• Published 14th Aug 2012
  • 14,324 Views, 115 Comments

Tummy Ache - Alpha Scorpii

Pinkie Pie has a tummy ache.

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Tummy Ache

Tummy Ache

The strange noise woke Mrs. Cake up. Unlike her husband, who would remain asleep even if an earthquake was taking place right under their bed, she had quite sensitive ears and could hear practically any sound, even in dreams. She had learned to ignore the usual night noises to keep herself from waking up for nothing, but that one was weird and out of place.

The blue mare rose from the bed and walked outside the room, quietly, tiphoofing. She saw a glow at the end of the corridor, it was the bathroom light. The door had been closed, but a small fraction of the shine could still be seen. There was somepony inside, making those strange noises.

Mrs. Cake approached, still carefully, although she didn’t think it was a burglar. After all, what would a burglar do in the bathroom?

The weird sound happened again. It was an abrupt and kinda disgusting noise. It sounded painful, too, and Mrs. Cake started to feel bad for whoever was in there.

It sounded more or less like:


The baker mare opened the door, and gasped when she saw a very recognizable pink pony kneeling before the toilet, hanging to the white throne with her front hooves, and almost introducing the head inside.

“Pinkie?” asked Mrs. Cake, worried. “What are you doing?”

The pink mare turned her head slowly. Her eyes were teary and tired, and her face was marked with wrinkles of sickness.

“Sorry, Mrs. Cake...” she said, weakly. “I... I didn’t want to wak-”

She couldn’t finish the sentence. Her cheeks inflated quickly, then she introduced her head back in the toilet, and the disgusting sound was heard once more.

Mrs. Cake approached and flushed the toilet.

“If you were feeling bad, you should have told us,” she said.

“I didn’t want to wake you up...” whispered Pinkie, panting.

“When did this started, deary?”

“Um... an hour ago, or so... I was in my bed, and I felt my tummy aching... I tried to ignore it and sleep... but it got worse, and now...”

Mrs. Cake put a hoof on Pinkie’s forehead.

“You don’t seem to have fever,” she said. “Maybe it’s something you ate.”

“I don’t know... I didn't eat anything unusual...”

Mrs. Cake remembered that Pinkie had thrown a party for Twilight in the Library that afternoon. In fact, she had come back late, and she hadn’t wanted dinner, preferring to head to bed instead.

“What did you eat?” asked the baker mare. “And more importantly, how much?”

“Let's see... I ate half of the strawberry cake, half of the chocolate cake, three quarters of the other chocolate cake, five cupcakes, seventeen lollipops... Four apples, ten apple fritters, nine caramel apples... Eleven pies, the other five cupcakes... and some corncakes...”

“How many corncakes?”

“Only sixBLEEEEAAAAAGHty...”

“Dear Celestia, that's too much! Even for you!”

“Ugh...” Pinkie hugged her belly. “Can we stop talking about food? Hurts... it hurts...”

Mrs. Cake tapped Pinkie’s back with one hoof, using the other to hold her head over the toilet. The pink mare vomited again, although this time it wasn't as much as before.

“Ok...” sighed Pinkie. “I think... I think that was the last one...”

“Your tummy still hurts, doesn't it, deary?”


“Don’t worry.” Mrs. Cake flushed the toilet again and helped Pinkie to stand on her hooves. Then, she accompanied her back to her room.

It took them a while. They had to stop midway a few times, because Pinkie thought that another regurgitation was coming. Fortunately, they were all false alarms. Going upstairs wasn't an easy task, either. They did it step by step, with Mrs. Cake's hoof placed firmly on Pinkie's back.

Finally, they reached the bedroom, and Pinkie climbed to her bed.

“You stay here and don’t move, deary," said Mrs. Cake. "I’ll go to the kitchen to prepare a cup of chamomile tea.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Cake... Sorry to bother you so much...”

