• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,696 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(4) A Night on the Town

The helicopter took off, leaving Pi-1 on the outskirts of the vast crystalline city. Ulgrin watched the helicopter gained altitude in the ever-darkening sky. He turned his head to the west. He looked across the snowy hills and at the setting sun. He sighed. ‘Why’d this have on my goddam birthday?’ He thought, ‘Every fucking year…’

He felt someone pat his back, Ulgrin turned around, “You good?” Ross asked as he put the HID gun on his back.

Ulgrin nodded, “I guess 106 wanted to give me another birthday gift.” He laughed out.

“Oh yeah,” David said walking up to him, “What, you’re 32 tomorrow?”

“Today,” Ulgrin said matter o factly, “But we got a job to do,” He stated, “Let’s go get it done.”

“Let’s see how the rookies deal with pressure, eh,” David said as he put the electro-net in his bag.

“Not too much, this is their first official mission,” Allen said, “I don’t think it’s wise to pair them up. They don't seem to get along that well.”

“They’ll need to get used to each other at one point,” Ross said, “And it’s my decision. Trust me, a few months of them together, they'll probably be-.”

“Understood sir,” Allen said, cutting off his superior.

“Then let’s stop discussing,” Ross looked at Connor and Natalie, both had binoculars out, Chen was looking at the city while Natalie was looking in the air. Ulgrin nodded, ‘At least they know about the Pegasus ponies,’ Ulgrin thought. 'I completely forgot.'

He got on the radio, “You two, get over here. Final mission briefing,” Ulgrin said.

Immediately the two got off of the snowbank and walked over to the rest of the group. Ross was drawing a crude map into the snow with a stick. “Okay, so here’s the plan,” He started, “We move through the city, slowly and quietly. Under no circumstances can we be seen,” Ross looked up at the sky, “It’s going to be dark soon, and I’d rather not have to deal with this fucker in the dark, much less a whole bunch of ponies who have no idea with what they’re dealing with.” He said.

‘Speaking of which,’ Ulgrin looked over at Natalie, she had a piece of paper in her hand, ‘106’s document. I’d recognize that smile anywhere.’ He sighed, ‘Lucky Ross, getting all his fancy-ass tapes.’ He brought his mind back to the situation at hand.

He stood and pointed with his stick, “We stick to any alleys we can find,” He said while pointing at the crude map, “Any questions?” He gave no time for objections, “Good.”

The rest of the squad stood up and walked to the edge of the hill. The entire squad began to slide down the icy and snowy hill. Once they hit the bottom, Ross, Ulgrin, and Allen pulled out their guns, scanning the area. Natalie, Chen, and David all stumbled upon hitting the solid ground. His gun probably would’ve discharged if the safety was off. Ulgrin noticed David muttered something under his breath. ‘He really needs to visit the training room at site 26.’

Ulgrin walked over and helped up Natalie and Chen while Allen and Ross covered him. David picked himself and his gun up, nearly slipping on the icy stone again. Eventually, after nearly a minute of waiting, the rest of the team was finally ready to go. Ulgrin rejoined the two other members of the team at the front.

Ulgrin and I in front, rookies middle, Allen and David bring up the rear.

The squad immediately followed the CO’s orders, all of them falling in line within a few seconds. The group moved down the back alleys of various buildings.

Seems like there was some celebration,” Ross said into the radio, “The majority are probably getting ready to go to bed.” Ross and Ulgrin quietly reach the end of the alley and looked out onto the large open road. There were stalls set up and balloons flying above them. Some of them were beginning to lose their air and fall and hit the ground.

Yep,” David said, “Maybe a holiday?”

In my opinion, it looks like a birthday,” Natalie commented, “A massive fucking birthday.”

For who though?” Chen asked.

