• Published 8th Feb 2019
  • 3,015 Views, 46 Comments

Ruler of Time & Space! Zi-O - Kamen rider yokai

well receiving a ride watch in a convention is normal enough but now i have to deal with Zi-o's story in a vastly different world! i blame Woz for this.

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Please wizard 2012 part one

Author's Note:

well this is the first half of a crossover with Unforeseeable Consequences by kukriryutsukino and let me tell you its a very good feeling to return to this when tales of a displaced wizard went and vanished so I couldn't even work on this as well crossovers with previous riders was what zi-o basically was. still nice to be back to this.

It was a week after we went to Equestria and the five of us riders plus the Rainbooms who just found out that they pony up with music over the week and drove Sunset nuts trying to figure out why until I pointed out music itself used harmonics aka harmony to bring people together. This might actually explain the heart song events where impromptu songs happen without warning.

Currently, we were in a music room as we stared at the ring that I found in my room. It was a Wizard-type ring but barely. It was a simple band with a very miniature gem in the shape of Wizard’s helmet but other than that nothing was out of place about it other than how it got into my room or why it’s been here without me noticing.

Rarity tried to claim it but I shut her down for very good reasons.

“Rarity, not a good idea. For one the Ruby on there is shaped like Kamen Rider Wizard’s helmet and that’s the next rider we might end up meeting. Secondly, I checked and it’s not a displaced token but it could very well be. Thirdly, a Wizard usually uses rings as mediums for his magic. Ruby’s are fire elemental so if this is a Wizard Ring if barely in the right shape and your equestrian magic enters it you might trigger fire spells. For someone fashion-focused you want to keep fire hazards down,” I said making her flinch.

" Good point, so why would a ring appear in your room connected to a Kamen rider?” asked Rarity.

" I think it’s a hint that the next Another Rider we will end up meeting is Wizard. If it wasn’t for the fact the equestrian Trixie ended up both Another Faiz and Another Fourze this might have been her as well since in the show I saw a stage magician became Another Wizard but it’s been very quiet this week and Sunset hasn’t detected any new magic yet around here” I said as Sunset nodded.

" He’s right from what James told me Wizard’s magic is born from keeping hope in the face of despair if you have the potential for magic otherwise falling to despair creates monsters called Phantoms turning the potential magic to dark magic. Killing the potential mage and leaving the phantom to take their place” Sunset agreed.

" Speaking of Token’s Dad, why haven’t you made your own yet?” asked Yume and I sighed with Sunset as everyone else giggled at us still finding that revelation hilarious. Finding out that since I was the one who created Yume and Jack ala REcreators and that Tsukiyomi was my daughter with Sunset fifty years from now the Rainbooms and Geiz still found things very hilarious about our family situation.

" Mostly because I don’t know what object I can use to act as the token. I can’t use my necklace that is eventually going to be Tsukiyomi’s necklace, even if I asked Twilight to restore it, when we were on the train to Canterlot for her” I said pointing at my necklace.

" I am not sure I should use a Ride Watch as I have no idea how that will affect anyone who picks it up, and I can’t think of anything else that represents me as a person,” I said finishing my reasons.

" Well if you’re worried about a blank ride watch why don’t you use the Zi-O ride watch less chance of it affecting worlds and it forms a connection to you,” asked Pinkie.

" That’s a very good point Pinkie. Good thing it’s the weekend tomorrow so I can get it done now and see if I get summoned.” I said taking out my ride watch.

Recalling what Yume explained about tokens I took a deep breath and channeled the time manipulation that I’ve been training since I arrived in this world into the ride watch.

“My name is James McCann, king of time and space, anyone who holds this token in need of help or just a friend will find a good Ally in me. Just turn the ring and press the crown of this watch to call me and my allies” I said looking at Sunset, Tsukiyomi, and Geiz when I said that.

The watch glowed before a dimensional rift opened as the watch seemed to duplicate and the copy went into the rift while one landed in Yume’s hand.

