• Member Since 5th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen April 28th



The Mane Six, Spike, and the two alicorn princesses are sucked into an alien world. They soon discover that they have been transported to a galaxy far, far from home. A galaxy which is under the control of the evil Galactic Empire and where Emperor Palpatine knows of them and wants to use them for his own nefarious purposes.

Twilight must lead her friends on their journey through a cruel and hostile galaxy, avoiding the Imperial forces and bounty hunters sent after them, trying to find the Rebel Alliance.

They may be the ponies' only hope for getting home . . . .

Bonus: here's the main title music for this story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB4xZpWumYg

Chapters (31)
Comments ( 482 )

1045041 Watno.

Also, first (well, first actual comment!)! I am liking this, and I hope to see more soon - but I have just one complaint. In the very first sentence, Fluttershy wakes and instantly knows she's not at home, assuming she's in the Everfree because things are all wrong. But she could just be in an orchard or something, couldn't she?

1045245 Once I reveal where *exactly* she is, it'll be clear why she assumed it was the Everfree. For now, let's just say it's a deep forest with no weather control and animals that take care of themselves, which can only happen in the Everfree Forest. Or so they all think. :raritywink:


I'm going on a limb and saying either South America or the world of the Dark Crystal.


I say it's Endor - the Ewok's home planet. =3

What crossover is this of? :rainbowhuh:

1054308 You're free to guess, but I promise I'll reveal it. I'm thinking by chapter six (after I deal with how the rest of The Mane Six and the Princesses handle being tossed here).

this sounds like mlp Felarya to me but if they where there... well in truth what has been written so far sounds safer then if they landed in Felarya... avrage age there is 18 to 20 for non giant predictor.... so yeah but good story so far.

I have one idea of what this might be a crossover with

This crossover, being on a planet with forest, can only be Avatar or Ewoks/Star Wars.
I say Avatar because of the machines AJ found. But the forest doesn't read like Pandora, so it could be Endor. IDK. :rainbowhuh:

1068341 Neither of those have regular ponies from Earth.

I hope it's Endor. I don't like avatar.

OK....Now things are getting interesting.
If the aliens are humans, imagine their shock when the two "horses" talk and fight back. :pinkiehappy:

1054715 Well, whatever crossover this is, I can't make heads or tails of it, not ever with the last chapter. But as I said, if those aliens are humans, then I can't wait to find out how they reach to sentinent ponies.

So it is Star Wars. The problem with putting the ponies in the Stars Wars galaxy is that they are just one in a myriad of aliens.(and I don't think horses or ponies even exist in the SW galaxy) . On Earth people would be "Oh my god a talking pony!, here it's "Get of my lawn". Nobody will be too impressed by some unknown intelligent species when there are thousandths of them.

1093135 They do exist in Star Wars: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Horse :pinkiehappy: And some people might be rather impressed with them since they aren't Jedi but can use magic.

I knew it! I FUCKING KNEW IT! It is a Star Wars crossover!
But it's not on Endor? Naboo then? :rainbowhuh:

Which planet, TELL ME PLEASE!!! :fluttercry:

1094292 Endor! It's Endor! Just please tell Fluttershy to stop crying . . . it was bad enough when I wrote it, now I have to see it. :twilightoops:

If I was right the first time and it is Endor, why did you say neither had ponies? According to the wiki, there are ponies and horses on Endor.

INVADER ZIM: "YOU LIE!!!!!!":flutterrage:

And where are the Ewoks? I wanna see Fluttershy get along with Wicket! :twilightsmile::heart:

Also, will this based souly on Ewoks (the old cartoon and the two movies)? Or will other Star Wars characters, besides R2-D8, make an appearance?

