• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!


Written for Terry the Human for Jinglemas 2018.

Thunderlane got his marefriend, Flitter, a signed Wonderbolts jersey for Hearth's Warming. That same year, Cloudchaser gave her sister a set of paints. Clearly, she couldn't let this blatant insult stand, so next year, she made sure to get her sister the best present she could think of, kicking off an ever-escalating battle of gift-giving between herself and Thunderlane. Will the two remember the true value of a present before their relationships with their loved ones are ruined forever?

Features a very brief crossover with Doctor Who

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

Thank you bro for writing this :)

Missed this one until now. Delightful work, especially in how you warped the song lyrics. Though poor Rumble. By that scene, this was probably going on for well over half his life.

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