• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 9,964 Views, 175 Comments

The King Without a Crown - Greyson

He is a general without an army. He is a ruler without a castle. He is a leader without a people. He is a king without a crown.

  • ...

Departing Canterlot

Chapter 5 - A New Home

One could stylise a kingdom as an actual living being. The army, trade routes, citizens? The arm, the lungs and the blood of an individual. With these comparisons, one could thereby view the capital city as being the brain. As the hub of all things administrative within the state, the capital is to a kingdom what the brain is to a living being - the nexus.

Whilst it is unlikely that he had that exact analogy in mind, the founder of the Perennem dynasty, Primus, understood the necessity. To that end, scouts were dispatched all over the lands of Eden, searching for an ample location for what would be Eden's new home. It took some time, but eventually a band of Aeternans found what most would deem to be the perfect location for any kind of city.

Behind where the city would be built was a vast, open ocean, presenting the people with access to both fishing and the prospect of maritime trade with other nations. Furthermore, the forest that the scouts had travelled through could be used for timber and hunting, providing materials and meat for the workers. When the best architects at their disposal were brought to the area, there was no doubt in their minds - they had found their new home.

Despite having lived in a tribal society for years, Aeternan society adapted remarkably well towards permanent. Within a few remarkable years, a city had formed. The time it had taken was, compared to how long it would take today, astounding; expectations for completion time ranged from at least two decades or more, yet it had more or less been built within around 8 years.

Even more baffling was that, despite having lived within a tribal society for generations, the city itself was built from the ground up using a structurally sound combination of materials. For a people to go from huts made from mud and straw to those built from wood and stone, especially without ever having built such structures before? Such a rapid transition solidified the Aeternan's as a people of extraordinary potential.

Perhaps it was this rapid advancement and change in its society that first caught the attention of Eden's more civilised neighbours. No sooner had the Aeternan people settled within the walls of the city, a group of beings stood before their gates. A neighbouring king had heard tales of a strange, bipedal people to the north west, bravely fighting and defeating a savage invasion from the same barbarians who had harassed his own people in times past. Wanting to meet them for himself, he had set forth on a diplomatic mission to the lands known as Eden.

The king and his companions were met before the great gates of the city by Primus himself. For a fortnight they stayed within the city as guests, learning about their new new neighbours and devising potential profitable agreements for both nations. When he left Eden, the king brought home with him both a trading partner and, more importantly, a new friend.

It was this initial friendship between the two rulers that set the foundations for what would become a near-unbreakable bond between the Kingdom of Eden and the Kingdom of Equestria of many years to come.

Spring Cleaning was not having the best of days. Having arrived at the castle early in the morning so as to perform her duties as a maid, she had been given a simple task: inform the being known as Cyrus that breakfast was to be held soon, and that his presence had been requested by the Princesses. To Spring Cleaning, this was a fairly easy and mundane task. There was just one teeny little problem with her job.

That problem being the situation she had found herself in - shaking in fear underneath his bed.

When she found the slumbering Aeternan in his bed still, the maid had attempted to wake him up. Despite her best efforts, he would not do so. After a few attempts she had begun to worry, though that feeling was quickly replaced with shock and terror when Cyrus suddenly awoke with a gasp, quite literally jumping out from the bed and to the floor. Instinctively, Spring Cleaning had clambered under the bed, which was where she now found herself.

After taking a few moments to calm him self down, Cyrus finally took note of the slight whimpers coming from somewhere behind him. Turning around, it took him a moment to see what looked like a hoof under the bed. Still unnerved from his dream, he approached the bed cautiously, magic at the ready if needed. Slowly, he knelt down, peering under the bed to come face to face with an Equine.

The two stared at one another for a few moments, before the Aeternan broke the silence.

"Would you be the monster that slumbers beneath the bed of children, perchance?" The pony blinked a few times, registering what he had said, before descending into a fit of giggles. Leaving the mare to sort herself out, Cyrus got up and moved away from the bed, heading towards a nearby cabinet. The clothes he had been wearing before had been taken by the staff the night before to be washed. Celestia still had his old measurements and, accounting for him not going up nor down in height, ordered for clothes to be made accordingly.

Removing his shirt, he was reminded of the other occupant in the room when he heard them gasp. Looking over his shoulder, Cyrus was amused to see the mare trying to look anywhere but at his naked torso. Shaking his head in amusement, he continued to dress himself, ignoring the feeling of being watched from behind. Once he was finished, he turned to face the still staring maid, whose blush was only just beginning to fade.

