• Published 7th Aug 2012
  • 7,160 Views, 111 Comments

Think Pink! or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Parties - cleverpun

A mind reading spell goes awry, and Pinkie has to decide if she should save Twilight from herself.

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Author's Notes/Unused Content

Author's Note:

The notes I used to write this story + some general comments are contained within. Please note they haven't really been edited- I'm mostly including them for completions sake, and because I like to think I'll finish editing this one day.

General Authorial Notes; This was originally a one-shot, but I added more since a plot formed pretty easily in my head. Also, the viewers wanted more and I like attention.

Rejected title ideas included; Brainwashing is Magic, Friendship is Mental, All In Your Head, When Good Spells Go Crazy, and Friendship is Mergers.

A Dark tag was considered, but I don't think it warrants it; the psychological aspects are covered by the Tragedy tag. And where's my Bittersweet tag?

The first chapter was partially inspired by this picture.

Alternate Chapter Three victim scenarios

I Originally plotted out a mind rape scenario for each of the six save Fluttershy- I felt her personality was too disparate from Pinkie’s to make a convincing argument. AJ was the first idea, Rarity the second, and Rainbow the third. I fell in love with Rarity’s dialogue as I wrote it, so it was a no-brainer. Rainbows was too dark and AJ’s too shallow, but I did re-use some of the Rainbow ideas for Loyalty and Royalty.

"we asked you here so we could help you"


"Dont you see Applejack? youre just as stressed out as the old Twilight. All work and no play, every day, wouldn't it be nice to just let go? To be happy and carefree all the time, just like me and twinkie are now?" As she spoke Pinkie slowly walked closer and closer to AJ, while applejack slowly backed away, matching her steps. Twinkie stood off to the side, slightly outside of applejack's field of vision.

Applejack hesitated slightly before she answered ."No, I couldn't! Pinkie, don't you realize what y'all have done? You've robbed Twilight of her free will. You've turned her into a copy of you!"

"Oh AJ, Pinkie just helped me realize what I always wanted. Being like her is so amazing.”

AJ walked back from Twinkie and Pinkie, but soon found her tail brushing against a wall.

They eventually zap her despite her wishes, and pinkies voice starts arguing with applejack (AJ talks out loud, the voice is in her head)

AJ tries to resist, but as the pinkie voice reminds her of all the work she does, and... something


“Don't you see Rainbow Dash? youre so much like me already. Carefree, fun-loving, energetic. Wouldn’t it be nice to be that way together? To be even more similar than we are now? The three of us could be soulmates, for the rest of our lives. It’s just one spell away and all you have to do is hold still…”

Rainbow instinctively tried to fly away, but quickly noticed that all the windows and the door had been locked. She hovered nervously for a moment, then floated back down to the ground and began to back away from Pinkie.

“Pinkie…” Her brain visibly struggled to find something to say. “Pinkie, I know you think this is a good idea. And I love fun as much as anypony. But I don’t need help, not this way! And neither did Twilight! You robbed her of her personality! And everypony’s personality should be their own, you just-"

“Rainbow, Rainbow, you’re rambling.” Twinkie chimed in. “You’re not thinking clearly. I resisted it too at first. I mean, Pinkie’s thoughts were so… invasive. But once I gave in, I realized how much better off I was, and if you just hold still…”

“NO!” Rainbow spun around and shunted all her weight backward. She was halfway through her kick as the beam of light arced from Pinkie’s forehead to the base of Rainbow’s skull.

The flood of emotions and thoughts and memories swamped into Dash’s mind. The shock stopped her mid-buck, and she fell to the ground in a heap.

Just surrender Rainbow. You’ll love it I promise.

"Nononono… Get out of my head Pinkie!"

As Rainbow tries to affirm her potent personality, the pinkie voice takes a different tack and points out all the ways theyre similar. Rainbow is adamant that she’s perfect the way she is. That nopony could be as awesome as her.

The voice tells her that she IS amazing, but that together they could be even more amazing.

Just imagine, you’d never be alone, you’d never be afraid, you never lack for confidence ever again…

"I don’t lack…"

You do. I know you do. I can see it right here. All that fear of failure, all those worries about rejection, all those dollops of doubt that plague your mind, our mind, they could all just vanish. All you have to do is give in rainbow, and we can be perfect together.