“Okay, that worked so want to practice” asked Rainbow motioning to our instruments.

" Yeah that sounds good,” I said putting away my ride watch as Yume put away my token.

“Before that my lord seems soon you will run into a prince mage with the power of allies of riders and heroes in need of help while dealing with a headache of a situation” Woz popped up making everyone but me, Tsukiyomi, Geiz, and Sunset jump. The four of us have gotten used to Woz just appearing out of nowhere by this point.

" Just wish we can get the other students to stop giving me the cold shoulder treatment. Their acting like you haven’t prevented me from being a horrible person in all the time I have been here. The only bad thing I did was separate you five because I needed to vent some frustration of being unused to this world at first” Sunset said motioning to the exit of the music room.

" Doesn’t help Flash, as a result, thinks you and he used to be dating because the timejackers messed with Sento-sensei’s history as Kamen rider Build” I deadpanned recalling the annoyance of seeing Flash trying to ask sunset out in front of my face until Sunset got annoyed and showed photo proof she and him never dated and laying into him someone was messing with time as a result. Flash seemed to get the hint when I was glaring at him, making him run away making the girls sigh at the reminder.

“True enough I nearly forgot about the situation you’ve been dealing with since the fall formal,” said Applejack.

" I just hope this doesn’t cause something everyone will regret as a result,” Yume said, missing the worried looks Tsukiyomi and Geiz shared.

Before anything else could be said after a half-hour into our band practice a dimensional rift swept over all of us leaving us in white space for a few seconds before we found ourselves staring at a new city i haven’t seen before in equestria looking more roman in structure as we blinked as the rainbooms looked around.

“Didn’t expect things to be that quick on getting summoned now where is the displaced who brought us here?” I asked.

“And why were we dragged along too?” rainbow asked, voicing what the rainbooms were thinking.

“That i have absolutely no idea, proximity i guess” i said sighing.

“Well we love helping you on your adventures james as it seems we are as much allies of you as is sunset and tsuki with geiz” pinkie said with a giggle.

“But still where in the world of equestria are we that the aurora veil dropped us off at?” sunset asked confused looking around.

“Well i think we are at an amazonian village and another humanoid equestria at least this time we didn’t get turned into ponies on entering the world. I swear if i find one of my original characters again i’m going to scream. But i never wrote a prince character so i think we are good on that front. Jack and yume with possibly Skyline was pretty much as far as i know of that issue” i said as yume shook his head knowing how strange that was.

“It is quite strange for me as well dad” said yume as tsukiyomi sighed.

“Still if Another wizard is here then we need to find the displaced who summoned us and see if they know anything,” tsukiyomi said.

“Well if it’s a prince then we should try the palace but first we might need to defend ourselves… The local guards have just seen us and look angry ``Pinkie said with a gulp as we were soon surrounded with spears pointed at us and not wanting to get on their bad side we rose our arms in the universal sign of surrender.

“This is not how I expected today to go,” I said with a sigh.

Apparently the aurora veil didn’t drop us off with the displaced but nearby and the guards were not happy as we were technically intruders. And we were dragged to the queen with me and geiz with yume being a bit beaten up by a rather overzealous guard for being intruders much to the girls outrage. If they have a prince then surely they would know better then not to treat us equally… that or that guard just didn’t like males with the prince being an exception. Though with a spear lightly digging into my back threatening to hit my heart from behind, tsukiyomi started flickering from existence confusing the guards until we explained she’s my daughter from 50 years into the future and that we deal with time travel issues. So they removed the spear being pointed at my heart as well so they didn’t want a paradox as they must be familiar with time travel in the past or heard what happens when something altered history from someone familiar with it. Likely the prince if they were the displaced we were supposed to meet.

Hopefully the queen was reasonable enough to call off her guards when we explain our story.