“It’s all right. Now, don’t lie down on your bed, just sit. Cover yourself with the blankets, but sit. When Carrot has a stomach ache like yours, he feels much better if he’s sitting down.”

Pinkie did as Mrs. Cake said, and she felt slightly better. Her tummy was still hurting, but less than before.

“Very good,” said the baker, smiling motherly. “Now I’ll go to get that tea.”

“Wait...” Pinkie took the yellow teddy bear which was in the bed and gave her to Mrs. Cake. “Please, put Mr. McPlantigrade somewhere else.”

“What? But Pinkie, you always sleep with him!”

“I may vomit again, and I don’t want him to get dirty...”

Mrs. Cake's smile became more motherly.

“Ok, I’ll tell you what we’ll do...” she put the teddy bear on a chair. “Mr. McPlantigrade will wait here. I’ll go for the chamomile tea, and then I’ll wait here until you are better and asleep, and then I’ll leave McPlantigrade by your side again, what do you think?”

“Thanks...” said Pinkie, with a weak but sincere smile on her lips.

Mrs. Cake trotted downstairs, leaving the pink mare alone, sat in her bed and hugging her tummy. The stomach ache caused the minutes to turn into hours. Pinkie moaned from time to time, when she was incapable of standing the pain, wishing for Mrs. Cake to return as soon as possible.

Finally, the scent of chamomile tea entered in the room, followed by Mrs. Cake, who was carrying a plate in her mouth. On that plate there was a white cup, filled with the healing liquid. For a brief moment, Pinkie got a flashback of her youth, back in the rock farm. Her mother also used to prepare chamomile tea when she or her sisters got sick.

Mrs. Cake left the plate on the bed, and gave Pinkie the cup.

“Here you are, deary,” she said. “Drink it carefully, it’s hot. Little by little.”

Pinkie drank a small gulp. She felt the warm tea descending through her esophagus and reaching the tortured stomach, and the pain seemed to diminish.

The next thirty minutes passed slowly. Pinkie drank the chamomile tea under the watchful eye of Mrs. Cake, who was honestly feeling a bit uneasy. She had never seen Pinkie like that. The pink pony was usually the avatar of happiness, always bouncing around, laughing and making others laugh. Now she was just a mare with a tired face sitting on a bed, holding a cup of tea in her hooves. Silent, with her half-closed eyes lost somewhere in the infinite. No laughs, no words coming from her mouth at more than fifteen syllabes per second, not even a smile on her face.

But then, Mrs. Cake realized about something she had forgot: behind her overwhelming optimism, behind her spontaneous songs, behind the Element of Laughter, behind her apparent powers to ignore or downright negate the laws of physics; Pinkie Pie was, at the end of the day, just another mare of Ponyville. A young mare, she wasn't even a complete adult yet. A pony who, like any other one, needed food on the table, a roof over her head, and a comfortable bed to sleep in.

And, when necessary, also a cup of chamomile tea.

"Do you feel better now, deary?" asked Mrs. Cake.

"Yes," said Pinkie. "It doesn't hurt anymore. I'm sorry for being such a nuisance, Mrs. Cake."

"Oh, you're not a nuisance, Pinkie. Don't worry about this, everypony gets tummy aches from time to time, it's part of life."

"But you had to wake up for me, and it's so late..."

"Well, you're our employee and our renter, and also our friend. Actually..." Mrs. Cake waited for a moment, as if she was thinking if she should pronounce the next words. Finally, she decided, and said, with a smile: "Actually, we consider you part of our family. Since your parents aren't here, it's our responsibility to take care of you in situations like this one."

Pinkie stared at the baker mare, with her eyes widely opened. The tiredness had disappeared from her face. It seemed that the chamomile tea had done its job.

"Really?" she asked. "You consider me part of your family?"

"As if you were our beloved daughter," said Mrs. Cake.

Pinkie was left speechless. She remained there, staring at the last drops, practically without blinking. The blue baker was afraid she had said something inappropriate.

