• Published 8th Jan 2019
  • 2,157 Views, 49 Comments

The Spider of Two Worlds - dragonfang33

On a World Without a Spider, a new darkness rises when a twist of fate changes the course of history

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Chapter III: Day of the Lizard

Location: Gymnasium, Canterlot High, that afternoon

“We should be out looking for that other spider,” Rainbow said, as the girls finished stretching.

“We couldn’t just ditch,” Twilight said.

“Also I know Principal Celestia is concerned about magic,” Applejack said, “But even I still find it hard to believe that magic spiders are running amok in the city,” her gaze shifted to Sunset, “that Spidery Sense of yours picking up anything about that?” Sunset remained silent, over the course of the day she’d slowly adjusted to her new found gifts, despite a few rather embarrassing moments.

“To be honest not really,” Sunset said, “I mean I’m still trying to figure out how these powers work.” It was at that moment a loud whistle echoed throughout the gym.

“Line up ladies,” an middle age man with a graying beard and graying hair shouted. For Sunset and her friends the final class of the day was probably their least favorite, save for Rainbow Dash: PE. Given it was a Friday afternoon it was dodge ball day, Mr. Cord’s favorite, and naturally the class was split into two teams, Rainbow’s and Trixie’s. Like always Rainbow believed that it would be an easy win. Yet when Trixie picked Sunset, Rainbow couldn’t help but get excited. Sunset may have just gotten an upgrade but she was nowhere close to Rainbow “Danger” Dash’s level, and beating her newly spider-powered friend was a challenge Rainbow couldn’t help but relish.

Sunset however had tried to convince Mr. Cord to let her sit out, trying her best to feign illness. Believing that the spider-human hybrid DNA that was coursing through her body, gave her an unfair advantage. But as always Mr. Cord simply shrugged it off as Sunset trying to get out of his class.

“Now, now Miss Shimmer,” Mr. Cord said, smiling, “What kind of teacher would I be if I let you miss out of on a learning experience?”

“A teacher that understands when a student is sick,” Sunset replied.

“Take your place,” Mr. Cord said. Sunset simply sighed in defeat as she took her place with Trixie’s team.

“Ready to show them what we’re made of,” Trixie said, with her typical bravado. Sunset simply smiled. While the others in the class were still bound by the limitations of their human bodies, Sunset wasn’t.

“Oh this’ll be easy,” Sunset replied, thanks to her enhanced senses she knew where everyone on the court was down to the last detail. The sound of Mr. Cord’s whistle broke the silence of the gymnasium, the two team charged towards where a line of orange balls had been set up, but like always Rainbow’s team had been able to grab the vast majority of them, while Trixie’s team had only grabbed a few.

“Well what are we…” Before Trixie had a chance to finish her statement, one of the dodge balls struck her in the stomach.

“Looks like you’re out Trixie,” Rainbow laughed. Trixie simply growled, as she made her way over to the wall. Sunset couldn’t help but laugh, yet just as Trixie leaned against the wall, Sunset once again felt that strange buzzing in her head, something she was slowly beginning to realize meant danger was close by.

A smile came over Lyra’s face as she lined up what should’ve been a perfect shot, and an easy out, Sunset was distracted watching Trixie leave the field, but what no one on either team expected was for Sunset to jump a full foot in the air just as the ball was about to hit her, and back flip over the ball landing perfectly on the other side, as the ball flew past hitting another player. As Lyra looked on stunned at what could only be described as an impossible move. So stunned at what she had just witnessed the she failed to notice another player hurl a ball at her, striking her in the leg.

“Okay Sunset” Rainbow said, smiling, “Two can play at that game,” with that last statement the blue necklace she wore began glowing, and she began hurling the balls at Sunset with greater speed. Yet with each throw, Sunset managed to dodge each one like it was nothing, though she managed to hit the rest of Sunset’s team. Yet just as Rainbow threw the last ball, not only did Sunset manage dodge it, she actually caught it.

“Looks like I win speedy,” Sunset said, with a smile to her face. Rainbow couldn’t help but laugh off to the side of her mouth.

“Beginner’s luck,” Rainbow said, under her breath.