The Queen wore a pale gray toga dress with a golden belt. She was a tall, well figured and busty Amazonian mare standing no shorter than 7’3” in height with EE cup breasts. Her fur was a pale caramel, whilst her long raven mane fell to her bubble butt. Her sky blue eyes narrowed slightly as she stared at the blacksmithing chamber below, where an iridescent reddish gold glow faded into a hot golden orange flare. Her name --- Queen Ouránia Thýella.

“Leave us with our guests,” she commented bluntly as the doors swung open, admitting the group.

“But your Grace…” one of the guards, a dark gray furred thestral mare with a scar vertically bisecting her pale ruby right eye and a wild dark indigo mane protested.

“Rhyella…. I am as much a warrior as a Queen. You know our laws of succession in which a successor to my rank must be able to defeat me in combat. Are you offering a Challenge?” the Queen’s voice was a cool deadpan.

“No, my Grace,” Rhyella said, as she had been the one behind the overzealous treatment.

“Then you will spar daily with Prince Taigída until he feels you ready to return to your post,” her order was blunt. “I suspect you are here for him, yes?” she continued as her gaze shifted from the guards to whom they’d escorted.

“Kind of as it’s likely he is in a similar situation as me and yume here. We are technically from an alternative equestria. Knowing magic making gateways to alternative worlds are very possible. Starswirl made a mirror to one such world. I’m james mccann also known as kamen rider zi-o your adoptive son was hinted to me by a time traveler as having abilities relating to allies of the kamen riders and there is a group in our world called time jackers who’s goal is to alter history. We were basically summoned to this world by your son to possibly explain his situation. And see if there is a situation that we can help with. The time jackers tend to attempt altering history at least once a week but the past week since the last time has been very quiet so its possible they went to this world to try and attempt again. Has there been any signs of odd magic you haven’t seen before recently? It’s very likely the attempt involves magic this time” i said explaining a bit of why we were here.

“We just didn’t expect to arrive not even near where your son was from where the item we sent into the multiverse was found and used. In my world I was a former student of Celestia whose sister ended up marrying james’ other son jack. How that happened was complicated to the point of a headache. Our group consists of tsukiyomi me and james’ daughter from fifty years ahead of our time and her best friend geiz and my friends who likely have counterparts here” sunset said.

“To be honest time travel is complicated enough without being the main target of the group trying to alter history. Yume is from even further than tsukiyomi by around a decade and i have been trying to get used to the fact i’m apparently the focus of a provincial point of history where a lot is riding on my shoulders. It’s stressful and I could do without the headaches of keeping track of everything adding on to it. But since i learned i can manipulate time to an extent it’s my responsibility to keep history and timelines intact while also making sure i don’t end up a tyrant which is why i’m counting on my family to make sure i don’t end up on the wrong path” i said sighing.

“Trust us if you ever start we will knock some sense back into you” applejack deadpanned.

“And for that i’m glad. A king knows to listen to his people and to make sure he does right by them. If i’m going to be forced into the role of king of time i better make sure i don’t let the position cloud my judgement. Time is fluid that ripples can cause who knows how many untold consequences. People make mistakes and have to learn from them. There is a reason there is a saying that people who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” I said as tsukiyomi gave geiz a dark look.

“You should know geiz after all until you learned he was my dad you thought killing him before he became the tyrant orma zi-o was the answer to all our problems but when told of that future he instead decided to change it by being a better man then the tyrant of our time. I’m still ticked at you for that decision besides the fact he’s placing his trust in us to make sure he never becomes the demon king of time” tsukiyomi said, making geiz wince.

“How many times do I have to apologize for that tsukiyomi!” said geiz wincing.

“Considering i know the consequences of trying to cause a paradox you were not thinking of the possibility my death would lead to an even worse future just be glad sunset didn’t kill you for trying to kill me especially as you were trained by her in your time” i said deadpan.

“Correct my lord and glad to see you do know what being a great king entails and your knowledge of time travel is still as sharp as ever” Woz said reading his book.