Fluttershy Too dissimilar to Pinkie (latter part of confrontation would be more violent, wouldn’t lead anywhere)

Rarity scenario ommited, since it's in the story practically unchanged from my original notes

CH 4.5 Outline

“Should we stop her?”

“Nah, there’s nothing she can do. She’ll realize the merits of my plan soon enough anyway; I got the idea from her after all!”

Concurrent with CH 5, this would cover Celestia Pie, Twinkie, and Pinkity taking over the town.

They stroll confidently out of the library, Celestia to Fluttershy’s and Twinkie to Rainbow Dash’s. Cue brainwashing sequences.

As they stroll out of their houses, clearly Pinkified, the narration trails off as they knock on somepony’s door.

As should be plain, this chapter wasn’t used because it doesn’t add much to the story that couldn’t be extrapolated, except perhaps false suspense- you know the outcome, and sitting through two more brainwashing sequences would’ve been pointless and depressing.

Comments ( 31 )

In the end this story is still very depressing. I faved it when I first read, but now when I think about it's just too sad and empty for me. I'm going to remove it. I don't mean anything against you, it's just that I really hate stories that end with someone cursed in such a horrid way. Sorry dude.

Well, I meant to leave the ending open to interpretation, but I can understand why it would be depressing in the long run. And I would never take offense to someone removing a favorite; if you don't like it, you don't like it.

But thanks for reading- if you want something more comedic try some of my other stories :twilightsmile:

1378465 I'll have to try that sometime. Thanks for understanding

I liked the ending. There are times when the world just doesn't go back to the way things were before, and there are times when we have to face the consequences of our actions and learn to live with them.

Don't get me wrong. I really liked it. What I said wasn't a complaint in any way. You weren't vague or anything. But you know what you said about the ending being open to interpretation? Well, my mind is interpreting it in multiple different ways at once. That's where my comment about being emotionally confused comes from. Because I don't know who do identify with. Or because I identify with all of them. I understand what it's like to want to be like someone else, so I can see Twilight's side. But at the same time, is this how she would have felt even before she first cast the spell? I like that you don't answer that question. And I understand how the other ponies feel that they were violated. I even understand how Pinkie feels, dealing with the aftermath of a disaster caused by her simple need for somepony to understand her.

I love that you left it open to interpretation. I just can't pick one way to interpret it. It's thought-provoking and I love it.

Ah I see, guess I misunderstood what you meant by "emotionally confused" then, thanks for clearing it up.

In that case I'm not only glad you liked it, but I'm glad that my attempt at involving the reader in the ending was successful :twilightsmile:

now hows dash *insert trollface here*

I haven't even read this and I already know this will end in a pie fight.


Actually, it's only Pinkie that can break reality, any "pinkified" ponies simply act like her.

...Or maybe they can. It's been 30 weeks since I commented that, and the story isn't that fresh in my memory.

0 #10 · Apr 14th, 2013 · · ·

One accurately tagged tragedy.

Personally I think the diarchs were WAY too hard on Pinkie Pie. What did she really do wrong?

Twilight's issue is 100% her own fault.

Rarity is the ONLY aggrieved party here -- and that is MOSTLY Twinkie's fault. Twinkie cast the spell and it was Twinkie that really had the idea. Pinkie just unwittingly went along with it.

PLUS it was what happened to Rarity that managed to get Pinkie to change her mind and save Ponyville and eventually the world. If she had not warned Luna then it would have been game over.

If anything Pinkie is a HERO here.

To SEVER her from Equestria's magic is way WAY too harsh. Just the knowledge of what happened and the ponies having that knowledge is enough of a punishment.

Well, I explained down here 1114312 how I felt when I was writing it.

Forty weeks later, I dunno. Perhaps shutaro is correct that Pinkie is mostly blameless, and that she wasn't aware of the scope of her actions until it was too late.

The scale of Celestia's punishment is debatable since we don't really know how magic works. Now that you mention it, however, I can certainly see how it could turn Pinkie into an outcast. The knowledge of what happened would be bad enough, given how much Pinkie cares what others think of her.

Some more things to consider if I ever edit it, I suppose.


Why edit it? If you can see and actually want to impress just how much having her ties to equestria severed would affect her, then why not a one-shot sequel or a full sequel?

It could even live independently, as describing what happened to Pinkie in the description would be enough to get people up to speed. Bottling up Pinkie's magic might even have disastrous consequences above and beyond the "wrongness" ponies would sense about her.