"Apart from my body, is there something else you require of me, madam?" To her credit, she did not break down into an embarrassed mess as Cyrus expected, though it did revive the redness upon her muzzle. Shaking away whatever thoughts she may have been having, she straightened herself up and spoke.

"You are hereby requested to join Their Majesties, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance, for breakfast. If you are ready, please allow me to escort you to the dining room." Now he was intrigued. Celestia and Luna he obviously knew, but this 'Cadance' was a different story.

Yet another question he would have to add to the ever-expanding list.

"Very well, Mrs...?"

"Spring Cleaning, Your Majesty." Cyrus had to bite his tongue so as to not make some sort of remark about a maid being named 'Spring Cleaning'.

"Very well, Mrs Cleaning, let us depart." With that, the two made their way from the room and out into the corridor. Whilst Cyrus followed close behind, his mind began to wander back to the nightmare he had experienced. More specifically, to the final foreboding word spoken by the manifestation of the creature.

"Prepare..." Cyrus muttered aloud, staring blankly at the floor.

"Did you say something, Your Majesty?" Questioned Spring Cleaning, looking over her shoulder at him. Shaking his head, he offered the maid a charming albeit forced smile.

"It is nothing, Mrs. Cleaning. Let us continue forwards." Nodding, the maid turned back around, not seeing the smile fade from Cyrus's face. The Aeternan continued to ponder the nightmare for a few more moments, before shaking his head. He would have to talk to the Princesses about it.

He still had some questions that needed answering. The prophetic words from his nightmare only added additional fuel to the fire.

"I know I've asked this at least once or twice, but did you really single-hoofedly clear a path through both the city and castle, beating hordes of Changelings with nothing but your magic and a flaming sword?" The two companions had struck up conversation on their way to the dining hall. Despite being an exponentially powerful being of royal descent, Cyrus found the maid to be a rather pleasant conversational partner.

Although her apparent knack for repeating the same questions was, to be blunt, annoying.

"Mrs. Cleaning, have I not answered this very same question of yours six times?" The pair turned a corner, heading down yet another corridor. "Whilst I did indeed battle my way through the city itself mostly unaided, I was aided by at least a dozen or more of your guards stationed within these very walls."

"Oh... But what about your swo-"

"Yes, my sword was on fire."

"Amazing... Can you-" She was interrupted by the sudden cracking sound from behind her as Cyrus's sword materialised in his hand, enveloped in flame.

"Is your curiosity sated?" The Aeternan asked, a understandably smug grin on his face. Satisfied with her nod, he willed the sword away, lest a passing guard were to mistake the intentions of an individual pointing a flaming swords toward an unarmed mare.

"Here we are, Your Majesty. The Princesses should already be inside." The two had finally arrived at a large set of doors which, even without her confirmation, Cyrus presumed to be their destination. He noted as well the two guards posted besides the doors, ever vigilant and watching his every move. Ignoring them, the Aeternan looked to his companion.

"Thank you, Mrs Cleaning, for your company." The maid nodded, turning on the spot and heading back the way they had come from. He watched her go for a moment, before turning back to the doors and, straightening himself, pushing them open and stepping inside.

His eyes immediately came to rest on the rather large wooden table ahead of him. Positioned in the centre and with at least a dozen or more chairs on both sides, it stretched from one side of the room to the other. It was not the table he was interested in, however, but with those sat at the opposite end. Six ponies - five he recognised though only three whose names he knew - were sat in conversation.

Upon hearing the opening of the door, all had turned from their conversations and towards the approaching Aeternan.

"Here now arrives the one that We and our dear sister have been speaking about," Luna said, glancing back at the three ponies whose names yet eluded Cyrus, "the saviour of the city himself. We present to you, friends - Cyrus Perennem." The being in question chuckled, shaking his head slightly at he took a seat next to the lavender unicorn who had smothered him with questions only the day before.

"Thank you, Luna, for such a humble introduction." Luna smiled innocently, before returning to her food.

"Yes, 'saviour' indeed. Leave it to you to have all of the mares gossiping within the first day of your return." Came Celestia, pouring some tea. Once she was finished, she levitated the teacup towards Cyrus, who nodded gratefully as she repeated the same process to her own cup.

"I only wanted to lift the siege and end any unnecessary conflict. The real saviours are those who had selflessly put their lives on the line for the city - your guards, especially." A look of surprise and gratitude found its way onto the muzzle of one of the tables other occupants, which Cyrus did not fail to notice. Taking a sip of the warm liquid, Cyrus looked over the rest of the table - mainly to the two stallions and the mare who he had yet to speak.