Location: Outside Canterlot High, after school

The final bell rang as the students body began to file out of the school, looking forward to an afternoon to themselves. Right now there was only one thing on her mind locating the girl who called herself Ghost-Spider. Sunset thought about what she had said on the roof that morning, about how she had a job to do, and didn’t do friends. Sunset couldn’t put her finger on it, but something about the girl told her she was hiding something. Something that she clearly didn’t want anyone knowing about.

“Hey Sunset,” Rainbow said, snapping Sunset out of her dream, “You awake, or what?”

“Sorry, was kind of lost in thought,” Sunset replied, sighing. It was then she noticed the annoyed look on Rainbow’s face, “You’re still mad my team one upped you in gym today?”

“What? No,” Rainbow said, smiling nervously, “I can handle a few losses every now and again,” her gaze turned towards Sunset, “But is there any way you can turn those new super powers of yours off?” Sunset remained silent, but smiled as she thought back to what had transpired in gym. Anything to knock Rainbow down a few pegs was worth it.

“Sorry Rainbow,” Sunset replied, “I’m still stunned I even have these powers to begin with, let alone how to control them.”

“Which reminds me,” Applejack inquired, “Have any of y’all seen Wallflower?” A look of shock came over the group’s face. They had been so preoccupied with what had been going on with Sunset that they’d forgotten about making sure Wallflower was okay after yesterday.

“Speaking of things,” Pinkie said, nudging Sunset in the side. Sunset looked over at where Pinkie was pointing, seeing Wallflower emerge from the building, and like always she was alone. Breathing in heavily, Sunset slowly made her way over to where Wallflower was standing.

“Wallflower,” Sunset said, as she slowly approached. Yet for Wallflower the mere sound of that voice was more than enough to get her blood boiling.

“What do you want?” Wallflower said, trying her best to ignore Sunset.

“I just wanted to see if you were okay,” Sunset replied, meekly.

“You didn’t seem all that interested in class today,” Wallflower said. “You do know I’m in your math class right?”

“You were?”

“Typical,” Wallflower replied, her anger only growing, “You really don’t know or even care that I exist. Just like everyone else.”

“That’s not true Wallflower,” Sunset said, trying her best to hold back her tears, “I do care that you exist, and you have every right to be mad at me for how I treated you. But I want you to know I’m sorry.”

“Are you sorry you ignored and humiliated me? Or are you sorry that you feel bad for it?,” Wallflower replied, as she started to walk away, “Well guess what little miss friendship. I don’t need nor want your pity. I have friends now. Real friends who at least care enough to know that I exist.” Sunset was left stunned, yet it was the look in Wallflower’s eyes was far different from what it had been yesterday. There was something there, something dark, and it scared Sunset to no end as Wallflower walked off, vanishing into the crowd.

“I’m sorry Wallflower,” Sunset said, to herself.

Location: SparkCrop Containment Convoy, en route to holding facility, Downtown Canterlot City, near the corner of Lee Street and Ditko Boulevarde, later that afternoon.

The sight of the armored convoy snaking its way through the streets of Canterlot City, was out of place to say the least. Most of the streets along its route had been closed, or had heavier than normal police presence to keep the curious away. According to the manifest that SparkCrop had submitted to the mayor the cargo was classified as hazardous waste. With a special request that the route be kept clear as well as secret, and with only authorized SparkCorp personnel allowed to escort the convoy. On board the massive vehicle at the center were a large number of SparkCorp security personal, all clad in highly advanced body armor, and armed to the teeth with assault rifles and a heavy machine guns trained on an armored steel door. They had one order: “shoot to kill anything that was not human.”

Behind that door, in the center of the vehicle, stood a large cylindrical container filled to the brim with a bright blue liquid. Within the container was the source of the increased security. A massive lizard like creature, the shape of a large human with bright green scales, with its tail curled around its body. Down its back ran a large series of dorsal spines. Because of the contents the container was surrounded by ten guards, in addition to a group of scientists, who were tasked with monitoring the creature’s vitals.

“He should’ve been killed,” a cold female voice said, as she entered the chamber, “I don’t know why the boss let him go through with his crazy experiment. Let alone allowed this freak to live.” It was at that moment one of the scientist spoke up.