"That means that I have two mommies now!" smiled Pinkie. "How cool!"

Mrs. Cake sighed. Yes, the chamomile tea had done its job.

Pinkie drank the last drops. It was good to see her back to her usual self. She yawned.

"Now you have to rest," giggled Mrs. Cake. "And try to not eat that much the next time, ok?"

"I don't understand what went wrong." Pinkie laid on the bed and covered herself with the sheets. "I have never had troubles with sweets! I thought my stomach was used to them!"

"Well, everything is bad in excess," Mrs. Cake put Mr. McPlantigrade back on the bed. Pinkie hugged it. "Or maybe you're getting too old for such banquets."

"What?! I'm not old!"

The baker laughed and patted the head of the pink mare.

"Good night, Pinkie."

"Good night, Mrs. Cake," she yawned again. "And... thank you for taking care of me..."

The young mare closed her eyes and fell asleep immediatly.

Mrs. Cake picked up the plate and the cup and abandoned the room, quietly. But, before going downstairs, she took a last look to Pinkie. The smile had returned to her face, and her breathing was calm. Everything was good.

Then, the baker realized about what the pink mare had said a few seconds ago:

"That means that I have two mommies now!"

Mrs. Cake felt a warm sensation in her own tummy. Although not directly, Pinkie had called her mommy.


Author's Note:

Dedicated to those who ever suffered a tummy ache at odd hours of the night.

And to all the mothers and fathers who ever had to deal with a situation like this one.

Comments ( 115 )

I really hope Mr. and Mrs. Cake get an episode for them in Season 3.

I've just realized that most of my fanfics involve people sleeping, going to bed or waking up. I guess I'm sleepy. :ajsleepy:

Again, thanks to Inumaniac for proofreading this fanfic.

I loved it. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.:twilightsmile:

:3 warm and fuzzy feels:heart:

There really needs to be like a "Parents Day" episode in Season 3 so we can finally put to rest all the questions about the Mane 6 and Scootaloo' parents right?:yay:

D'awwww :pinkiesmile: Excellent, my man.

Warm fuzzies.

Well done. :pinkiehappy:

This made me happy. I love fics about little moments like this.

That was very sweet.

Mr Cake: Alright Pinkie, see you soon!
Pinkie: Okay, bye mom! Bye dad! ...did I just- I'm so so so sorry, I mean, it just came out I didn't were it that slip of it were came-
Mrs. Cake: Shh, Pinkie, Pinkie, it's okay. Come here and give us a hug. There's a good filly.

D'awwwwww that was a good story

1085460 Agreed. Except maybe more flushed out than that one power rangers episode where the parents dress like their kids.

A heart-warming tale of illness, love and healing.
You get a fav, a thumbs up, and a watch.

Awww how sweet, my mom used to give me a bunch of water and stuff and sit by me until I was asleep... I LOVE THIS FIC, ITS SO CUTE! :yay:

Well, All I CAn Say Is ; (Don't Do Drugs Kids and Don't Party Too Hard, Because Drugs Could Be Hidden In The Food)>:pinkiesick:

Twas lovely.:raritystarry:

This fic reminded me of how much I love my mom, and how much I need to appreciate her . . . :pinkiesad2:

Pinkie sounds a little younger than she really is (at least to me), but aside from that this is really cute. Nice job.

Awesome. You took a :pinkiesick: and made it into a :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy: and that is aweosome. It was so cute. I loved it.

Dawwww, I teared up a little. :pinkiesad2:

this is so cute it needs the seal of approval from the ultimate authority of cute

so sweet,
and side note, I still wonder if there isn't some relation between the pies and the cakes

edit oh yeah, and also reminded me of this fic,
pinkie gets a cold

edit x2: strange, suddenly the story has been put behind a password... sorry about that folks :twilightblush:

Such a sweet story. I always loved the idea that Pinkie is like a daughter to the Cakes. :twilightsmile:

Lovely I really like this :D

keep up the awesome work :raritystarry:

De good feelings...they are making me tear up :pinkiesad2:

Really nice and cute story, there's not enough Pinkie/The cakes (in a family way) stories!

