• Published 4th Feb 2019
  • 429 Views, 3 Comments

The Moon And The Fallen Sun - VitoMat

Nightmare became queen but unexpectedly an additional task appeared.

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E.1.1 - The Ray

Celestia felt the cold stone on which she was lying. Her body hurt, she wanted to get up, but the broken leg and wing made it impossible for her. A dark mare with a mockery smile, dark armour and night mane approached but she kept a safe distance.

"You see sister. I said I was stronger."

Celestia wanted to say something, but she could not.

"You won't say anything dear sister. It's a pity."

The white mare lit the horn. She gently started to float above the ground and shiny jewels whirled around her.

"The jewels of Harmony - Nightmare Moon pointed out."

"Don't force me to do that Luna. I don't want to hurt you."

When Celestia took over the power of jewels her pink mane and tail changed colour to rainbow.


Moon used magic to move over Celestia and struck her with all her power, knocking her to the ground. Moon gently lit her horn and took over the power of the jewels of harmony. The gems lost their shine and became darker, darkness.

"You wanted to use the power of the jewels on me! So I will give you what you wanted!"

The gems flashed with blue aura and transferred their power to an element of magic that glowed with sharp dark magic. A powerful beam struck Celestia by sending it to the moon. The gems burst to create powerful waves wounding and rejecting Nightmare Moon. The gems fell to the ground losing their former bright colors. Nightmare, limping, approached the place where the wall used to be. She looked at the moon. An image of a mare appeared on its surface.

"You can see now sister, I am stronger."

Nightmare smiled mockingly showing the canines but one silver tear came down her cheek.

Nightmare opened her eyes. She allowed them to get used to the darkness in her bedroom. She turned her head to the window and looked at the moonlight. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt the movement inside her. She smiled and gently rubbed her belly with her hoof.

"I know, I know mom can't sleep either."

She placed her head gently on the pillow, hoping for a little more sleep. But knocking on the door quickly blurred this dream. The door opened almost immediately and two guards in black and purple armour entered. Its elite warriors' presence testifies that the situation is serious. The first one was a unicorn was strongly built but no longer so young. Captain Iron Hearts is one of its most trusted commanders. The second one was a young pegasus probably recently joined the unit, he held a basket in his mouth.

"I'm sorry that I'm disturbing my lady at such a late hour, but the situation requires it."

Nightmare was lying proudly and gracefully. Her mane gently waved and her eyes shone creating an interesting effect with her narrowed pupils.

"You are lucky that I just woke up captains. - She smiled, showing white canines - please speak."

"Yes, of course. During a routine patrol two guards found this basket in the middle of the throne room about an hour ago. "

He nodded with his head on a young who put a basket on bed. A young soldier looked at Luna. She noticed it and looked at him. He immediately turned his head and reddened. Luna knew she was pretty even as Nightmare Moon was even more beautiful. In this form she was more mature and many stallions always looked at her charms. She often used it as a weapon.

"Near the basket they found this letter."

He magically grabbed a piece of paper and served Nightmare. Even her ability to see in the dark did not help to see the letters. She didn't want to lift herself feeling the effects of the extra weight, she approached the window, illuminating the sheet of paper with the light of the moon. She stopped immediately when she recognized the character of the writing. Written in golden letters for Luna.

"Celestia" - Nightmare whispered to herself.

She opened the envelope and started reading, and with each line she opened her eyes wider and wider.

"Get out" - she whirled dangerously.

"My lady" - captain took a step forward.

"GET OUT!!" - repeated.

The captain and the young man bowed down and went out, closing the door behind them.
Nightmare was looking at the basket. She didn't know if she felt disgust, fear or maybe anger. She approached and lit the horn. She lifted up the blanket gently and exposed the contents. Inside there was a calmly sleeping foal. She had an orange coat and a red-orange mane and tail. Nightmare took the foal out of the basket and placed it gently on her bed.

"Alicorn" - she whispered to herself with fear in her voice.

The little mare woke up, sweetly open eyes and looked at Nightmare. Luna was sure that the little mare would start crying, but to her surprise the foal started to enjoy the sight of her, she tried to babble and salivate her tiny hooves when she put them into her muzzle. Nightmare pulled air into her lungs and roared like an angry beast. The little one looked at her with her eyes wide open, but after a while she started laughing with her hooves pulled out to her.

"I can see that you are brave for such a small mare"

Luna lay down on her bed. The little mare looked at her constantly laughing. Luna turned her eyes over and put her between her hooves. The little one was still enjoying herself.

"So Sunset Shimmer, you have something to say to me?"

The little one was still pulling out the hooves to her. Luna, insecurely, slowly approached her mouth. She was in shock when she felt the soft fur of Sunset. The little one started to snuggle in Luna's muzzle and closed her eyes. Luna took her mouth but surrounded Sunset with her hooves and let her fall asleep. She smiled gently and looked at the window.

"Well, sister, I'll take care of your little ray."