There is also the question of whether Rarity would blame Pinkie or appeal on her behalf at some point or whether one would transition into the other.

I dunno, one of this story's only strengths is that it's open to interpretation, and writing a sequel or alternate ending would ruin that. Main reason I haven't written an epilogue.

Also, I'm already writing a depressing story about Pinkie being ostracized and doing it again would make my soul implode :applecry:


Yes I know that story and even have it TU/Faved. Thing is the two stories are very different. Actually THIS story would 100% preclude the other story from working as this sealed Pinkie couldn't clone.

The other aspect of this is with her magic completely sealed, how can she possibly activate her element? Or are they taking laughter away from her as well?

I found this fanfiction through the picture you used and this was actually one of the first fanfictions I read. I always wanted to comment but now I think I forgot the half :facehoof: You must know, I actually can really understand Twilight, and maybe my own interpretation is a bit odd: I myself am a bit like Twilight, always worrying and planning everything and stuff. And just saying "no worries" is very.. well.. attractive, to quote your story. Just don't think of all the things and worries and just enjoy your life... that'd be it, huh? :twilightsmile: But what I remember most, what gave me a real Mindbuck, was, when somepony said "I know what you mean. The world view of Pinkamena is just so... attractive". I thought Pinkie said it herself. That made the story so dark and deep. If you just think about it... That Pinkie actually was a sad and calm pony, but she hears voices and thus she is so hyperactive. The thoughts in my head made the story creepier than it actually should have been I guess. xD Well I really liked it. So, here, have some fan art: http://drhikari.deviantart.com/art/Think-Pink-376282608?ga_submit_new=10%253A1370541401

I sort of identify with Luna more than I do with Twilight; I don't have the best social skills, but I can also see why the extremism wouldn't really help.

And if you look through the comments you'll notice that quite a few other people found it really creepy. :twilightsheepish: Regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed it/identified with it to some degree.

Also :pinkiegasp: fanart! Thanks very much! :pinkiehappy:

Hehe, yeah I think so ^^
I'm glad you like it :)

I still think this story dived deep enough into issues of consent and identity to merit a 'dark' tag.

3362024 Mebbe. Chapter 3 was the only really dark chapter, so it didn't really occur to me back when I was writing it.

Well... i really liked the story. Though it really messed with my mind somehow xD
Still, you leave us with a small cliffhanger with Twi's blue eyes. Makes me wonder what would happen next ^^

I want to put together a radio play of this fiction on youtube. I will fully cite the credit of the author in the video. I really hope this is ok. I will do my very best to do it justice.

4194789 By all means. It's far from my best work, so if you need any notes about certain sections/want to adjust things to flow more smoothly, don't be afraid to ask. :twilightsmile:

4177022 Yeah, this was one of my earliest fics, so I still hadn't gotten the hang of writing Luna (and I still haven't got the hang of exposition). A few readers complimented my portrayal of her in my other fics, though the fics in question are comedies.

I've written darker stuff than this, but if you want to put your own spin on the conept, please do :twilightsmile:


Actually, I believe that one would constitute as 3edgy5u. :pinkiecrazy:

Pinkie Pie, Pinkie Pie will never go away...
Pinkie Pie, Pinkie Pie forever you will play...

Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie
Steals your will to live
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie
Your eternal soul you'll give

Play with me Twilight, play!
"Must always play..."

This story is the best, most subtle story ever with it's humor.

6228110 The site prevents Sad and Comedy from being used together, not Tragedy and Comedy

I think this might work better if it were just the first chapter.
The other chapters seem to drag the story down and don't significantly change the ending from what it was in the first chapter; Twilight has still been changed forever and regardless of how Pinkie suffers and what her feelings are, the main tragedy is Twilight's loss of self.
(We still don't know whether Twilight still thinks of herself as Twinkie or not, since the story is from Pinkie's perspective, though the fact that the eyes are still blue might imply such.)

Comment posted by Feistyford deleted Jun 22nd, 2019

The punishment of never experiencing magic or earth pony magic ever again sounds a bit too harsh.

She could have just not asked Luna for help or just let Twinkie brainwash Luna, but she didn't.

Not to mention the elements are a form of magic, so don't they think that will open up another can of worms?

What's stranger- that you're here replying to a comment made nine years ago, or that I'm also here nine years later to notice?

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