• Published 14th Feb 2019
  • 786 Views, 8 Comments

Clair de Lune - TheWingman

A farmer's desire may soon come true... when he least expects it.

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Comments ( 8 )

This was really well written. I loved the poem, it was touching!

I never saw myself as good at poetry, just someone who likes to take a chance and give things a shot. But, thank you. :)

You're welcome. =)

Whenever I hear the name Clair de lune, I immediately think of this:

Listening to the original version of that song one time actually got me the inspiration for this story.

Yeah. The song was beautiful, making me think of how beautiful the moon looked at night. Right away, I thought of Luna and I wanted to do a Valentine's Day story to reflect said beauty.

Nice, I find it amazing that one can receive inspiration from music and such.. :twilightsmile:

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