• Published 10th Jan 2019
  • 1,271 Views, 220 Comments

Sigil of Souls, Stream of Memories - Piccolo Sky

In an alternate world of shadow, steam, and danger, the future hinges on six individuals forming a new friendship.

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Daybreak: The King of Despair, Part III

Twilight managed to swallow. “Fluttershy…Rarity… Get Applejack and Dash back on their feet. No matter how long it takes. Pinkie and I will hold him off.”

Not giving him the chance to make the first move, Twilight began to walk toward the hulking cadaver drawing a fire sigil. Yet in the time it took her to execute it, Sombra waved his free “hand”; causing a rather large, flat, and diamondesque black crystal to emerge from the ground. He seized it from behind and held it in front of him like a tower shield. Twilight executed her fireball, but he had enough time to swing the shield in front of it and intercept it. The ball struck it but it had as much effect as everything else had on the crystals so far—nothing. It burst and fizzled out.

Twilight grit her teeth, quickly drawing a larger sigil as she kept approaching and flung a bigger fireball at him. Sombra grinned back, blocking that fireball as easily as the previous one.

The mage breathed a little heavy after that, holding her hand down to her side. Her fingers were shaking uncontrollably. “I used at least half of what I had in that tornado… I can’t just bounce back from that for more spells…”

“Then leave it to me!” Pinkie whistled, merrily hopping next to her. Soon after, she again brought her knife up and split it into a pair of shortswords. She once again performed the “blade dance”, clicking them together and spinning around in circles a few times before leaping out for Sombra as fast as before, spinning about in a wild circle.

This time Sombra did stop and actually planted his “feet” long enough to bring his shield fully in front of him. A moment later, Pinkie collided with a flurry and sparks and resounding “bam” echoing over the battlefield.

But when she dropped to the ground, not so much as a scratch was on the gem shield.

“Aw…” she moaned disappointedly.

Still grinning, Sombra brought the shield to one side and, with horrific speed and strength, yanked his blade up and behind him. Swinging it around like the pendulum on a battering ram, he brought it down and smashed into the Dancer. Even knowing what Pinkie was, Twilight was aghast at the thunderclap of a blow that she heard—before the woman was launched into the air and flung entirely out of the palisade and who knew how much farther. She had been little more to Sombra than a golf ball to a club.

Worse yet, the moment she was out of the way he broke into a charge. In spite of his hideous body and size, he was far faster than Twilight anticipated and was nearly on her before she even had the presence of mind to execute another sigil. This one was lightning—hoping to snake around and hit him in spite of his protection. It was as useless as the fire; breaking against the shield and not even slowing him down before he was on top of her. His sword again raised and came down—this time like the world’s largest guillotine.

She dove to one side, but that hardly mattered when the blade missed her and smashed the ground. The force was enough to fracture it inward, actually heaving her off of her feet, making her stumble, and sending her rolling back into his line of sight. He quickly raised his sword again to finish her off and she was forced into a panic move. Desperately, she held up both hands and “dual drew” ice sigils as fast as she could to put a frozen shell around her…

An instant later the blade came down—easily cutting through her flimsy barrier and slamming into the ground. She gasped when it did; realizing the only reason that she didn’t immediately get bisected from top to bottom was because the ice had managed to deflect the blade to one side, and now the massive weapon was hovering mere inches from her head. Fortunately, the ice was still generating when he came down, and soon it was freezing around his sword. For a brief moment, she saw some tension on his arm, indicating it had been immobilized. She used the moment to scramble up and try to escape…

No good. Seeing her wriggling free, Sombra merely released his impromptu shield and lashed out with his grotesque hand to seize her by the skull. She immediately gripped it in response, for in spite of being pieced together from various body parts it tightened into a crushing grip. Enough to make her cry out for a moment as she felt like he was going to pop her skull like a grape.

Before he could do any worse, however, a light “ding” was heard. Twilight could barely comprehend it through the crushing pain, but Sombra himself dully looked around just as a second noise rang out. Applejack, fully back on her feet with both arms apparently functional, was pounding away at his back with her hammer in blows that normally should have turned ribs, shoulder blades, and spines into powder.

He didn’t tolerate this long. Rising up, he tossed Twilight aside headfirst like she was a piece of garbage, and she didn’t stop flying until she smacked straight into a crystalline wall. Immediately, she slumped to the ground with no more than a light moan and a streak of blood smearing across the crystal. He proceeded to let out a dark, amused chuckle as he calmly rose and turned toward the rancher, barely even shifting from each one of her hammer blows.