“Cut the-“ Ross paused, “Native patrol, 9 O’clock.” Ulgrin turned and saw them, two ponies one wearing a heavy jacket and hat and the other wearing dark blue armor. They each had a white and dark blue coat respectively. The dark blue one had a pair of bat-like wings on its back and a dark blue mane to match; while the white one had a matching colored horn on its head and a silver mane. Ulgrin noticed that the dark one had a spear in her front left hoof.

Can you hear anything?” David asked from the rear. Ulgrin turned around briefly. He saw both Allen and David facing the opposite way.

Barely,” Ross said, he turned to the rookies, “You four hold this position,” Ross turned to Ulgrin, “you and I are moving in to get better audio.” Ulgrin nodded, “There is a stall right next to them and a little alcove for a door; you go for the stall, hide behind it. They’re currently facing away, let’s keep it that way.” Ulgrin nodded

The pair stacked up on the wall, Ross in front and Ulgrin behind. Ross looked around the corner and stuck up a fist. Ulgrin looked tentatively at it, waiting for him to give the go-ahead.

He kept looking at his friends’ fist. ‘Come on, come on, come on,’ He didn’t blink, one blink and he could get out of sync, and that would be disastrous. His eyes were beginning to burn from not blinking, but he endured it. One of the many skills needed when dealing with a statue that kills if you don’t look at it.

His fist changed to two fingers pointing forward. They moved instantly, Ross going to the alcove and Ulgrin to the wooden stall. He remained crouched begin the wooden barrier. ‘If any of those ponies were to look right now, I’ll be fucked.’ Ulgrin looked at all the windows, very few of them were actually lit up, none of them had any ponies in them. ‘I won’t have to worry about that,’

He turned his attention to the guards. “-nice party,” One of them, obviously a stallion said, “I mean I’ve seen better, but it was nice.”

“Yeah Silver,” the dark one, a mare replied.

‘At least they speak English.’ Ulgrin thought, ‘Makes eavesdropping much easier.

“But they really need like a royal clean-up crew,” she continued from the stallions statement. Ulgrin moved. around the corner of the stall along the length of the wooden structure.

“And,” He paused, interrupting the guardmare, “More guards, I mean they’re supposed to be 10 patrols tonight, that includes the ones in the castle and the ones guarding the door.” He said in a concerned tone.

‘10 patrols for a city this big? The ruler must be nuts!’ Ulgrin thought, he rolled his eyes, ‘oh well their loss, our gain.’

“Silver, there usually are more patrols, Princess Cadance just wanted to give her guards the day off for Flurry’s birthday.” The mare said.

Birthday?!’ Ulgrin thought, “The hell is with this damn thing and birthdays, a fetish?” He asked under his breath.

“You heard that Ulgrin,” came the hushed radio tone of Ross’s voice, “Your Birthday and now this Flurry.”

“I got it,” he said through the radio, “Probably going after this Flurry. They’re probably someone important. Poor bastard, they don't know what's coming.” Ross looked back at the rest of the team.

You guys hear that?” Ross asked the rest of the squad.


“Affirmative sir.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Got it, sir.”

“Good,” Ross said, “We need to knock these two lovebirds out. You guys down there, cause a distraction… a noise or something. Ulgrin moves back to the side of the stall.”

Ulgrin kept crouching as he moved back to the small bit of cover on the side of the stall. He looked over and saw the ponies again. He hadn’t been paying to the tail end of their conversation. He saw that they were nuzzling each other, ‘Love Birds eh,’ Ulgrin thought, ‘Damn shame to have to do this.’

Ulgrin heard a rock hit against the ground, hard. He turned his head to the alley, the source of the noise.

“What’s that,” Silver asked.

Ulgrin looked down the street to the pair, “Dunno,” the mare said, they pulled away from each other, “But it’s my job to check it out, stay here, m’kay?” Ulgrin had to squint to see their bodies in the ever-darkening sky. He saw the bodies beginning to move away from each other. One of them moving closer to Ulgrin.

“Be careful Dark Shield,” Silver said.

Ulgrin, take the mare,” Ulgrin heard the radio say, “I got lover boy.”