“With all due respect Gilda,” one of the scientists said, “Peter had no idea what the energy of the machine was capable of, and I assure you physical mutations…” she paused for a moment as she thought back to the incident at the lab. How it had taken no fewer than a hundred of SparkCrops’ best security troops to finally subdue the monster that had had once been Dr. Peter Conners.

“It’s Captain Fetherwing to you Doc,” Gilda said, “I still don’t know what anyone saw in that milksop anyway,” she walked up to the chamber and tapped on the glass, “Hear that puny . Conners. As far as I’m concerned you should be a handbag.” It was at that moment the creature’s bright red eyes flashed open, slowly a purple aura materialized around Gilda’s hand. Despite her best effort to resist, she pulled her hand gun from its holster, and slowly squeezed the trigger. Four shots rang out, each one striking one of the four guards near the container. Before the the remaining guards had a chance to raise their weapons, the same purple aura appeared around their own hands. One by one they raised their guns to the underside of their chins, and one by one they pulled the trigger.

The scientists looked on in horror as the security guards fell to the ground. Slowly Gilda turned to face them, and once more she fired a single shot into each of the scientists. As the final scientist fell to the ground a low voice echoed through her mind: “Release me.” Despite her effort to resist, Gilda slowly made her way over to the control console and pulled a small level near its edge. Slowly the container began to open, the liquid draining out. A loud hissing voice echoing through the chamber.

If any God should will. To wipe from mind. The memory of this ill. Which is Mankind.

With that one final shot echoed through the chamber.

Location: Rooftop of MARVEL Enterprises, downtown Canterlot City

“We can not allow this lawless miscreant in our fair city,” the elderly man shouted, as footage of Ghost Spider apprehending a carjacker played in the background, “Children may try to imitate her fantastic feats. Imagine what would happen if they make a hero out of this thrill seeking menace. There’s no place for a phantom miscreant such as this, who refuses to let anyone know their true identity….” Ghost Spider simply sighed as she hit the pause button on her phone, and slid it into a pouch on her belt.

“Somethings just never change,” Ghost Spider said, as she thought back to the events of that horrible night. How Jameson had twisted her friend’s death for his own gains. Turning everyone, even her own father against her for nothing more than a publicity stunt to win more clicks on his news sites. Her mind drifted to what she had told her father the day she was forced to reveal her identity to him. “This mask is my badge. If I don’t define it. Monsters like this will.” Still none of that mattered now. She had a mission to accomplish, so far outside of petty thievery there was not really anything that would’ve required a Spider’s presence, pulling her phone back out Ghost Spider flipped through the news stories. It was when she came across a story from a half year ago that her tone changed.

Terror at Friendship Games. High School Rivalry turns into Nightmare as unknown creature assails innocent youth.” The video that played had been taken from a distance it showed two massive beings, engaged in a duel above the frightened crowd. Though it was hard to discern the images, one aspect of one creature caught her attention: Her fiery red hair.

“Well well,” Ghost Spider said, to herself, “Looks like I judged you a bit too fast rookie.” She had her lead, whatever the anomaly was that Karn had detected on this world. Sunset and her friends seemed like the best place to start looking.

Location: Outside Jewelry Store, Timely Avenue, Canterlot City.

“How do we expect to find a single spider in a great big city like this?” Twilight asked, “for all we know it’s long gone, and if it’s long gone that means it could be….” Before Twilight had a chance to finish her statement, Applejack slapped her hand over her mouth.

“Freaking out isn’t going to solve the issue Twi,” Applejack replied.

“Besides,” Pinkie said, pulling her phone out, “Don’t forget Sunset’s not the only one who has super duper insect powers.” She held her phone up to the others, the image of the Daily Canterlot Bugal’s front page appearing on the screen: Menace of the Century: Phantom Spider Creature seen stalking City Streets. This Outlet Demands Action: J. Jonah Neighsay. Rainbow couldn’t help but laugh.

“Don’t tell us you believe that windbag,” Rainbow asked.

“His blogs have the best cupcake recipes,” Pinkie replied, laughing. The others couldn’t help but laugh, if there was one thing that always helped the group relax it was Pinkie’s sense of humor.

“In all seriousness,” Sunset said, “we need to find that other girl. For all we know she’s sick, or Neighsay might have a point about her abusing her powers. And if that’s true what’s to stop him from coming after us and eventually all of CHS?”