Also, what's the timeline in the SW universe? =3

1094545 Lol, I never said ponies didn't exist in Star Wars; that was Caliright. :twilightsmile:

This is based on the entirety of the SW universe, so I won't restrict it to just the films (in other words, there's just as great a chance that they'll run into Grand Admiral Thrawn as they would Luke Skywalker). I was a Star Wars fan waaaaaaay before I became a brony, and I want to flex my nerd-muscles in my first FiM-fic. :raritywink:

I'm going to keep the timeline ambiguous for now. They'll eventually meet up with the Ewoks, but not before they find . . . well, better not reveal too much. That would spoil the fun! :pinkiehappy:


Well, since you mentioned Luke, I'm going to say that this takes place some time during the original trilogy, then, between IV & VI.
And I'm more of a ST trekkie than a SW fanboy, but I prefer the original Star Wars to the prequels. Episode III was the only prequel that satisfied me. Episodes I & II, no way.

Anywho, please keep on updating. I love to see who appears next, and also, what the heck was Applejack looking at? AT-STs?

1095221 Other characters from Star Wars will make an appearance. In fact, almost all the characters I've got lined up to make an appearance are real, canon characters from the franchise. Basically, anything that makes an appearance in this story will be searchable on Wookiepedia so you can get a clear picture of what's going on. All of the animals I've mentioned so far, for instance, can be found in Wookiepedia. :twilightsmile:

...I feel stupid for not realizing this was a Star Wars crossover up until now. :twilightblush:


I kinda knew it was from the start - I mean, a whole planet that is nothing but forest is a dead give-away. :twilightsmile:

1101873 I know. The Gorax was interesting to put in for Fluttershy. Having her kick it's ass was expected. LOL! :rainbowlaugh:
But I do have another question: Will this adventure take place only on Endor, or will the ponies be going into space to other planets and places as well? I would love to have the princesses visit Coruscant or Naboo. And if you put Jar-Jar Binks or similar character in this crossover (even though he ruined the SW series somewhat), I pet he get along with Pinkie Pie. LOL! :pinkiehappy:

1106844 Glad you liked the part with the Gorax. When I first saw "Dragonshy", after Fluttershy gave that dragon a piece of her mind, I thought to myself, "I wonder how she'd handle a Gorax?" :twilightblush:

Well, this story takes place during the Galactic Civil War, so Coruscant is Imperial City and Naboo at this time is Imperial-aligned, and they are not going to be on good terms with the Empire after their adventure on Endor (hint: I put a "Dark" warning on this story for a reason; chapter 10 will probably be hard to read for some people). They'll be heading to other planets in this story though, but for now I'll be keeping them Endor-bound for the next few chapters.

I won't give away plot points, but I will show the following "cool-factor" things: the princesses combining their magic and destroying a Star Destroyer in one shot, Rainbow Dash versus a TIE Interceptor, and a conversation between Luke Skywalker and Twilight Sparkle about The Force.

No Jar-Jar, however. Clone Wars did kind of redeem him, as he's a lot more tolerable in that series, but I find him annoying.

Well if the "cool-factors" are actual spoilers for the future chapters, all I can say is I'm glad this takes place during Episodes IV-VI. As I said, the prequels, although had great visual effects and visual style, just didn't do justice for the storyline of Star Wars as a whole (except for Episode III). As said, I prefer the original trilogy over the prequels, as I was born in the early 80's and grew up with them the most. So having this story take place during the original trilgoy is only thing needed to get my full attention. Even though I still wouldn't mind if it took place during Episdoes I-III, it just wouldn't be right.

