• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I'm a shameless neckbeard who has a knack for writing a LOT of smut. I have an Official Patreon page (Patreon.com/TheVClaw), and I also take commissions to help support myself as a freelance writer.


Comments ( 42 )

Ok. I'm done. I'm FUCKING DONE! Goodbye! I mean, just... Jesus fucking Christ! I don't even know what to say! This has gone beyond just cucking! You have delved into the deepest, most foul reaches of fucking existence, and just...god, why?

I just want to reiterate that this story was a commission. And with that, most of the themes and scenes portrayed in this story were suggested by the commissioner. Not to mention, this story is a consensual-based tale that plays off the fantasy. I don't judge what gets people off, and I certainly don't think this story is as hardcore as other themes presented on this website.

Everyone is willing, nobody outside the three is getting hurt, and there's plenty of love and respect among all consensual parties.

Wasn’t blaming you man, and I’m sorry if my comment made it sound like that to you. I respect your work, but there are just some things that really tick me off. I was just expressing my opinion on the story, and its contents.

Well, I appreciate you making that follow-up response, and I can also understand exactly why this story would be upsetting for you. I put warnings in the description for a reason, after all.

But with that being said, I just feel the need to point out that this is a story on a website that specializes in My Little Pony fanfiction. If you guys are willing to read clop, then you shouldn't be so judgemental about other people's interests.

The most fucked up part about this is how close it resembles a... case (because I fucking won't call it a relationship) I had the misfortune of being a witness of its development a few years ago, so I know for a fact shit like this actually happens.

Truthfully, this is not what I was expecting. I know you did give out the warning that it was going to be more story than clop and that it was also going to be dark and it was a commission. But even after all that I was expecting, I don't know what I was expecting, but maybe something positive between all the NTR or maybe more clop. I have read my unfair share of NTR clop/hentai so this is nothing new, I guess it doesn't hit me as most have.

This is fucked up on so many levels. This should't exist. I like it.

I made an account just so I can comment.

This is coming from a total cuck btw. This story is so absolutely vile, I felt nauseous while reading it. I think the author legitimately cured me of my cuckolding fetish. So, thanks for that I guess.

Its been 2 days since i read the story and i still can't stop thinking about how evil it is. I actually regret that i read it because i can't stop thinking about what would happen next or of different scenarios. I like it and hate it at the same time.

I really like this story!!
I also want to see the Princess cadence breeding (fertilization) scene.

I apprantly missed the warning of there being more story here than clop, so I was vastly disappointed with this. Couldn't we have least gotten at least one scene with just SombaxCadance? Maybe the night of the impregnation?

I'm gonna be honest, the SombraxCadance aspect is what drew me in to begin with. They're a fun pairing to play around with in a similar vain to ShiningxChrysalis. While I am very familiar with the NTR genre, I am admittedly not into the whole cuck thing. So a whole multi-chapter story mostly about Shining being a cuck (in a truthfully unhealthy way) with very little "action" had a difficult time keeping me interested.

I will admit, I read through the other stories in this series and around this one I pretty much reached the point being like 'Nope, this is going too far.' My problem is this story is not that it is, you know, chastity + cuckolding, because that was kind of what I expected, but the fact that despite there being clearly supposed to be depicted as a respectful relationship between the three of them, it's constantly undermined by what's actually done. There's a constant emphasis that Shining is happy about this and that Sombra is happy about this and Cadance is happy about this, but speaking as a BDSM practitioner myself, safe and sane is just as important as consensual, This is supposed to come off as Shining trying to love Cadance and look for her desires more than himself, and that's admirable- but it's depicted as rather thoroughly one-sided, since Cadance is basically like 'Oh by the way, I'm publicly breaking your chastity cage key even though we never discussed before but I still totally love you even if you've been demoted to being my guard while Sombra and I have hot sex that you can occasionally watch.' I know it seems silly to criticise ethics in what is supposed to be a fantasy, but despite my dislike of cuckolding, I originally was sold on the idea of Shining doing this for the sake of making his wife happy. However, the problem with this is he receives absolutely nothing in return whatsoever. I'm not even talking about sex, but my God, you'd think the Princess of Love would pick up on the emotional cues of 'I feel neglected, unloved and humiliated but I'm brainwashing myself into thinking this is perfectly okay and not complaining at all.' This isn't just my issue with this fic, this is my issue with a considerable number of BDSM fics for whom the protagonist should, by all rights at this point, be like 'What the everloving fuck?! You're the Princess of Love! Love means we're literally supposed to seek each other's ultimate good even if it requires sacrifice, that's what love is, not just me giving you everything and you turning me into a permanently chaste peeping tom for the sake of Sombra!' I know it's supposed to be depicted as a healthy, happy relationship which is okay because Shining thinks it is, but the actual depiction just feels... unclean. I do apologise for the rant, but I had to get that off my chest.

