• Member Since 26th Apr, 2017
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Why do I do the things I do? BECAUSE I CAN. —No longer Writing Stories Here—

Comments ( 164 )

To be fair, I’m still thinking about that, but he’s managed to hold onto sanity for who knows how long in an endless hallway, so he has a pretty strong mind.

Idk yet. For all intents and purposes it could be defined as photophobia to an outside viewer.

I’ll see.

scull up sum wan as already used the cover Picher before I am not saying you are copying just a scull up. also love your story's!!!:pinkiehappy:

So its a self insert type story, but without the self part? That's rediculous and redundant. Why have a self insert if you just destroy their mind? It completely defeats the point.

Idk. But a human personality in any story is markedly different than any pony’s. A human has much less hesitation to abandon morals to get a job done, and typically isn’t as naive as a pony. It makes for interesting writing

Shouldn't he notice at some point he knows far too much to have just come into existance like he did? Because most people would be rightfully disturbed to have a majority of what forms their personality just erased. Hope he recovers, it would be depressing otherwise.

me; consommé adapt and do cool shit and 😈 pony;1230 panic attacks then depth :fluttercry:

Uh... okay??? I am... very unsure what you said

Please. Please no. I beg of you. If you want to ask junk like that, send a DM w/ a description of the character and what role you would like then to play.

I presume the character has not folly grasped his current predicament the a normal person has is he is unaware of wat is normal. now this is just a assumption but he is like a nu born A.I. and will not see things the same as the average human like see dragon; imposable darer Quechan sanity mean wail your character see dragon; dragon fire berthing lizard danger he dos not have the pre concaved noshans of possible and imposable. I hope this was helpful.

Love Reincarnated as a Slime, and this is looking promising. I look forward to more. Fav list mark applied.

Well, I like Reincarnted as a Slime, I like Reincarnated as a Spidet, and I like MLP, so I will probably like this

No. The image happened to fit however, and I’m lazy, so...

You my friend are awesome for making this and I hope you find this story lives long and prospers .....otherwise I hope you like making it as much as I like reading it

Her 'superior' is in trouble if anyone ever double checks his reports and especially if they find him sleeping on the job. I want to see that. Please tell me that's coming up.

"...Did I just get owned by a BUCKING SLIME!?"

Yes, yes you did :moustache:

I see Scarlet Dusk is among the those of us who hate dine and dashers. Off to a good start, I'm interested in seeing what comes next.

"But Captain, the slime ate my kit! Also, would be nice to know where my 'superior' officer was..."

I have but one complaint and that is, that there is not enough of this story.

I'm a slow writer mate. sorry. I am constantly switching stories so I don't get tired of them. Plus I have a huge backlog. I should have more free time after spring break.

Play the song forever alone by grand finale please. It would fit. At least listen to it and give me your opinion

Can this fucker turn into a coffee cup to fuck with people

If that is a reference to what I think it is, good on ya.

I don't think she counts as a second player

‘That time I got reincarnated as a slime’ is actually a really good anime. Very recommended! In fact, I just finished season 1 myself a couple days ago.

Well ok then
This was an intro to a thing
Now let's see the thing -hits next-

That first unlock made me think of them shity game achievements. Turned on the game and you got an achievement .... Hated those

A level? Why not! Nothing else makes sense...

👌 10/10

Oh I would love to see him go full Prey mimic on Unpolished Rock’s stupid and probably very punchable face.

This is great. It feels like it's going to be one of those good stories.

Comment posted by Shadowflamepony deleted Apr 9th, 2019

This is actually an amazing story. I love plots like this and characters seem great so far. Plz give me more I beg you

Realllllly hope to see more:pinkiehappy: just got into the anime this kinda base on

A small shadow peeked from a hole in the bottom of a moving duffel bag, and made a promise for the stallion.

Hitching a ride ey ?:coolphoto:

I loves slime manga/anime. But this feels more real sort off. Hope slime helps her as much as he can. She deserves it

I'm definitely enjoying this. It's just fun to read.

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