“Your majesty, meet the time traveler who told me I would meet your son soon. This is woz self proclaimed prophet and chronicler. I have no idea what my future self did to earn his loyalty but to him me becoming king is his only concern. I actually had to order him to share the same courtesy he would give me to my family. Especially when we found out tsukiyomi is my and sunset’s daughter and thus a princess of time. When we go through the mirror portal to visit the equestria on the other side she’s a alicorn so the princess title fits and my family has 19 generations of kings in our family tree so i am a prince at the moment like your son despite being from a side line of the main family as the 21st generation back home. At least i know of an example not to emulate in king sombra that king is as bad as my dark future self” i said introducing woz to the queen with a sigh.

“You are far too kind my lord but i’m glad to see you know how to address your fellow royals and yes that sombra fellow is definitely an example not to follow considering what happened to the crystal empire. Also i should let you know your about 22 years before the local version of your daughter in law luna is due to return from her stint on the moon. So the local versions of fluttershy, rainbow dash, apple jack, pinkie pie, and miss rarity here are young foals at the moment and miss sunset’s local counterpart is due to head through the local mirror portal in about five years” Woz said and i gave him a deadpan look.

“Huh good to know how much longer before the elements of harmony have before they inevitably meet Prince Taigída as for some reason from what i know of experience Displaced like me, yume and your son tend to always being acquainted with the bearers of the elements of harmony in some way. In Jack’s case back home he ended up on the moon at the same time as Luna and ended up giving her therapy for a thousand years preventing nightmare moon’s revenge in our world. Here not so much so prepare for a longer then usual night on that particular summer solstice celebration and before you ask displaced is short for Dimensionally misplaced and when we get displaced we don’t always end up in equestria at the same time. Yume and Jack plus a girl by the name of skyline are my kids because back in my native reality I liked writing stories and well the three were characters I made before I ended up on the same world sunset shimmer ends up going to through the mirror gate starswirl made. So as in a way i made the three i’m their dad. They three likely got displaced from their worlds and ended up in different equestrias. It’s by luck jack and yume ended up in the same equestria if by vastly different eras. I haven’t found skyline yet but it’s a possibility she’s out there somewhere in the multiverse ``I said sighing.

“Technically i’m the youngest of the siblings which reminds me dad what order did you write my siblings” asked tsukiyomi.

“Jack first then yume and finally skyline. So yume is the second oldest. Still can’t believe i’m a grandpa because jack has four kids with luna back home” i said pulling out the family photo jack insisted we have before we left back for canterlot city in the human world. Tsukiyomi and yume adored their nieces and took to the aunt and uncle role quickly while me and sunset was still being awkward around an equally awkward luna due to how strange it was to be her parents in laws while being younger than her. Tsukiyomi and yume have their own copies.

“The family tree is going to be very confusing by the time i find skyline cause if jack seraph and yume here are real despite me writing them into existence before i got displaced then its very likely she is as well it’s already going to be a headache trying to make sense of what the family tree will look like to people back home” i said pinching the bridge of my nose.

“Our family is strange when you think about it considering twilight sparkle the bearer of magic the last of the bearers of the elements of harmony becomes the sister in law of the alicorn of love through her brother said alicorn of love also being celestia’s niece so her being an in law of the family is also going to be strange… especially when flurry heart is born as an alicorn with a disposition for pegasus by the size of her wings i saw a portrait of the alicorn and i still was surprised” yume said shrugging.

“Well I have a whole lot more respect for shining armor if he can handle raising a natural born alicorn. Cadence definitely has the mothering personality down. Twilight must have been overjoyed becoming an aunt there” sunset said.

“She would have had experience with the nocturne sisters that are Luna’s four kids with jack. How those four were born from cosmic energy still confuses me,” I said sighing.

