• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 37 minutes ago


Male from Paramount CaClass of 2012 Paramount High School Garduate


When the UNSC learns that the Covenant has discoved a new planet for resources. The UNSC sends Spartan-107 to explore the planet and see to if the natives will join forces woth them. But Equestria has never seen this kind of warfare in their history. With their small knowlage of war Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are now forced to raise the army to protect their loyal subects along with the United Nations Space Command.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 30 )

Judging from the description, this story has bad grammar and spelling. So I will not read it, sorry. I just don't want to. :applejackunsure:

I hope you have better luck with future chapters, though. And please fix that description. Most people look at it first before discerning if a story is good or not. So please, fix that before anything else. :twilightsmile:

Good luck.


1040610 I guess it was just the description then? I read the story and I have to say that it wasn't that bad. I'll give it a like.

EDIT: Needs to be explained better.

Nobody else realizes how rushed this is?

It is a very good story, although...
war strategy of the covenant, The Covenant will first try to ally and bring the main race of the planet they are invading to their cause before destroying it. The only exception was the humans because we had technolagy that was paralell to the forerunners and the Covenant believed us to be heratics because of this
That was the only thing I saw that was wrong, and it doesn't even matter as using that knowledge the story would've been a dud.

noobiness activate :derpyderp2:

to the commenters thank you for reading and thank you for your honest comments.:yay: but im still going to add chapters.

to the commenters thank you for reading and thank you for your honest comments.:yay: but im still going to add chapters.

I do hope you update more regulary now. 1 month is so long to wait :/

Kon here sorry for the wait i was busy with my other story but i finished it which means that i will be able to update the story more offted. Enjoy
Spartan out

This is good though you need to watch your grammar and spelling.

HALO 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is almost here:yay:

Commas and periods, man. Commas and periods.

Just read the description. This story looks awesome. Can't wait to get round to reading it, although I'll probably be too busy playin' GTA 5 lol :twilightsheepish:

almost a year since i updated the story. i'll do that when i pretty far on the other two

The Covenant attacking the ponies will piss humanity off even worse than attacking Earth. Throughout history, armies have become balls-to-the-wall badass when their allies are attacked. Given how pacifistic the ponies are, we'd be even more pissed than usual.

Pray! Kill! Burn!

Errr...I mean....Love for the Love god! Hearts for the Heart Throne!

While I like the story, there is very little description of who is saying what, what the characters are doing, emotions, their surroundings, etc. It's like reading an audio book.


Actually, they went to war with humanity because the Prophets said so. The Prophets came to that decision because the Hierarchs learned that the humans are the "Reclaimers". They took this to mean that humans are Forerunners and, since their entire religion and therefore power over the Covenant is built on the belief that no Forerunners remain, they decided to remove the contrary "evidence".

This, as we all know, turned out to be a bad idea.

Besides which, they only offer membership to species they think would be useful, usually in a combat or productive role. The ponies have no manipulators other than magic, and the Covenant sure as hell will consider pony magic to be heresy. The lack of manipulators means useless for producing things and their small size means useless for all but canon fodder, yet there are too few of them to be good for even that and they reproduce too slowly for it, and heretical magic is, on its own, enough for their world to be glassed.


Five Covenant corvettes enter the planet, the first country they reached was Equestria the ponies of the land just looked at the strange vessel. Wondering if they were friendly or foe they were over Germaney.

Wanna bet?

sorry for that this story was actually the first story I posted when I joined. I'm was going to post a new chapter until my computer crashed and I lost everything. I'll get back to working at n this story when I post another chapter on my other stories. Thank you for reading

3263566 have you ever considered finishing a story

Spartan 11 and spartan 111 hmm.. I wonder who's a spartan 1 master chief

3185075 finish this damn story. And stop your fucking cliffhangers .

Umm... there seems to have been two separate SPARTAN's descriptions for one SPARTAN, if it's Master Chief then his name would be Master Chief Petty Officer Sierra-117, or if it's anot her then it could be whatever...

Jesus christ. Just finished the first chapter. And i have to say. SLOW THE HELL DOWN!! I believe this is the most rushed chapter of a story i have seen. There are way to many things happening in one chapter alone. We have gone from scouting the planet out. To the Sisters mobilising their forces. To the Chief being briefed and getting ready. To the invasion happening.

I think the idea of the story could be really good but the pacing and grammar are holding it back. And maybe have chief scout before the invasion. I'll continue with the chapter and hope it gets better

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