Suddenly he snapped his large blade up and out for her as he spun around. She managed to leap back, but she was never the target. Instead, his blade caught her hammer and, with an easy flick, ripped it out of her hands and flung it away. Applejack was stunned at being left unarmed, and the stun was more than long enough for Sombra to haul back his now-free “hand” and give her the back of it. Another echo rang out as she was painfully smacked to the ground and sent sliding away from the grotesque hulk.

On halting, in spite of how bad the hit had been, she grunted and started to get up again. Yet scarcely had she managed to get her feet underneath her when Sombra stalked up to her, raised one of his feet, and planted it square against her chest. Applejack let out a cry as the air was knocked clean from her body before she was flung away again, this time smacking against a few bits of dirt and debris before coming to a stop again.

In spite of clearly being sore and in pain, she forced herself up even quicker, albeit more wobbly than before. Yet as fast as she moved Sombra was faster, and no sooner had she managed to stand when he came up to her and slammed his own head down on hers. Two thin trails of blood painted the air as she was instantly spread flat on her face once again.

Chuckling cruelly, he reached down and seized her by the neck. When he yanked her up, her face was bleeding from three places and bruised along the top of it. All she could do was glare at him angrily and defiantly. This, unfortunately, only seemed to excite him as he tossed her against the nearest somewhat-vertical slab. Then he proceeded to smash his fist into her face as many times as he could. Each one sent a ripple through the air and blood trailed off of his fist each time. Applejack was only able to take two before going limp, but that didn’t stop him…

Right before he could hit her for the seventh time, however, he grinned even wider before another black crystal in the shape of a tower shield erupted behind him—just in time to intercept Pinkie Pie as she came swinging at him with another bladed circle. Once again, it clanged off harmlessly.

This time Pinkie actually pouted. “Oh…no fair!”

Sombra left Applejack’s body behind as he rose again and spun around. He showed a hint of hesitation for a moment, clearly not expecting to see Pinkie there and still intact, before he seized up his new shield and swung an arc at her again. This time, she managed to nimbly step back and evade it. She began to perform her “blade dance” again, but only got a few steps in before he swung at her horizontally this time—forcing her to stop by ducking. She instantly started up again, but yet another slide caused her to misstep.

“Hey! Cut that out!”

Sombra chuckled again before swinging his shield arm back and then bringing it up and around, trying to squish her underneath it. It was easy for her to step to one side to evade it, but that was exactly what he wanted. With frightening speed, he lashed out with his sword again at her exposed body and this time made contact. With an unusual sound, Pinkie’s arm split at the shoulder and was cleaved from her body before flopping to the ground.

Again, Sombra gave pause on seeing there was no blood. Not only that, but no innards that he could find either. Pinkie herself was oblivious to it, and on seeing him perturbed she immediately snickered. Snorting, he swung his blade out again. A moment later, her other arm joined the first on the ground, yet still she didn’t react or register any damage.

“Tee hee!” she giggled, as her severed arms proceeded to hold up their respective blades and twirl them around. “Look at that! You really ‘disarmed’ me!”

His grin having turned into a sneer by now, Sombra slammed his shield into the ground hard enough to spike it in place; leaving it set as he glared down on her. A moment later, he seized her by the neck and held her up to his face.

“Hehe! What’s next?” she laughed as she held up her legs and wiggled her toes. “Are you gonna try and ‘de-feet’ me n-”

Pinkie was cut off as Sombra opened his massive, tooth lined mouth and proceeded to belch his foul miasma all over her. Her previously merry and happy expression was morphed into dread and horror. Her body went limp in his grip and began to quiver and shrink as he worked the same mind-crushing effect he had used on the ladies back at Canterlot…

“Unhand her, you brute!”

Sombra’s jaw clamped shut and he pivoted his head just in time to see Rarity thrusting for the larger of his two eyes. Unlike the other blows thus far, he actually pulled away to evade the thrust. Rarity quickly angled upward for his other eye to force him back another step, but more importantly to get him to unhand Pinkie so he could focus on the Prodigy. Letting her now-pale form simply fall to the ground, he readied his sword and cross-slashed at the woman.