“You want strange? I was merged with a half demon and former Power Ranger after I fought off an enemy my partner in here knows well…” the Prince deadpanned, “knowing I lacked the Power to even stand up against him. Turns out the one who Displaced me… was none other than the Eltaran Sage… Zordon. And I’m guessing that Haruto Sohma contacted Zordon at some point… as when I awoke here… there was a case containing rings similar to those Kamen Rider Wizard had…. And get this. My original world…. Was that of Kamen Rider Kiva. Even met Wataru a few times. Nice kid, if shyer than a lamb unless someone gets on his bad side,” he deadpanned with a small shrug, amused as the girls jumped in surprise at his voice and appearance. “And if Goldar shows up here,” he muttered, unaware his warm ultramarine irises bled to a malicious pulsing ruby color before he blinked, the alteration fading from his irises.

He heard the bacon haired girl gasp as he was hovering inches off the ground. “Anyone tell you your hair looks a bit like bacon?” he commented cheekily, amused as she blushed.

“Darling, did you use nail polish on your…. Hooves?” the creamy white skinned girl said curiously.

“What’s nail polish?” was his blank reply.

“Please don’t flirt with my future wife and don’t call her hair bacon… last guy who did that ended up getting sent to the hospital. And rarity, I think that’s his natural coloration for those. Anyway, as you might have heard, I’m james mccann and a new kamen rider zi-o so far i met sento kiryu, emu hojo, and takumi in terms of riders. My son Jack is fourze and yume here is a ganbarider. A video game based rider from my world. Sunset is kamen rider solar while geiz and tsukiyomi share their rider names with their actual names. These five are rainbow dash who’s local counterpart is the element of loyalty, the farm girl is applejack who’s counterpart is honesty, pinkie pie who’s the element of laughter, rarity who’s the element of generosity, and fluttershy who’s the element of kindness. The element of magic is twilight sparkle. You’re likely to meet them 22 years from now if you visit pony ville in equestria. And now I know what Woz meant by a prince with the power of allies of the riders and heroes. The allies of riders are the counterparts of power rangers the Super Sentai… and judging by the familiar look of those eyes when they changed color you’re related to Raven in my world she’s part of a comic and cartoon series called teen titans. The universe there is called the dc universe as bruce was the first hero to have comics set there” i said blinking.

“Let me guess exobytes on how you’re flying so your version of the universe is a video game back home for me. So supergirl or superman for the flight.’' I added rubbing my forehead ‘cause that meant brainiac and lex luthor was involved in his powers a bit.

“Great so more time travel issues is what we are involved in so have you noticed any odd magical signatures lately in different directions that seem to circle the city? The time jackers create monster versions of riders called Another Riders and from the show i saw about this normally the another riders erase the history of the corresponding rider thus rewriting history. But since i’m not sogou tokiwa the original zi-o instead the another riders can’t erase the rider history but are instead stealing fragments of my futures self’s abilities. When they are defeated we tend to get ridewatches of the main riders allies. Also i think this ring belongs to you. Showed up in my room after we helped my son jack” i said handing the prince the odd wizard ring we found earlier today.

“Kara, aye. And I have met Rachel, considering I’m fairly certain I’m related to her. Trigon gave me a very… strange look I swear was recognition. Although I have noticed an odd energy signature circling the island. I don’t think it’s magical in nature, though. Feels older than that. Hmmm… that’s the Fire Style Ring, isn’t it? Wataru did mention Haruto… Kamen Rider Wizard, aye?” Taigída deadpanned.

His gaze shifted to Sunset, a thoughtful gleam in his eyes. “Though I could see you marrying her. Very cute, indeed. Though being that I was deaged upon being Displaced I’m technically too young for her… or any of you, as I may have the mind of someone in my mid twenties… well… judging by his experience combined with mine, probably closer to forty five if not fifty years… my body, at present, is just shy of eleven,” he deadpanned.

He facepalmed moments later. “Which means I’m technically going to end up going through puberty for a fourth time, ugh,” he sighed, shaking his head slightly.