“Come on Silver, I know what I’m doing,” Dark Shield replied, “I’m not a filly.”

Understood, sir,” Ulgrin answered into his own radio. He heard the mare’s armor clink and her quiet clopping of her against the cobblestone as the mare moved to the alley. They slowed down in pace. He eventually didn’t hear them anymore. Ulgrin stuck his head out, she was turned back to the stallion, “See, I told you,” she said, “I-“

Ulgrin saw Ross spring from the alcove in for the door and tackle the stallion to the ground.

The commotion must have caused the guardsmare to turn around, “SILVER!” she yelled as she flared her wings. Just before she took flight Ulgrin sprang and wrapped his arms around her neck and mouth, cutting off airflow to her. Her spear she was holding dropped to the ground. Her wings flapped in a futile attempt to take flight. Her legs were kicking the air they were dangling in. Eventually both her movements stopped. He set her down and looked over her, the armor making it hard for him to see.

Through the steel chest wrap, though, Ulgrin saw her chest rise and fall slightly, “She’ll be just fine,” Ross said. Ulgrin looked up and nodded, “Let’s tie them up and keep moving.” Ulgrin looked at Ross’s shoulder, slung over it was the pony. He put him down and pulled out some rope. Ulgrin moved the two ponies to the stall he was hiding behind and took the rope from Ross. He then tied them up. He made sure the knot was tight and wouldn’t come off.

By now the rest of the team had joined them.

“Wow man, you knocked that guy the fuck out,” David said.

“Shut it, David,” Allen said, “we can go fuck off later, we’re on a mission now.”

Buzzkill,” David said.

Ross then said, “We’re moving to the castle, this is serious, I’m gonna radio command.” He looked at the massive crystal spire of a castle. The sun beginning to go over the horizon in the background.

Then let’s move,” Chen said, “I don’t want to freeze my balls off in the night.”

Yeah,” Ross said, “We should get out of here with 106 before the storm hits.

Storm sir?” Natalie asked.

“Yeah storm,” Ross said, “Forecast shows one heading this way.” Ulgrin’s eye twitched.

Oh joy.”

‘Indeed,’ Ulgrin thought, ‘Would’ve been good to know beforehand.’

Let’s move,” Ross said, “I don’t want any more of those ponies showing up.”

With that, the squad began moving due west toward the massive castle. They encountered no other patrols on the way there and aside from the occasional stray pony, no other reason to hide.

Until they hit the castle. Ross practically hit Ulgrin to stop him from moving, “We’re in the shit now fellas,” Ross said through the radio. Ulgrin moved to Ross’s right and looked at the castle’s main entrance. ‘It’s lit up like a fucking Christmas tree.’ Ulgrin thought. There were four guards at the front door and lights covering the entire entrance.

There’s no way we're getting in through the main entrance,” Ulgrin said into the radio, “Maybe there’s a side door?”

Maybe,” Ross said, “But there’s no telling how much time we have left, it could already be done and has moved in.”

“You of all people know that it likes to play with its prey,” Allen said.

How do you know that?” Chen and Natalie asked.

Later,” The other four members said, “We have a job to do, we need to find another way in,” Ross added.

Okay, let's go back into the alleys and head around the castle,” Ross said, “We’ll circle it and hopefully find a door.

The door was a lot less grand than the much more guarded main entrance, ‘Perhaps a service entrance?’ Ulgrin thought.

Ross, Ulgrin, and Natalie stacked up in the left side of the door while David, Allen, and Chen stacked on the right. Ross tried the handle, it wouldn’t budge.

Locked,” He said into the radio, “Watch my back, I’m going to break it.” Ross walked up to the door and took the butt of his gun and brought it down on the handle. The sound of the door handle breaking hit Ulgrin’s ears. With the lock broken, the door simply went limp. Ross went in rifle first. Ulgrin followed in, soon followed by the rest.

