• Published 8th Feb 2019
  • 1,943 Views, 31 Comments

The Commute - Muppetz

Sometimes you need to go above and beyond the job description.

  • ...

Chapter 3


Chapter 3

Several days had passed without incident. I took a deep breath and twisted back and forth in my seat, stretching my back in preparation for the haul up the mountain. We had already exited Ponyville proper and begun the long trek up to Canterlot when the knock at the window came and Tiara plopped hotly into the passenger seat of the Chevy, apparently having decided she’d had enough.

“Alright...what’s going on?” she demanded.

“What are you talking about?” I asked neutrally, turning the wheel up the embankment that began the gentle start up the mountain. Admittedly, I already had a fair idea of exactly what she was probably talking about.

“You’ve been acting weird for the past week. You’re being all quiet and thoughtful. I’m not stupid. I know something’s going on. Whatever it is, you’re all trying to hide it from me.”

“You’re imagining things… And put your seatbelt on,” I added.

Nothing like gaslighting teenagers,’. Hopefully she didn’t come out the other end of this hating me. I didn’t know why Filthy was waiting so long to pop the news to her. But I suppose it wasn’t my business to pry into how he dealt with his child.

She clicked her safety-belt into place with a huff. “I’m not stupid, John.” She repeated. “And I don't appreciate being treated like a child!”

“You are literally are a child, Tiara.” I deadpanned. “I am, as we speak, driving you to school because of the fact that you are a child, and children have to go to school.”

Her face went somewhat red. “I’m almost eighteen!” She asserted.

“You’re barely sixteen,” I corrected. “Sixteen is not almost eighteen. It’s almost seventeen. But honestly even that I’m hesitant to give you since your birthday was only like a month ago.”

She glared at me, jaw clenched and cheeks a-flush but not really able to refute what I said. She harrumphed and turned to look out the window haughtily.

“...I know daddy renegotiated your employment contract,” she said quietly.

My blood went a little cold at her tone.

Maybe she knew more than I thought.

“Oh?” I diverted for lack of any other response, doing my best to keep my tone aloof.

“I overheard him talking to his lawyer on the phone about your work visa and restructuring your contract release date. He’s dismissing you early. Isn’t he?”

My hands tightened and loosened on the wheel. She had me dead to rights. At this point there was really no reason to keep denying it.

“That’s right,” I admitted.

She turned on me. Her anger had cooled into something resembling genuine concern. “So what’s changing?” she began to pepper again. “Are you being deported? Are you in trouble?”

I hesitated.

She noticed.

“I’m not in trouble…” I reluctantly admitted with a sigh. I had no idea what to say to the girl that would answer her questions without spoiling her surprise.

“But you really ARE being deported??” she concluded with big, suddenly frightened, blue eyes.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. I glanced at the teenager next to me. She was clearly very upset. “When the work is over, my Visa ends. That means I have to go back home. This was always the plan.”

“But I still have a whole year of school left! You were supposed to be with me until I graduated!”

She was getting uncharacteristically distraught about this. I knew we were closer than a bodyguard should be to his charge, I’d dare say we were close to being friends, But I didn’t expect her to be this upset at the idea of me leaving. Ponies were a herd species afterall, I guess the ‘ties that bind’ ran a little deeper in them than it did us.

“I’m not going anywhere soon. You’ve got to wrap this school year up and I’ll still be here for the rest of the summer,” I tried to console her.

“Just the summer!? That’s only two more months! What about next year?” she demanded, the beginnings of anxious tears were forming in the corners of her eyes.

I shifted uncomfortably, clearing my throat again. I was hesitating too long and it didn’t go unnoticed. “Next year…” I swallowed. “...you won’t need me anymore. So my contract was amended. And at the end of the summer, I’ll be going back home.”

WHY won’t I need you next year, John?”she asked accusingly as fat desperate teardrops collected at the corners of her eyes.

I hesitated again. “You should really hear this from your father-”

“TELL ME!” she shouted.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I tried to think of a way to avoid flat out telling her everything.

The little equine, not failing to notice my hesitance, began to assault my side with a series of tiny pony punches. “TELL ME WHY JOHN!”

I stiff armed the girl as I pulled the Chevy onto the side of the vacant road and parked it.

“Your dad pays me to safely drive you to and from school in Canterlot every day.” I explained. “What could be changing in order for me to no longer be needed for that?” I had the feeling she already knew the answer. Maybe she didn’t want to say out of fear of me confirming it.

She seemed to realize where I was leading her. “Because I’m not going to school in Canterlot next year…” she deadpanned.