Whilst he recognised the mare and one of the two stallions from the invasion, he was only now able to get a good look at them. For a start, the mare caught his attention immediately for the fact that, like the two sisters, she was an Alicorn as well. He assumed that this was the 'Princess Cadance' that Spring Cleaning had mentioned. The tiara she wore reinforced the assumption of her royal status.

Next came the stallion seated next to her - the one who seemed touched by Cyrus's words a moment ago. Whilst both the stallions had equally white coats, this one had a much more vibrant shaded mane - blue with a lighter shaded strip running through it. Cyrus spared a quick glance to Twilight besides him, who also wore the same kind of strip in her own mane. A coincidence, he thought, that they shared the same unique mane style.

"So you're this 'Aeternan' fellow that all of the servants have spoken of?" Turning to the other stallion at the table Cyrus nodded, looking over this pony. Both the stallions at the table shared a white coloured coat, yet this one seemed to be the more well groomed of the two. He ha

"Indeed I am, sir...?"

"Prince Blueblood, at your service my good stallion." This was a surprise to Cyrus. First another Alicorn princess, now a prince? Remembering that he had been gone for over a millennia, the Aeternan understandably assumed that there would have been some natural changes and additions to the royal family over the years.

"I am honoured to make your acquaintance then, Prince Blueblood." The prince smiled, yet Cyrus could tell that the smile was not genuine. Years of experience with the nobles both within and beyond Eden had left the king able to tell the difference between those who sought his friendship and those who sought his influence.

Already he felt a dislike forming towards this prince.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. As much as I would enjoy to get to know you better, I'm afraid that I have some pressing duties to attend to. May I be excused, aunties?" Celestia and Luna nodded, and the Prince left the table. As Blueblood left the room, Cyrus turned to the unnamed mare at the table. "Princess Cadance I would presume?" The mare nodded, offering the Aeternan a smile which was undoubtedly friendlier than the one offered by Blueblood.

"That would be me. We've not had the chance to properly talk since the attack, so it's good to finally meet you." Cyrus returned the smile, happy that, unlike Blueblood, Cadance seemed to be the more likeable of the two.

"The honour is all mine, Princess. I hope that, despite the attack, your wedding was still fruitful?"

"It was, thank you. Despite their best efforts the Changeling could not prevail against love, and I and Shiny are happily married." As she said this, she turned to and kissed the stallion sat beside her, who, whilst suddenly startled, happily reciprocated.

This went on for an uncomfortably long time before they remembered where they were, the two breaking apart from one another and sporting equally embarrassed expressions.

"Well... Congratulations, to the two of you then. You are lucky to have caught the heart of such a fine young mare, Sir Shiny." The table suddenly erupted into a fit of laughter, leaving Cyrus confused and the stallion even more red faced. To his credit, Shiny the stallion was holding an admirably straight face. "Was it something I said?"

Despite his best efforts, the mares at the table would not allow Shining Armour to point out at that point that his name was not 'Shiny', and for the remainder of his time at the table was referred to as such by an ignorant Cyrus.

Once they had finished with breakfast and their initial introductions, both Captain Armour and Princess Cadance had left the group to attend to other matters - most likely their honeymoon. Relocating to the more comfortable setting of Celestia's study, the remainder of the group has moved on to a different line of conversation.

Namely Cyrus and his continued residence in Equestria.

"You're asking me to live with you?" Cyrus asked, a confused look on his face. Twilight nodded ecstatically, a wide smile on her face.

"Yes! If you return to Ponyville with me, your understanding of our modern society will improve tenfold, I can introduce you to all of my friends and, most importantly, I'll be able to more easily study you! I have hundreds- no, thousands of questions about... well... everything!"

"Did I not answer enough of your questions during our talk yesterday?" The crazed look he got in return unnerved him, and the Aeternan shuffled away from the mare ever so slightly. Looking to the princesses for support, he found that neither of them seemed to be in any rush to help. As if knowing what he was thinking, Twilight smiled.

"Don't worry Cyrus, I've already spoken with the Princesses." Looking to Celestia for confirmation, the mare herself nodded. Cyrus's eyes narrowed at this, for he did not appreciate plans being made that involved himself yet not being privy to their existence in the first place, especially when they involved where he would be sleeping next.