“Sunset’s gotta point,” Applejack replied, “Those spidery senses of y’alls picking up our Phantom Spider?” Sunset shook her head. As the group made their way down the street, they passed a large blue brick building. As they made their way passed, Sunset felt the back of her head begin to buzz. Just as the girls stopped to ask what was wrong three men with backpacks full of jewels, and wearing red scarves over their faces burst out of the jewelry store.

“STOP THEM,” an elderly man shouted, emerging from the door, “THEY’RE GETTING AWAY WITH MY JEWELS!!!!”

“Sorry girls,” Rarity said, “The spider hunt will have to wait...FOR JUSTICE.” One by one the pendents around the girls necks began to glow, and their clothing shifted to the costumes they had gained the night before, before taking off in pursuit of the fleeing crooks. From her vantage point on the roof of the jewelry store, Ghost Spider watched as the events unfold below her.

“Rookies,” Ghost Spider said, to herself, as she fired a webline towards the building across the street from her, and swinging off after the group. For what seemed like an eternity the three crooks raced through the crowded streets, desperate to lose their pursuers.

“Split up,” the leader shouted, “they can’t follow all of us.” The two other crooks nodded, with each bolting in a different direction, one down an alley where he ducked into a dumpster, another across the street, while the leader kept going straight ahead. Nodding to each other the girls split up following one of the crooks. In the alley, as Applejack and Rarity ran past the man they had been chasing emerged from his hiding place, ready to bolt in the opposite direction. Yet just before he had a chance, a series of loud thwips echoed through the alley, the thief finding himself wrapped tightly in a spider web.

“You know it’s not nice to rob jewelry stores in Ghost Spider’s neighborhood,” Ghost Spider said, as she lowered herself by a webline, and removing the thief’s mask, “Can you say I’m going to jail?” However her actions hadn’t gone unnoticed by either Applejack or Rarity.

“Hey you’re that Phantom Spider Gal ol’ Neighsay’s was yammering on about,” Applejack shouted, gaining Ghost Spider’s attention.

“Sorry who are you two again?”

“Doesn’t matter who we are,” Applejack replied, “We’ve been trying to find ya’”

“Sorry ladies,” Ghost Spider replied, as she swung over to the far wall, “I don’t give autographs. Now if you’ll excuse me there are some crooks that need to be taught a lesson, and it’s so rude to cut in line.” With that she climbed over to the edge and fired off another web line.

“Rude much,” Applejack grumbled. As Ghost Spider swung off in the direction of the other thieves.

“Still you’ve got admire her fashion sense,” Rarity added, “I mean that hood and magenta web combo…”

“Rarity,” Applejack replied, getting Rarity’s attention.

“Oh right,” Rarity said, as they chased after Ghost Spider.

Location: Near the intersection of Timely Avenue, and Ditko Boulevarde, Canterlot City, a few minutes later

Sunset and Twilight had chased the thief for what seemed like forever. While Sunset’s Spider enhanced stamina gave her the advantage in athleticism, there was one thing that Twilight possessed, which Sunset lacked. Reaching her hand out she focused her thoughts on the thief. Before the thief had a chance to react his shotgun was surrounded by a purple aura, and was soon ripped from his hand, and quickly discarded into the street. Soon his entire body was surrounded by the same aura, and soon found himself thrown into a nearby dumpster.

“Looks like you gals took out the trash,” Rainbow said, as she, Pinkie and Fluttershy raced up with the second thief, bound in a rope, who she tossed next to the dumpster.

“Thanks,” Twilight said, “Say how did you,” Twilight simply smiled as she saw Pinkie approach from behind, “Pinkie Pie’s exploding confetti, of course.”

“You’d be surprised how superstitious and cowardly the criminal lot is,” Rainbow replied laughing. “Oh and Fluttershy’s birds “borrowed” some rope.” Fluttershy blushed. It was at that moment the buzzing in the back of Sunset’s head once again went off, this time stronger than anytime before. Slowly Sunset turned around just in time to see Ghost Spider latch onto the side of the building, and start clapping

“Have to admit,” Ghost Spider said, “I’m rather impressed rookie.” Sunset however looked less than impressed.