I released the teenager and finally relented. “Your dad wanted it to be a surprise.”

She was bone still, processing the information as sudden clarity hit her. “Selle Prançais?” she asked in barely a whisper.

“That’s right,” I confirmed.

Gone was her fitful anger. Replaced now only with a look of utter devastation. “That’s why he keeps bringing it up!?” she began to mentally piece it all together. “Selle Prançais academy is… two thousand miles away from here!” she stated her anger flaring up again before being swallowed once again by apparent despair. Her lips trembled again. “Why do they keep doing this to me?!”

I didn’t know what to say.

“WHY?!” She looked at me as another wave of tears spilled from her eyes, desperately asking me. As if I had the answers. “Why does he do this every time I get something good in my life, they rip me away from it! Every time! Silver Spoon, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Twist, the Friendship School! I didn’t even WANT to go to school in Canterlot! But they still forced me to leave my life and friends and everything I built in Ponyville behind to start all over! And now that I have finally gotten used to life there, they have to tear it all away again!” She half screamed and half cried. “They couldn’t be bothered to spend a minute of their time with me as a foal, but now that I’m out trying to make a normal life for myself he has to constantly try and take that away too! But that’s not enough anymore now they have to send me to the other side of the planet!?!?”

The floodgates were open. She was racked with fitful sobs. I swallowed the lump in my own throat and choked back my own emotions. Doing my best neutral face.

I felt for her. I really did. But I couldn't start crying too. Someone had to be the adult here. Objectively none of this was even my fault but I still felt lower than dirt that I was, even indirectly, a part of the plot to once again disrupt her life.

I was positive I was overstepping my bounds as a bodyguard but I did the only thing I could think to do and reached over and unclicked her seatbelt and pulled her to my side and tried my best to comfort the little horse. She wrapped her little forelegs around my middle and buried her face in my jacket and wept.

I just did my best to just hold on and gently rock the little mare until she cried it out, running my hand over the back of her head and neck as supportively as I could.

“It’ll be okay, Tiara. I know it hurts right now. I know it's confusing and I know it's scary. You’ve got every right to be angry. And I know it's not my place to say any of this-” I wasn't sure if I was helping or hurting. “...but one day you’ll look back on this and realize it was for the best. Right now it seems like you got dealt a shit hand. And your father is admittedly not without his flaws. But he doesn’t hate you. He’s doing all this because he thinks it's what’s best. I don’t know if he’s right or wrong but this is an amazing opportunity for you, Tiara. When he first told me, you know what I did? I went to the library and looked that school up. Girls leave that academy and become CEOs, ambassadors, titans of industry, heads of state. They’ll give you the tools you need to change the world, Tiara.”

“I don't WANT to change the world!” she cried. "I don't want to be a CEO or a world leader! I just wanna be me!” She buried her face back in my side. “No one ever asks what I want!” her muffled voice was racked with anguish. I didn’t have any comforting words for that. I had to choke back another throat lump of my own.

I wasn’t trained for this.

I went back to gently stroking her mane. “It’ll be okay, Tiara. I promise.”

Apparently it was the wrong thing to say,

She reared back, suddenly furious, and threw a few more half hearted punches into my side.

“You promise?!” she repeated sarcastically. “You knew this whole time and you didn’t say anything! You promised to protect me! You don't KEEP promises!”

I let her punches land. They didn’t really hurt. Her words hurt more.

“I can only do what I can do, Tiara,” I said quietly. She halted her attack at that. “This isn’t what I wanted either. I can’t stop Immigration from sending me back. But I wasn’t lying. I will always be on your side, if there's ever anything I can do for you I’ll do it. But part of growing up is learning that there are some things that are within your control and some things that aren't.” She looked up at me with watery eyes, mascara streaks running down her cheeks. “I can’t stop them from sending you to finishing school. But you can control how you handle it.” I pried her away from my side and cupped her soaked cheeks in my hands, doing my best to wipe off the tears with my thumbs. “And whether you want to or not, I know you’ll go on to do great things, Tiara. Finishing school or not.”

Her big soft blue eyes filled with a new wave of fresh tears. Her lips quivered again. She resumed her spot inside my jacket, squeezing my middle section as hard as she could. “I don’t want to go to school today.” she sniffed from against my ribcage.

In the past she had tried to order me to let her skip class before without success. But today I couldn’t help but think an exception might be in order. “...okay,” I relented. I pulled my handkerchief from my pocket and handed it to her. “Climb in the back and get a water out of the mini fridge and lay down for a bit. I’ll take you home and call the school.”