If I may make suggestions, though:
The only elements I would pass on into the oniginal trilogy setting is the Jedi fighting styles depicted in the prequels, as those moves would make Luke Skywalker (IF he appears at all) look more of a kick-ass ninja/mother fucker than he was originally depicted just swing his light saber left and right. Also, if Luke and Twilight do meet and discuss The Force in great detail, I will like to assume that Twilight will explain and dimonstrate Magic and together they would learn that Magic and Force are somehow one in the same (if even possible. Don't forget the witch from Ewoks: The Battle for Endor - the witch was a rouge Jedi/Sith, I believe. Her "magic" was actually the Force, but because she called it magic, I assume that somehow Equestrian Magic could be similar to the Force in a few ways, but that's just my take, I could be dead wrong).
Also, if Luke does appear, I would love to see if Han Solo, C3P-0, R2-D2, Chewbacca, and Leia could appear at some point. I see Han with his cocky attitude get along nicely with both Rainbow Dash and Applejack for some reason, and Twilight getting along with C3P-0, not just Luke, as well as Celestia and Luna helping Princess Leia fight off some stormtroopers, not to mention Futtershy & R2-D8 joining the Ewoks. Again, this is just a suggestion. But if you can get our favorite old SW heroes to appear and have them interact with the specific ponies in mind, that would make the team up not only right, but the make the story more enjoyable and fun to read.
Other elements to include from the prequels would be just the ships, like a few rogue Naboo fighters joing the Rebels, maybe some reactivated Trade Federation Droids just so the Empire could have back-up if this takes place after Episode VI. Also, if Boba Fett is alive during this story, or somehow surived his death in VI, that would be a plus. If not, maybe a SW character that's similar to Boba Fett? :twilightsmile:

But again, this is your story. I can only pray that what you have planed in mind comes out sounding similar to what I'm thinking of.

Also, if Chapter 10 is as dark as you say, my only hope is none of our nine Equestrians get killed of anything.

1108466 Well it probably won't pan out exactly how you envision it. But rest assured, I've got a wild ride planned. Those little spoilers are just glimpses; the tip of the iceberg, if you will. :raritywink:

BTW: don't assume a lack of denial as confirmation. :scootangel:

Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. :rainbowdetermined2:

**reads the last part**
If Celestia and Luna survive this and escape, the Empire is going to have hell to pay in the wrath of these two, plus anyone/anypony else that wants a piece of them. >=3

Good read so far. But question: The suspension around R2-D8 tells me he might be an Empirial Spy, but I'm not doughing it at this time. If his is a spy, I'm not surprise, if he is, I hope he turns goods at still help our pony heroes out, especially with finding help from the Rebels. :pinkiehappy:

Also, I would love to hear R2-D8 go into more detail about the history of the Galactic war, as well as talk about the history of the Jedi and Darth Vader sometime in the future.

Awesome chapter:rainbowkiss:

Since R2-D8 was the spy, as I thought so from the last chapter, my question now is will D8 betray the Empire and help our heroes escape? Or will someone else come in and save the day? Either way, I hope we see R2-D8 join the rebels in an attempt to redeem himself for Fluttershy's sake. I hate seeing Fluttershy cry over this. :fluttercry:
I'll love you if your make R2-D8 either help them escape or join the Rebels. :raritystarry:

Also, glad to finally hear specifically when this story takes place - between Episodes V-VI. :pinkiehappy:
I'm betting our heroes get to take part in the Rebel battle for Endor when Episode VI starts coming into play. Plus, I can only imagine how they'll all react to the badassary that is Darth Vader.
On a side note, Vader has always been THE ultimate villain in my opinion. Even with my Star Force Ranger multi-crossover concepts as a kid growing up, I always had Vader as the main villain, simply because he's THE villain you'll want in your stories and adventures. :pinkiehappy:

Anyways, keep up the good work. :twilightsmile:

1131757 Thanks, and I'm glad you and everypony else is enjoying this (especially considering I made Fluttershy cry not once, but twice :fluttercry: ).

I hope I will be able to keep writing this the rest of this year. I'm a mechanical engineering student in my first year, with a 14 hour schedule, plus a couple of clubs that I'm looking forward to attending (including a flying club! Woo-hoo! I wonder if they'll let me paint RD's cutie mark on the tail fin . . .). But I promise I'll try to find time to write. I'm shooting for a once-a-week posting schedule for each chapter. That's not set in stone, but it's something to shoot for.