This time, however, he got a dose of his own medicine as Rarity produced a crystal of her own right in between her and the blade. Although his own blow was strong enough to cause her crystal to tilt, it remained as impervious as his. Sneering, he reached out to take up his shield again, but Rarity was a bit faster and promptly generated another crystal. His grotesque hand was suddenly blocked from reaching the shield and he was left overextended. With that, she quickly thrust inward again…

Once more, Sombra was forced to step back—twice this time. However, his face was twisted in far more irritation as, while doing so, he caused Rarity’s rapier to pull out from his eye socket with the larger of his two eyes pierced on the end. Unfortunately, she seemed to be so impressed with herself at that damage she gave him a chance to recover. A black tendril of smoke lashed out from his empty socket for the nearest corpse, ripped out one of its eyes, yanked it back into his head, and changed its colors as he generated a new shield and advanced on Rarity.

He hauled back his sword to slice again, and she answered by quickly generating another crystal to block it. However, it was a feint. He leveled his other arm with his shield in front of him when he made the move, and proceeded to come forward and smash it into her body. It wasn’t as horrible as his other blows, but it still was enough to stun her and make her spill over and onto her back.

She tried to rise, but Sombra was again faster. He stepped forward, raised his crudely-armored foot, and smashed it down on her sword-bearing hand. The impact was enough to snap the blade at the hilt…but the true shocking act occurred when bulk of his boot landed on top of her hand and multiple cracks rang out. Even Rarity’s composure couldn’t be contained at that for more than a moment before she cried out.

Sombra raised the blade again to deliver a finishing blow, but as he began to swing it down…he suddenly began to move far more slowly. Like he was imbedded in water or something even thicker. Rarity, in spite of tears streaming down her face at her horrible injury, looked up and saw him pause and tried to use the moment to get away. It turned out to be easier than she thought, for her body moved at a much faster speed. She was well out of range by the time Sombra’s blade finally reached where she had been.

Another irritated grunt went out, before with a flash of light from his eyes Sombra broke free of whatever was holding him and panned his head to one side. Twilight, although she was staggering and bleeding freely from her scalp, was up again with both hands elevated and ready to cast again. Snorting, he pivoted around and began to charge for her.

Twilight answered by quickly drawing two different sigils at once. The first sent up another column of rock in Sombra’s path. He bashed it away with his shield and kept charging, but it had given enough of a delay for her second spell to accelerate her body. In spite of hobbling, she still managed to dodge to one side as his blade sliced through nothing.

Both of her hands kept moving with new sigils even as Sombra pivoted to try and charge again. He took another step just as she finished one, and before he could take a second he found himself caught. He looked and saw one of his feet had been frozen in place. A moment later, Twilight finished her second sigil and swung her hand down. Sombra caught this, and quickly raised his shield up and over his head. Just in time, too…for a sizeable thunderbolt came down and crashed against it.

The shield once again protected him, but it did serve to stoke his anger even further. As soon as the thunder died, he returned his shield to his side and charged again. Once more, Twilight’s hands were already moving, and this time she let out dual fireballs. She didn’t bother aiming for him this time but rather aimed at the ground he was charging on—spreading flames in his path. In spite of the seemingly minor nature of the attack, it made him halt. Twilight quickly followed up again with two more sigils, seizing the opportunity, and a second later two boulders were whipped up by columns of wind and cast at Sombra. Either one managed to sail past the shield and connect with his head with sufficient force to shatter on impact.

Again, Sombra’s anger seemed to be the only thing that changed. Once again he broke into a charge and once more Twilight generated spells in front of herself. However, just as she prepared to execute them, a new crystal erupted in front of her. The mage halted, surprised at the sudden blockade, when Sombra’s malformed body suddenly used the crystal as a platform and ran over the top of it. One of his feet lashed out, going right through the sigil and slashing toward Twilight’s face.

She quickly recoiled, but Sombra swung his sword down in another arc for her outstretched limbs. She barely managed to keep them from being cut off. As it was, she still winced on the tip of his crude sword slashing across the back of one of her arms. The pain left her stunned as Sombra leapt down and slashed out at her again. Even with her speed spell, she barely got back in time. Twilight was forced to keep dodging back as Sombra pressed his advantage, nearly slicing into her with each chop as she ran back. She tried to generate another advanced sigil, but his sword swept out and cut her off before she could.

