only showed fear while the green and black eyes burned with a challenge.

Sunset heard a gasp from Twilight and her arms drew the girl she loved closer when she realized how much Midnight Sparkle looked like the Twilight she had seen just minutes ago, trapped in a dark nightmare.

She had hurt Twilight. She had almost destroyed both of Sunset’s home worlds. She was the reason for Twilight’s nightmares and fears. The demon could make it all go away, Sunset knew

Stop! Don’t fight!”

The demon didn’t react, it had seen this coming. The monster glanced towards the girl while it kept the bigger threat in sight

“You don’t want me. You want pushover-Twilight. You want doormat-Twilight. I won’t let you destroy me.”

I want Twilight Sparkle, not just one part of her.”

Twilight and the monster stared at Sunset as the girl spoke up. The demon crossed its arms in front of her chest, a bored expression on her face, but Sunset knew the she-demon was still ready to intervene if necessary. She counted on it.

I won’t pick between what I like about Twilight and what I don’t. I love her, all of her.”

The words struck a chord in those who heard it.

Twilight clung on Sunset, a new wave of tears running down her cheeks. She could feel it, love and acceptance, both so unconditional and strong that not even the terrible things meant any difference, those she did and those she let happen by doing nothing. The way Sunset held her so close told that she knew those feelings were mutual.

Midnight Sparkle recoiled in shock. She had felt something similar once before. Such warmth and light. What had changed?

I told you there was another way. And now you’re ready to see.”

The monster spun around and stared as a new voice called out to her. There she was again. At the day of her creation, one being had resisted her. Challenged her. And in the end, beaten her.

The angel that was Sunset Shimmer floated towards the monster, her golden wings glowing in the darkness. Her hand was stretched out towards Midnight Sparkle, just like back then. Behind her, the demon looked away, as if bored.

Sunset and Twilight watched in each other’s embrace. Twilight clung more tightly on the girl she loved and Sunset watched how two reflections of herself fought for her.

The angel smiled and kept her hand stretched towards Midnight Sparkle, palm up and inviting her

Come with me. Let me show you.”

Midnight Sparkle shivered. Hesitated. Stumbled out words

You’ll take me away. I’ll stop to exist if I go with you.”

You won’t. But you have to trust me.”

Midnight Sparkle took a ragged breath and shook her head, but a voice behind her now called out for her as well

You’re a part of Twilight. You’ll never be gone as long you exist, together as one and not as enemies.”

The monster shook her head violently, eyes still on the angel even as she answered to the human girl that had called out to her

When I’m gone, Twilight won’t fight anymore. She’ll forget. She will be a doormat again, she will be hurt again! We will be hurt again!”

Human Sunset screamed in denial, but a calm voice cut through and reached Midnight Sparkle

But she learned already. She’s not weak anymore. Because she believes in her friends now. Because she trusts Sunset now. Because she learned from you.”

Midnight eyes met black and green ones

Trust your Twilight to make the right decision.”

Midnight Sparkle faltered. Her wings hung down as her eyes darted from Sunset to another, from angel to human to demon. Finally, her eyes met Twilight’s and the world stood still. There were trails of tears on her face. Her hair was a mess from all the struggling. She had not given up to the very last moment. The shy, boneless, pushover girl had fought on and on and on. By herself. With Sunset. For Sunset. Because of Sunset.

Midnight Sparkle felt tears run down her cheek, the same one’s she now saw from Twilight. The girl nodded and clung on Sunset Shimmer. The other girl nodded and held her. Midnight Sparkle felt her arms around her shoulders, weak compared to her own strength, but reassuring and warm.

She turned towards the angel and she saw the same smile, the same nod, the same warmth. Her hand reached out towards the one that invited her. The angel waited, patiently. To the last moment, it was Midnight Sparkle who had to decide. Moments turned into hours, but finally Midnight Sparkle took hold of the hand. The angel smiled and pulled her into the same embrace as the human girls.

Midnight Sparkle looked at Twilight and they smiled together. In a flash of light, all colours blended together beautifully, red and purple, golden and deep blue. Sunset and Twilight watched, then their eyes met again. At the same moment, they leaned in and their lips met, for the first time, shy and careful, although nothing ever felt as right before.

The demon watched, dejected. Acknowledging the inevitable, she floated backwards, into the darkness. Into nothingness. There was no purpose in her existence any longer.


Green eyes opened in the darkness and saw Sunset Shimmer reaching out

You have to be crazy to stop me.”
“Maybe I am. But you helped me when I needed it most. I needed to be strong, and you reminded me why.”

