• Published 23rd Jan 2019
  • 635 Views, 6 Comments

Discord 2 - Chaos04

Twilight and Discord is happy living in the forest. Twilight's parents visit frequently, like every week. But, everything changes as Twilight wants to visit Ponyville, causing an somewhat of insecurity for Discord

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Chapter 12

The young alicorn was galloping through the Everfree forest, which has since changed; black vines extended like wires among the checkboard patterned ground. She suddenly stopped. Right in front of her was a giant ditch. "What happ–" something tapped her on the head, rubbing her head with a hoof she then looked down seeing a rock.

She looked up, her eyes widened as she saw a giant space of land floating over her head. Her horn flared up with her purple magical aura before disappearing.

She soon reappeared at the pyramid of cards. Surprisingly the area around remained unchanged. She entered the card pyramid. "Discord?"

There was no response.

Twilight slowly trotted towards the draconequus's door. She knocked once but there was no response. "Discord, where are you!?"

A chuckle echoed through the room, mad laughter followed. "Well, well. The princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Discord, what are you doing!? Why has the forest changed!?" the young princess exclaimed.

"Excellent questions, my dear princess–" Discord appeared behind her and draped his arm on her shoulder.

At first, she wouldn't mind the draconequus draping his arms on her shoulder, but now she remained on guard and moved her shoulders away.

"Okay, guess I can take a hint. To answer your questions they need to know and right now you don't–" the draconequus disappeared and reappeared in front of the young alicorn. "–plus its more fun for you to find out."

"This is no game, Discord! Don't you see what you're doing, where is my best friend, hey?!" the young alicorn's eyes began to water. The draconequus in front of her wasn't her friend it's the monster who destroyed her first friend.

"Your best friend is gone, Twilight Sparkle," the draconequus said with a smirk. "Don't cry, Twilight. Today's not a day for tears, instead, you should be celebrating."

Twilight's head lowered as she turned around, a cascade of tears running down her face. Her heart was shattered, her first ever friend gone. A shade of light grey covered the young alicorn's coat.

The draconequus facade almost faulted, as his smirk turned into a frown. Memories of what happened filled his mind, causing him to cover up his frown with a smirk. "In any case, Twilight you may stay here because I got a castle and Equestria to run. Ta-ta."

The young alicorn sat there, her eyes filling with tears. Not wanting to remain in the card pyramid, she left and went deeper into the forest.

The young princess continued to trot along the dirt path of the forest, no matter how sore her hooves were getting. She passed wild creatures that whimpered in fear at the sight of the same black vines, which she didn't focus on. Her head was a mess, all her feelings and thoughts were out of place. This was her fault if she hadn't left to go and explore Ponyville none of this would be happening, but instead, it is, right in front of her eyes.

Finally, after what felt like soreness in the alicorn's hooves, she made it to the small town of Ponyville; the dirt roads were now turned into soup, however, it could've been worse. The house were now 2D shaped, falling down every so often.

"Twilight!!" the alicorn's ears perked up at a familiar voice calling from afar. It was the cyan brash pegasus, Rainbow Dash, and behind her were five other familiar mares; the gorgeous unicorn, Rarity, the timid pegasus, Fluttershy, alongside her was the farm pony, Applejack. Hopping alongside them was the energetic pink pony, Pinkie Pie.

"Twilight, what's goin' on with yer friend?! Eh is outta control!" Applejack exclaims failing to see the tears in the purple alicorn's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Applejack, not even I know what caused this," the alicorn said sadly looking towards her friends.

The others looked to each other before looking at the alicorn, as they each debated who should tell their friend. They cyan pegasus sighed with a heavy heart. "We must use the Elements of Harmony it is the only way."

Twilight's eyes widened. "I...can't, he'll feel alone again." Twilight's words trembled. She couldn't do it. Tears filled her eyes as she knew it was the only way, the other five mares gave her a tender embrace.

"Twilight, it'll be okay. There may be a way to reason with him, don't lose hope," said the timid pegasus.

Twilight felt her heart slow a bit, knowing she was one of the only ponies to save Equestria but was afraid to. She couldn't hurt the draconequus she loved, no matter what he's become. But, had no choice.

"Okay, but give me a chance to reason with him..." The five mares nodded.
In Canterlot throne room, the draconequus sat atop his black throne, in front of him was a mirror showing him the Element bearers. An evil smile formed on his mismatched face. "Come to me, beares of the Elements, I'll be ready." His laughter echoed throughout the throne room.

The royal sisters and the princess of love looked at the draconequus with disgust and glares. "Discord, whatever you may be speaking of it won't work, nothing has near enough power than the Elements, not even you."

"That is where you are mistaken. The Elements of Harmony may be powerful in all sense but they aren't unbeatable, sure they protected this land centuries and maybe more. But, what I got planned will ensure that your little trinkets fail. Behold my creations." the draconequus gestured to six corrupted looking objects were hanging on the throne.

"What are those?" the princess of the dawn questioned while observing their appearance; they looked like each of the Elements except corrupted.

"You'll find out later..." the draconequus laughter filled the throne room.