Same here. This story is somehow both absolutely disgusting and incredibly alluring at the same time. It is incredibly disturbing and vile, and I really hate it, but I also can't help but keep coming back to it.

This was alot deeper then I expected it to be. Its pretty interesting sistuation that the three main characters have got themselves into.

I'm really interested in what Flurry would think of her dad if she found out the truth.

If you ever do another part for this story, maybe you can have it where Twilight uses a spell to make everyone in the empire think that Sombra was Cadence's real husband and everyone treated Shining like a cuck. Kind of the same thing that happened in taking the sun 2.

I'm not gonna lie, that would be a really interesting direction to take the story.

I mean, I'm not sure if I'll write more of this series (partially because of it's controversy, but mostly since I already wrote so much), but that could definitely be an intriguing direction.

Yeah I found it weird that this story seemed to trigger a lot of people when there’s a lot of worse stuff on this site, and considering it’s a fantasy but to each their own I guess.
It’s up to you and your commissioner, it just pop in my head when I was looking through. The story a second time

I have a theory about that. Most people are used to shocking stuff on the internet, so any sensible person will just ignore a murder-rape story unless they are interested in it. This story, even with all the warnings in the description, seems mild to many people, until they start reading and an hour or several later realize just how hardcore it is. So it's no longer "someone posted something I don't like", but "I expected to like this, instead I'm severely disturbed by it", thus the displeasure. And you can't put a warning for that.

I think its best to put this story to rest. Bringing upon the fourth part of this is just uneccesary in my opinion. The epilogue ended things rather peacefully and kinda leaves a lot to the readers imagination, which is nice.

I'm just going to start by saying that when I read the first story, I was not expecting to like it. I find the thought of serious orgasm denial and harsh (even when not serious) humiliation unsettling in practically any kind of sexual scenario, but I found myself enjoying it enough to "respond" and enjoyed reading about how much Cadence and Shining had fun with it:raritywink: The second story was good, and I found myself curious to see what might come next, but all in all, neither story really got much of a deep emotional or sexual reaction out of me. A touch into an area and set of fetishes I don't really have myself, but not much else:applejackunsure:

That being said, this story got at least two reactions out of me that I never expected. I found myself genuinely invested in the relationship these three have managed to forge so quickly. At the dinner scene, I started to wonder if they would go through with breaking the key, and I amazingly was eager for it (in both ways) as Cadence started to. I also found my heart pounding with amazement during that scene (in fact, my hands are still quivering as I type this), so it got both an emotional and sexual reaction out of me despite my earlier mild interest and light sexual interest.

To conclude and summarize: TheVClaw, you have managed to turn me from someone who was deeply uncomfortable with the content of this trio of stories and was only barely able to enjoy them, into someone who is extremely happy he stuck with them and will never forget them. I don't know if I will from now on be able to have a mild fetish or two of what these stories were about, but I know that I, however briefly, honestly enjoyed a scenario and form of relationship that on the surface is everything I am against in one, and now see it in a new light (at least in this fiction). Thank you from the bottom of my heart for (unintentionally) expanding my horizons. I am now more glad than ever that I follow you, and send you boundless well-wishes:heart::rainbowkiss:

Comment posted by Omnishifter deleted Apr 20th, 2019

Considering this, I always thought it was ironic that the past stories in this series had been ShiningXSombra, and now Cadance's hogging Sombra...

I can now say that this story has definitely opened me up to having a mild chastity fetish, as I was excited to see a story with that theme in it that I just stumbled on and enjoyed it. So, points to your writing VClaw, again!:twilightsmile:

I feel more catharsis from this comment than from the story content itself.

Strange. Still, very well written.