"Indeed she has. Whilst we would certainly love for you to remain in the castle for the foreseeable future, Twilight's suggestion provides an excellent opportunity for you to see firsthand how Equestrian culture has changed over the time in which you've been gone."

"After all," Luna added, "If thou art to reside within these borders, a better understanding of our culture would serve thee well." The Aeternan had to admit that it was a good point. Having been gone for so long, it was a given that Equestrian culture would have surely changed in ways that would require first hand experience to understand.

In his time, Equestria was nowhere near as advanced as he'd seen them to be today. For example, their technology. When he had last visited Equestria, they had only just begun to devise a form of transport other than a simple Pegasi-drawn carriage. Now they possessed trains and airships as well, alongside other advancements.

Granted these advancements more than likely came from Aeternan blueprints and whatnot, but alas. At least they were being put to good use.

"Observe Twilight, for I have been here but for a few days and already they wish me gone from their home." Remarked Cyrus, gesturing towards the two smirking mares next to her. "Alas, it would seem that I've little choice in the matter. Very well, Twilight Sparkle, when will we depart?"

"Oh, well whenever you're ready. I sent a letter to my assistance yesterday to prepare a spare room, so everything should be prepared by now. " He managed to bite back the annoyed remark at how pre-planned this had all been and nodded in understanding, before looking back over to the two Princesses. He suspected that there was a different reason for wanting him in Ponyville, for he had only been here a short while and already they were sending him way.

"Then with your permission Princesses, I shall depart for Ponyville at sunset." They nodded, and Twilight practically jumped up in excitement, heading towards the door with a grin so wide that one could possibly hear the facial muscles straining.

"I'll start packing my things, then. Oh I can't wait for you to meet everypony!" With the lavender unicorn gone, only three remained in the room. As soon as the door had closed, Cyrus's smile vanished and he looked to the two princesses.

"I suspect the re-invigoration of my knowledge on Equestrian culture is not why I am being sent with Twilight Sparkle?" The mares shook their heads. "I presumed nothing less. Pray tell: what ulterior motives the two of you possess?"

"We desire for thee to develop a bond of friendship with young Twilight and her friends." Luna answered, smiling innocently at an understandably unconvinced Cyrus, whose eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

"Doubtful, my sweet Lulu." Upon hearing her accursed nickname, the mare was about to let loose her verbal wrath upon Cyrus before she was stopped by Celestia, who calmly placed a muffling spell upon her sister. This did not deter the mare from flinging a nearby cushion at Cyrus, who swiftly caught and returned it to sender, hitting Luna dead centre in the muzzle.

"Are the two of you done?" Luna had been about to launch every cushion in the room and Cyrus about to lunge for the mare, yet they decided on an unspoken truce. Seeing the two of them back down, Celestia nodded. "She speaks the truth, Cyrus. Having been gone for so long, living amongst the ponies in Ponyville would be an excellent way for you to learn from and meet new ponies. As Luna also mentioned, we would also very much like for you to befriend Twilight and her friends. As nice as it would be to see you making some friends at last, these individuals are also invaluable to Equestria."

"Why? What is so special about these specific Equines?" Cyrus asked, confused as to why Twilight and her friends were so special to his oldest friends. The two mares looked at one another and nodded, with Luna getting up and heading towards a set of drawers.

"Do you remember, Cyrus, when we spoke about The Elements of Harmony?" Celestia asked whilst Luna searched through the draws. He thought for a moment, before nodding, remembering how the two princesses had spoken about it in great detail just before he had returned to Eden. Just before it was attacked, he thought grimly.

"Those mystical weapons of legend? What about them?"

"They are no longer a legend anymore, Cyrus," Seeing the surprise on his face, Celestia grinned. Meanwhile, Luna returned to the two, levitating a sizeable book with her magic. "We found them not long after you had returned to Eden." Setting herself back down, Luna opened the book, flipping through a few dozen pages before finally finding the one she sought, leaving it open and setting it down for Cyrus to see.

Leaning forwards to get a better look, the Aeternan found himself looking upon six sketches of the extraordinarily powerful artefacts, all bearing a resemblance to one another yet at the same time all unique in their appearances: a gem, a star, a butterfly, a bolt of lightning, an apple and a balloon. Whilst childish and unassuming, they masked an almost unstoppable might which, in the right hands, could have effectively defeated the Great Enemy before it had grown too powerful.