She was still sniffling but I was able to clean off her face with the cloth as best I could. I shrugged off my suit jacket and placed it over her shoulders, giving her at least that little shelter to retreat into from the world before she hoisted herself back through the divider. I turned the car around in a field next to the dirt road and headed back towards Ponyville.

The ride back was silent. I kept telling myself I was fucking up. ‘You were an employee. You did this to yourself. You knew the rules and you were the one who decided to get emotionally invested in your work.’ I ignored my own internal monologue as best I could and tried to focus on the road.

Filthy wasn’t going to be thrilled. But it wasn’t like it was entirely my fault. She already figured most of it out herself.

I pulled back into ponyville making the relatively short trip back to the Rich estate. I exited the Chevy and opened the rear door. Diamond Tiara had curled up under my jacket on the back seat. Lifting the garment revealed a fitful little pony ball. She was like a puppy with her face buried in her tail.

I sighed and reached inside, scooping the pony bundle into my arms and resting her against my chest. Ponies for the most part didn’t like being picked up. But Tiara seemed too tired and distraught to really care. She buried her face into my jacket again, hiding from the world.

I kicked the door closed behind me and carried her into the house.

I didn’t know if her mother was inside or not. I hoped she wasn’t.

Despite having not spent a tremendous amount of time in the actual house, I knew enough to do my job. I understood the layout and where the exits and potential security risks were. I carried her up the stairs of the expansive home and to her room. I laid her down in her bed. She released me and pulled her covers over herself, collapsing back into her fitful little ball.

I left her room and closed the door behind me. I walked back downstairs to Filthy’s office. I pulled my notebook out of my pocket and dialed the school’s number, assuring them in somewhat vague terms that Tiara was ill and would not be attending today. They didn’t offer much pushback and assured me they would annotate her absence for attendance.

My hand hovered over the phone for several seconds before I placed my next call. I took a deep breath before picking up the phone and dialing the number to Filthy’s office.

It rang a few times.

“Hello?” I recognized Filthy’s voice.

“Hello Sir? It’s John.”

“John?” he paused, I imagine to look at the clock. “Aren’t you taking Tiara to- Is everything alright?”

“She’s fine, sir. I brought her back home. She’s in her room right now.”

“What’s the matter? Is she feeling unwell?”

I hesitated, hoping to both communicate the gravity of his daughter’s distress without overly implicating myself. “In a manner of speaking, sir. She found out about the school transfer and… well to be honest sir, she isn’t taking it well.”

“You told her?” Even I could detect the undertones of displeasure in his tone.

“Not exactly. She overheard you re-negotiating my contract with your lawyer, sir. She puzzled out why you weren’t going to need me next year on her own. I’m sorry, sir. She kind of had me cornered.” It was a bit of a half truth.

There was a short silence on the line. “...I see. That’s unfortunate. I had hoped it would be a surprise.”

“I’m sorry, sir. She was crying. I thought it was best to bring her home. I called the school already and informed them of her absence.”

“Yes, very well then. I’ll be home after work to speak with her. Thank you for contacting me, John. I have to get back to work.”

I cleared my throat uncomfortably. My mind was screaming at me to keep my mouth shut. “Sir… I… I understand this is overstepping my bounds… but if I might suggest, sir. She is very upset. I think it might do her some good if you were to come home and speak to her now.”

“That’s just not possible,” he immediately dismissed. “I have a shareholder meeting today. The board is voting on an acquisition. I can’t miss it.”

This was the heart of the issue really.

Filthy wasn’t evil. He wasn’t a bad guy. He wasn’t malicious or abusive. He just had a single mind for business and not much else. He just didn’t understand that you needed to make time for your loved ones. That his child needed his time and attention, not just a pile of money and a mountain of material gifts.

He didn’t understand that gold wasn’t a substitute for parental affection. That if he showered Tiara with worldly possessions it meant he loved her, instead of actually showing her that he did.

But how could I possibly communicate that to a man who was my boss and benefactor in a way that wouldn't get me fired.

I might regret this but I just had to say something.

“Mr. Rich, sir… I need you to understand that, again despite me being very aware that this is a significant overstep of my bounds, You are paying me to protect Diamond Tiara. In that regard, and speaking as a man to another man. I really must insist that, as her father, you might want to come home and speak to your daughter who is currently bawling her eyes out because she thinks you’re sending her to boarding school because you don't want her around.”

There was a dangerous silence on the phone.

“I... understand,” he sounded shocked. As if he hadn’t even considered the idea that Tiara would be anything other than thrilled at being sent away from her life for two years. “I’ll make the arrangements. Come pick me up, Jonathan.”