Finally, however, she managed a much smaller sigil that sent off a stream of mist into his two red and green eyes. He let out an inhuman hiss and recoiled back; giving Twilight enough confidence to start making a bigger sigil…

Only to find it was a bluff as his eyes cleared and his grin widened—right before he leapt forward with his shield. Twilight saw and, at the last moment, managed to switch to generating a shield spell, but even then the impact was enough to make her buckle and cry out before being sprawled on the ground. Sombra didn’t bother with an overhead chop this time. Instead, he leveled his massive blade up for a thrust and drove it forward…

A sharp whistle went through the air, followed by a breaking sound. The blade suddenly snapped loose and drooped—leading to the sword piercing the ground between Twilight’s legs instead.

The mage was surprised but quickly scrambled back, but Sombra himself noticed that one of his forearms wielding the blade had gone limp from being sliced across a key ligament. He pivoted his head to the source of the attack as his black tendrils snaked out to find a “replacement part”, and in moments his eyes spotted Rainbow Dash; standing again in the Role of the Archer, albeit with dried blood on her face, heaving a bit, and looking a little dizzy.

“Alright…let’s see how long I can keep it up this time.”

Reconnecting his muscles, Sombra stood up again and glared about. Twilight was standing again and readying more sigils on one side, while Dash was behind him. He hissed a moment more before snapping back to Twilight and charging again.

Twilight quickly finished her new sigils and aimed downward—causing the ground to ripple and become uneven in Sombra’s path. The result caused him to stumble, and as soon as he did Dash fired again. This time, he quickly pivoted around and blocked it with his shield. However, Twilight used the moment to quickly advance, using both hands to rapidly form a single sigil and shoot fire at him once again.

Once again, it wasn’t aimed at him directly, but rather at the path in front of him—bathing it in flames. His attempts to correct himself nearly made him stumble right into it, but once again he managed to halt just in time. His next move was readying to vault over it and attack Twilight head-on, but just as he shifted his weight another whistle went out as Dash’s next arrow hit the mark and severed his impromptu Achilles tendon. He immediately faltered, nearly going face first into the fire. It was only by swinging out his shield and plunging it into the ground that he stopped himself.

This, however, let Twilight quickly catch up to him. He attempted to use his sword arm to slash at her, only for her to use another speed spell at the last moment and shoot out of the way. Her other hand finished executing a lightning sigil, and this time managed to connect as she discharged the new bolt right in his face. A horrible noise came from his multiple throats as he reared up and back, quickly pulling more body parts in to rebuild himself. As he saw Twilight shoot by, he lunged out after her and swung his sword downward; only for more arrows from Dash to break his multi-limbed arm in several spots. This time, the entire sword snapped his remaining arm off and fell to the ground.

Now he emitted something far more akin to a growl. Without even looking at Dash, his power made the ground shake. She noticed and tried to jump free of it, but even so barely avoided being skewered as dozens of needle-like crystals erupted from beneath her. With his back now clear, he charged after Twilight again. He left his sword behind as body parts came up and began to rebuild his arm, instead relying entirely on his shield.

She suddenly planted her feet and spun around, rapidly generating more fire spells one after the other with the intent of covering his path with flame. Unfortunately for her, he was coming too fast—hitting them with his shield before they could reach their desired trajectory. In moments he was on her and swiped out with the edge of his shield to try and bisect her. Unfortunately for him, she executed one last sigil before he could reach her, aiming it downward this time. It was a wind spell, and the small tempest that arose quickly propelled her into the air and above him and his swinging shield arm.

He looked to the sky as she soared over him, generating more sigils all over again. He raised his shield to guard himself but she expected it this time. She rained down dozens of frozen shards instead of fireballs. They smashed into the shield one after the other but they didn’t shatter. Rather, they broke halfway before freezing and piling up on it. The sheer volume with which she produced this icy hailstorm was enough to completely cover the shield with thick ice in moments, causing it to become overweight and lopsided. Sombra held out as long as he could before he heard a crackle. Looking to his arm, he was surprised to see the weight snap his thinner wrist and wrench his shield to one side.

Freshly angry, he pivoted his previously broken arm. A line of flesh, bone, and tendons snapped taut and yanked his blade and limb off the ground to him—finishing reforming his arm while getting his sword back in his grasp. He readied himself to slice Twilight back out of the air as she descended.

He didn’t get the chance. Loading two arrows at once this time, Dash, having freshly repositioned herself, fired again. A moment later two shafts sank into the back of his bloody head only to erupt through either eye socket. He gave his loudest cry of rage yet at he was blinded.

