• Member Since 1st Dec, 2018
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Fluttershy Fanboy Supreme


Pinkie falls prey to a terrible, ancient illness. While Twilight wishes to believe her new cure will work, her family and friends try to cope with the inevitable.

Warning: This fic contains dark themes, cursing, and many, many feels.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Mrs. Cake shook her head. She tried to speak as fluently as she could. “No dearie, n-not yet. But… it's very obvious she doesn't have much time left.” She couldn't hold back on her tears and pushed herself back into her husband. Mr. Cake held his wife close. They were losing somepony they saw as a foster daughter. They looked after Pinkie for years, they were her second family. The Cakes, the foals, they didn't know what they'd do without her.

Poor Cakes:fluttershysad:. I cant imagine their live without Pinkie Pie...:applecry:...please don't leave them Pinkie Pie:raritydespair:!!!

Maud had on her usual deadpan expression. Only this time, she looked more… somber. Not a tear to be seen on her, but she certainly looked more emotional. She calmly approached Limestone and put a hoof on her shoulder, her eyes carrying an unusual care in them. “Lime, stop. Just stop. She loved us all, equally. That's that.”

Exactly Maud, Pinkie Pie favors nopony, not even her own sisters:pinkiesad2:.

Limestone twitched back from Maud's touch but didn't move completely. “No! No she didn't! She had a favorite and it was ME! I was… I was…” Limestone started to calm down, her breathing becoming more choppy and her lip quivering. She closed her eyes and started to break down, collapsing to the floor and covering her face with her hooves. “I was a bad sister! She loved me unconditionally and I just pushed her away! Why didn't I love her when I had the chance?!”

Oh Limestone...:applecry:.

Applejack soon leaned her head into Mac’s coat, matting it with tears. She spoke as best she could. “It's jus’... hic… whether we were actual cuzzins er not… she's… she's still family. A part uv… uv mah family. You couldn't find… anypony like Pinkie if ya… hic… if ya tried yer dernedest. Ah'm….” She started to get heavy with her tears, sniffs and hiccups. “Ah’m jus’ gunna miss 'er so much…”

You all are AJ...you all are:pinkiesad2:.

“Pinkie!” Pumpkin repeated.
“Pie!” Pound also repeated.

Fluttershy sat up. “Oh… I told you two, she can't be here. Please understand that!” She softly yelled. Seeing just how much the two of them looked up to Pinkie at such a young age broke her heart. She felt horrible that they were losing somepony so important in their life, somepony who's been there from the very start of their birth, at an age so young.

The twins just repeated yet again.
“Pinkie!” Exclaimed Pumpkin.
“Pie!” Exclaimed Pound.

Fluttershy's lip quivered as she laid down in front of them, starting to let loose her bottled emotions. “Oh, why do you have to be so young?! You shouldn't have to experience this at such a young age! How am I ever going to compare to your Auntie Pinkie Pie?!” She buried her head in her fore legs, unable to keep her sadness and pity for the twins back anymore.

Oh, the Cake Twins...why them:fluttershyouch:?!

Pumpkin tried to babble out a previously unspoken word. “F-Flu-Flutter!”
Pound did the same. “S-S-Shy!”

THEY LEARNED HER NAME:raritydespair::raritycry:!!!

Fluttershy calmed her sobs and sniffles to look up from her legs. She gave a weak smile and laughed a small bit while tightening her wings around them. “Heh… wow. Y-You… sniff… You two learn quick.” She could tell they were suddenly tired and starting to tucker out beneath her warm feathers, yawning and curling up to her side. She spoke as softly as she could as they drifted off. “I'll never be what she was to you two. But I swear, I won't let you two down. I won’t, I promise...” She sweetly promised the twins as she laid her head back down, closing her wet eyes and trying to find some feeling of peace in slumber after this sad and tragic night. The twins right by her side.You'll do wonderful Flutterhsy...:pinkiesad2:.

Applebloom slowly turned her head, hesitantly opening her mouth. “Iz… Iz Pinkie really gunna… 'hit the hay’?” She looked directly at Spike for the question, wearing a pouty lip and some wet eyes.

I hope not AB...:applecry:.

Rarity sniffled and wiped her face clear. “That name... Pinkamena. She's always hated that name. If it's not intruding, why so?”