Ulgrin recognized the room as a library. The smell of books and the endless sea of them was a dead giveaway. Ulgrin looked around, as did the rest of the squad. ‘A library door? Odd.’ Ulgrin began moving through the hallways of shelves. “Ulgrin on point,” Ross said. He quickly glanced behind him. The rest of the team was behind him.

“For the record team,” Ulgrin said into his radio, “I have no idea, whatsoever, of where we are going.

A few chuckles through the radio were all he got as an answer. Ulgrin stepped down again. *Squelch* He stopped and put his fist up in the air. He heard the collective last step from the rest of the team. Ulgrin knelt down. He looked back for a second and saw the team, their guns were raised and fingers on the trigger.

He looked back to the ground and let his gun fall limp on the sling it was on. He pulled a flashlight out of his vest and turned it on. Ulgrin pulled his mask off his face, revealing his mouth and his nose. The stench was insignificant compared to its containment chamber back at site 26. Ulgrin shines his light on the spot he stepped in, a black mucus-like substance greeted him. He stood back up. “We’ve got no time to lose, it's here,” Ulgrin said, “Patrols are light tonight, we shouldn’t expect too many, permission to split up sir? To cover more ground.”

A moment of hesitation, “Granted,” Ross said. Ulgrin shines the light and saw a stream of black. “Let’s move then.”

Ulgrin and Ross went down another hallway, following the stench and patches of black that was occasionally at some turns in the hallways. “I think we’re getting close buddy,” Ross said as they ran, “We should talk about what happens when we get there.”

“We detain 106,” Ulgrin said as they turned another corner, "Get back, have a lot to drink," idly noting another patch of dark and the terrible smell coming from it, “Simple as that.”

“I know you have a grudge against this thing after what happened,” Ross said, slowing down just a bit, “But there’s only the two of us. What are we going to do?”

“Shoot it with the HID gun, what else?” Ulgrin replied as he too slowed down.

“Exactly, we have one shot and that thing is spent, otherwise we…” Ross stuck his hand out just before they would’ve rounded a corner.


“I’m telling you Sunburst, it’s all a conspiracy!” A slurred female voice said.

“Well, we did run out of rooms,” a pause, “Have you been drinking Starlight?” A more concerned and quirky stallion asked.

“There are hundreds of rooms in the castle!” The slurred voice said, “And what’s wrong with having a little wine. I don’t need to be foalsat!”

Ross looked around the corner, followed by Ulgrin. Two ponies were there. An orange unicorn and a slightly pinkish unicorn were there. The orange one had an orange mane and the pinkish one had a hot pink mane. In addition, the orange one had a blue cloak with what looked like stars on it. He also sported a pair of glasses.

“Come on Starlight, this is no way for a headmare to act.” the orange one, “I think you’ve had enough.” He put a hoof around her and began walking. The intoxicated mare began to squirm.

“Heeey, *hic* Sun,” Starlight said as they began walking away.


Ulgrin and Ross began to follow them as silently as possible, guns ready just in case one of them was to be seen. ‘Just get out of our way!’ Ulgrin thought.

The ponies stopped at a door. “Go inside,” Sunburst said, “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Wheeere ya *hic* goin?” The mare asked as he opened the door with the push of his hoof.

“To check on Flurry,” he replied, "I... kinda forgot to wish her a happy birthday."

Ulgrin and Ross looked at each other. Ross Immediately pinged the rest of the team that was throughout the castle. “We got a lead,” he said into the radio, “meet up on me.”

He clicked off the radio and turned on his beacon.

“Ohhhh K,” the mare said. Ulgrin turned around and saw her stumble in the room. The stallion picked her up and led her inside. A few seconds later the stallion emerged from the room and slowly and quietly closed the door behind him.

“That mare sometimes,” he said while beginning to walk down the hall, “I’ll need to ask Twilight to keep her away from the wine cabinet.”

Ulgrin and Ross silently followed him. Listening to his rant. He eventually turned a corner. Ross saw him stumble back.

