• Published 1st Feb 2019
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The League of Sweetie Belles - GMSeskii

A team of multiversal explorers comprised of alternate Sweetie Belles explore fanfic worlds and beyond!

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A Chapter to End All Chapters - the Last Chapter. Bet you Didn't See That Coming. (Twilight vs Anime, Part 3)

Previously on Twilight Vs Anime…

“Nani! Baka! Tsundere! Oma! Nippon! Nya!” Burgerbelle shouted.

Apple Bloom knocked her unconscious. “...Wait, what!?”

“I’m ready to beat all of you up now!” Diamond Tiara shouted. “And I’m going to be really actually evil about it!”

“How?” Scootaloo asked.


Cinder slapped her. “Hey, no, let’s not do that. Uh and I’m going to…” she paused. “...Line?”

Spike fell out of Swip. “AWESOME ATTACK!”

“Sarcastic annoyed response,” Swip muttered as she was smashed into the ground.

“AND NOW I’M HERE!” Suzie shouted.

The “Truth”

Suzie lifted her blade high into the sky, the inky black tip somehow glinting in the light of the sun. “You’ve all been great playthings for these last few minutes, but it’s time for this to come to an end.” She pointed the tip at the CMC. “I’m not one for long, edgy attack names or repeated explanations of how my powers work. I will not be giving you help, or give you any chance. Your end is now.”

Before the CMC even knew what was happening, she had slapped Scootaloo aside with the blunt edge of the sword, kicked Applebloom in the forehead, and elbowed Sweetie in the gut, sending them all flying in different directions.


Apple Bloom lit herself on fire in an attempt to defend herself, but the blade cut right through her flames. “Fire is nothing to a true weapon,” Suzie announced, driving the blade into Apple Bloom.

She fell to the ground without a visible wound, but found it difficult to move. Despite this, she growled. “Ah… ain’t goin’ down just yet…” She took in a deep breath and shot Suzie with a stream of fire that was easily deflected by the sword.

“...What in tarnation…?”

Suzie drove her foot into the ground, prompting dark energy to shoot out of the ground and toss Apple Bloom even further away. Without missing a beat, Suzie whirled around to cut an icicle out of the air, saving the back of her head. “I applaud your attempts at stealth, but you were simply too slow.”

Sweetie didn’t try to act defensively, as Applebloom had, but rather opted for an all-out approach. Snakes of ice launched out of the ground and chomped on Suzie from several different directions. “Can’t take them all at once!”

With a spearhead of darkness, the ice heads exploded, revealing an unharmed Suzie. “Might need to reexamine that axiom of yours.”

Sweetie created a series of buzzing ice sawblades, sending them at Suzie in a complex mathematical pattern. Suzie charged through them, her blade’s darkness easily sweeping them all to the side and hitting Sweetie dead on. The filly was driven face-first into the ground, like an ostrich.

“And then there was one,” Suzie said with a chuckle, turning to Scootaloo.

Or where Scootaloo should have been.

“Curses,” She growled. “How could she have known that I can’t see things I’m not looking at? Very clever…”

Suzie narrowed her eyes and scanned the area - surprised to find Scootaloo doing something almost no one ever did in an anime fight.

Running away.

“Jōsutā no himitsu no tekunikku!” Burgerbelle shouted.

“How dishonorable…” Suzie mused, smiling despite herself.

It was at this point she realized where Scootaloo was running to.

The downed form of Spike.

“Oh no you don’t!” Suzie shouted, blasting at him like a demented wraith. “You are alone, Scootaloo, without ally!”

Scootaloo sent a tornado of wind behind her, slowing Suzie down - slightly.

“You can’t outrun me!” Suzie called. “Just give in!”

“What’s wrong?” Scootaloo called back. “You sound worried!”

“I have no need to be worried,” Suzie said, driving the sword into the ground, driving a spike of dark magic through the earth in front of Scootaloo. “You are going nowhere.”

“Oh yeah!?” Scootaloo turned to face her - and used her mouth like a rocket engine, shooting a torrent of wind. She crashed into the spike of darkness, but she didn’t stop blowing. The speed of the wind continued to increase, beginning to rip clods of dirt out of the ground and tossing them into Suzie’s face.

Sweetie managed to pull her head out of the dirt with a sound like a jar of pickles being opened. Assessing the situation, she pondered, “Huh… always knew Scootaloo was full of hot air.”

Everyone booed, even Suzie; apparently, taking the time to jeer was worth losing her footing for a brief second and stumbling back.

“Hey, that was good!” Sweetie protested. “Apple Bloom, you think so, right?”


“Well, it’s above average, then.”