Sunset and Twilight let go of another for a moment and both reached out towards the demon

You’re going to regret this.”

We’ll see.”

You won’t get a second chance again. As soon as I find you getting careless, I’ll be there to kick your flank.”

Sunset smirked and embraced Twilight

I’m counting on it.”

The demon laughed and smirked back

Keep that fire burning, Sunset. You’ll need it.”

With a flame of green flame, the demon vanished, but didn’t disappear. Sunset felt the flame burning deep inside her and Twilight felt its reassuring warmth.

The girls looked at each other again. Theirs lips met again, with more passion this time. Their moment lasted even as the world around them gently faded out.

Sunset Shimmer opened her eyes, but everything seemed blurry. She felt the sun shine down at her through the windows. She heard birds outside and the sounds of farm life from Sweet Apple Acres. In her arms, she held Twilight against her.

Twilight’s eyes opened the very same moment and her face melted into a serene smile. With their arms wrapped gently around another, they leaned in just like in their dream. Their lips met for the second first time and only separated after they both were sure how right it felt

“And just when I thought this couldn’t get more perfect…”

Twilight chuckled and brushed a strand of hair out of her face

“Doesn’t it feel like magic?”

“It is magic, Twi. I’m a unicorn, I know what I’m talking about.”

They giggled together and slowly untangled. As they had expected, they were alone in the bedroom. Sunset looked out of the window and sighed

“Dang, we overslept this time. Wonder if the girls saved us some breakfast.”

Twilight helped her stand up and they climbed down the stairs, next to each other, their fingers entwined. Twilight hesitated at the last step

“Do you think they saw us?”

“I’m pretty sure, Twi.”

“Do you think they know?”

“We’ll see. Are you scared?”

Sunset felt the fingers grab her hand more tightly

“No. This is right. I know it.”

“So do I.”

They walked into the kitchen. It was empty, but two places were set for them. They walked to the kitchen table and Twilight blushed hard. Sunset only laughed

“Oh, they know about it. They so know about this.”

Two plates of heart-shaped pancakes waited for them, decorated with strawberries and chocolate hearts of whipped cream. Somebody, probably Rarity, had even arranged rose petals around their plates.

Twilight turned towards Sunset, Sunset turned towards Twilight. They smiled as they embraced each other, and Sunset heard a whisper in her ear

“They’re probably watching us right now.”
“You bet they are. Wanna make them jealous?”

“Sunset! You're a demon!”

They laughed before their lips met again. Sunset was going for a gentle peck, but when she felt Twilight push in closer, she returned the affections wholeheartedly. When they finally separated, Sunset whispered

“I'm your demon.”

Twilight blushed and whispered back

“And my angel.”

Sunset beamed and kissed her nose

“Whatever you need, Twi.”
“I just need you.”

Twilight and Sunset met for another kiss. Things would change. Things would stay the same. But from now on, they would face their journey together.

Author's Note:

So, my first attempt on a shipfic. Please be gentle with me. :raritycry:

Comments ( 26 )

This story takes place after Friendship Games but before Legend of Everfree and contains shameless Sunlight-shipping. You have been warned :pinkiegasp:

Although I prefer to call it Sci-Set or SciTwiShimmer this ship not to confuse Sci-Twi with the pony counterpart there is only one thing that I have to say in all this: I embrace this shameless SunLight (however, we specify that I speak of sci-twi / sunset shimmer) with all of myself! Apart that the couple Sci-Twi / Sunset Shimmer is my favorite pairing in absolute, along with the PieNata, I congratulate you for the beautiful story! Immediately among the favorites!

No matter how you call the paring, thank you so much for your kind words, I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

Pretty good, overall. Few spelling and grammatical errors and things got kind of confusing towards the end with all the different Sunsets and Twilights talking across each other, but overall a solid idea fairly well executed. Kudos.

Is this a Sci-Twi x Sunset? :3

It is. No purple pony princess involved in this story, I'm afraid:twilightsmile:

You're welcome :raritywink:
Thanks for the fav!

This was such a beautiful and edge-on-my-seat story. I got scared for a bit at one point, but it just shows Sunset's love is strong for Twilight. The ending by the way was so darn adorable.

Thank you so very much! :raritystarry:
I'm glad you enjoyed it!

That was an interesting story. I enjoyed it.

You did an excellent job with this ship, and this fic! Kudos to you!:moustache:

8 months and you have 60 likes and 0 dislikes. I'd say the story was done well enough for your first time.

Thank you! :twilightblush:
It's nice to see that so many people enjoy reading this.

