• Published 6th Jan 2019
  • 1,242 Views, 34 Comments

Flash Colored - MythrilMoth

Flash Sentry yearns to be as colorful as the Rainbooms.

  • ...


As the mid-morning Sunday sun shone its warmth down on Canterlot City, seven teenage girls, one teenage boy, one talking purple dog, and one lemur sat around the wood-paneled living room of a bungalow in the Heights, north of Crystal Prep Academy. "So, whut're we doin' way out here again?" Applejack asked.

"We're here to support Flash Sentry, darling," Rarity explained patiently.

"Support 'im with whut though?" Applejack asked. "Ain't nun'a y'all said whut was goin' on!"

"Flash is gonna get paintjo—" Rainbow coughed. "Ahem. Recolored," she said.

Applejack's eyes shrank to pinpricks. "Aw hell no."

"Just temporarily," Fluttershy said as she gave Radar belly scritches. "Miss Zecora does free test colors for people who are, well...color-curious. It's so they can decide if they want to, you know, try the first steps to living as transcolor persons."

"But why though?" Applejack asked. "You ask me, he's a mighty fine color already, just like nature intended!"

"Now Applejack," Sunset said mildly. "Not everyone is pleased with the chromelanin they were born with, and that's okay. It's Flash's decision, and right now, he just wants to see what it's like to be a different color. He has his reasons, and we're his friends, so let's be supportive and not judgmental, alright?"

Applejack sighed. "Yeah yeah," she grunted. "Sorry, Ah jes' don't git this whole turnin' your skin a different color thing."

"Oh, I don't know," Fluttershy said as she stroked Radar's fur. "I wouldn't mind being a nice dark green. Animals love green things." She paused to listen to Radar's chittering. "Well...that's true too, I suppose."

A woman walked into the room. She wore a woven hemp dress dyed artistically in intricate patterns and simple suede slippers, three gold bangles on her right ankle and left wrist, a broad gold choker, and dangling hoop earrings. Numerous trible tattoos marked her ash-grey skin, and the tall mohawk atop her otherwise shaven head was stark white with black streaks. "Good Sunday to you, my young guests," she said. "Who among you has come for coloration tests?"

Flash gulped and stood up, raising a hand. "Um. I-me," he said. "I wanted to...to try seeing how I'd look with a brighter color."

"Ah, yes, I see," Zecora said with a smile. "It is no surprise, I get many peachies!" Her eyes twinkled. "Peachies often feel their skin is too bland, that being another color would make life more grand!"

"Really?" Flash asked hopefully, his posture relaxing.

"Indeed," Zecora said. "Come, let us proceed. I will need one, perhaps two aids. Who would you be most comfortable with among these fair maids?" At Flash's sudden pale expression, she chuckled. "There is no need to fear. They will not see your rear. Or anything else they should not see, such as your, ahem..." She grinned. "Pee-pee."

"O-oh," Flash said, relaxing. Rainbow snickered.

"Test colors are from the waist up only," Fluttershy explained with a small smile.

"And the legs, if you please," Zecora said. "For any clothing that allows a breeze."

"I've brought along a selection of apparel to try out," Rarity said. "For both men and women, in case any of us decide to get tested today. Just for fun!" she added, seeing the looks of objection some of her friends wore.

Flash coughed. "W-well," he said, "Rarity is...is a fashionista, so I trust her and her opinion, so...yeah. And, umm..." He looked the girls over. "Fluttershy," he decided.

Fluttershy blushed, pointing to herself. "M-me?"

"I trust you to, y'know, be sensitive in there," Flash said lamely. "Not that I don't trust the rest of you, it's just—"

"We totally get it!" Rainbow assured him. "Can't wait to see what you look like after all this," she added with a cheeky grin.

"Good luck in there!" Sunset said with a big, supportive smile.

Flash, Zecora, and the two girls retreated into the depths of the bungalow, where a master bedroom and half-bath had been converted into a sterile salon with a padded, papered work table, rolling stools, mirrors everywhere, and benches covered in paints, dyes, brushes, sponges, blow dryers, and all other manner of styling tools. Two huge color charts dominated one wall; Rarity gravitated over to those. "Look here, Flash," she said. "This chart will help us decide what the new you is going to look like!"

Flash walked over, studying the charts with a frown. "I'm honestly not sure what to go for," he admitted.

"Choose colors that speak to you," Zecora said. "The heart and mind know what they want, tis true."

Flash looked at Fluttershy and Rarity, glowing with butter yellow and shining alabaster vitality and feminine beauty. He thought of Sunset Shimmer and her warm, sassy fire, Twilight Sparkle and her cool, inviting lavender, Pinkie Pie and her fun, bubbly pink, and Rainbow Dash and her sporty, summery blue.

He looked over the color charts. His eyes locked on a group of colors. He swallowed.

"I'm ready," he said, shedding his jacket and stripping off his T-shirt.