“Outta 27.”

“What kind of math is that?”

A shrug. “Ah heard Twilight use it once, so it must be right.”

Suzie took a step forward, nearing Scootaloo. “You are the weakest of your team, you know that?” She took another step. “All you have is wind. To those who are light, like Silver Spoon, you can treat them like toys. But I…” Her next step happened without effort. ”Wind does nothing. Wind is just the breeze of life.” She laughed, holding her hands wide just to gloat. “You’re just a leaf in the wind!”

Scootaloo’s face turned red as she continued to exhale at higher and higher speeds. Rocks began to fly. A few ponies were picked up in the gust. The pressure difference was so large clouds started to coalesce around the vortex.

And still, Suzie walked through it. “You think you can break some kind of limit? Going to go ‘Super’ or something? I’d love to see it if you could. C’mon. Try.”

A mixture of clouds, intense static energy, and near panic awakened something within the vortex. There was a spark of energy that created a cascading effect of negative charge through the swirling cloud to Suzie’s body.

A tremendous bolt of lightning lit up Ponyville, hitting Suzie dead on. For a split second, her bones were visible.

When the lightning cleared, her hair was blackened and standing on end. “Wh…”

Cheerilee gasped in delight. “Of course! The CMC’s power combination isn’t fire, ice, and wind - it’s fire, ice-”

Lyra suddenly grabbed Cheerilee by the cheeks and stared into her eyes. “We. Can. See.”

Cheerilee, resembling a purple blowfish, stuttered. “B-but-”

“We know what lightning looks like. You don’t need to comment on that.”


“Now, I shall throw you.”


But Lyra had already fallen asleep.

Scootaloo let out a chuckle. She flared her wings, now crackling with the full realization of her powers: not just wind, but a storm of crackling electricity. She flapped, prompting a half-dozen bolts of lightning to connect with Suzie’s dark form.

Suzie twitched. “That… all you… got?”

“Nope!” Scootaloo said. She opened her mouth and used the lightning as a rocket, blasting toward Spike while continuing to shock Suzie with enough power to kill several hundred elephants.

As Scootaloo flew, Suzie forced her sword forward - transfering the point of contact with the electricity to her blade rather than her body, mitigating the damage. But Scootaloo had got the time she needed, landing next to Spike.

“Spike!” Scootaloo said, panicked. “Come on, what do you know? What’s her secret?”

Spike groaned. “Ugh…”


Suzie’s lips were pulled into something less of a smile and more of a gross caricature of one, showing off far too many teeth. Electricity sparked across her body, briefly illuminating the sneering skull behind her flesh.


Spike opened his eyes. “Something about her having bonus powers. Something that isn’t her. That good enough? My back hurts…”

“Something that isn’t her…” Scootaloo looked at Suzie. “The sword… it has to be the sword! HEY! APPLE BLOOM! SWEETIE BELLE! IT’S THE SWORD! WE HAVE TO GET IT AWAY FROM HER!”

Sweetie called back from her position. “I don’t think we have enough energy, Scootaloo!”

“WE CAN MAKE THE ENERGY!” Scootaloo declared. “BECAUSE WE ARE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS! Alone she was able to treat us like trash, defeat us with ease! But TOGETHER WE CAN BE STRONG!”

Suzie grabbed Scootaloo by the neck. “You are right, orange filly. You are strong together. That’s why I separated you. And that’s why you aren’t just being taken down - you’re being taken out.”

Scootaloo paled. “G-girls I might need a little h-”

Suzie’s hand crackled with dark energy that encased Scootaloo in a black shell. She was soon unable to move - becoming like a statue. The now black filly was dropped to the ground unceremoniously, her electricity to be of use no more.

The commentators gasped and winced in horror. All save for one.

“Cranky, why aren’t you horrified?” Caramel asked.

Cranky snorted and adjusted the giant sword strapped to his back. “I watch Berserker.”

The crowd bowed their heads in respect and awe.

“SCOOTALOO!” Sweetie and Apple Bloom shouted, suddenly both on their hooves, no sign of having been injured.

Suzie pointed her sword at Sweetie and Apple Bloom. “What are you going to do now? How exactly do you expect to get my sword from me? You’re down a pony, and her electricity was far more effective than your rigid ice or pale fire.” She swung the blade, creating a fissure in the ground between Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. “You can’t do anything.”

“We can honor Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom said.

“We will follow her example,” Sweetie added.

“Oh? How so?”

“RUN AWAY!” Sweetie and Apple Bloom shouted at the same time, turning tail and running from Suzie as fast as their hooves would carry them.

Burgerbelle started cackling.