But like I said, I'm pretty happy that some people like my story. I was worried, this being my first MLP fan fiction, that I might make a huge mistake with the lore or characterizations, but so far so good. :pinkiehappy:

I find myself wondering why Luna and Celestia, back in the beginning, simply didn't teleport away before they were captured. Yes, the Imperials had weapons aimed at them, but a shield generated by an alicorn surely would have kept them at bay long enough for them to teleport to somewhere else, and then again in case their pursuers caught up. I notice Twilight didn't teleport either when she was being chased previously.

Hmm, there's also a notable absence of Spike! Spike to the rescue? :moustache:

1142367 I'm working on the assumption that as long as a shield is up, they can't teleport. Twilight could have easily teleported all her friends back down to the ground when she formed the shield around them in Return to Harmony, but she didn't. Alicorns are strong, but, when they woke up there was a blaster right up against their head, and I imagine neither of them wanted to find out how willing the Imperials were to use them.

Twilight didn't teleport earlier because she was under duress, and she's been known to refrain from it when that happens. I imagine it requires a lot of mental effort, and when someone's chasing you and shooting at you, you probably wouldn't be able to concentrate on a complicated teleportation spell for fear of getting it wrong and ending up in a tree or a rock.

Fair enough, I was just wondering. The rules of teleportation have never really been stated in the show, so if you go with teleportation not being possible under a shield, it's cool. :twilightsmile: However, concerning Twilight, I would like to point out (and please don't hate me for it) that she teleported herself, Spike, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pee Wee all the way back to Ponyville while they were being chased by no less than three dragons in the episode "Dragon Quest". (Though it did take her two tries to pull it off.) So, going by the show's canon, she could have teleported while being chased and shot at...

1142806 Oh yeah, I forgot about that (I didn't really like that episode; I hated seeing Spike being treated that way). Still, this is an alien world. She might not have known the territory well enough to teleport; the only place they'd spent any real time in was their campsite, and that was just for a night. As you said though, the rules for teleportation, and magic in general, aren't really well established. I'm finding myself having to make some rules up for the story to explain why they do or don't do things, but I'll try to remain consistent with them in coming chapters, m'kay? :twilightsmile:

Sure thing! As long as you remain consistent within the rules you set yourself, it's not a problem. :twilightsmile: I also didn't mean this to come across as criticism, I was sure there was a valid reason for the lack of teleporting. I was just wondering what it was so I brought up, and you explained how you treated in this story, so now my curiosity is sated. Thanks for that! Looking forward to future updates, and I hope they get out of this mess soon. It always breaks my heart seeing these sweet ponies and the princesses being mistreated like this. :pinkiesad2: As a last question, how long before the battle of Endor in Episode VI does this story take place?

1142806 Something else occurred to me. Teleportation spells, as well as any other spell, takes at least two or three seconds to cast, even for the princesses (I'm thinking of the horn lighting up before the spell is cast, which always takes at least a second or two before the spell itself is cast). If the Imperials had seen this happening, I imagine they would have disabled the alicorns by shooting their horns off, the wings, or the legs. At that close range, they couldn't miss.

Also, they do have technology that can block magic. I'll explain why later.

1142871 Hey, I'm the one writing the story. If I can't accept a little criticism, what am I doing posting my work on the wide open internet, eh? :raritywink:

I hate doing all this to these characters, but I wanted to set up the Empire as genuinely bad antagonists from the start. The movies kind of do this with the death of uncle Owen and aunt Beru, but even so, the lighthearted swashbuckling dampens it, so much that even the destruction of Alderaan isn't enough to dampen the spirit (that may also be due to the whole "one murder is a tragedy, a million is a statistic" thing, though). In addition, with the advent of so many Imperial-sympathetic stories and fan fiction, starting of course with the game TIE Fighter, I'm finding more and more that people are becoming more tolerant of the Empire, even expressing desire to join it. This is sort of a reminder of just what the Empire stands for, and is a way to generate genuine hatred for the enemies of the ponies. Don't worry, though; I have a plan in mind for just how the ponies get their pound of flesh out of the Empire for what they've done. :flutterrage:

This story is set sometime during the events of Shadows of the Empire. I might make it coincide with that. We'll see.