Holding her hands together, Twilight used them to paint a sigil twice as fast and sent an even larger fireball at Sombra’s body. He tried to rebuild his arm but wasn’t fast enough this time as the fireball struck the limb a moment before he could get the shield up again.

This time, the fire burst against his body and immediately began to catch the fat, tendons, and exposed parts of his grotesque frame. It instantly began to lick at them, and Sombra cried out again as he staggered back. In moments, molten and charred pieces of his stitched-together body began to fall off from him as smoke arose from the point of impact.

Letting out a multi-throated horrible hiss, he finally shed that part of his anatomy all together. But it left a wound…a much more gaping and dire one than one would have thought. His shield arm now fell limp at his side, and the black tendrils that shot out from his body had to stretch much farther and more potently in order to find new pieces to rebuild it.

Twilight, panting hard after all of the magic she had discharged, nevertheless managed to call out. “He’s filled with power but his body is weak! And it’s taking him even more energy to put it back together!”

“Alright then!” Dash shouted back as she knocked another arrow. “Let’s cut him down to size!”

As two more eyeballs shot into the air to fill his sockets, she let fly and plucked them off one after the other. Twilight answered with throwing two more fireballs at him, and though he resorted to wild retreating to avoid them he proved to be too big of a target to evade both. One of them landed on his leg and burst, wrapping it in fire and beginning to eat away at the fragile joint connections. He ended up rooted to the spot.

With no other option, he hoisted the wide edge of his blade and his shield in front of him to weather Twilight’s next bombardment while he struggled to regenerate. The next two fireballs impacted against his protection; dissipating uselessly. However, as Twilight generated the fifth and sixth one, Dash took careful aim and let another arrow fly from behind. This one wasn’t aimed at him directly, but rather impacted his shield. Not only did it end up knocking it slightly askew, but it rebounded and proceeded to hit him in the chin with enough force to dislodge three teeth. Worse yet, on knocking his head up, it left it a clear target for one of Twilight’s fireballs and soon his entire upper skull was aflame. He roared in a mixture of rage and anguish.

Both ladies would have kept firing, except the ground erupted around him both in front and behind as a circle of obsidian crystals surrounded him. He was shielding himself on all sides as his black tendrils snapped out even faster to collect more parts to rebuild himself with. However, neither lady paused. Dash began to run up at full speed while Twilight shifted to a new type of spell. A moment later, she slammed both of her palms onto the ground. A much more powerful earth spell rocked it soon after—approaching the level of a true quake. It was enough to force the massive crystals to dislodge and lower.

As soon as one was low enough, Dash ran up to it, leapt into the air, and touched down on the black stone. She didn’t stay long—only using it as a pivot to springboard herself off in a nimble mid-air flip over the space it was enclosing. For a moment, she looked below and saw Sombra—smoldering from multiple places, still struggling to put himself back together and unable to “unblind” himself so long as his head was still sizzling. She smirked as she took careful aim and let loose another two arrows. These ones were aimed right at the shoulder joints and hit true.

A pair of bony snaps rang out as Dash spun over to the other side. While her shots weren’t enough to sever his limbs entirely, it was enough to break the bones being used as levers. Both of Sombra’s arms slumped to the ground as he was left literally disarmed and exposed. Twilight snapped back up and proceeded to fire both of her next spells right at his chest. They erupted and engulfed his entire upper body in flames. He let out his loudest bellow yet.

Dash had scarcely landed before she snapped around, ignoring her returning sweating and winded nature, and took aim again with a grin. “Alright! We got him on the ropes! Let’s finish him!”

“Careful!” Twilight shouted back as the hulking corpse staggered out of his own protection furiously spinning around to try and extinguish himself faster. “He still has a lot of power left! He might-”

Sombra cut Twilight off as a strange sound came from his still-burning head. Dash herself only caught a glimpse of it. For a brief moment, one of the iron spires of the crude crown he had made for himself lit up with the same sickening colors of his non-existent eyes. A streak of light came out and painted itself in Twilight’s direction in a deadly sweep.

She quickly looked to Twilight to see what had happened…and saw the mage abort her latest sigils as two of her bloody fingers flew off from her hand and into the night sky.