“Oh shut up,” Suzie muttered. She charged after them - faster than she had been moving when chasing Scootaloo. When the fillies went opposite directions, she chased Apple Bloom. Fire was simple, the ice could be used in many creative ways if Sweetie was smart enough. And knowing herself, the filly probably was.

The earth pony lit her hooves on fire and dashed through the plains of Ponyville, leaving a trail of ash and flames behind her. Suzie didn’t care - she just floated above the ground and charged. She lifted her sword behind her back and prepared to cut the filly.

And then Sweetie shot a burst of ice at Suzie from long range, aiming right for the hilt of the sword. Suzie had no time to make up a plan - she could only react out of instinct.

Something invisible stopped the spike of ice. When the two things made contact, there was an unusual sound that made people feel wrong. Nobody knew why, and that just made the feeling worse. The deep, uncomfortable realization that whatever that had been, it wasn’t part of the whole anime funtimes going on.

Suzie realized this as well. Her expression shifted - losing its smile.

Apple Bloom took advantage of this - turning around sharply and kicking the sword out of Suzie’s suddenly weak grip.

Suzie took a moment to process this. “Uh…” She remembered that the sword was supposed to be the source of her power. With a smile and a shrug she swooned and unceremoniously flopped to the ground.

“...That didn’t feel right,” Sweetie commented, trotting up.

“Ah think she screwed somethin’ up,” Apple Bloom agreed.

“Hm...” Sweetie rubbed her chin. “You know, that was the only time where I felt like something happened that wasn’t meant to happen. Suzie’s been professional about this so far, but even she seemed shocked by what happened.”

“Not to mention that faint,” Apple Bloom added. “Not only was it a total anticlimax in general, but I’ve seen better faints from Rarity.”

“Well, Rarity’s a pro at that.” Sweetie and Suzie both said in unison, briefly exchanging looks of surprise.

Scootaloo popped out of her shadow shell. “ALL RIGHT WHERE IS SHE I’M GONNA- oh. You won.”

“Yeah, we did.” Apple Bloom said with a shrug.

And then they heard the laugh. Not from Suzie, not from any of her champions - but from the sword itself.

She was a weak servant anyway…” the blade said with a reverberating voice, melting into the ground. The dark sludge formed together into the shape of a pony - another Sweetie Belle, except this one had a horn aglow with darkness and cuts all over her body. Deep red blood pooled around her, unnaturally forming into magic circles in the ground. “It looks like I’m going to have to do things myself.”

“Okay, looks like we didn’t win,” Apple Bloom muttered. “C’mon girls, we’re together again! We can face this… greater scope villain!”

“Who even are you?” Sweetie asked.

Suzie, in her weakened state, managed to impart some words. “She is the darkness that lives in us all… She is a being of darkness, blood, and rage… She is the source of fear in the world… She is…”


S͕̣͇͞h͏ḙ̟͈̳̰̫̘ ̰͝co̞̠̺͓m̦͚̠͉̦e͝s̱̯̮̤͎̤̬!

“Ah don’t care if she’s the incarnation of evil, we can take her!” Apple Bloom said. “Girls, all at once!”

Fire, ice, and electricity surged forth as one immense bolt, the new and improved Triple Finish.

Nira waved a hoof, summoning a dragon of blood to eat the attack and spit it back out at the CMC with ease. She followed this up with a series of black explosions that made their souls scream in fear, placing into their minds the stuff of nightmares.

“AUGH SPIDERS!” Sweetie shouted.

“Oh no! Ah forgot my bow! How embarrassin’!” Apple Bloom wailed.

“WHERE DID THIS DIAPER COME FROM!?” Scootaloo shrieked.

The crowd wasn’t spared from the vicious assault on the mind either, not even Suzie and her minions.

“Oh no!” Cheerilee cried, swatting empty air with her hooves. “A student that knows more than me!”

“A client that runs down the clock for every session!” Seren wailed.

Lyra screamed, snapping awake. “Broken lyre strings! I’m so scared I could fall asleep!”

Burgerbelle sobbed in heavily accented English. “Help me! Oh my god!”

Caramel pulled away from Burgerbelle. “Augh! How am I even seeing what you’re seeing?!”

“The horror! The horror!” Lily and her friends cried. None of them had been touched by Nira’s magic.

“Your fears are primitive. Your minds are weak. Not one of you is worthy of me.” Nira spat on the ground in distaste. “Perhaps I will just destroy this world instead of conquering it since none of you are worth anything!”