“What the?!” He stammered out. Ulgrin flipped his radio.

Heh, good job Allen,” Ross said, “grab him, I think I can make him talk.”

The form of Allen came out from around the dark corner and grabbed the stunned stallion. David soon followed his partner out from behind the corner.

Chen and I are approaching from your six colonel,” Natalie’s voice rang.

“Good,” was Ross’s stern reply.

Ross walked up to the stallion in Allen’s arms. Ulgrin walked up behind him. "Doesn't seem like we alerted any other patrols."

"Good," Ross said before turning his attention to the orange stallion, “Now listen pony, you’re going to tell us where this Flurry is,” Ross said, his mask muffling his voice, “Or…” he left it open to interpretation.

“You’re going to pay for t-this,” Sunburst said, “Breaking a-and entering… y-you’ll be p-put in jail…”

Ross sighed. He pulled out his M1911. He then pulled out a tube and screwed it to the barrel of the gun as Sunburst kept talking. Sunburst looked at the silenced handgun.

“We don’t have a lot of time pony,” Ulgrin said, “Just tell us and you won’t be harmed.”

Sunburst began to shake, “You w-won’t g-get anything out of m-me.” His voice was shaking just as much as he was. Ulgrin shook his head. Ross handed Ulgrin the handgun.

"Goddammit," Ulgrin sighed, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

David grabbed Sunburst’s left forehoof. “W-what are you doing!” Ulgrin put the barrel of the silenced handgun to his right forehoof. Allen covered his mouth. Ulgrin looked at Ross, who nodded; Ulgrin looked back and into the stallion’s scared eyes, then pulled the trigger.


David let go of his hoof and moved to the other side of Allen. After his scream tapered off, Allen let go of Sunburst’s mouth. The stallion was breathing heavily.

“Now,” Ross said, “Unless you want to experience that joyful feeling again, you’ll tell us where Flurry is.”

“I… can’t… it’s…”


David grabbed his other hoof.

“Wai-“ Allen covered his mouth.

Ulgrin put the gun to his extended hoof and looked at Ross, he nodded.

Ulgrin looked in the Stallion’s eyes and pulled the trigger.


“You know what colonel?” Ulgrin asked after putting the gun down.

“What Major?”

“I wonder if that mare will tell us,”

Sunburst looked at him with pleading eyes. Ross nodded to Allen, who, in turn, let go of the stallion’s mouth.

“Please,” He said, “J-just do-“

“Where is Flurry?!”

Sunburst hung his head, “First door on the left, a shield with a crystal heart on it.”

“Good,” Ross said, “knock him out.

The butt of David’s gun found the back of Sunburst’s head and the stallion was out. Ulgrin looked out a nearby window, ‘The sun is just touching the horizon.’

“What happened to him?” A female voice said behind him. Ulgrin turned and saw Natalie and Chen, “Didn’t cooperate. Drop him, Corporal, let’s go.”

One by one, they stacked on the door. Ulgrin instinctively put a breaching charge on the door. Ross held up three fingers. Then two. One. Ulgrin turned away and pulled the trigger. *Boom* The breaching charge went off and the team went in.

Flurry’s eyes were blurry, she could barely see anything other than the black outline of the figures. She felt the thing let go of her. She hit the ground and heard shouting, but couldn’t make out what it was. Her ears were ringing and she was still out of breath.

She began to gulp air down her burned neck. Her lungs burned from not breathing, ‘Need to… leave…’ she thought. Her horn lit up finally, ‘A healing spell for burns and scrapes,’ her aunt told her when Twilight was taking care of her one week. She screamed, the magic made her pain much more amplified.

“Nee… to… get… out…” She heaved out. She tried to get on her hooves, but there was a large burning pain in her right forehoof.

She felt herself being dragged on the ground. She looked up and a faceless figure met her gaze. ‘It’s not hurting I guess…’

She looked to where she came from. A red trail. She looked at her hoof and warm red blood was all over it, ‘Am I going to die?’ She felt herself stop moving, she looked up, the figure that was dragging her was gone. She felt something grab her right forehoof.