“I was in my twenties and now i’m back to fourteen around the same age as sunset. Trust me I know how you feel, ``James said, sighing.

“But yeah that does sound like Another Wizard. Geiz you are the one usually using the Wizard ride watch so we definitely need to keep an eye on you this time round. You’re a gate ``I said, looking the future guardian in the eye.

“What?” asked geiz.

“You have the potential for magic so that means you need to keep hope in the face of despair if haruto was here he would be giving you a life lesson about hope vs despair otherwise your inner phantom will break loose and we can’t let that happen. Besides your stubborn nature and will to live is handy in this situation. So we now need to find Another Wizard before they complete whatever ritual the time jackers have them doing,” i said walking towards the doors as the Another rider has to be somewhere in the city.

“I won’t be insensitive as I know you lost people in your time and I understand that full well. I lost my mom to cancer and I can sympathize with you on that bit so if we want them to survive and come back we have to make sure to change my fate of becoming a demon king of time and make a future where they never died in the first place. So let’s give you something to hope for as a goal. Making sure i dont become a tyrant and create a better world than orma zi-o’s time. 2068 should be a better era instead of becoming a wasteland” i said shocking geiz.

“Are you sure thats wise? I mean once we are done with the time jackers me and tsukiyomi as we are now will cease to be and wont remember this ever happened” asked geiz.

“Nah your both singularity points you will remember and still exist. Sogou destroyed his ziku driver after he met orma zi-o to erase that future and you both didn’t vanish until the time jackers reprogramed one of his soldiers and you forced a ziku driver back on him but that brought out a alternative Woz who was a rider and caused a lot of headaches” i said bringing them up short.

“What kind of headaches” asked geiz.

“A certain multidimensional thief and the destroyer of worlds caused that to happen and i’m going to give tsukasa a threat of finding natsumi and have her use the laughter pressure point on him… or get pinkie to do it as she seems likely to know how its used” i said.

“How did you know I know a pressure point to get people to laugh?” asked pinkie.

“I guessed,” I said, rolling my eyes.

Entering the city, I looked to woz.

“So woz any hints as to where the another rider is?” i asked him.

“We already met her and she’s already heading to the next location to vent and be as destructive as she wants” woz said.

“Rhyella?” i asked as well that would explain a lot about why she seemed to beat us boys up so much. If the time jackers made her the another rider and gave her a set of targets who would take her new abilities away that would explain why she was overzealous in arresting us. I haven’t seen her since the prince arrived now that i think about it. She was trying to make us unable to fight her at all. Good thing I had good pain tolerance.

“You know her better, where does she like to go?’ I asked my fellow prince.

Taigída frowned fractionally as his eyes narrowed. “The arena. If there’s one weakness she has, it’s the fact she likes to show off her strength, not realizing that by doing it the way she is, she’s only showing her arrogance. Though unknown to these… Time Jackers… I have something they don’t have the ability to mimic… a Power that Goldar unknowingly bestowed upon me,” he said grimly before a slow smirk crossed his face. He crossed his forearms as the thin white golden bracelets he wore shone brilliantly, revealing their true form.

Upon his left forearm was a rounded depression the precise depth of a very particular type of Coin.

He saw the violet haired girl’s eyes widen with great interest. “I took up blacksmithing, so if you want something after… ask,” he deadpanned with a small shrug. “But for the moment… we have a traitorous Nychterinó to subdue,” he deadpanned as his irises glowed softly. He knew they would not recognize the Ancient Equish form of the name of the Thestral tribe.

“Not so much a traitor but tricked by people who can freeze time she likely had no reason to not trust them after they likely told her of my possible future and decided to make her think I was possibly a threat to the kingdom. And as yume and geiz are as far as they know as much a threat to the time jacker’s plans they were included to the target list. As the girls were part of the resistance in 2068 rhyella was more likely to show mercy unaware that tsukiyomi and sunset are future family to me until i revealed it when tsukiyomi was at risk of being erased from existence. She likely doesnt know geiz was part of the resistance.`` I pointed out.

