• Published 8th Jan 2019
  • 3,409 Views, 14 Comments

Animal in the bed? - Galaxy Swril

Gallus and Sliverstream have been friends for a while and Gallus accidentally tells Sliverstream that he's a real animal in the bed.

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Part 2

Animal in the bed?

By Galaxy Swirl

Part 2

After Professor Fluttershy's class Gallus asked Sliverstream if she wanted to get anything from sugarcube corner, but Sliverstream declined the offer. Sliverstream pondered on what Gallus had said to her earlier about 'animal in the bed'. She went over to the school computer in the library to search up what the meaning of 'animal in the bed'. The results came up with actual animals cuddled up in the bed sheets which Sliverstream found adorable so for half an hour she kept looking at pictures of actual animals in the bed. Sliverstream then remembered the type of tone Gallus used to describe 'animal in the bed' which sounded like a flirty tone. Sliverstream left the library and decided to ask her Professor Fluttershy what 'animal in the bed' meant.

"Hello Professor Fluttershy!" Sliverstream chanted.

"Hi Sliverstream, you need anything?" Fluttershy smiled.

"Actually yes! I was wondering if you could explain to me what animal in the bed meant. Gallus said that to me and I'm really confused. He didn't want to tell me what it meant so he told me to search it up online and I found images of cute adorable animals in the bed but for some reason I feel like there's another meaning to it. You see I asked Headmare Twilight about it but she felt very uncomfortable. So anyway what does animal in the bed mean?" Sliverstream explained. Fluttershy was still processing the information that Sliverstream had told her.

"Well it depends what type of context it is really," Fluttershy mumbled. "I have no idea, maybe ask your Professor Rainbow Dash? And trust me that's the last pony I would suggest."

Sliverstream sighed. "Fine! Thanks anyway Professor Fluttershy! Have a good day!" Sliverstream opened her wings and zoomed out of her Professor's Fluttershy's classroom.

"No problem?" Fluttershy replied.

"PROFESSOR RAINBOW DASH!!!" Sliverstream shouted in the middle of the hallway.

"Whos saying my name? It's not Twilight right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Nope Sliverstream! What are you doing over here? Aren't you supposed to be at Wonderbolt HQ?" Sliverstream asked.

"How did you know about that?!" Rainbow Dash jagged.

Sliverstream rolled her eyes. "Well lets just say you brag about your Wonderbolt career and you happened to let it slip out your tongue what time your Wonderbolt practice is."

Rainbow Dash blinked twice, "oh yea that, sorry."

"It's fine, I wanna ask you something." Sliverstream replied.

"Go ahead ask me anything!" Rainbow Dash responded.

Sliverstream smiled. "GREAT! So Gallus said to me 'animal in the bed' and I have no idea what it means. I searched up what it meant but then I saw cute adorable pictures of animals cuddled up in the bed sheets so I was looking at those for half an hour. Then I asked Professor Fluttershy and Headmare Twilight but they wouldn't tell me. Oh and Professor Fluttershy suggested I should talk to you about this and Headmare Twilight is still mad with you."

"Well you didn't have to tell me your whole life story but ok..." Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Wait Twilight is still mad with me?"

Sliverstream nodded her head. "So what does animal in the bed mean?"

"Well do you know what sex means?" Rainbow Dash asked. Sliverstream shook her head. "Well sex is when a male and a female make out basically,"

"Wait hold up, making out is sex?" Sliverstream replied.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Kinda but you get the idea?" Sliverstream nodded her head. "Good so then you'll have a bit of an idea what animal in the bed means."

"But I still don't get it!" Sliverstream yowled.

"Ok but are you sure you want to hear it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I'm sure! I'm going crazy over here! I need to know what that is!" Sliverstram answered.

Rainbow Dash sighed, "alright then..."

After Rainbow Dash had explained to Sliverstream what the sexual meaning of 'animal in the bed' meant she decided to text Gallus if he wanted to meet her up at Sugarcube corner. As Sliverstream was going onto her phone, she had received a text from Gallus.


[Gallus: Hey Sliv]

[Sliverstream: Hi Gallus!]

[Gallus: Wyd?]

[Sliverstream: Nm, wanna catch up at sugarcube corner?]

[Gallus: Sure why not. Meet you in 10mins?]

[Sliverstream: Sounds great! ttyl! cya!! πŸ˜†πŸ˜]

[Gallus: Cya, 😎]


Ok Sliverstream now you know what Gallus meant by 'animal in the bed'. Just try to pretend he said nothing and you should be fine! Right? Sliverstream was trying to pretend that Gallus didn't say 'animal in the bed' but she couldn't help but wonder what Gallus would be like in the bed.



[Gallus: U there yet? I'm waiting 4 u πŸ˜‰πŸ’™]


Sliverstream took her phone and looked at the text Gallus had sent her. She couldn't help but blush and feel a little tingly. Sliverstream knew that feeling she had is wrong but to her it feels right.