Ulgrin… Stop… The… bleeding…” she heard. She looked forward. A second later, or what felt like a second, she saw another form leaning down at her. It was wrapping something around her hoof.

Something happened then. Something under her grabbed her. ‘But the ground is under me,’ She thought as she turned around. Two silver dots greeted her.

The thing wrapping her hoof fell backward at a blast of magenta magic, “Shit!”

It stood up and pointed something at it. Then it wrapped around her face and pulled her down.


Flurry wearily turned towards the door, the white outline of her father standing there, she thought she could make out the form if she just focused enough, “Dad?” Then she felt herself fall int the floor.

Ulgrin got up from the ground and took his P90 out and pointed it at the cabal of ponies at the door. He saw the mortified look of all of them. Particularly the one who shot at him with a magenta beam.

“What did you do?!” The armored stallion screamed.

“Arrest them,” A pink pegacorn beamed. The other armored ponies marched forward with swords and spears. Several of the horned ones had their horns charged.

“Boss, what’s the plan?” Natalie asked.

“We cannot let 106 escape,” Ross replied. Uligrin looked to his left, down at the pony. "It is our top priority.

“A bit late for that sir,” David said.

Gimme a sec,!” Ross seethed, thankfully, not in the microphone. He sighed and raised his gun at the crowd. The rest of the MTF followed suit. The pony guards seemed stunned for a moment at the coordination of the humans. Ulgrin kept looking for where 106 was, 'We can't lose it...'

A dark blue horned and winged equine broke through the wall to Ulgrin’s right. He turned to aim his P90 at her but was hit with a blast of magic. He was thrown to the ground, his gun only staying connected to him with the strap around his shoulder.

Sir throw a flashbang!” Chen said.

Good thinking Private.” Ross replied.

Ulgrin tried to get up but his hand was stuck on something. He turned around and saw 106 emerging from the ground. Its hand holding his wrist.

“No, no no no no!” Ulgrin screamed. "FUCK, it's here!"

All attention seemed to turn to him. Ulgrin, though, didn’t seem to notice, too busy with his impending death. With his free hand, he reached for his P90 and aimed it at 106. A blast of blue energy hit 106’s hand that was holding Ulgrin.

Ulgrin watched in horror as the beam turned from midnight blue to black and head back to its source black-brown.

“Sister!” He heard someone scream, But he didn’t care, he got his P90 lined up with 106’s head and pulled the trigger. The loud bullet shells began to fly out of his gun as he emptied the magazine into the beast.

He might as well have been spitting at the thing. All it was bring its free hand up and bring it down on Ulgrin’s helmet. Any further words were drowned out in the black substance of 106. Then, blackness consumed his vision.

“Taste’s great Pinkie,” Twilight said the party mare, “This cake really is big though.”

“Yeah well, you know what they say,” Pinkie said, whirling her hoof in the air, “Go big Or go-“


“What the heck was that?” Pinkie asked, “Sounded like a bunch of... popping balloons.” She Screamed, "WHAT IF FLURRY IS HAVING A PARTY WITHOUT US!"

“Pinkie,” Twilight said, “I’m going to go check on that, go get the girls okay?”

“Okie Dokie!”

Pinkie zoomed out of the room. ‘I hope everypony’s alright.’ Twilight channeled the teleportation spell to her room, ‘Please be alright,’ she thought as she released it. She found herself in her room. Twilight immediately opened the door and saw what she'd been dreading.

There was Cadance, Shining Armor, and Celestia, all standing in Flurry’s doorframe, guards were there and at the ready with spears and lit up horns.

Twilight rushed to join the fellow princesses and her brother. ‘Please be okay, please be okay,’ she pushed her way into the crowded door frame.

