• Published 12th Jan 2019
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Undead Robot Bug Crusaders: Unusual Lives - Banjo64

The continuing misadventures of the Undead Robot Bug Crusaders

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Chapter 7: URBC Season Four

Flight to the Finish

“Alright girls. We need a routine for the friendship games that’ll knock the judges’ socks off. Any ideas?” asked Apple Bloom.

“You know, I’m pretty sure Rainbow Dash doesn’t wear socks, and that’s not exactly a common farmer expression, so where did you...” noted Scootaloo.

“Focus, Scootaloo. OK, so, we’re representing Ponyville, right? So, how about we build it around something unique to Ponyville?” suggested Sweetie Belle.

“Let’s see… there’s the frequent monster attacks, the Everfree forest, the fact that we’re ‘Equestria’s biggest weirdness magnet,’ and who can forget Murphy Law?” said Scootaloo.

“Something positive about Ponyville?” deadpanned Apple Bloom.

“Well, maybe we can take a positive spin on one of those? Like, we’re the weirdest place in Equestria because we’re the most accepting town in the nation. No matter who or what you are, you have a place here?” suggested Sweetie Belle.

“Hm… that might just work. Good idea Sweetie Belle,” said Scootaloo.

“This’ll be perfect! We’re gonna win for sure!” declared Apple Bloom.

“Yeah!” The three of them cheered.

“Anyone else get the feeling that something should have ruined the moment for us, but didn’t?” asked Scootaloo.

“Now that you mention it, yeah. Weird,” said Sweetie Belle.

Meanwhile, a pink filly mining rocks sneezed.


Twilight looked up from her book and let out a sigh.

“Alright, I have good news and bad news,” announced Twilight.

The gathered ponies all looked at Twilight in concern, especially Fluttershy, who had been staring into the mirror at her new fang.

“The good news is, Fluttershy is not suffering some kind of relapse. What we’re dealing with is only a tiny lingering bit of bat essence that stuck to her when I dispelled the rest of it. There is no danger of Fluttershy turning back into a vampire fruit bat. The fang and the slight increase in appetite for fruit is as bad as it’s going to get,” said Twilight.

There were numerous sighs of relief.

“The bad news is, I don’t think I can remove what’s still here. It didn’t leave her when I dispelled it because it’s now so tightly bonded to her that forcibly removing it could cause irreversible damage. I’m sorry Fluttershy. I don’t think that fang’s going away any time soon,” said Twilight.

“Consarn it. This is all mah fault. Ah’m so, so sorry Fluttershy. If only Ah’d listened to ya this wouldn’t…” said Applejack.

“No, it’s fine Applejack. I mean, a bit more fruit in my diet isn’t that bad. And the fang is kind of cute,” said Fluttershy.

“I agree!” announced Discord as he spontaneously appeared in the room.

He quickly zipped to Fluttershy’s side and held up a mirror.

“Look at us, we’re single-fang buddies now! Oh my dear Fluttershy, you didn’t have to do this just for me,” said Discord.

“She didn’t,” deadpanned Twilight.

Fluttershy just blushed.

“Eh, whatever. Guess we’ll just have to get used to having a part-vampire fruit bat in town. Then again, something like this was bound to happen sooner or later,” commented Rainbow Dash.

“What do you mean by that?” asked Rarity.

“I mean, we’ve got zombies, robots, whatever the hay Discord is, and now vampires. Kinda. At this point, we just need some aliens to show up and we can say Ponyville is literally where all the weird stuff is,” said Rainbow.

“I dunno. We also still need a merpony, a werepony, a slime pony…” said Pinkie Pie.

Everyone else just rolled their eyes. Except Discord, that is. He just started taking notes.

“... a plane pony, a snail pony, a golem pony, no wait, Sweetie Belle probably already counts for that one…” continued Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Apple Pie

“So… in the end you have no idea if you’re related to Pinkie Pie or not?” asked Scootaloo.

“Nope,” answered Apple Bloom.

“So the entire long, stressful road trip was a waste of time?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Well, it was definitely long and stressful, but Ah wouldn’t say it was a waste of time. Ah mean, even the worst family trip can be a source of good memories, and Ah bet we’ll look back on this one day and smile,” answered Apple Bloom.

“Memories like the scariest cave in Equestria?” asked Scootaloo with a smirk.