Dash was shocked, but not nearly as horrified as Twilight as she turned as pale as a sheet. An instant later, her intact hand grabbed her freely bleeding one where her pointer and middle finger had been, clasped it, and screamed in pain. As she staggered from the trauma, Sombra turned fully to her even without eyes. He took a step forward…

Quickly, Dash knocked another arrow and took aim. “Hey! Keep back you son of a-”

Unfortunately, in her passion she failed to realize the reason Twilight had been hit at all was because she had made too much noise, and at that moment Sombra pivoted around and let his crown unleash another ray of the deadly light. Dash was a bit faster on the uptake; seeing him turn about and pivoting to one side. However, the ray still managed to shoot up and tag her bow, and whatever heat and force it possessed not only bisected it but caused either end to erupt in splinters.

Dash gave a much more subtle cry as the combination of the attack and her unbalance caused her to fall on her backside. By that point, the gesture had been enough to make her sickness come out full force, and she was left nauseated and sweating for a moment before she was able to bite it back and try to rise.

That, however, was a moment too long. Sombra leapt into the air as soon as she landed, and before she could get more than her head off the ground he came down to the ground on top of her again—bringing one of his huge metal boots down right on her abdomen and lower sternum.

Dash’s pupils vanished into pinpricks and her mouth opened wide, letting out a horrendous gag as both the wind and several droplets of blood erupted from her throat. Sombra, still smoldering and with only his legs intact, immediately hefted his boot slightly only to slam it down even harder. The Huntsman spasmed again as more blood came from her throat; the end result of him driving his heel into her softer organs. Still not satisfied, he began to press down with it, and soon after a loud snap rang out followed by a second soon after as he started to break her ribs. If Dash had any air left, she would have been screaming.

Still pinning Dash like a bug under a boot, Sombra swept his head around as a tendril finally brought him a fresh eye. It was unable to connect itself directly into his smoldering skull at first, so instead he extended the nerve to connect it and looked. Twilight, shuddering all over from exhaustion as well as trauma and blood loss, was clasping her injured hand to her chest as she drew another sigil with her intact one. Yet she was too slow this time with everything she was fighting through, and before she could get any further a disgusting “wad” of fresh organs, bones, and appendages were ripped off of the ground and hurled into the back of her head—broadsiding her and stunning her.

No sooner had they done that then they reformed into the multi-limbed appendage Sombra had made before, and the largest hand in the set grasped her by the throat and clenched into a throttle. She was yanked off of the ground afterward, practically hung, and left to clutch and claw desperately at the grotesque arm. Yet all it did was “reel her in” to Sombra’s main body as he reconnected it yet again, and in moments the arm was intact and still choking her right in front of Sombra’s half-rebuilt face.

In spite of one of her hands being free, without her voice Twilight could complete no more spells. Instead she struggled against his hand for all she was worth, even beating against it with her fist for all of the good it did. Sombra, on his part, did not grin anymore…but that didn’t mean his rows of teeth weren’t bared at her in rage, hate, and anger. He only kept clenching her as she kept struggling in vain. Dash, on her part, was still being half-crushed by the monster and powerless to do anything. After several moments, Twilight’s struggles began to weaken and slow. Her eyes started to glaze over as she kept gasping for air in vain…

Yet before she could black out, a rather solid blow struck Sombra on the back. From her position, Twilight couldn’t see it clearly, but based on the fact that rocks shattered and scattered behind him in his wake she could assume it was a boulder of some sort. It wasn’t the only thing that broke, however. A loud sound of bones snapping went off—Sombra’s vertebral column breaking in two. His legs faltered beneath him, and instinctively he released Twilight. She dropped to the ground limply, coughing and gagging for breath as she clutched her throat with her good hand.

Sombra ignored her entirely, snapping around for the source of the blow as his spine reconnected. Twilight weakly looked as well and got a surprise.

Applejack was standing again; no longer looking hurt in the least. Moreover, however, her aura was blazing brighter than it ever had. Furthermore, she wasn’t just wearing light battle armor anymore. Now it was a full plated suit in an earthy, amber color, covering every part of her body except her face…which nevertheless was enclosed by a helmet. Her warhammer had enlarged, and the previous hook on the back of it had grown into an axe combination. Not only that, but she was now sporting a shield in her other hand and hefting both as if they were nothing.

Most of all, Twilight noticed her Promethian Sigil hand.

Even with the armor, she noticed two blazing lights on it.

Author's Note:

Don't worry...next chapter will end the fight.

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