“Yes sir. I’m on my way.”


The shouting had gone on for what seemed like several hours. I paced nervously by the Chevy parked outside the estate. Spoiled Milk had, unfortunately, made her presence known when she came home from shopping and asked what the commotion was.

I confessed in detail what had transpired that morning and winced, expecting a tongue lashing from Tiara’s mother. Instead the mare frowned, and adopted an uncharacteristic look of genuine worry before scurrying into the house.

I didn’t know whether I was supposed to stay or go. They had been at it for what felt like hours. I hadn’t been formally dismissed.

The family I was in charge of protecting was in turmoil. My instincts told me to do something, anything. But this wasn’t a problem I could solve with my fists, my car, or my nine-millimeter. I was officially out of my depth here.

So I did all I could think to do, and paced nervously on the edge of the property and awaited some kind of outcome.

The sun went down and time still dragged on.

Eventually the door to the estate opened. I stiffened as Filthy exited the house and took a deep breath before approaching me. I readied myself, unsure how the exchange was about to go.

Filthy stood next to me and the Chevy for several long seconds before speaking. “I’m sorry for keeping you, Jonathan.”

“It’s no trouble, sir,” I assured. “...is she alright?”

He gave a humorless laugh. “I wonder…” he murmured. “Do you have any children, John?”

“No, sir,” I confessed.

He continued. “I’ve never claimed to be the most emotionally intuitive parent. But I love my daughter. And when you become a father… one thing becomes painfully clear.” He stood next to me but not looking at me, seeming to speak into the darkness. “That you will do anything to ensure that your child is ready. Because you know the word isn’t going to afford them the luxuries of time and patience. I can't pretend that I’ve made no mistakes as a parent. I know I have. And I know one day I won’t be able to protect my little girl from the world. So I will do whatever it takes to make sure she is ready to face whatever problems she may encounter when I’m gone. And if she ends up hating me, or resenting me, so be it…” he turned to me. “Does that make sense?”

I shuffled on my feet. “I don’t know about making sense, sir. But I understand it.”

He seemed satisfied enough with that answer. “Thank you, Jonathan. And although this is not how I wanted this to happen. Thank you for today. You are dismissed. I will not be needing your services tomorrow. Feel free to take the day off.” He walked away, heading back inside the house.

I wasn’t sure how to feel about the situation. I couldn’t tell if he was upset with me or genuinely thankful. I imagined it was a bit of both.

I turned and methodically entered the suburban and left the Rich estate. I made my way through the empty Ponyville streets with only the pinging chime of the seatbelt alarm to keep me company.

I pulled into my rental and parked the vehicle.

I collapsed into my couch, suddenly exhausted.

I regretted not grabbing a drink before sitting down. Now I was too tired to hoist myself out of my seat and go get one. I settled for discarding my tie and removing my holster, tossing them both on the coffee table. I massaged my head, attempting to unpack the emotions of the day. I wished I had a TV to turn on and let the meaningless noise fill up the silence.

Oh well…


A knock at my door startled me awake.

I blinked a few times, doing my best to acclimate to the waking world. I was still in my living room. I must have dozed off on the couch.

I rubbed my eyes, still trying to figure out if the knocks were a dream or real life. I looked at my wristwatch. It was twenty past ten. Not super late but well past the time that most ponies would be out and about.

I eyeballed the Sig on my table contemplatively.

Another series of desperate knocks made me jump.

I quickly attached the holster to my belt as I made my way to the door, already chiding myself for my paranoia. I knew objectively whatever was out there wasn't a threat, nothing really was on this planet.

My mental logic didn’t stop me from placing a cautionary hand on my piece while I opened the door.

All that greeted me was a pink teenage pony with dried mascara stains on her cheeks.

“Tiara?” I asked, not bothering to suppress the confusion in my voice.

The little horse didn’t say anything. She just sort of stood there with a miserable little lost expression.

I scanned the dark front yard. There was no one else. She must have shown up alone.

I sighed, rubbing my head. “Come on.” I ushered her inside. She hurried inside the rental property.

She had been in “my” house before, but infrequently enough that her presence seemed out of place as she stepped over the threshold and into the living area proper.

She shied awkwardly into my living room, still not having said anything.

“Do your parents know you're here?” I asked.

She shook her head.

I sighed. This wasn’t going to be an easy night. “Tiara…” I trailed off. I knew I was supposed to say something, anything to the distraught little pony but the words died in my mouth when she looked at me. There was a twinkle of hope in her miserable little blue eyes. As if she also expected me to say something to make it better. I had done my best to coach her through her teenage melodrama in the past, but I didnt have the words or the experience to help with this.