“OK, that part wasn’t a good memory. Ah still have no idea what that creepy thing with the tentacles was, and Ah don’t think Ah ever want to know,” said Apple Bloom with a shiver.

“Actually, I think I read about that. It was probably a rare species of cephalopod known for contorting its body into horrifying images to scare off predators known as a sho…” said Sweetie Belle.

“Ah said Ah don’t want to know!” cried Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo giggled.

Twilight Time

“Wait, you’re offering to give us some private tutoring?” asked Sweetie Belle in surprise.

“Yes. In any subject you want. Well, within reason, of course,” said Twilight.

“Uh...no offence Twilight, but why? Did our sisters ask ya to keep us out of trouble or somethin’?” asked Apple Bloom.

Twilight gave a small cough, but to her credit she didn’t turn away or blush.

“Well, they did, but I’m not just offering for your benefit or theirs. I’ve been a Princess for a while now, and though I still don’t have any duties yet, I want to get some experience being a ruler before I do. After all, one of the reasons Cadance continued to babysit me after she ascended was to learn more about responsibility. I figured some tutoring lessons would work just as well,” explained Twilight.

“Huh. I guess that makes sense, but haven’t you been a leader since the day you and the others defeated Nightmare Moon?” asked Scootaloo.

“There’s a difference between being a leader, and a ruler. I just want to make sure I’m ready when Princess Celestia says it’s time for me to do more than smile and wave. So… are you three interested?” asked Twilight.

The CMC gathered together for a brief group huddle, then turned back to Twilight.

“”Well, sure. We’re down for it. It’s not like we’re busy hunting for our cutie marks or anything. And honestly, I really could use some help getting my magic to work,” admitted Sweetie Belle.

“Ah always wanted to learn a thing or two about potion makin’, but Ah didn’t think it’d be proper to ask Zecora about it after the heart’s desire incident,” said Apple Bloom.

“I don’t suppose you can teach me how to build a unicycle?” asked Scootaloo.

Everyone else looked at Scootaloo in confusion.

“Don’t ask. I’ll just say that it’s about stopping Twitch, and I don’t want Beetle getting involved,” said Scootaloo.

What?! Why not?! asked Beetle.

Go Kart incident, replied Scootaloo, as well as the rest of the hive.

Gah… I swear, you mess up the wheels one time grumbled Beetle.

Somepony to Watch Over Me

“No,” said Applejack.

“But, Applejack…” started Apple Bloom.

“Ah said no, and Ah mean no. Ah’m not leavin’ ya home alone,” said Applejack.

Apple Bloom resorted the the biggest puppy dog eyes she could manage, but Applejack wouldn’t budge. Big Mac and Granny Smith looked at each other and nodded. They’d known this wasn’t going to be easy. Time to enact plan S.A.D..

“Now Applejack, don’t ya think your bein’ a might overprotective?” asked Big Mac.

“Ah think Ah’m not bein’ protective enough. The last time we left her unsupervised she got herself cursed. What the hay makes y’all think this time’ll be any better?” said Applejack.

“Hey, that was different! Ah was in the Everfree Forest, it was after dark…” started Apple Bloom.

“Mah point stands. She ain’t staying here alone, and that’s final,” said Applejack.

“Oh, lighten up, girl. Besides, it’s not like she can get any more dead,” said Granny Smith.

Unfortunately, this was the wrong thing to say. Applejack’s expression suddenly became terrified. She rushed over to Apple Bloom and pulled her into a back-breaking hug.

“Applejack,” grumbled Apple Bloom.

Applejack just held her tighter.

“Don’t worry little sis. Ah won’t let the monsters get ya a second time. Ah promise,” said Applejack.

Big Mac and Granny Smith let out simultaneous sighes.

“So much for plan ‘She’s Already Dead,’” said Granny Smith.

“Eeyup,” agreed Big Mac.

There was a loud snap as Apple Bloom’s spine was broken in half, but this did little to stop Applejack from hugging her undead sister tighter.

It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies

While the changelings had made little effort to share their corruptive origins with the rest of ponykind, they also made no effort to hide it. Those who learned the full story often had a number of questions. One of the more common being: “what’s your relationship with the Breezies?”