If only they had been found before Eden had fallen. The Aeternan kept his attention on the page, not wanting to dwell on those thoughts right not. His eyes came to rest on a certain column, detailing the usage of the Elements themselves. It explained how each element was held by an individual whose characteristics best represented the element itself; those who exhibited an unbreakable bond of loyalty to another would be worthy of wielding the Element of Loyalty, for example.

As he finished reading, Cyrus nodded. Looking up from the page to the two mares he gestured back down to the book, having a good idea as to why it was now that they wanted him to get close to Twilight and the others.

"So I assume then that Twilight and her friends are those individuals worthy enough for the Elements of Harmony?" They nodded, before Luna closed and returned the book to the drawer, closing it behind her. "But why me? What role must I play in Ponyville? Am I to ensure their safety?"

"We already told thou of our plans. We wish for thee to make friends."

"But I already have frien-" He was silenced when Luna cover his mouth with her hoof.

"No, we are thy best friends. Thou need actual friends." Cyrus's eyes narrowed as pushed her hoof away from his mouth.

"Are you saying, Luna, that I have no friends?" The mare recoiled in mock indignation, her hoof shooting dramatically to her mouth. "Please, we both know that between the two of us, I was the more popular." Now her indignation seemed more genuine.

Whilst the two bantered between one another, Celestia was content to just sit back and watch, a joyful smile on her lips. She had forgotten how much she had missed these moments, wherein the three would just enjoy each others company, remisicing about past adventures or making extravagant plans and predictions for the future.

It filled a void in her heart that had existed for milennia.

"Lies! We all know he did not exist Luna, stop attempting to convince me otherwise."

"He did exist, the stallion merely attended a separate institute of learning!"

"The Equestrian Insitute of Non-Existence?"

Celestia's happy thoughts were interrupted when, from out of nowhere, she was struck hard by one of her own cushions, an unfortunate victim of collateral fire as Luna and Cyrus engaged in a fierce battle of wills and fluffy comfort accessories.

By sunset, a great crowd had formed in the courtyard. Guards and servants alike had gathered to see off their Aeternan guest, whose imminent departure had somehow managed to spread throughout the staff like wildfire. Many in the courtyard had yet to see the Aeternan - the reconstruction efforts required a great deal of horsepower after all - and so hoped to catch a glimpse of the 'Hero of Canterlot' before he left.

They got their chance when a set of doors opened and, alongside Celestia and Luna, Cyrus entered the courtyard. To see such a gathering of wide eyed and/or bowing Equines confused him for a moment, before quickly remembering just who it was he was walking with. Looking upon the crowd, heads bowed down in respect to their two rulers, it reminded him of what his own people would do when he was amongst them.

He did not let the sadness show on his face, opting instead to uphold the majestic and regal appearance that he was surely radiating as they approached the centre of the open space. Right in the middle of the courtyard was a carriage, who standing next to it were a pair of preparing Pegasi pilots and one Twilight Sparkle, who seemed to be looking over her bags and ticking some sort of list.

As she saw the trio approaching Twilight quickly threw the notebook into one of her bags, closing it with her magic before turning and dipping her head before the three royals, unable to keep the excited grin off of her muzzle. The opportunity before her to observe, question and overall study the Aeternan had her gripped in an exuberant state of mind, tempered only by her genuine wanting to get to know and hopefully befriend him.

The latter being a part of the task set upon her by her mentor. Twilight had yet to fail at anything she had been set by Celestia, and she did not plan on starting anytime soon.

"Rise my faithful student," Celestia said, smiling down fondly at the unicorn. "I trust you have everything prepared for our friend here?"

"Of course Princess," She replied, nodding to her bags. "I have everything he would need right here." Her horn lit up, her magical aura enveloping the bags and opening them up for the trio to see, revealing a range of necessities. Stepping forward, the Aeternan reached into one of the bags, his hand gripping something soft and velvety.

"When last I checked I was no tailor. What need have I for such fine fabrics?" Cyrus asked, staring at the plethora of silk, cotton and other expensive, high quality fabrics within the hefty sack.

"Oh, they're not for you, Cyrus, " Twilight replied. "They're for my friend. She runs a boutique in Ponyville, and with the fabrics I'm sure she would be more than happy to make you some extra sets of clothes."

"...What is wrong with my current attire?" Behind him he could hear Luna muttering something about the overuse of gold as a colour. He chose to ignore her blasphemous words and to instead keep his attention on the now slightly panicking unicorn.