It took a minute or two for Cloudy to calm down before speaking again. “We… we don't know for sure. I could only think it was because it reminded her of the gloomy days and nights she spent on the farm. She was a free spirit, she couldn't have been held down by the shackles of rocks. But it's such a beautiful name, just like how beautiful she is. I wish she didn't hate it. I wish I had given her a better life before she set off on her own. Maybe then she wouldn't be so resentful of it. Oh no...” Cloudy came to a realization in her mind and covered her mouth with her hoof. “Did… did I not give her a good life? Was I a bad mother for this? Oh Sweet Celestia, I was wasn't I?” That was all she could take before breaking down again.

Don't say that Cloudy...you may have been strict, but you were a good mother:fluttershysad:.

Rarity related to Cloudy's doubts. While not exactly the same, Rarity looking after Sweetie Belle was a great echo of sympathy. She always doubted if she was a good sister, a good role model. She couldn't let Cloudy wallow in the sadness and regret of doubt. “No Cloudy, it’s a beautiful name. I'm sure deep down, Pinkie really does love it. It's not your fault, darling. Why, if I grew up raised on a gray land like a rock farm, I’m certain some repressed anger and unhappiness is sure to carry from generation to generation. You are a good mother. It's just… unfortunate circumstance.” She had hoped those were wise words. The last thing she wanted was to upset this distressed mother more.

Well said Rarity...:pinkiesad2:.

Twilight took a wing and put it over Rainbow's shaky body. She was really starting to choke up now. Rainbow continued. “What's worse is that I didn't even give a proper goodbye. Everypony was in there with her, all giving their final words and thoughts. But I…. Damn it!” Rainbow cursed to herself. Just the remembrance of her weakness started a flood of tears down her cheeks. “I just ran off! I was by her side, looking at her face. Her pale, almost lifeless face and I… Celestia damn me, I was a coward! I took off without a word!” Rainbow pounded her hoof on the ground. “I have so much I want to say to her, Twilight. So much I want to thank her for. But I can't see her like that again! I just can't…”

Oh Dash...we all do...they all do:ajsleepy:.

Pinkie simply shook her head. “Nopity-Nope! Just a delicious cherry refreshment. Heh, and all this time I thought you were making a cure, not making the best punch I've ever tasted! Oh, you prankster!” Pinkie said with wholeheartedness. Twilight however, wasn't taking this well at all.

“You… you don't feel even a-a-a twinge better? Not even a… a tiny sliver of rejuvenation?! Nothing?!” Twilight frantically stuttered, starting to sporadically breathe.

Pinkie shook her head again. “Na-uh. But my taste buds sure feel better! Hehe!”

She...she's not gonna make it is she:applecry:?

Pinkie then suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart. She jolted up, her face scrunching in pain as she reached to clutch her chest. Pinkie gasped and exclaimed painfully. “AHH! Ahh… owie…” The heart monitor spiked in pace before slowing down and picking up a pace much too slow to be stable. Both of the ponys looked over to it, an expression of fear on Twilight's face, an exhausted one on Pinkie's. The monitor was yellow, and was slowing down by the minute. “Uh oh.” Pinkie whimpered, slowly laying back down. “Twilight… I think my time is up.”

Twilight started crying again, squeezing Pinkie's hoof as if she was hanging off a cliff. Holding on for dear life that she could pull her back up. “N-no… no! No, Pinkie! I can't let this happen! I-I-I can run home real quick! I can fix my calculations, I can make another cure! Just please, please hold on! Pl-please…” Twilight prayed and pleaded. But it wasn't going to work. She knew it wasn't.

Don't leave us Pinkie Pie:raritydespair:!!! The others and Ponyville cant live without your smile:raritycry:!!!

“Hah… Twilight. Twilight, calm down.” Pinkie softly said. Her words starting to get more airy. Twilight tried to calm her sporadic breathing and stop the choking she was doing on her own tears. She looked to Pinkie, her vision a watery burr. “It's ok, Twilight. I'm… I'm happy. I changed all of your lives. My parents, my sister's, our friends. My greatest wish was to give everyone something to smile about, and I did that. I don't have a single regret in my mind.”

“No… no don't say that. You aren't dying, this is just… Oh, Sweet Celestia…” Twilight wasn't able to make coherent sentences. Her mind was in a fog, her thoughts jumbled and her train of thought crashing hard into a brick wall. Her denial was getting the best of her.

Pinkie...please...dont go...:applecry:.

Pinkie was starting to talk slowly, as to conserve her final bits of energy. Her breathing starting to get slow and her air intake getting shorter by the minute. “Please. When you're… done with your crying… promise me. Promise me that you'll smile. That you won't… think back on this day… as a day of sadness. Think back with joy. The day Pinkie… found peace. And that she passed… with no regrets.”