They answered: “We are distant, but friendly to each other. Our burdens are different, and we are often separated by great distance. But we are still kin, and our curses stem from a common source. We can do little to directly help each other, but sympathy can be a powerful aid all the same.”

Or at least, that’s what the queens would say. Most changelings would probably use less tactful words.

On the day of the Breezie Migration, several changelings gathered around a forest clearing a few miles away from Ponyville. Among them were Blue Monarch and Scootaloo. They were positioned so that the breeze would blow past them long before it reached Ponyville. And with the breeze, came the Breezies.

Scootaloo could barely contain herself. She had been given the honor of attending the Dusk Passing! But she held herself back. This was a serious, respectful event, not a hoofball game. Also, tradition demanded that only the leaders speak to each other during the Passing. After all, the Breezies were still in the middle of their migration. They couldn’t be delayed for too long.

As the Breezies delicately fluttered over them, the changelings watched in silent respect, though the soldiers among them saluted. Then one Breezie flew down, coming to rest before the changeling princess. Blue Monarch bowed to the tiny pony, while the tiny pony bowed in kind.

<Greetings, darkened kin. May the violet shadow never cloud your blood,> said the Breezie.

Scootaloo had never heard the ancient Tongue of the Forest before in her life, but she understood it plainly. It was the language of life itself, only understood by the Papili and their descendents. That said, Scootaloo quickly found herself wishing the lost language wasn’t so dang flowery.

<Greetings, weakened kin. May the wind never tear your wings. How fare you on your duskly passage?> asked Blue Monarch.

<As well as any other dusk. Our fate remains unchanging as the stone. But what of you, darkened kin? We have heard that you have at last cast aside the shadowed shell. Is this true?> asked the Breezie.

<’Tis true. We are now seen by the pure kin. Fear haunts their hearts, but as does the fire of friendship. The coming twilight is uncertain, but we rest among the gathered harvest,> said Blue Monarch.

<We are gladdened by this great passing of the sun. Perhaps our own tomb may soon shatter as well. Hope is the flame that draws us ever forward,> said the Breezie with a soft chirp of delight.

Geez, it sounds like they’re reciting Shakespeare or something, commented Twitch.

Twitch was soundly ignored. And when Dove started beating the crap out of him for disrespecting tradition, not a single soul raised an objection.

Not that they would have under different circumstances, to be fair.

For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils

“I see… so you changed your mind at the last second?” asked Luna.

“Yeah. Right as I was about to pull the string, it occured to me that the party I was so upset about was right before I was turned into a robot. A quick check in the manual showed that memories that occur near the transfer tend to stand out. I figured that as much as it hurt me back then, I’ve probably been holding onto that moment a little too strongly,” admitted Sweetie Belle.

“Indeed. Grudges are all too often formed over petty matters. And I am glad to hear that you were able to recognize your own frustration as such. But it is clear from this nightmare that though you did not act upon your bitterness, it still clings to you rather tightly,” said Luna.

“Yeah, it does. I don’t hate Rarity, but sometimes it just feels like…” Sweetie Belle paused as she looked for the right words.

“Like you are trapped within your sister’s shadow?” offered Luna.

“Yeah. That. How did you… oh,” said Sweetie Belle as she remembered who she was talking to.

“Yes, that is a feeling I am more than familiar with. Though my sister loves me dearly, she cannot help but cast a long shadow that covers all those around her. Myself, Twilight Sparkle, and perhaps even all of Equestria are smothered by it,” said Luna.

“I see what you mean. But what can we do about it? Messing with Rarity doesn’t seem like the right thing to do, so what’s the solution here?” asked Sweetie Belle.

Luna reached forward and pulled Sweetie Belle into a hug. It was a bit surreal to be so casually hugged by the Princess like that, but Sweetie Belle felt no desire to pull away.

“It’s a lesson I had to learn the hard way, but one I will gladly share with you: stop trying to dwell within your sister’s shadow, and chart your own path forward. We cannot hope to match our elder sisters’ talents, so why waste time trying to imitate them?” said Luna.

“That’s a good point. I mean, I don’t even like clothes that much. But still, it kind of stings how no pony wanted to talk about my play,” said Sweetie Belle with a sigh.

“Well… *cough* perhaps you are simply unappreciated in your time? It can be rather difficult to voice an opinion about such an… unforgettable performance,” Luna offered.