"Nothing! It's just that Rarity would kill me if she didn't at least get a chance to work with what you're wearing." Cyrus nodded, content that the mare was not simply hating on his choice of clothing. It would not do for his wardrobe to be insulted by one who did not even wear clothes. He failed to hear the unicorn mutter under her breath about how she also believed that he could lighten up on the use of gold in his attire. "Why do you wear clothes anyway?" Despite their efforts, neither Celestia nor Luna could prevent the onset of giggling that stemmed from hearing Twilight's question.

Aeternan anatomy would surely be a wondrous subject for their friend to talk about.

"Another time, another place dear Twilight." Shrugging, the unicorn turned and began to move the bags into the back of the carriage, overseeing that each and every bag was carefully and securely stored in the carriage. As she did so, Cyrus turned to look at the mare to his left. Despite having been the one to suggest his moving in the first place, the Aeternan noted that Celestia did not seem as keen on his departure, her usually ever present smile having dipped somewhat into a frown. "If you wish for me to stay Tia, just say the word." As much as she wanted to say yes, Celestia knew that the safety of her subjects came before her own needs - especially the safety of the Element Bearers.

She knew there were things to come, things that neither she, her sister nor Cyrus could handle without the aid of the Elements.

"No," He could tell that she was truly considering the opposite, but she shook her head nevertheless. "As much as we would love for you to remain here, you're needed elsewhere." She inclined her head towards a still busy Twilight, who was currently in the middle of reprimanding a particularly clumsy Pegasi who had almost knocked over one of the bags.

"Acquainting myself with a group of mares who wield quite possibly the most dangerous yet powerful weapons known to this world? I guess that would necessitate the charm of a being like myself."

"Charm? Thou jest, surely?" Luna remarked, staring sceptically at the King of Eden. "Does thou remember our escapade into the dragon lands, when we found ourselves beset by that unruly reptile?" His mind instantly brought up the memories of that event, wherein himself and Luna had taken it upon themselves to venture off on an adventure to stifle that days boredom.

"Come now, Luna. That dragon was in no position to be making demands of any kind towards us. I merely saw that he understood that very fact."

"Thou threatened to rend the dragon's soul from this plane of existence. 'Twas truly a miracle that it believed such an extravagant lie and left us be."

"As you said, my charm does work wonders." Cyrus remarked, grinning playfully at the mare. Luna rolled her eyes yet said no more, knowing that she would get no further in this argument. Victorious yet again, Cyrus bowed with a flourish before the Alicorn, who was now feeling a spontaneous urge to fling him to Ponyville without the need for a carriage.

Before the two could bicker any further Celestia turned to the crowd, looking upon the many dozens of maids, guards, diplomats and advisers that had gathered in the courtyard. Stepping forward, she silenced any conversations within the courtyard by her sheer radiating presence alone. Both Cyrus and Luna ceased their banter for the time being, though continued to glare at one another from the corner of their eyes.

"My little ponies!" Celestia began, "Most of you gathered here will have only heard from rumours and gossip about the nature and existence of the being standing beside me. His name is Cyrus Perennem!" At this he stepped forward, standing next to the mare as she continued her speech. "The rest will have seen him with their own eyes, witnessing firsthoof his courage and heroism in standing with us in the defence of the city. With little thought for his own welfare, he charged headfirst into the fray, putting himself in harms way so that he and our brave soldiers could put an end to the danger posed by the Changeling army. Were it not for his aid, many of us would surely not be so fortunate to be standing here today. For that, we owe him our everlasting gratitude!" As she finished, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause, shouting and cheering for the being standing next to their Princess.

"Three cheers for the Hero of Canterlot!" A voice in the crowd shouted, somehow reaching above all of the noise, followed by the collective shouting of at least a hundred different beings echoing all across the courtyard, their cheering more than likely being heard by those in the city. Both gratified by the adoration and wanting to address the crowd himself, Cyrus found himself unable to contain the wide grin that spread across his face.

"You had best be cautious Celestia," Cyrus spoke, only just about being heard by Celestia as the continued shouting of the crowd drowned out all other noise. "Rile them up any further and they may just proclaim me the King of Equestria here and now." This brought a smile to her face as she glanced mischievously at her friend.

"The only way for that to happen would be for you to marry either myself or Luna." As she said this, he failed to notice her eyes widen somewhat, her smile dropping just a fraction. "Which, in fact, begs the question: who would you marry anyway?" He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Neither of you," Was his response. "I'd find my patience running thin before the day had even ended." This elicited another smile from Celestia, though not as mirthful as it had been a moment ago. Before she had a chance to speak further, Cyrus moved away from the mare and towards the crowd, the latter finally quietening down as they waited for him to give his own speech. When he did speak after a few moments of silence his voice boomed across the entirety of the courtyard, his tone silencing any further noise from those within the crowd and those observing from the castle windows and balconies.