“I have a name you know,” Sunset said.

“Sunset Shimmer right,” Ghost Spider replied, as she leapt off the side of the building, and landed in front of the group, “Also nice outfits. What is there a Magical Girl Convention in town?”

“Magical Girl,” Rainbow said, “What’s that supposed to mean?” However before Rainbow had a chance to finish her statement Sunset cut her off.

“Not the point,” Sunset replied, as she faced her masked counterpart, “Look we know what happened to you, we just want to know where the spider that bit you is?”

“You know, I honestly don’t know. Dead I suppose,” Ghost Spider said, thinking, “I mean I’ve had my powers for two years now. Kind of had bigger things to worry about then what became of the spider.” Twilight was simply stunned by what she had just heard.

“You were spider bite super powers two years,” Twilight said, as the thought that for two years Equestrian Spiders, and god knows what else, had been crossing through the portal, filled her mind, “good not.”

“She always like that?” Ghost Spider inquired.

“You have no idea.” Sunset replied. “This is actually pretty tame for her.”

“Should’ve seen her when she thought she’d forgotten her homework,” Pinkie Pie added, “Oh you should come to my house for your big “I’VE HAD THE COOLEST SUPERPOWERS OF ALL TIME FOR TWO YEARS PARTY, OH AND RARITY’S JUST GOING TO LOVE YOUR OUTFIT!!!”

“Yeah I’ll have to take a rain check,” Ghost Spider said, as she fired her web shooter, towards a building in the distance, “See ya around rookie.” As Pinkie began to drone on about what Ghost Spider was missing, a tiny squirrel ran up Fluttershy’s leg and onto her shoulder.

“Oh Tippy Toes,” Fluttershy whispered, “What brings you here today?” The squirrel began chirping like crazy, “Oh my a runaway truck...it’s heading this way...um girls.” However she spoke so softly she was easily drummed out by the sound of brakes squealing. At that moment both Ghost Spider and Sunset felt their spider-senses go off. Not five seconds later a massive truck came barreling through the intersection. Before overturning and striking a building on the far side of the street. From the inside a low rumbling could be heard, followed soon after by the sound of metal tearing apart. Emerging from the side of the truck was a massive seven foot bright green lizard like creature, clad in the tattered remains of what had once been a bio-hazard suit.

Gaze upon perfection ye mighty and despair,” The monster said, as people who had come out to investigate, either whipped out their cell phones to photograph the creature, or began to flee in panic. To the creature they were imperfect, prone to illness, a blight upon the world in their current form incapable of surviving the next evolutionary cataclysm. Something he would remedy. His thoughts turned to one place, the lab in which he had transcended. From where he would unleash the very same force that had transformed him into the next stage of evolution. Slowly the spines upon the creatures back began to glow bright orange, and with a single breath unleashed a stream of fire, setting fire to all who were nearby, fire so hot it soon turned cars into liquid metal, as it set its sights on its final goal: the towering SparkCorp building in the distance. It would be there that the creature would set its final plan into motion. He would remake the world, nay the universe in his own image. Woe to those who stood in his way.

For now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” The creature said, just as it prepared to storm off in the direction of the tower, two spider webs suddenly grabbed it by the back, Ghost Spider putting all of her enhanced strength into holding the creature at bay.

“Hey little help here rookie,” Ghost Spider said, Sunset didn’t respond, as she raced to Ghost Spider’s side grabbing one of her web lines, and adding her own enhanced strength to trying to hold the creature back.

Puny insects,” The creature growled, with one swing of its arm it hurled both girls across the street, it was only due to both being able to cling to the wall that saved them from smashing into it. “You see before you perfection. The dawn of a new race.

“Never seen a Lizard with an ego before,” Ghost Spider said, yet as Sunset looked over at the masked girl beside her something felt off, she couldn’t see her memories, but there was something about the vibrations her spider sense was picking up that felt different. It had never occurred to Sunset that the spider hybrid DNA in her blood could actually be affecting her normal magic, yet her empathy was picking up that she was hiding something.

“You’ve faced this thing before haven’t you?” Sunset said.

“You could say that, but it’s a long story,” Ghost Spider replied, it was at that moment both of their Spider Senses went off, both girls leapt from the side of the building just as a stream of flames struck where they had been setting fire to the building.