“Twilight stay back!” Cautioned Celestia, But Twilight rushed in. She quickly scanned the room, she saw the figures, but didn’t register them, she turned to face her family, “Where’s Flurry?”

A deep and shallow laugh behind her answered. A large and dark figure was emerging from the ground. She backed up, she heard calls of her to run, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of it.

It was nearly twice her height. In that instant, Twilight felt time slow down. The being had bright silver eyes and a corroded outer form. She felt her heart start to beat much faster and her breath was suddenly taken away from her, she struggled to keep herself standing. She stumbled backward onto the ground as her legs began to give.

A warm feeling enveloped her. She looked down and noticed Celestia’s magic around her, pulling her away.

She looked back up to the creature she assumed to be 106. It stuck out its hoof to her. Only to scrunch up. Twilight was thrown off to the side. She saw one of the other creatures aiming a smoking machine at 106. Who she realized wasn’t there. Until she looked at the ground. It was laying down face first.

“David, Now!” One of them said. Another ran forward and began to wrap 106 up in a rope. Once it finished it took the trapped being and dragged it by the net back to the rest of them.

“Guards,” Cadance said, tears welling in her eyes, “Arrest th-“

There was a blinding light and a loud pop. Twilight could barely hear herself think. She kept shaking her head, expecting her to be freed from whatever has taken her sight. She tried to cast a cure spell, but the ringing in her ears kept her concentration away.

After a few seconds of holding her eyes closed the ringing left her ears. Once she opened her eyes she could see again.

“Where did those things go?!” Her brother screamed. Twilight looked around the room. The bipedal attacker’s, and 106 were gone.

‘What was it, what can go wrong, will go wrong?’ Ross thought to himself, ‘Well… shit hit the damn fan.’

I’ll signal for pickup on the top of the spire,” Ross said into the radio, “Natalie take point.”

“Yes sir!” She said as she ran around the corner. “Stairs here.”

Hey George. This is Ross, we need extraction at the top of the spire,” Ross said, “We got caught and are being pursued.”

“Understood Colonel, I’ll meet you there.”

They turned the corner and went up flight after flight of stairs. He could hear the galloping of ponies behind them. He looked back and saw a rainbow maned Pegasus gaining on them. ‘Oh goddammit.’ He stopped, turned around, and punched the Pegasus straight in the face. ‘That’ll stop her at least.’ He turned to run, but a rope wrapped around his legs.
“Huh?” It tightened his legs and made him fall over into his chest.

I got caught, keep going.” He said into his mic. He turned with his P90 ready and brandished, but it got kicked away by another pony.

Fuck,” was all he heard in response.

‘I should’ve just shot her.’ He saw a guard walked up to him and hit him with a burst of energy.

Natalie opened up a hatch to what she assumed to be the roof. She pushed it open and sure enough, she was greeted by the chinook helicopter, ramp down, hovering there. ‘We’re out of light,’ She thought as she saw the sun finish its descent. She looked over to the east, the moon hadn’t raised yet, ‘Whatever.’

She went over to the hatch and grabbed the bag from David, who, for some reason was trying to push 106 in the net up the ladder. Immediately she rushed over to the chopper and threw the SCP into the helicopter. She helped up Allen and Chen.

By now she was out of breath. Huffing after all the running and work she just did. She shook her head as the three began to run and join David on the chopper. Her eyes were half-open. Out of energy, running on coffee and the 6 hours of sleep she got. Suffice to say once she got on that ramp, she was happy, relieved even.

When she collapsed on the ramp. She nearly fell asleep. She sat up and looked to the ponies on the roof staring at her. They were charging their horns. Several beams rocked the helicopter as it began to pull away. But all they did was make the Now standing rookie lose her balance and tumble off the edge.

Author's Note:

I’ll edit it for errors later tonight. I am WAY too tired right now to be dealing with this crap.

Longest chapter. How’d I do, crash and burn? Pass with flying colors?

Tell me in the comments. Never doing this many twists in a chapter again I think.