"To you Equines gathered before us, you have my thanks for your kind words. To those I fought beside during the invasion, I thank you all for standing beside me and showcasing a heroism most becoming of your people. To the two Princesses I stand beside, I pledge my sword and loyalty towards the continuation of peace for all who live within their kingdom! For now, I depart this castle to parts elsewhere, so as to ensure the continued safety of this land and its many denizens!" If Celestia had been met by thunderous applause, Cyrus was met by deafening cheers as the ponies chanted his name again and again.

Turning away from the boisterous gathering, he flashed a cocky smirk at Luna. "So about my charm, Luna?" The mare tried to think of a witty return, yet could not find one in this situation. Conceding, she shook her head.

"Thou may have been victorious in this battle, yet thy shan't win the war."

"Whatever thou say, Lulu."

The crowd were far too busy cheering the name of their saviour into the heavens to notice said saviour being bundled into the carriage by a lavender unicorn, whilst a certain princess howled a litany of phrases not meant for the ears of foals.

Hip hip hooray for the Hero of Canterlot.

It had been a long day for Spike the dragon. When he had received a sudden letter from Twilight the day before detailing both her return and the arrival of a new resident, much of his time had been spent dusting and cleaning one of the spare guest rooms, whilst at the same time contemplating this soon-to-be housemate.

Whilst initially doubting the guest to be a male - Twilight wasn't one to bring males home nor talk to them in the first place - Spike quickly remembered what the girls had been talking non-stop about recently - this 'Cyrus' individual. Having apparently stepped in during the wedding, they had 'kicked Chrysalis's flank all over the room' according to Rainbow Dash and more or less saved the day. He still didn't know what reason Twilight would have to bring him back though, other than for a 'Thank-You' party that Pinkie was sure to throw.

Whoever it was, the situation seemed a bit strange to Spike, even for Twilight. From what the letter said, the room was to be large enough to fit a pony at least three times her height, with a bed to match. How he had managed to find such a bed in Ponyville in the first place was anyponies guess, but he had found one nonetheless. Paying extra for 'Next-Hay' delivery, the dragon was able to get it without much hassle.

Still, it was Twilight's money he had spent so he wasn't complaining.

He had only just come downstairs for a glass of water when he heard a heavy handed knock upon the door. Believing that Twilight had finally returned, he finished his drink quickly before making his way out of the kitchen towards the entrance. As he inserted the key into the lock and twisted, he could just about hear the faint sounds of conversation outside. He recognised Twilight's voice instantly, yet was momentarily confused as to who the other voice belonged to.

Correctly assuming it to be their mystery guest, Spike shrugged and gripped the handle, turning it and pulling the door open. As he did so, he smiled widely, prepared to greet their new housemate.

"Welcome back Twili-AH!" Recoiling in surprise at the figure standing before him, the poor dragon slipped over a stray book that he had overlooked during his tidying of the library, landing on the ground hard. Twilight gasped and immediately rushed to the aid of her assistant, concern etched all over her muzzle.

"Perhaps he finds faults in my attire as well?"

"Not. Helping."

"My apologies."

Author's Note:

This should have been out, like, a week ago? Two weeks at most? As I said, my writing schedule is a funny thing. Alas, this and the funky nightmare chapter are hitting the shelf back-to-back to at least redeem me somewhat.

With exams ramping up now, my already non-existent writing schedule is about to get shot in the foot by a gun with legs Borderlands 3 gang gang and severely lessen the chances of this being updated for at least a good month. Still, when I've got some free time I'll be sure to write up a few words here and there so as to keep the story on track somewhat.

Comments ( 28 )

good luck on your exams!

i'm sure i can wait for chapters, this story is amazing.

Go to sleep Moon.


"Why do you wear clothes anyway?" Despite their efforts, neither Celestia nor Luna could prevent the onset of giggling that stemmed from hearing Twilight's question.

Hehehe... looks like I will see an interesting (probably more amusing) letter from my faithful student soon. :trollestia:
Twilight, darling, please come here and let me educate you on the function of formal attire. :raritystarry:

Luna > Celestia
Good chapter

...of course he is going to Ponyville. :facehoof:
And he is staying with Twilight in the Golden Oaks library.
He IS a King right? I didnt imagine reading that part?
And he is supposed to be Celestia and Luna's friend, right? But he is immediately leaving them behind. Like absurdly fast.