“Okay memo to self the Lizard in this universe breaths fire,” Ghost Spider said, as they landed.

Spiders, Spiders burning bright in the forests of the night,” The creature said, baring its fangs. Even as the screams of the people trapped in the blazing building began to echo through the city.

“Okay rookie,” Ghost Spider said, “I’ll keep the handbag distracted. Can you and your club get those people out?”

“Wait you can’t fight that thing alone,” Sunset said. Though her face was covered, a rather serious expression had crept over Ghost Spider’s face. She’d already lost one friend because he tried to be like her. She wouldn’t allow it to happen again.

“Go,” Ghost Spider shouted, as she fired a webline towards the creature, Sunset could only watch as she flew towards the creature, striking it in the face, and gaining its attention. As the creature let out a roar, it focused all of its rage on Ghost Spider, leaving Sunset and the others a brief window.

“Dash can you get the people out?” Sunset shouted.

“In ten seconds flat,” Rainbow shouted, as she sped in the direction of the burning building.

“Twilight, Pinkie, get the fire under control,” Sunset said, to which the three girls simply nodded. By now the entire bottom floor of the building was fully engulfed in flames, while on the floors above, people had gathered by the windows, crying for help. Thinking quickly, Pinkie pulled a sprinkle shaker from her hair, and poured some into her hand. At once the sprinkles began glowing bright pink as they were supercharged, once she was sure the charge was at its peak, she hurled them at a nearby fire hydrant.

“All yours Twilight,” Pinkie shouted, as the sprinkles detonated, blowing off the top of the hydrant.

“On it Pinkie,” Twilight said, as she focused her energy on the geyser, moving the torrent of water towards the burning building, where it began to douse the flames. Once Twilight was sure the flames were under control she nodded to Rainbow Dash, who immediately raced into the building as fast as her enhanced speed could carry her. In a matter of seconds Rainbow sped through the blazing building, grabbing as many people as she could.

“Hurry up Rainbow,” Twilight said, as she began to feel light headed, never before had she used her telekinesis for so long, and gradually it was taking a toll on her. Just as Twilight lost focus, Rainbow shot out of the building holding the last victim of the fire.

“Easy Twiley,” Pinkie said, as she grabbed Twilight’s arm as she felt her strength finally give out. By now a small crowd had gathered around the girls, thanking them for what they had accomplished. Even more applauding, For the three girls it was the first time they truly felt like superheroes.

Ghost Spider managed to dodge the creature’s massive tail, as it plowed into the wall of a nearby building, barely missing Ghost Spider. For the creature, all it could see was rage. This girl dared to interfere with his sacred mission, his destiny. No he wouldn’t allow it, once again he reared back, and unleashed a torrent of fire at Ghost Spider.

“Talk about bad breath,” Ghost Spider said, as she back flipped over the stream of flames, and fired a burst of webbing, which latched itself around the creature’s mouth and eyes. Blinding him just long enough for Ghost Spider to fire another burst of webbing, which latched onto the creature’s chest, with all her strength Ghost Spider launched herself at the creature, striking him in the face, severing the webbing that was wrapped around the creature’s face, but leaving it stunned for a few moments.

“BEHIND YOU,” Sunset shouted, a few seconds later Ghost Spider’s spider sense went off, but before she could react the creature grabbed her.

You thought you could stop me,” the creature said, as he began to squeeze, “But I still stand, I still breath. Now you will know the price for defying the will of the creator.” Ghost Spider struggled, with all of her strength to try and break the creature’s grip but found herself unable to break free. From her vantage point on the wall above the fight, Sunset knew she had to do something. ‘

“Fluttershy,” Sunset shouted, “can you distract that thing?” Fluttershy simply nodded, as she focused her thoughts into the pendant around her neck. From out of the sky hundreds of birds flew towards the massive creature, distracting it just long enough for Sunset to make her move. Breathing in she pushed herself off the wall, flying towards the creature, somersaulting before striking the creature in the side of the head with the heel of her her boot with her full strength, causing the creature to let go of Ghost Spider, dropping the barely conscious girl to the ground. With the creature dazed, Sunset and Fluttershy lifted Ghost Spider up by her arms, and carried her into a nearby alleyway. It was at that moment Rarity and Applejack finally reached the scene, helping Sunset lean the injured Ghost Spider against the wall. Yet despite their efforts Ghost Spider still tried to get back up.