“You’re… evil…” Apple Bloom said, grunting through the shadows of nightmares. “We’re… gonna… stop you…”

A tentacle of blood wrapped around Apple Bloom and paralyzed her with its liquid fear. “You three are the heroes of this world.” She wrapped all three of them in the tentacles. “You are just three kids. No Elements of Harmony. No special magic to save you. Just some pathetic elemental spells of no real consequence.”

None of them could move. The fear had paralyzed them.

“And your champions have fallen!” Nira called to the audience. She dropped the three fillies to the ground, defeated. “You are nothing to me.”

“I’m convinced,” Bon-Bon sat down. “Let’s give up.”

Nira raised a hoof, creating a rune of blood in midair. “There is nothing more to do but accept your fate.”

“That’s not true!” Cinder said, crawling out of Suzie’s mantle. “Just because the CMC are down doesn’t mean the world is doomed! There are countless heroes around us, from the smallest filly to the largest stallion! This is Ponyville!” She raised a hoof into the air. “And you’ve only defeated the first champions!”


“It’s…” Cinder had to think about what to say next. “It’s time for round two! The CMC have been fighting through wave after wave of Sweeties, and now that they’ve fallen, it’s time for the Sweeties to fight another wave of Ponyville! And uh…” She blinked. “I mean, why can’t everypony just attack Nira at once?”

There was silence from all the ponies.

“If there’s some sort of honor thing going on, she already attacked all of you with that nightmare thing.”

“Eh, good enough for me,” Cheerilee said. “EVERYPONY! GET HER!”

“I’m convinced,” Bon-Bon stood. “Let’s beat her up!”

Nira laughed sinisterly and tossed the CMC to the side. “Fine. I’ll play for a little while longer,” The rune she summoned started to glow red with power. “Witness true terror!”


Nira bounced a few inches off the ground. Her face falling into confusion, she turned around… and lifted her gaze up and up until she could see Doctor Whooves sitting in the cockpit of his giant mecha pony.

He waved. “Hello!”

“Jeez, those giant robots sure are agile.”

With speed that belied its size, the mecha kicked out and punted Nira high into the air.

Bulk Biceps caught her mid-air and shot towards the ground. “YEEAAH!!”

Slamming her into the dirt, Bulk Biceps got out of the way as Thunderlane tunnelled out beneath Nira and pummelled her back up.


Delivering one final punch, Thunderlane zoomed back down as Cheerilee presented a playing card with an illustration of a dragon.

“Cobalt Eyes, Ivory Dragon - go!”

A massive and sleek dragon burst from the card in a flash of white and flew up to snatch Nira in its jaws to deliver a blast of blue energy before tossing her across Ponyville…

… straight into the mouth of a large, misshapen pony that gnawed on her for a few seconds before Lyra swung up on cables attached to metal boxes on her belt and sliced the giant’s neck open. As Nira fell out of the dissolving giant’s maw, Lyra swung back in and delivered several dozen slashes in three blinks of the eye.

When Lyra was done, Bon-Bon summoned purple tendrils that coiled around Nira, slammed her into the ground, then delivered a jolt of golden energy. Bon-Bon swung Nira around and tossed her back towards the crowd…

… where Cranky was waiting to uppercut her back up with a swing of his mighty blade.

Diamond Tiara ran up, shouted, “M-me too!” and summoned a vortex of spirits beneath Nira that slapped her assorted tools and furniture - the ghosts of tools and furniture long since passed.

And then Spike plummeted out of the sky with a seismic elbow drop that sent tremors felt throughout the town.

The CMC blinked in awe.

“Wombo-combo…” Scootaloo whispered.

Nira grunted and struggled to get back up once Spike removed his elbow. She crawled out of the freshly-formed crater…

… and found herself staring at Silver Spoon’s hooves. Wearily, she glanced up. “Nani?”

Silver Spoon summoned an enormous spoon glowing red with heat and smacked Nira with it.

The spoon was, apparently, the last blow. Nira smiled. “About time…”

And then she collapsed, dissipating into the ground until she was no more.

“WE DID IT!” Derpy shouted. “Oh yeah! We did it! We did it!”

“We… did!” Cheerilee lit up. “Oh, yes! I was a little worried there for a second, especially when that bloody thing-”

“I really don’t know what happened but that felt cool!” Silver announced.

“Y-yeah!” Apple Bloom coughed, standing up woozily. “You guys… were… awesome!”

“My headache is killing me…” Scootaloo muttered.

“I think there’s still dirt in my ear,” Sweetie added, kicking herself to get the soil out of her head.

Suddenly, Suzie was standing before them. She fell down, wailing. “I am so sorry! I was wrong! I was evil! It doesn’t matter that I was being controlled, I still did all those things! I will accept any punishment you wish to throw upon me!”