I sense potential princess shipping!!!!
I cant wait to see how this plays out!
good luck with your exams!

"...What is wrong with my current attire?" Behind him he could hear Luna muttering something about the overuse of gold as a colour. He chose to ignore her blasphemous words and to instead keep his attention on the now slightly panicking unicorn.

Exclamation: No gold is blasphemous!
Statement: Ebony is superior.

God, when Cyrus is snarky, I just read everything he says in Thor's voice :rainbowlaugh:

as promised, I will now go over my thoughts and any errors I have found.

One could stylise a kingdom as an actual living being. The army, trade routes, citizens? The arm, the lungs and the blood of an individual. With these comparisons, one could thereby view the capital city as being the brain. As the hub of all things administrative within the state, the capital is to a kingdom what the brain is to a living being - the nexus.

This is a really cool comparison. I never thought about the similarities between how a kingdom work and how the body works before. did you come up with yourself or did you hear this before somewhere? Also,

One could stylize a kingdom as an actual living being.

"Yes, 'saviour' indeed. Leave it to you to have all of the mares gossiping within the first day of your return." Came Celestia, pouring herself some tea. Once she was finished, she levitated the teacup towards Cyrus, who nodded gratefully as she repeated the same process to his own cup.

Wouldn't his tea spill? she already gave him a full cup. maybe say instead

…Came Celestia, pouring herself some tea. Once she was finished, she levitated a teacup towards Cyrus,...


…Came Celestia, pouring herself some tea. Once she was finished, she levitated the teacup towards Cyrus, who nodded gratefully as she repeated the same process to a new cup.

also, saviour needs to be savior.

I'll have to come back to this later, have to go to school. Keep up the good work mate.


This is a really cool comparison. I never thought about the similarities between how a kingdom work and how the body works before. did you come up with yourself or did you hear this before somewhere? Also,

I came up with this with a bit of inspiration from school; one of my teachers made a comparison along these lines about two other things which I've gone and stolen. He'll get royalties later.

As for 'Stylise' and 'Saviour', they're just the British versions of your bootleg Americano Engliano. You may take our colonies, but we get the OG spellings.


I blame the American School System for my ignorance in the true English Language. And English teachers for perpetuating it. But especially ASS (ASS is what I shall refer to the American School System as from now on, because that is what it is).

Whilst initially doubting the guest to be a male, Spike quickly remembered what the girls had been talking non-stop about recently - this 'Cyrus' individual. Having apparently stepped in during the wedding, he had 'kicked Chrysalis's flank The two were friends, right? Perhaps it was one of the other mares that Twilight knew from Canterlot. It would be nice for him to catch up with one of them, seeing as how he hadn't seen nor talked to any of them since he and Twilight had moved to Ponyville.

A number of errors here and there, but this one was the most jarring.

Ah hell I forgot about that paragraph. All fixed.

Glad I could be of help!

"Would you be the monster that slumbers beneath the bed of children, perchance?" The pony blinked a few times, registering what he had said, before descending into a fit of giggles. Leaving the mare to sort herself out, Cyrus got up and moved away from the bed, heading towards a nearby cabinet.

A great save, Cyrus! :pinkiehappy:

"Did I not answer enough of your questions during our talk yesterday?" The crazed look he got in return unnerved him, and the Aeternan shuffled away from the mare ever so slightly.

If you check the thesaurus, Cyrus, in the entries for 'infinite' you will find 'like Twilight's thirst for knowledge'.

I like Cyrus's cocky, charming demeanor, and especially how he uses it to banter with Lulu.

Not to sound impatient, but when is this planned to be updated?

Soon, I hope. Once the A-Level stress has passed and I have a bigger will to write without it turning into an absolute clusterfuck. If it hasn't already, that is.

Well; good luck! I've been enjoying it so far.

Celestia and Luna sent Cyrus off to Ponyville right away to make friends and so they would be able to avoid answering any of his questions about what happened to Eden and the humans after their last battle

great story, i cant wait for more!

so uh
when's the next update

Its dead, Jim.

This is a really good story I hope the person writes some more.

You haven't been online for almost an entire year... Please don't be dead and return to finish this story.

I'm a bit less hopeful for this one due to login dates. That said, Duke Nukem Forever released so nothing is impossible (even Persona EG is merely in Development Hell, and MythrilMoth is confirmed to be literally dead)

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