The end filled me with a large dosage of D'awww, the perfect way to end the day, so thank you!

"Ohoho Pinkie, you eat all those apples corncakes, you're gonna get a wicked bad tummyache!

That should be an episode in season 3!

It always fascinated me how my mom would be right by my side when I was sick like that. I'm the kind of guy who could never be that way. In fact, I got a little nauseous just reading this LOL. But poor Pinkie :pinkiesick:

This gave me a good feel because I had the same think happen to me once, it was one of the very few times when I felt ill that I was actaully sick.
Great story :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Wow, I really love this story! Good job!

I just got my daily dose of pure ADORABLE!:heart:

You get 5 yays: :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

D'aww... :pinkiehappy:

All of my d'awww. This was absolutely heartwarming.

Reminds me of good bad times staying home sick...:fluttershbad: :pinkiesick: :twilightoops: :facehoof:

According to Faust, the mane 6's parents were never designed when she was still working on the show. Celestia and Luna's parents were supposed to make an appearance, but she never got around to it.

"Scootasode" in season 3 has been confirmed in an Everfree Radio interview with her voice actor. I hope Faust's original concept for the episode is kept. It would probably put an end to all the Scootabuse and give her the best development out of all the characters.

Anyway, back on topic: A good read that gave me my daily dose of warm fuzzies.

This reminded me of Friendship is whitchcraft and the orphan song Pinkie sings. Love it

Aww, what a sweet story!:unsuresweetie:
Have ALL the warm fuzzies!

Also a like and star.

Warm story, this made me quite happy inside. Wy to keep the story in line, and capturing the character where she hasn't been before. Congratulations, you have another favorite :pinkiehappy:

1085460 No I wouldn't want any questions answered like that particularly Scoots, they wouldn't make her an orphan, its a kids show after all, and I have a really hard time seeing her as anything else, plus imagine all the great fanfics that would just not work anymore.

1087584 What you did there... I see it.:rainbowlaugh:

Memories always drift through my mind, and this one renewed 1 or 2 in that exact situation where I was Pinkie and my mom was Cup Cake. :pinkiesad2: This fanfic was touching and gave me that sweet, fuzzy feeling you have when you remember someone you love.:heart: Thank you for writing this.

Wonderful slice-of-life story.

Wow this is... REALLY good and it's also been featured! You're starting to make a name for yourself my friend.

You: "Don't expect anything great."
[Gets featured]
Me: This must be awesome!

:fluttercry::heart: SO MANY FEELS!

wunderbar. it managed to siphon a single tear from my ear for its sweet nature. :pinkiesad2:

This is the most adorable thing I have read all week. You have created a masterful work that does this fandom proud. Well done sir, well done!

Aw, now that was nice. A fine Slice of Life! I always like to critique a story when I've read it--but I honestly don't have much to say! Well written and enjoyable stories are like that.

I do have a few things though--give it another read through, out loud. There's a few missing words or typos here and there, you'll hear them and can correct them. As well, double check that you should actually be using semi-colons. They are rarely necessary--trust me when I say dashes would suit you better, I'd think. Especially in a few places where I think you need one instead of an ellipsis. Dash equals interruption (like suddenly being sick), ellipsis equals trailing off. And a little bit of repetition with Mrs. Cake and her 'deary' pet name. Nothing too serious, your every day common mistakes and possible nitpicks.

Very nice pace, and decent characterization (taking into account Pinkie being sick and all). Thank you for a little taste of quaint reality before I hit the sack.

One last question though--where the devil did you come up with a name like 'McPlantigrade' and why does that work so well? Hahaha!

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