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “Really? Come on, this is Ponyville, what’re we gonna do, not forgive you?”

“Y-you’ll really forgive me?!” Suzie said, widening her eyes as far as she could manage. She even managed to get some tears going.

“Yeah!” Sweetie said with a grin. “In fact, I think it’s time we throw a party!”

“How are we going to throw a party without Pinkie?” Scootaloo asked.

Amethyst Star raised a hoof. “I could organize it.”

“Or we could just go back to what we were doing before the Sweeties showed up,” Bon Bon suggested. “A lot of plotlines have been left dangling.”

“Yeah, let’s do that!” Apple Bloom agreed. “DIAMOND TIARA!”

Diamond glared at Apple Bloom. “What?”

“How could you have betrayed us!? Why!? Why do you always make yourself the villain!?”

“Because I-”

“Because we’re gonna have to stop you!” The CMC stood proud, determination on their faces.

And then Diamond realized she was the center of attention again. A smile creeped up her face. “You don’t know the half of my plans, Crusaders…”


Later, when Swip was back in her pocket dimension and her usual white color, Nira hoofbumped Suzie’s hand.

“We were awesome!” Nira said, an uncharacteristic grin on her face.

“Yeah we were!” Suzie laughed. “The sword was all SHING SHING and then you were all ‘BLOOD’ and then the entire town turned on us.” She squealed. “It was AMAZING!”

“It…” Cinder put a hoof to her chin. “Was fun. I don’t think I got as much out of it as you two did, but it was something different. ...I do still wonder why that was happening.”

“Oh, Discord, probably,” Suzie said, waving a hand in the air. “He tends to discover anime and then go overboard with it. Happens all the time. Anime itself is such a different experience it just… draws people like us into it.”

“Huh. I’ll have to see some of this ‘anime’...”

Seren grinned. “I can take you to my home - it’s a lot like this, except all the powers are based off family ties and, well, the damage is real.” She shrugged. “It’s not quite as fun when your life is actually on the line, but it does bring back memories for me.”

“Plus, it seems like you learned some more fire magic,” Suzie said, smiling at Cinder. “So this wasn't a pointless diversion.”

Celia coughed. “Speaking of pointless, we should probably establish ACTUAL contact with the world as soon as their Discord gets bored.”

Suzie nodded. “Yeah. Celia, take Squiddy, Cinder, and Nira out for an actual mission. Find the Discord, wait for the curse to end, then initiate contact. You can have fun if you want.”

Squiddy groaned. “Why me!?”

“Because you need to become more comfortable with yourself.”

Squiddy grumbled. “Fine, fine… come on everyone, let’s get this over with.”

Celia, Cinder, Squiddy, and Nira returned to the world - for business, this time.

After Burgerbelle and Seren left to go do their own thing, only Suzie and Blink remained in the ring room.

“I warned you.” Blink muttered.

“Blink, I-”

“You know you aren’t able to hold yourself back when you do this. No one else knows what it was, but I know. Your Stand isn’t supposed to be used except in dire circumstances!”

“I was wrong to use it, and that was my weakness,” Suzie admitted. “I should ha-”

“You should have never gone out there! You know when you let yourself go your self-control goes down. I’ve told you every time you’ve done this.”

Suzie looked at Blink with sad eyes. “...It brings me joy, Blink. I don’t want to give it up.”

“What’s going to happen when someone figures it out? I had to make up some BS excuse why I was upset you were doing this! That’s not going to work forever!”

Suzie looked down at her hands. She sighed. “I’m sorry, Blink. You’re right. My feelings come second, and I should know that.” She placed a hand on the ghost’s head. “It won’t happen again.”

“Are you sure?”

Suzie smiled sadly. “No. I’m only human, Blink. I’m not perfect.”

Blink matched the smile and shook her head. “And that’s why you’re the captain. You’re willing to admit that.”

“...Come on. Let’s go get something to eat.”

“I am pretty hungry…”

“You don’t need to consume food.”

“I can if I want to. And I want to. Right now.”

“Then by all means.”

Author's Note:

Twilight vs Anime is a story about Twilight not understanding anime and going on a quest to get Discord to end the anime. These set of chapters take place parallel to the events of the actual story, focusing on the Ponyville that was mostly left behind. It's an absolutely hilarious story I highly recommend. Thank Lupine Infernis for writing large chunks of this outing into the world of ANIMU. It wouldn't have been the same without the input.

Ghost Hunter Twilight (This story was written by a friend of mine and he's been wanting it included for ages. So, naturally, I gave in.)


-GM, master of T.I.M.E.

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