“Easy there sugarcube,” Applejack said, trying to hold Ghost Spider back, “You’re in no shape to do anything,” it was only because of Applejack’s own enhanced strength that Ghost Spider found herself unable to move.

“You don’t understand,” Ghost Spider replied, “I have to do this.” It was at that moment Sunset spoke up.

“No you don’t,” Sunset replied, “At least you don’t have to face it alone, me and my friends can stop that creature.” Ghost Spider remained silent, once again trying to get up, only for Applejack to continue hold her down.

“You once said Spiders must stick together,” Sunset replied, “In case you haven’t noticed me and you are the same. How can I prove myself worthy of these powers if I can’t use them.” Ghost Spider remained silent, as she removed one of her gloves revealing one of her web shooters, and a small charm bracelet with the letters: G + P, on it.

“You’ve got guts rookie,” Ghost Spider said, as she removed her web shooter, and handed it to Sunset, “One tap to fire, two taps to release.” Sunset simply smiled, as she placed the web shooter on her wrist.

“And I want it back when you beat this thing.” Sunset simply smiled, as she turned to face Fluttershy.

“Stay with her,” Sunset said, Fluttershy simply nodded, her gaze then shifted to Applejack and Rarity, “think you two can hold that thing long enough for me to try and knock it out?” Applejack simply cracked her knuckles.

“Sure thing Sunset,” Applejack replied.

The creature had turned its attention to Twilight, Rainbow and Pinkie, it’s blazing red eyes filled with rage. Twilight by now had expended all of her energy, and had collapsed into Rainbow’s arms, leaving only Pinkie able to fight back.

“Keep back you big meanie,” Pinkie said, as she emptied her entire sprinkle shaker into her hand, her magic flowing into the sprinkles until she hurled them at the creature striking it in the eyes, temporarily blinding it. The creature though simply laughed.

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” The creature said, his gaze penetrated into Pinkie’s mind, slowly she pulled another sprinkle shaker from her hair, without even thinking she once again emptied the shaker into her hand and slowly she turned to her friends.

“Pinkie,” Rainbow said, as she lifted Twilight to her feet, “What are you doing?” Pinkie remained silent as she hurled the sprinkles at her friends, it was only thanks to Rainbow’s speed that Pinkie missed, the sprinkles detonating just a few centimeters from where they had been standing. Once again Pinkie reached into her hair, only this time she pulled out a deck of playing cards, drawing one of the cards Pinkie once again allowed energy to flow into the card, and threw it at Rainbow, yet just as the card was about strike Rainbow, a diamond shaped energy shield suddenly materialized around her, causing the card to detonate prematurely. Just as Pinkie was about to charge another card, she soon found herself wrapped up in in more energy shields.

“Sorry darling,” Rarity said, “It’s for your own good.” Just as the creature turned its attention to Rarity, Sunset fired a single burst of webbing, striking the creature in the eyes, blinding it.

“Whoa what happened,” Pinkie said, feeling dizzy.

“Worry about that later,” Applejack said, as she grabbed hold of the creature, using her own enhanced strength to try and hold it in place, “NOW SUNSET.” Sunset simply nodded, as she once again used all her strength to push herself from the wall she clung to, and putting all her strength into this one punch, struck the creature in the face this time successfully knocking him out.

“That was so awesome,” Rainbow said, as Twilight slowly regained her focus.

“What happened did we win?”

“We sure did darling,” Rarity said, “still where did this thing come from? Equestria?”

“I don’t know,” Sunset replied, as she knelt down and touched the creature’s face, her eyes flashing bright white for a few minutes as it’s memories filled it’s mind. What she saw filled her with horror, the creature was a human being who had been exposed to high levels of magic.

“What did you see?” Twilight inquired. Yet before Sunset had a chance to respond the sounds of sirens filled the air.

“About time,” Rainbow said, yet as the police cars pulled into view it soon became apparent they weren’t the Canterlot Police Department, the star symbol of SparkCorp’s security teams recognizable to everyone, especially Twilight.