“That makes a lot of sense about why she focused on the three of us” mused yume as the purple haired teen scowled as he shook his head. The black with yellow streaked hair form of tsukiyomi sighed.

“You’re going to vent out your frustration, aren’t you brother?” tsukiyomi said.

“What do you think sis? She beat us up for no reason at all and needs a life lesson in not trusting strangers who give away power” yume said as geiz snorted.

“Good thing we have a chance to figure out when she became an Another Rider” geiz said.

“This world’s equivalent of 2012? Yeah that’s a given. But what event in her life around then was an opportunity for her to have been tricked into taking the another ride watch?” i said knowing my rider history.

Taigída’s eyes narrowed before an echoing boom sounded before his eyes narrowed, his fist clenching. “If her Amazon Sisters are in danger from someone she cannot fight without help, that’s what,” his tone was grim as his hooves left the ground. “And there’s only one thing I can think of that would have reason to show up here,” he said softly.

His hand rose to the headband holding back his two-toned Egyptian blue-slate blue mane before jerking it free, revealing a dark red garnet diamond fused to his skin. His eyes narrowed as he spotted smoke rising from the direction of the Arena.

“I’ll stall Rhyella… and, if I’m right… Goldar as well. Though knowing Goldar, the coward won’t be alone,” the Prince said grimly. “No doubt you have ways to get there faster than by flight,” he deadpanned with a slight smirk.

In response us riders pulled out a ride watch and activated it which with a light toss became our motorcycles the ride strikers while yume inserted a card to his driver summoning his hover bike.

“Can’t be kamen riders without a ride” i said as we got on and the five girls without rider powers got on though sunset got on behind me as rainbow dash and Applejack took the ride striker sunset summoned.

Still as we rode geiz noticed two ride watches on his holders had changed to the wizard and beast ride watches.

“Huh what do you know we got the wizard and beast ride watches” said geiz having not noticed them change after i gave him a lesson on hope for a better future.

“Hand me beast then we might have to split up to handle what’s going on there” said sunset as well she was using legend rider powers herself.

“Might want to suit up then” I said as us riders put on our drivers and activated our change items.


“Henshin!” the five of us said as yume slotted in his change card.

=cyber! Sync up rider!+

=Rider time! Kamen rider zi-o/geiz/tsukiyomi!=

=era time! Kamen rider solar!=

With stylized clocks or in sunset and tsukiyomi’s cases a sun/moon dial and watch bands we became our rider forms with yume becoming kamen rider cyber the ganbarider in his default green form.

Arriving at the arena where goldar was fighting Another wizard as the foot soldiers of phantoms clashed with goldar’s soldiers I shared a look with sunset.

“Putties and ghouls? The only difference between them is how they were made” i said as well both are homunculi for a reason if i remembered right.

As we got off our rides and summoned our weapons as geiz handed sunset the beast ride watch.

“Geiz you and sunset head for 2012 and see about beating the another rider there which should reverse the another rider from this time and give us a better time against goldar” i said as i prepared the ex-aid watch.

“We got this” yume said tapping a wizard ring to get the wizard cards and grabbed three before sliding them onto the slots on his arm summoning kamen riders wizard, beast and mage.

“Got it just be careful cause we still have a date when we get back home” sunset told me as she summoned the time majin to pick her and geiz up before entering the timestream.

“Right, let’s get things set right” I said to the ranger as I pulled out the edge of time.

A deep cracking thump sounded as a plume of dust kicked up a half dozen Ghouls and Putties. A surge of white arcs sheared through the homunculi before they disintegrated. “Goldar is mine, since he drove that sword of his through my chest,” the Prince’s voice barked as the Dust settled, revealing his own morphed form.

What caught the Prince’s attention, also, was a shifting in the balcony before a large clawed boot caught Another Wizard in the helmet. “Huh… so Finster, apparently, is around,” he deadpanned at the sight of the monster.