[Sliverstream: Typing...]

[Sliverstream: COMING!!

[Gallus: Kk! I already got us a table sooo just get over here, I'm getting bored and I don't like being bored!!😫]


Sliverstream giggled to Galluses tantrum over the phone which she found very cute. Gallus kept sending Sliverstream text but Sliverstream didn't answer them because she knew she would be on her phone the whole day. In Sugarcube Corner, Gallus was at his table waiting for Sliverstream to hurry up.

"Miss me already?" Sliverstream smirked.

"N-no, just got b-bored." Gallus struggled to respond to his friend.

Sliverstream giggled, "just letting you know, I found that pretty cute!" Sliverstreams words made Galluses face turn pink.

"It's not cute Sliv, just bored that's all and nothing else." Gallus reassured her.

"URGH FINE! Have it your way Gallus," Sliverstream shrugged. Gallus chuckled.

"Alright then! So what do you want to order?" Gallus asked. Sliverstream was running her fingers on the table pretending to ignore Gallus. "Can you hurry up and decide please?"

"Well since you asked nicely y'know how Sugarcube corner just added to their menu ice blocks? I think I'll try one! I've never tried one before," Sliverstream answered.

"Ok then, and by the way I did ask nicely. Are you still annoyed with me having it my way?" Gallus replied.

"Maybe," Sliverstream cooed.

"What was that? I didn't hear you Sliv,"

"Maybe," Sliverstream repeated.

What was that?" Gallus chuckled. Sliverstream rolled her eyes and punched Gallus softly on the shoulder. "I deserve that. I'll take your order up to the counter, don't go anywhere."

Sliverstream giggled. "Yea right, like I'll go anywhere." As Gallus was ordering the food and waiting to pick up the food Sliverstream was looking at Gallus. Sliverstream pondered about those words that Gallus had told her earlier before Fluttershy's class started. Constantly thinking about those four words Gallus told her is making Sliverstream crazy, not mentally crazy but crazy for him.

Gallus went over to the counter to pick up his food along with Sliverstreams food. Sliverstreams dark violet eyes followed every move that Gallus made.

"Sliverstream I got the food!" Gallus exclaimed. "Sliverstream? Hello? Your not dead right?" Gallus tried waving his claw infront of Sliverstreams face.

"Huh? Oh sorry I was um, t-thinking." Sliverstream apologized.

Gallus chuckled and handed Sliverstreams ice block to her. "All goods, so what do you wanna talk about?"

"Did you kinda feel a little wheezy in Professor Fluttershy's class?" Sliverstream asked. Gallus shook his head, "huh maybe it was just me then."

"Why do you ask?" Gallus asked.

"Because of the apple cider being alcoholic," Sliverstream answered.

"Well come to think of it kinda. But mainly I don't pay attention to class," Gallus replied.

"Uh-huh," Sliverstream laughed.

"Oh ha ha," Gallus sarcastically replied.

Sliverstream finished laughing, "I bet your favourite class is headmare Twilights class."

Gallus smirked and then rolled his eyes, "Are you only bringing that up because the tree made me glow purple when we were saving the school?"

"Kinda but I know you like that class," Sliverstream replied. "Oh this iceblock is sooo gooood,"

"You haven't tasted it yet?! Seriously Sliver?!" Gallus howled.

"What? You can't eat and talk at the same time," Sliverstream shrugged. Sliverstream wrapped her mouth around the ice block and started to suck all the flavour out of the iceblock, then she bobbed her head up and down. She worked her tounge around the iceblock.

"S-Sliverstream?" Gallus cooed.

"Mmm?" Sliverstream mummbled.

"W-What are y-you doing?" Gallus muttered.

"Just enjoying my ice block, why?" Sliverstream replied. Sliverstream went back to enjoying her iceblock. Galluses face started to turn to the colour red. Sliverstream looked at Gallus and giggled, "y'know, red is a pretty colour on you."

"I-Is not!" Gallus exclaimed. I can't handle this. Why is Sliverstream turning me on? It feels wrong to feel like this but it feels so right, "A-Are y-you doing t-this on p-purpose?"

"N-no. Is your face ok though?" Sliverstream asked. Gallus nodded his head.

"W-well I finished my food and your nearly done so I was wondering if you kinda wanted to come over to my r-room. You don't have to if you don't wanna." Gallus asked.

"Sure why not! Oh by the way I'm done. That was nice and juicy, you should seriously try it!" Sliverstream exclaimed. What is up with Gallus today? He's blushing for no reason or he just thinking about something because he's been acting really weird lately. Well I'm gonna find out when we get to his room.