I read this a couple nights ago and have been meaning to comment, but I wanted to find the right words first. Sorry if this is a little long, but there's a lot I want to say.

First of all, this is nothing short of brilliant. I don't use that word lightly. This has easily been my favorite ship since Legend of Everfree, and you just beautifully illustrated the reason why. I've had a theory since I first saw that movie that Midnight Sparkle is a metaphor for essentially PTSD / some trauma-based mental illness, but you took that a step further here.

The real stroke of genius, to me, came at the part where Midnight Sparkle herself is shown to ultimately be as terrified as the real Twilight. I'd always viewed her (MS) as the "enemy" who needed to be defeated. But in all reality, how do disorders like PTSD work? They remember times in our past when we got hurt; then they see signs/cues in our present that remind our brain of that past incident and "protect" us by panicking, shutting down, and/or doing whatever it takes to avoid those things. Why? Out of fear of getting hurt again. That subconscious part of our brain doesn't understand that while that reaction may have been beneficial in the short term, it's usually harmful and maladaptive in the long term... But ultimately, the function it's trying to serve is not destruction but protection from what it views as a terrifying threat. Just like Midnight Sparkle tries to "protect" Twilight from the vulnerability of trusting in others, believing she deserves happiness, and allowing herself to be loved.

There are types of therapy out there that involve "befriending" that part of the brain - acknowledging that it's trying to protect us, yet asking for its permission to basically temporarily bypass that protection, convincing it on a deep level that you're safe and won't be hurt by opening up. Yet somehow I never made the connection between that and Midnight Sparkle - probably because it's so easy for me to forget that she's genuinely a part of Twilight and always will be. To me, the goal was always to destroy her - but you can't do that without destroying Twilight herself. How genuinely, brilliantly beautiful to have Sunset be the one to realize that, and unconditionally love and accept all of Twilight - making even the Midnight Sparkle part of herself feel safe enough to accept that love.

And that's not to even mention what you did with Sunset's own inner demon. It makes perfect sense though - she's more or less befriended it, or at least learned to ignore it when necessary. She's had more time to learn to negotiate with hers than Twilight has, and it shows. To the point where it's become a part of her like any other, coming into alignment with her actual conscious goals as well. That lines up with another part of my theory from Legend of Everfree relating to the "Embrace the Magic" song - essentially, "Magic" is what makes you different/unique in that world, which in some cases is exemplified by things like trauma and mental illness - but if you learn to tame it, it can do incredible things for you, almost like real-life superpowers. Sunset has already learned to embrace hers quite well, despite having some of the hardest "magic" to overcome and tame. It makes such perfect sense that she would do the exact same for Twilight. It was such a beautiful touch for Sunset to insist that her own "demon" stay with her - because she loves and accepts all of herself as well, and knows that her "magic" is part of what gave her the strength and boldness to reach out and save Twilight in the first place.

This story helped me see why Legend of Everfree struck such a deep and personal chord with me to begin with. I'm more similar to Sci-Twi than I'd usually care to admit (despite the username) in ways that are...very relevant to this story. I've been fighting my own inner demons for a while now. But this really opened up my eyes. Those demons are a part of me as well. If I'm trying to destroy a part of myself, whether I like it or not, I'm fighting a losing battle. Maybe I need to pull a Sunset and try harder to befriend and get to know that part of me instead. After all, misguided as it may be, it's only trying to protect me. (Be a lot easier if I had a Sunset in my life, but hey, sometimes you've gotta make your own waves.)

Anyways, thank you for a beautiful, touching, and memorable story, and sorry for the wall of text :P

Wow... just wow. I'm blushing so hard right now that I might pass out and I probably have a goofy grin plastered all over my face :twilightsheepish:
Thank you so much for your comment and I am so glad you could get so much out of my writing!

I wrote up this story in a storm one night, but then I left it in the depths of my hard drive for almost two years, because it didn't feel good enough, because I felt my writing and my ideas were just not good enough.
Hearing so much praise from you (and everybody else who left likes over the almost two years the story is up now), it really makes me want to go on! Thanks you so very much for that!

And I hope you'll get to meet your Sunset for yourself very soon! :raritywink:

This is beautifully written. Its a really gripping story without being over the top. Really really well done.
I hope you write more Sunlight fics someday. :heart:

I... I don't know how to explain how much I loved this shipfic.

This was beautiful! One of the best sciset fanfics I ever read!

And I'm actually crying a little now because of how beautiful this was! Good job!

Glad you enjoyed it so much :twilightsmile:
And... sorry it made you cry?

Loved this. A lot.

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