• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 2,902 Views, 15 Comments

Since When Did My Dog Become Your Assistant? - sonicfan05

Twilight happened to be in the neighborhood until she spotted Trixie, who was about to perform a dangerous street magic stunt on her dog. After saving him, Twilight decided to have a bone to pick with the self-proclaimed magician.

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Since When Did My Dog Become Your Assistant?

It was a nice day within Canterlot City. Many small shops in the area were open for business and people were passing by to either shop or to walk around the city. But at that moment, there was a huge crowd gathering around at one place near a boutique store, specifically around a teenaged white haired girl who was wearing a magician’s outfit.

This teenaged girl was named Trixie Lulamoon, or as Trixie likes to call herself, “The Great and Powerful Trixie.” She is one of the students from Canterlot High School, where a lot of strange things happen as of late. She loves to boast about her own skills and performed her magic in front of a crowd, despite that her “magic” pales in comparison to a certain group of girls from CHS as well. Today however, she had just performed her amazing street magic for her HayTube channel by levitating her various objects with her new trick, Trixie’s Outstanding Power of Telekinesis.

It was still a working title, but it was certainly a mouthful.

But Trixie was not alone. Along with the floating objects within the levitating field, there was also a small purple dog with green ears, hair and eyes, who was currently trapped in a long box. This particular dog didn’t belong to Trixie; he was actually belonged to some other girl from CHS. What was even more interesting about this dog was the fact that he can actually talk in a human language. That dog name was Spike, and at the moment, he was also Trixie’s assistant to her crazy street magic. He was originally about to be cut in half, until some strange, yet familiar magic lifted Trixie’s items and himself into the air. While Spike was glad that he was spared from being cut in half, he was now starting to feel sick for spinning around in the air for so long with no free will.

But Spike’s wellbeing was the least of Trixie’s concerns as she was busy bowing and waving at the cheering crowd who had witnessed her amazing trick.

“Thank you, thank you! You all have been a great audience!” said Trixie in her performing voice. She then directed the crowd’s attention to her floating assistant. “And please give another round of applause to my Great and Cute Assistant!

Crowd cheered and applause some more before they quickly dispersed the area, going back to their own business. There were only a few people remained, including two teenaged girls who are members of Trixie’s band, Trixie and the Illusions. One was holding Trixie’s phone, recording the event and the other was witnessing with an exciting smile on her face.

“Aaaaaaand that’s a wrap,” said the blonde one, known as Lavender Lace as she stopped the recording of Trixie’s phone. “Nice work Trixie!”

“Yeah, you were amazing!” the redhead added, known as Fuschia Blush.

“Yeah I know!” Trixie grinned in an egotistical way. “And Trixie now has the ability of the outstanding power of telekinesis!”

“Um… that sounds great Trixie,” Spike uttered as his face slowly turned to green. “But could you please put me own now?”

“In a sec my little assistant,” Trixie said nonchalant, waving off Spike’s concerns before she broke into an exciting grin. “Oooooh so many possibilities! Now where should I perform my amazing street magic next? The mall? The Town Square? Or maybe even Las Pegasus? At this rate and with this dog on my side, Trixie will finally be recogn­­–”


Trixie stopped speaking as she and the others turned towards the source, only to freeze in site. What they saw was another teenaged girl with a long purple ponytail hair with one pink stripe, a striped blouse with her pendant-ribbon over it, purple skirt with stars and thick glasses. That girl was none other than Twilight Sparkle, one of the members of the Rainbooms and true owner to Spike. Usually she was a very friendly person, but at the moment, she had a very peeved expression on her face.

And she was glaring directly at Trixie.

“Twilight!” Spike cried, as he continued to keep himself from throwing up.

Trixie, as well as her band mates gulped at the site of an angry girl. “O-oh! H-hey there Twilight Sparkle! Um… nice day we’re having, eh?”

Twilight didn’t say a word. In fact, she narrowed her eyes even more as a result, which made Trixie more nervous.

“Soooooo… what do you think of Trixie’s telekinesis magic?” said Trixie, while trying to play cool.

“You mean my magic!” Twilight said bluntly.

Before Trixie could say anything, Twilight lifted up her glowing purple finger, which was the same aura color around Trixie’s items and Spike, and Twilight slowly floated everything back down to the ground including her dog. As soon as Spike was placed to the ground, he sighed in relief as Twilight freed him out of that box.