I felt rotten.

I turned and went into the kitchen to make myself a drink, knowing it was just my mind stalling for time at best.I poured a small glass of sweet tea for my underaged charge as well.

I settled in the chair across from the couch where Diamond Tiara sat.

I placed the drink on the coffee table and pushed it toward her implicatively.

She took it and sipped. Seeming thankful for the sweet drink.

“Why are you here, Tiara?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she admitted quietly. “It seemed like the logical choice at the time.”

“Running from your problems won’t help. You know that.”

She frowned, as if she expected my response. “You’re my bodyguard. It's your job to protect me.”

It was my turn to frown. “I can’t shoot this problem, Tiara. There’s nothing I can do.”

“You could come with me. I’ll convince daddy to talk to the school and hire you on as my retainer.”

“Your father and I already tried. Even after he offered a substantial ‘donation’. Selle Prançais is a private, all-girls, finishing academy. They don't allow servants, attendants, or private security. And it doesn't fall under Equestrian sovereign law so no political pressure we could put on them wouldn’t amount to anything.”

She stood on the couch. “Then take me with you!” she pleaded.

“Take you with me where?”

“To the other side. Let me come with you back to Earth!”

I sat there, mentally processing the desperate request. The last ditch plea of a frightened girl, ready to allow that fear to throw her into choosing an unknown unknown at the impending threat of a known unknown.

“I know you're scared, Di,” I said slowly. “I really do. I was a teenager once. You're old enough now to realize the true value of autonomy. And you recognize you’re being denied that right to choose for yourself. And you’re right to be angry about it. You are indeed being denied one of the most valuable inalienable rights a sentient creature can enjoy. The right to choose.

But you're not old enough to see why. These decisions are being made for you by people who had to make the same choices for themselves. And a lot of them chose wrong. And they love you so much Tiara that they are willing to hurt you a little now, in order to save you from a bigger hurt in the future. Because they learned from those mistakes and they dont want you to make them yourself.”

“They're my mistakes to make!” she shouted, fresh tears.

I sighed. Maybe she was right. They were her mistakes to make. MY parents had the same issue with me. They say you often meet fate on the road you take to avoid it. Maybe it was the same with parenthood. A father tries to make the right choices for his child, only to realize that those mistakes were part of the journey, and there are certain roads a child has to walk alone.

It was too philosophical for me. I finished my drink.

“You can’t come with me, Tiara. You belong here.”

“Like you would know where I belong,” she challenged vehemently.

I took a deep breath, suppressing the desire to snipe back.

“Tiara, you’re scared. And you’re letting that fear write checks you aren't ready to cash. You have no idea what it’s like on the other side. You wouldn't be safe. Even with me.” She stared at her own hooves, red in the face with frustration. I softened a little. It wasn't my place to lecture the kid. “Some things come to an end, Tiara. Whether we want them to or not. And we rarely get a say in when it happens. This is one of those times. It's part of growing up.”

She didnt say anything.

I stood up. “Come on. I’m taking you home.”

“John?” she called gently. “...If I did ever make it to the other side, can I come see you?”

I smiled. “My doors always open for you, kid. Always.” I promised. “My place might be a little less extravagant than you’re used to though.”

She smiled back, although sadly. She hopped off the couch and made her way to the door.

I grabbed my effects and followed suit.

It must be hard being a teenager.

Comments ( 10 )

What is this? A new chapter? That can't be right.

Thanks for this gift.

Now give me more Article 2. :twilightsmile:

So happy to see this get another update!

I was not expecting a new chapter of this, but it was an exceptionally welcome surprise!

Also, gut punches. All the emotional gut punches. You haven't lost a step! Hooo, I wanna hug Tiara something fierce.

Honestly, I've never really been a fan of this kind of genre, but I really enjoyed this story. Good job! Also, you should've finished this chapter by February. then it would be a chapter almost exactly every 2 years.

What a wonderful surprise! I really like this story. You did an effective job of yanking my heartstrings about Diamond's situation. Being uprooted like that more than once is just like what happens to military kids. With them at least they still have their parents around. Diamond's going to an exclusive boarding school where she won't have the luxury of family.

It's not finished so you have me looking forward to more and speculating what will happen next. Thank you for the entertainment and I hope you are doing well in civilian life.

Holy shiiiiiiiiiit
Love this story, glad we got another chapter

Diamond Tiara lives with Filthy Rich. Her FATHER drives her to school. 😢

Always great to get more from you!

Muppetz stories are one of the reasons I still check fimfic. Thanks for a new chapter, always love your writing.

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