“Girls we need to get out of here,” Twilight said, with a hint of concern to her voice.

“Come on this is our….” Twilight cut Rainbow off before she had a chance to finish her statement.

“Trust me we don’t want to be around,” Twilight said, sighing. With that the girls once again made their way back into the alleyway Fluttershy was in, as the first SparkCorp APC pulled up, and dozens of heavily armed troops emerged, their weapons trained on the unconscious creature, as a few fired numerous tranquilizer darts into the creature.

From their vantage point in the alleyway, the girls watched as more SparkCorp APCs pulled up, surrounding the creature, blocking it from the gathering crowd, yet from where they stood they had a clear view of what was transpiring as medical teams raced to the damaged transport, looking for survivors, and the creature itself was sealed within a large container, that was loaded onto another transport, which sped away.

“The poor thing,” Fluttershy said, as they watched the transport vanish into the distance, “What do you think they’ll do to it?”

“Trust me, you’re better off not knowing,” Twilight replied.

“I have to admit,” Ghost Spider said, getting the girls attention, “You did good rookie.”

“Y’all shouldn’t be moving around sugar cube,” Applejack said.

“I’m a lot more durable then I look kid,” Ghost Spider replied.

“I think this is yours,” Sunset said, as she slid the web shooter off her wrist, handing it back to Ghost Spider.

“Thanks Sunset,” Ghost Spider said, as she slid the web shooter back onto her wrist. Yet as she raised her arm to fire off a webline. “See you around.” With that Ghost Spider swung off.

“YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE SO RUDE,” Pinkie shouted.

Location: Sunset’s Apartment, that evening.

Sunset had spent the better part of the evening trying to figure out her new found powers. It had been hard enough trying to figure out how Equestrian Magic alone worked in this world. But this was something far different. She ran every magic spell and incantation she could remember from her days as Celestia’s student through her head. None of them could explain how a spider bite could’ve changed her so much.

“Gah none of this makes any sense,” Sunset said, flopping on her bed. “It was just a spider bite, I’ve been bitten by Star Spiders before and they never once did this…” It was at that moment a familiar buzzing sound echoed through her head. Turning behind her, she saw Ghost Spider standing on her window sill.

“What are you doing here,” Sunset inquired, “I thought you worked alone?”

“I also said Spiders have to stick together,” Ghost Spider replied, “besides I need a place to crash and you could use someone to show you the ropes.”

“I appreciate the offer,” Sunset said, with a hint of hesitation, “but after today.”

“You’re confused and unsure,” Ghost Spider replied. “Trust me I know what that’s like.”

“How so,” Sunset replied, “you seem pretty confident in what you do.”

“Not a day goes by where I don’t question what I do,” Ghost Spider said. “In the end I tell myself I’m trying to make up for my past mistakes.”

“Seems we have that in common,” Sunset replied, sighing, “I’ve spent so much time running from my past, and trying to set my mistakes right I don’t know if I’ve made a difference in anyone’s life.”

“And yet you keep going,” Ghost Spider said.

“I have too,” Sunset said, “and yet there are times where I’m just worried that I’ll….” Ghost Spider cut her off.

“That you’ll let those closest to you down.” The memories of that horrible night once again flew to the surface. She could see the gym, the monster that had once been her best friend, how she pleaded with him to stop, and that one moment where she let down everyone. Cradling the dying boy in her arms, and how one person shouting that she had killed him destroyed her world’s faith in her, and her faith in herself.

“How did you know that creature?” Sunset finally asked. Ghost Spider remained silent, even thinking about it still cut her to the core,

“Please don’t ask me that,” Ghost Spider replied.

“How can we trust you if you won’t…” What Ghost Spider did next shocked even Sunset. She removed both her hood and her mask, revealing her true face. It was the face of a girl no older than Sunset, with shoulder length blonde hair, the tips of which were dyed hot pink.

“I’m trusting you enough to show you my true face rookie,” Ghost Spider said, “what more can you ask for?” Sunset remained silent, yet smiled as she extended her hand.

“I’m Sunset Shimmer,” Sunset said.

“Gwen Stacy,” Gwen said, as she took Sunset’s hand in her own and shook it.