Luna did not want to be the one to inform the filly that several ponies had been having nightmares about said play all night. The twist about the zombies from the future had truly been “Unforgettable.”

Twilight’s Kingdom

~1000 years in the future…

In a small cave in the middle of nowhere, a glowing blue cube suddenly lit up, before spitting out three familiar fillies.

“Ugh… I think that was even worse than last time. I kept thinking I was a firefly or something the whole time,” moaned Scootaloo as she put a hoof to her head.

“Is this really the best way they can send us to the future? Ah swear Ah saw mahself turning into a phoenix while Ah was gettin’ sucking into that thing,” said Apple Bloom.

“Seriously. And I keep getting images of being a boat for some reason. I mean, seriously? A boat?” added Sweetie Belle.

“Yes, that is an unfortunate side effect of the cube, I’m afraid,” said a familiar voice.

The fillies turned to see Dr. Brown already waiting for them.

“Side effect?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Oh yes. Having one’s body broken down into a fluid-like state tends to cause the subconscious to start visualising other bizarre transformations. Repeated use only makes this effect more profound,” explained Dr. Brown.

“That’s kind of weird,” noted Sweetie Belle.

“Whatever. So what’s so important that you needed us to come back to the future? Does Sweetie Belle need an upgrade or something?” asked Scootaloo.

“Oh, nothing of the sort. We just needed to keep you three out of the picture in your own time for… roughly seventy-two hours to be safe. Something was about to go down, and it was crucial that you three not get involved for your own safety,” said Dr. Brown.

Three eyebrows were raised and directed at the T.I.M.E. employee.

“Have you three ever heard of the vile monster Tirek?” asked Dr. Brown.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo’s eyes went wide, though Apple Bloom just looked confused.

“Yes, well, he was scheduled to start conquering Equestria a few hours after you three entered the M.O.R.P.H.,” said Dr. Brown.

“What?!” demanded Scootaloo.

“Seriously, what? Who the hay is this Tirek guy?” asked Apple Bloom.

“He’s a centaur with the ability to suck out the arcanic tissue of other beings. He’s been in Tartarus for over a thousand years,” answered Sweetie Belle.

“Yes, and his magic draining ability is the reason you three are here,” said Dr. Brown.

Dr. Brown trotted forward and pointed a hoof towards Sweetie Belle.

“While the M.P.S. is a powerful device, it is dependent on magic to function. If Tirek were to drain your magic, there’s a very high chance it would kill you, or at the very least require you to make a trip to see us for a jumpstart. We figured we’d save you the trouble and just bring you to the future before things get dangerous,” explained Dr. Brown.

“Yikes. Uh, thanks for the save, then. And I guess because you’re sending us back, Tirek’s gonna lose, right?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Yes. It might be a spoiler, but as we’re returning you after the fact, there’s no reason to hide that from you,” answered Dr. Brown.

“OK, that’s why you brough Sweetie Belle here, but what about me and Scootaloo?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Well, given the nature of your curse, while Tirek draining your magic wouldn’t kill you, it would reduce you to a zombie until your magic was restored. Far more problematic, however, is that it would also likely break the seal on your curse. And with a mindless source of infection walking among ponies with no magic, well, I’m sure you can see why we felt the need to pull you out,” said Dr. Brown.

Apple Bloom winced, but nodded.

“And as for Scootaloo, well, she’d probably shrug it off, but we figured you two would be mighty unhappy if we just left her behind to suffer through being a loveless husk for several hours. And she’s already been to the future, so no real reason to leave her behind,” said Dr. Brown.

“Oh. Uh… thanks, I guess,” said Scootaloo.

“So… now what? We wait around your office until we can go back?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Of course not. We’re time travelers. Waiting is something we simply don’t need to bother with,” said Dr. Brown.

He pointed behind the fillies. The three of them turned to see another bathtub with a black box attached to it.

“Oh no. Not this thing again…” groaned Sweetie Belle.

“This new castle is amazing, but why is this bathroom missing a bathtub?” asked Twilight.

Author's Note:

The problem with season four is that half of the CMC episodes have Diamond Tiara as an antagonist which is not possible here, or wouldn't been greatly affected by the changes of this still-not-yet-named AU. And the ones that I do have something to work with, I couldn't come up with more than this.

That said, I might expand on some of these ideas in the future, just not while building around the framework of actual episodes.