“Well i got another wizard so can you handle that guy tsukiyomi, yume?” i asked the two as the three of us shared a look.

“Got it dad” both replied.

Taigída rolled his shoulders as he kept a loose yet firm grip on Saba. “I suspect if we can get King Sphinx, Goldar, and Another Wizard distracted or, better, fighting each other, it’ll give us an easier time,” he commented.

“Well good thing I can summon back up, dad. You and sis get ready, cause if I remember right ranger foes tend to go giant,” said yume.

“Good thing we have a time majin still just in case” i deadpanned.

“That’s if Rita or Zedd’s around. And if Finster made King Sphinx, it’s very possible. Though… eh?” he started before pausing at the sound of a police siren. His head cocked before his eyes widened slightly as blue bolts tore into the cannon fodder before a familiar bike rolled up.

“Didn’t expect the police looking ranger from turbo would show up” i commented blinking.

“You’d be surprised. After all, who knows how long it’s been since what occurred in the show or if it even did occur in this dimension and time,” Taigída said with a small chuckle. “Either way, the assistance is going to make things easier on us,” he commented. A slight smirk entered his voice near the end as if he knew something. “Though he isn’t our only advantage if he does go giant… but bloody hell does King Sphinx smell like rotting meat,” he deadpanned as a breeze caught an awful stench of decomposing fish and meat. He gagged at the stench.

“No kidding and we haven’t run into ghost yet despite geiz having his watch” I said sighing.

“He somehow took drive and ghost from my future self so that’s something we don’t know how he got as that wasn’t shown as far as i know” i said as i slashed some of the mooks on the rather obvious z or the cracks in their bodies at the confused look I was sure I gained from the other prince.

Taigída’s head tilted, his eyes paling to brown for an instant. “You would think Rita would create a less obvious weak point where the animation seal coalesces, but I suppose the ‘Z’ plate is intended as armor… too bad she could be more subtle with a neon sign,” he commented wryly as he leaned and swayed, evading the clumsy slashes and strikes.

“Nah that’s zedd’s fault he tried to make the putties more effective but instead gave them a one hit kill spot. Rita was not amused at her husband when that happened in my world, I literally grew up on old school power rangers. Was originally born in 1995 of my world. Well into the third year of the original team’s third year fighting rita” i said sighing.

That was something humorous when you think about it. Sure they got stronger but the putties became actually easier when the z marking was placed on them. They are disposable mooks though so it didn’t matter. The tengus were more a proper foot soldier for rita though.

Switching my zikan girade to gun mode i shot the markings on the putties as tsukiyomi constructed weapons of light and followed my example while yume in shade form based on his friend Shades own form was having fun pulling a spirit shenanigans on the mooks.

“Hey goldar! Hope you like games” i said as i slotted in ex-aid to the other slot on my driver and spun it around.

=rider time kamen rider zi-o armor time! Level up ex-aid!=

Now in ex-aid form I started using my pile driver gauntlets to smash the mooks to rubble. Game effects like hit appearing as I did so.

Taigída smirked. His eyes widened as King Sphinx inhaled, his emaciated chest swelling before he exhaled a blast of flames at Kamen Rider Zi-O Ex-Aid Armor. He flicked a narrow switch on Saba’s head, a deep snarling voice growling “It’s about fucking time, ye idjit,”. His gaze shifted momentarily. “Shut up, Yoru. We have shit to do,” he sighed before slashing the darker double of Saba, Yorutsumi, in an underhanded upward slash before slashing Saba in a downward arc.

An arcing jet of water blasted toward the flames as a maelstrom of air froze it before a billowing cloud of steam exploded violently outward.

‘I wonder how geiz and sunset are doing cause this is getting ridiculous a bit. Just where are the putties coming from i think we felled around three hundred and more just keep appearing!’ i thought as i destroyed what had to be a group of fifty from my gauntlets.

(end chapter)