BTW: don't worry about asking questions. I might not answer, because it would give away the plot, but I'm not opposed to explaining myself. Just don't assume a lack of answer is confirmation that your idea is right. I might just be ignoring it because I'm trying to generate mystery about where this is going. :coolphoto:

Besides, if you did happen to guess right, it might look as though I'm stealing ideas, despite having an outline already typed up. And that would be a bad thing. :twilightoops:

Chapter 10 is not as dark as I imagine it would be, but still, it's dark enough to still be considered safe to read.
I can only imagine what happen to Luna. Also, well we see R2-D8 again? I really would like D8 to redeem himself.

"All around her, going on for miles, was nothing but trees."
Hey, come on, let's be more positive! At least it's not-
"All around her, going on for miles, was nothing but sand."
"All around her, going on for miles, was nothing but water."
And worst of all-
"All around her, going on for miles, was nothing but concert fans."
So be grateful Fluttershy!"

Pinkie, please refer to what I said in my previous comment.

Soo, this is a crossover huh?

Because I had absolute 0% idea that this coulda been a crossover, if it weren't for the comments.

Those are called machines AJ, we humans use them to make our grand "Fuck you Earth" projects and shrines.

Aaaahh, Star Wars! :derpyderp1:

Well, see ya! Never really liked that movies serise, more from personnal prefrence. :twilightsmile:

1216202 Well, I sorta wanted to drive up suspense and mystery regarding their whereabouts. In my experience, crossovers which drop you into the story immediately are not as satisfying, so I started with showing their reactions to this alien environment. It's worked alright I suppose, though I probably should now include a reference to Star Wars in the description somewhere so that people searching for it will find it. :raritywink: EDIT: now it actually says "Star Wars", which will let the search engine pick it up more easily.

Despite your dislike of the movies, I do hope you read more of my fic. It's more than just starships battling pegasi and Stormtroopers abusing ponies. But if you don't, it's no problem; everyone has their own tastes, and I won't hold it against you if you don't share mine. :twilightsmile:

Holy hot damn yes! That's the Celestia I love to see! Kicking flank, taking names, terrifying people with her incinerating wrath and chewing bubble gum! Let me tell you something: there aren't enough stories out there that portray Celestia the way I like it. So when I saw her so defeated and down last chapter, I was a bit worried at first. It always puts me down a bit when stories portray her as weak or just a pretty pony. But then you wrote this chapter and my smile was wide enough to make Pinkie jealous. When Celestia gets furious, I always imagined the very sight of her to be terrifying, and you used that in your story! I'm so happy! :yay: You even had her nearly cooking that officer alive, did you read my mind or something? :trixieshiftright: It's all cool now. I suppose it isn't such a far stretch that even Celestia would be suspectible to alien technology of a different universe, which is why she was affected so. But as long as she gets to be badass and terrifying in the end, I don't mind. Well done!

Points go to Spike as well! This is the second time this week I read a story in which it's Spike to the rescue, and let me tell you, it's awesome. Maybe Spike piloting the ship is a bit far-fetched, but it's so darn awesome we can let it slide. It's good to see that there are more authors out there who understand that Spike can be useful and dangerous as well, even though he is a baby dragon. Given how insanely strong adult dragons are, I think even a baby dragon is a not to be underestimated threat. And after how many times Twilight helped Spike, it's nice to see him returning the favour.

Good chapter, all in all! It was worth the wait. The only thing I'm worried about now is Luna. Poor mare, where has she been taken to? If I may express a personal wish, which you should in no way take as me telling you what to do (it being your story), it's just me speaking my opinion for the sake of saying it: I hope you won't have Luna turn to the Dark Side with a reappearance of Nightmare Moon or something. I know given the setting it's tempting, but the return of NMM is always a pet peeve of mine. It doesn't make much sense, you know? The Elements of Harmony cured Luna of her jealousy and hate, and having her somehow turn back has always felt like cheapening the Elements' power somehow. That, and I don't think Luna has any reason to turn anymore. It's true that there are probably still issues between Celestia and her, but the impression I got from the show is that the two are very close and care for each other deeply, and I just don't see Luna hurting Celestia so deeply again by turning evil.