“I...” Twilight hesitated. She didn't know if she could keep that promise. But she had to try. For Pinkie. “I promise. Cross my heart…” Twilight made a crossing motion with one of her hooves over her chest. “Hope to fly...” She did two sad, pathetic flaps with her wings. “Stick a cupcake in my eye.” She directed the free hoof into her eye, completing and sealing the Pinkie Promise.

Pinkie's smile widened at this. “Good… Good.” She gave a small and short chuckle. “You… you better keep it. Or else my… my ghost will have to come down and… give you what for! Heh… heh…” Pinkie joked. She still played around, even on the brink of death. “It's funny. I always pictured myself… bombastically going out… with balloons and confetti flying everywhere! But you know what?” She glanced to Twilight. “I'm ok with this.”

Don't worry Pinkie...we'll all keep your Pinkie Promise...all of us will:pinkiesad2:.

The monitor's frequency lessened again. Beeping every five seconds or so. Her heart was coming to a stop, and Pinkie was definitely looking weak. Taking long breaths to accommodate for the air she wasn’t getting. Twilight was quietly bawling at this point, clutching Pinkie's hoof with all the strength she had. “Please… please don't go. I... I love you, Pinkie. I love you! Everypony loves you! Nothing will be the same without you! Please don't go!” Twilight begged. Begged that the cure did work and was just taking its time. Begged that Pinkie would miraculously recover. Begged that she would stay. But life still took it’s course, and Pinkie was ready.

WE LOVE YOU PINKIE PIE:raritycry:!!!

Pinkie was gone.

Twilight pressed her head into the bed, the sheets soaking up her onslaught of tears. Small, muffled sorrows of forgiveness being spoken into the mattress. “I'm sorry… I'm sorry…” Twilight couldn't believe it. Her best friend just died right in front of her. And she wasn't able to do a thing about it. All she could do was weep. Weep, cry, sob, grieve, any synonym you could think.


“Promise me that you'll smile. That you won't think back on this day as a day of sadness. Think back with joy. The day Pinkie found peace. And that she passed with no regrets.”

We promise Pinkie Pie...we all do! We'll never stop smiling, even after we see you again in Paradise:raritycry:!!!

She looked back one last time to Pinkie's body. She closed her eyes, her smile still prevalent as one final tear fell down her cheek, before turning off the light to the room and walking out. As she closed the door, she gave her final words to Pinkie. Whether she heard them or not was up to the ponies above. But somehow, she knew Pinkie would hear them.

“Goodbye, Pinkie Pie. May you give the skies above a party to never forget.”

And find piece in the Elysian Fields...:ajsleepy:.

Sees a story about celebrating life through death...

Clicks Aggressively

You fucking bastard. Great story hit me in the feels literally. Started crying as well ffs, reminds me of something similar. I don’t hate you but just... why.

I don't know why myself tbh, dude. I just kinda did this fic. I felt bad doing this to Pinkie (who has slowly been becoming one of my favs from the 6). No joke, I myself started to tear up at the end of this.

I know this makes no sense, but I'm simultaneously biased in favor of and against sadfics. That strange idiosyncrasy of mine is in full effect here.

The story is fairly well written, and has a plethora of solid material, but also suffers from an air of genericness and one of the strangest plot developments I've seen in recent memory (How does somepony like Twilight accidentally create a cherrychanga punch trying to cure a disease!!??).

If this fic was shorter, I might've not been as forgiving. Fortunately, the length managed to save it, but just BARELY.

Have a Like. :)

Hey, as long as you liked it, I did my job. I'm still starting out with my fic writing, so I'm not gonna be perfect. But I still appreciate your feedback, thank you! :yay:

Glad to be of assistance. All things considered, not bad for a debut!

I apologize if I came off as a bit harsh. :twilightsheepish:

That's no problem. I love feedback, I didn't think you were harsh at all!

Hate to admit it but this story has me tearing up more the jirayas death in Naruto. If you don't see why or know jiraya that's fine I'm just pointing out how much it hit me. I know what a situation like this is really like and you're not far off. Nobody handles death the same as another, everyone has regrets when they say goodbye and some can't even bring themselves to say. So I think this was well done I'm looking forward to your next work.

Soooooo, what form of cancer did Pinkie have? Leukemia maybe? Many of the symptoms of cancer WERE shown in the story, well not really shown more like, described. The hair loss that is associated with cancer is a result of Chemotherapy, not cancer itself.

It's implied to be but I didn't want to outright say it. In the pony world, I would imagine there are many kinda diseases. Some relatively harmless, other unnamed rarer ones more dangerous.
But it can be left up to personal decision really.

you broke me. you. bucking. broke. me!


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