Well! i read it all finally. I got up to the part where Sombra hugged him after they found out she was carrying his foal and was like "and they lived happily ever after and the foal helped Sombra show more affection toward his slave." but after all this time i finally read it.
I really identify with Shining for some reason, the character and how people portray him. and it was hard, some of the things in this hurt me to read. But yeah got through.
Don't get me wrong i like the ending, but it wasn't what i wanted. And now i'm gonna be that guy that tells you how i wanted it to end.
I wanted after the baby announcement, no key breaking. They go back to the room and tie him up and show him the video they made. as both of them pleasure him. Even though Sombra may not want to, but both of them help while the video plays. The video talks about how Cadance realises with the gift he gave her that he's committing to the role. and they both tell him that it wouldn't be as much fun without him. He adds something special to them. Without him its just mindless lustful fucking. Thats when they give him the choice to break the key. and they make him say he wants it to be broken so that he can forever be in that role. Helping they're relationship have more depth.
Then Sombra says that he never wants to break the illusion again. But now he has the knowledge of how he helps both of them feel more. Helping him stand fast and watch them.

Well that was how i was hoping it would end. I was wondering though. How do you want it to end? if you read this I'd be interested in knowing.

Well, first of all, let me just say that I appreciate the positive feedback you have about this story. It was definitely one of the biggest commissions I took in recent years, and I pushed my personal limits a considerable but while also helping me improve as a writer.

Now, the scene of Cadance breaking Shining's key was something the original commissioner insisted on greatly. I never would've thought of that scene myself, or most of Part 3 as a whole. I originally never thought of expanding the story past the sexual boundaries presented in Part 2. To place the cuckolding aspect into more of a lifestyle than a fetish was something I never considered; however, the level of detail and thought presented in the commission request (as well as a hefty payment given in advance) prompted me to try the idea.

My all time favorite smut now

I like it overall but it's becoming a bit one note. With Shining giving in to everything Sombra does. At some point he would have to put his hoof down and draw the line.

This is really starting to go too far. Also Shining is doing nothing but lose here.

They should give Shining something as well. Maybe do something they're uncomfortable with or don't like but that he greatly enjoys watching. Maybe also do a session where he dictates what they do.

The horror face I was pulling as she pulled the thing out from under her dress. I feel for your shiny.. I do

V another well-written piece, and whilst I'm not usually into a completely chaste and willing long term cuck I think 9453442 nails my thoughts.

During the dinner party scene I was visibly sweating in terror hoping it wouldn't come to fruition, pulling such a permanent life changing situation on the sub whilst there were in no position to object really has you feeling for them with a "No no, please don't...I can't believe they just did that". I know there are parts in the story where the illusion is momentarily broken and they "check in" but they are few and far between with little regard for his feelings or importantly, emotional state.

I would have really loved to have seen Shining get more from this, the constant downtrodden with no return almost feels like beating a dead horse. :facehoof: Even a situation where he has to get off by riding a dildo or having *some* form of interaction where he can eventually climax (I get that's the point...)

It's also not really pointed out, but I assume his cage prohibits any form of orgasm? During the wedding scene when it's removed he instantly blows his load, yet there are plenty of situations where he could receive release whilst caged.

I also want to be clear, I'm not critiquing you, or your writing, but I am critiquing the whole situation. This is quite ironic as we are talking about magical pastel horses. And don't get me wrong, I've read stuff that's heaps worse than this, where ponies are straight-up murdered. And they don't hit me anywhere near as hard as this story. Mainly because, this feels real, it's believable, and I'm sure that resonates with several readers. That's where despite me not liking the situation. good writing turns into great writing.

Now, I'm off to go read the rest

Oh, I meant to ask. With Night Light being a Cuck, who was Velvets Bull?

May have found the answer https://www.fimfiction.net/story/442075/twilight-velvets-night-in

I have to agree with lots of the comments here. I kinda don't think things are taken to far, but they are taken too unevenly and some of it definitely breaking either consent, safety or even sanity.

The first few times it is genuinely nice to see Sombra and Cadence's POV that they do respect and admire Shining for what he does... but they never ever say any of it out loud, instead hiding it behind cruel remarks and taking even more from him. I think I'd like this a lot more if Shining at some point was shown that this really is a relationship between three loving adults and not two people taking turns seeing who can degrade the third the most.

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