But that's just me, and this is not my story. If you were going to have an appearance of NMM, that won't make me suddenly dislike your story or make me stop reading. It's just a personal preference, nothing more, so don't let me affect whatever you have planned. (Though the mischievous, insane part of me would love to see a meeting between Discord and Vader or Sideous. The very idea is hilarious. :pinkiecrazy: )

Keep up the good work. :twilightsmile:

1230931 Thanks for that, you really made my afternoon (I'm currently stressing over a rather comprehensive Monday exam in Calculus at the moment). :pinkiehappy:

After the season finale last spring, I really wanted to portray Celestia kicking butt, but I needed a good motivation. Torture would seem to be one, no? :raritywink: I believe rulers like Celestia speak softly, but carry a big, BIG stick. She obviously wasn't afraid of taking on Queen Chrysalis to defend her ponies, and I imagine she might have been holding back a bit in order that her magic might not also blast the ponies gathered in the chapel as well.

Spike piloting the ship was actually sort of a last-minute throw in, but I had made a comment in one of those videos showing the ECCC where they had various voice actors doing their thing reading the script to Star Wars, and Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle as Han Solo mentioned Spike meeting her at the ship, which made me wonder how that would look with him in the copilot's seat, struggling to reach the controls. I had a good laugh, and figured anyone trying to picture a two-foot dragon wrestling the controls of a YT-1300 would too. :rainbowlaugh:

I wouldn't worry about Luna. Chapter 5 was supposed to establish her as being good for good now. :twilightsmile: Turning twice is a dumb idea IMO, because it speaks of a pliable nature, which a princess most definitely would not possess, even if she was suffering emotional turmoil over past actions.

Thanks for that, you really made my afternoon

Glad to do it. Seems we both made each other's day. :twilightsmile:

After the season finale last spring, I really wanted to portray Celestia kicking butt, but I needed a good motivation. Torture would seem to be one, no? :raritywink: I believe rulers like Celestia speak softly, but carry a big, BIG stick. She obviously wasn't afraid of taking on Queen Chrysalis to defend her ponies, and I imagine she might have been holding back a bit in order that her magic might not also blast the ponies gathered in the chapel as well.

Wait, you also think Celestia held back against Chrysalis because her full power would cause too much colateral damage? I thought I was the only one who believed in that theory! This makes me very happy. :yay: I agree with the rest of what you said: Celestia is a kind pony, but her wrath is something you incur on your own peril. Carrying a big stick indeed. But while we're on the subject, how powerful do you measure Luna compared to her sister? In my headcanon they're about equal, with Celestia being a shade more powerful only because she's the older one of the two.

I had a good laugh, and figured anyone trying to picture a two-foot dragon wrestling the controls of a YT-1300 would too.

It was amusing, and awesome at the same time. Though I personally thought the scene was a reference to Episode IV with Luke at the turret, Spike being Luke here. Hmm, I think Spike would look great with a lightsabre. :moustache:

I wouldn't worry about Luna. Chapter 5 was supposed to establish her as being good for good now. Turning twice is a dumb idea IMO, because it speaks of a pliable nature, which a princess most definitely would not possess, even if she was suffering emotional turmoil over past actions.

Squee, that's nice to hear. :yay: I'd like to take the time now to say that I loved Luna's and Celestia's sisterly bonding in that chapter. I agree that Luna probably does suffer from some emotional turmoil and guilt over her past actions, but I think Celestia did as well. She had to banish her sister herself, after all, and was alone for a thousand years having to take care of Luna's duties on top of her own. I think people underestimate how difficult and heavy to bear it must have been for Celestia. That she managed to remain such a kind, loving pony despite a millenium of having such a workload speaks volumes about her mental strength.

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