Gallus and Sliverstream decided to have a friendly race eachother from Sugarcube Corner to Twilight's school of Friendship. It was a five minute flight but at the high speeds those two were going, the time decreased by one minute. Sliverstream won the friendly race, as she was celebrating her victory Gallus couldn't help but blush. He found it cute how Sliverstream was happy and joyful about every single little thing.

"So this is my room," Gallus replied awardly.

"I know," Sliverstream chuckled. Ok Sliverstream this is your chance! Ask him whats up...

"So um, what do you want to do?" Gallus asked.

"Gallus are you ok? You've been acting really weird around me lately, whats up?" Sliverstream asked.

"Um... I have no idea what your talking about. BYE!!" Gallus quickly flew out of his room in a split second. Oh for Celestias sake why did I do that?

"GALLUS GET BACK HERE!!" Sliverstream shouted. Sliverstream chased him around the whole school. From the classrooms, to the library, to the hallway, to the cleaners closet. Gallus needed to hide somewhere so he went into Twilight's office.

"Mmm Dash, d-don't s-stop..." Twilight moaned.

"Beg for it," Rainbow Dash replied softly while planting a kiss on Twilight's neck.

"D-Dashie, I n-need y-you," Twilight begged her. Gallus just stood watching his teachers make out with each other, which he found pretty hot. His face started to turn to Big Mac's coat colour and his claw was scracthing the wall silently.

"Your not a really good beggar Twi, give me more then I'll be convinced." Rainbow Dash demanded.

"I n-need you Dashie, more than anything in this world!... I'm begging you... I REALLY need you!!!"

"Shhh keep it down Twi or somepony will hear us," Rainbow Dash cooed. As Sliverstream was going to ponce on Gallus she stopped and looked at what was happening in Twilight's office.

"Are we interrupting something?" Gallus burbled. Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash got up and acted like nothing had happened.

"H-how long have you guys been standing there!?" Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Long enough," Gallus chuckled.

"I thought you two were fighting with each other," Sliverstream replied.

"Umm, long story short we're friends again!" Rainbow Dash lied.

"Professor Rainbow Dash, it's always good to tell the truth, haven't you been paying attention in honesty classes?" Sliverstream asked.

"W-well I don't think Professor AJ didn't teach you right." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"Ok, bye?" Gallus replied leaving Twilight's office.

"You didn't see anything!" Twilight howled.

"Ok, bye? I guess?" Sliverstream replied.

"What just happened?" Gallus asked.

Sliverstream just shook her head, "I have no idea. Now I caught you so come on tell me what's up."

Gallus sighed in defeat. "Fine I'll tell you, just not here. We'll talk in my room,"

"...So that's pretty much it." Gallus finished his sentence. Gallus just explained to Sliverstream why he had been acting strange around Sliverstream.

"So what your saying is that your embarrassed because you said your an animal in the bed?" Sliverstream asked. Gallus nodded his head. "Well I don't mind," Sliverstream pinned Gallus on the bed and laid ontop of him.

"Sliv, are you sure you wanna do this? It's a lot to take in and I'm pretty sure it will be really intense,"

"Oh I'm sure Gallus, I'm ready whenever you are..."

Half an hour later....

"Now pet me and bring me food!" Gallus exclaimed.

Sliverstreams eye started to twitch, "I. Hate. You."

Author's Note:

For the ice block thing, I got inspiration writing that because I was eating and ice block while writing this so yea... also the part where Twilight and Dash were making out with each other, just letting you know it was just kissing and sexy talk. :eeyup:

I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS MY FIRST COMPLETED STORY!! I'm so proud of myself!! :rainbowkiss::raritystarry::pinkiehappy:

Anyway I really hoped you liked this story and thank you ever so much for reading this story. I posted on my blog a couple of hours ago how this story got featured on a couple of tags so go check that blog out now on my page! :twilightsheepish::raritystarry:

So keep updated with current stories that I made! There on my page the links will be down below for you to go to now. :yay:
Earth to Soariin
Secrets never to be told

Feel free to give me your feedback and hit the like button right now! I hoped you really liked this story!! :pinkiehappy::trollestia::moustache:

Peace out ✌:coolphoto:

Comments ( 7 )

Half in hour? (laughing)

I have not read this yet...I read the warning and the only thing I like it the fluff LOL.
The story sounds like an interesting concept though, but what age are they in the story?

Sorry I didn't get back to u sooner I was busy. If they were a certain age I would've put it down in the description so Gallus and Sliverstream would be teens and Twilight and Rainbow would just be adults.

That's OK,, and Oh - that makes more sense.

Way to ruin the afterglow, Gallus XD

Super cute, but ummmm what happened at the end? I guess from those last lines that it was some kinda twist? I don't quite get it...
Edit right when writing this comment: Oh wait, is it like a joke of the title? Why half an hour though? Just to throw us off?

Huh. You miss spelled Silverstream. Unless that’s past of the joke somehow

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