“Whew… thank goodness! A few seconds longer and I would’ve puke!” said Spike while getting his bearings.

Realizing that it wasn’t her magic this entire time, Trixie sighed and slumped her shoulders in disappointment.

“So much for Trixie’s hopes and dreams,” Trixie muttered.

However, Trixie froze when Twilight turned and glared daggers at the magician again. “Trixie, we need to talk… alone!

Getting the message and not want to face the nerdy girl’s wrath, Lavender immediately handed the phone back to Trixie.

“Oh I just remembered! I have to go home and do my homework!” Lavender said quickly before she took off.

“Y-yeah, me too!” Fuschia quickly added before going after Lavender. “See ya Trix!”

Trixie frowned at her fleeing band mates for ditching her before facing Twilight with a nervous gulp. Normally Trixie didn’t care what others thought of her and could take anyone on. But since she was dealing with one of the well-known girls at her school with actual magic, Trixie didn’t want to take any chances. Trixie had a feeling from the pit of her stomach of what exactly this nerdy girl was so angry about and Trixie hoped she could defuse the situation. Despite that she was sweating profusely, Trixie tried to remain calm while having a conversation with an angry Rainboom.

“So…um… what exactly do you want to talk to Trixie about?” She asked with a nervous smile.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “It’s about my dog.”

“Uh… what about your dog?” Trixie asked dumbly.

“Well for starters, since when did my dog become your assistant?” Twilight pressed with a slightly raised angry voice. “How was I not aware of this until I happened to arrive here and why did you strap him in that box and almost cut him in half!?

Trixie gulped again and smiled nervously. “O-OH! Well… Trixie has a perfectly good explanation for this!”

Twilight crossed her arms. “I’m waiting!

“Okay… well… um… Trixie thinks Spike will explain this better.” Trixie quickly turned to Spike with desperate eyes, silently begging him to help her. “Tell her my Great and Cute Assistant!

Spike rolled his eyes from Trixie’s cowardly attempt to have him do the talking and let out a long sigh.

“Well Twilight… it’s like this…”

- One Week Ago -

“This doggie dish is not only looks awesome, but it was made both environmentally safe and chemical free material that is one hundred percent safe for dogs like me and I highly recommended it for your pets too!” Spike concluded as he was showing off his fancy doggie dish towards the camera. He then winked as he placed the dish down. “Anyway, that’s this episode of “Fancy Fetch Unboxing with Spike”! I hope you all enjoyed this video and thank you for watching! ‘Til next time Paw Pals!”

Satisfied with his take for his latest episode for his vlog series, he pressed stop on his camera, finishing his recording for the day. Normally, he filmed his series on Twilight’s bed from her bedroom, but ever since Twilight found out about his hobby, he was free to film himself everywhere else within the Sparkle’s household. Today, he decided to film outside in front of his doghouse because he thought not only this particular setting fits for the episode, but it was also a very nice day. Aside from that he was interrupted at one point by some loud aggressive barks from another dog next door, the filming went off without a hitch.

Just as Spike was putting away his gear and head back inside the house, he heard a very soft noise.


Spike ear’s lifted up from the sound. Spike looked around his backyard to pinpoint where the noise had come from.

Pssssst! Over here!”

Spike heard it again, but this time he was able to detect the noise. But when he looked over, all he saw was a wooden fence from a few feet away where the other dog lived. Does that mean his neighbor suddenly has the ability to speak human like him too and tried to communicate with him?

“Up here!”

Realizing that it was coming from above him, Spike looked up and was immediately shocked. Right up on a tree at a great height was none other than Trixie Lulamoon, sitting on a tree branch. While she tried to look casual, she also looked a bit uncomfortable for sitting on that branch for so long. Spike could also detect a bit of fear from Trixie’s eyes as well, assuming due to the height from where she was.

“Trixie?” Spike uttered with a stunned, surprised expression.

Despite that she was shaking, Trixie tried to act her usual boastful self. “Yes my canine friend, it is I! The Great and Powerful Trrrrrrrixieeeeee!

Spike blinked confusingly. “Um… why are you on our tree?”

“Well… funny you should ask,” Trixie replied with a semi-embarrassed grin. “See, Trixie wanted to meet you ever since she saw your videos on HayTube. Trixie was… impressed with your work and dedication to your series and that you gain so many fans in a short amount of time. So Trixie came over here to ask you in hopes that maybe… you could… appear in my video or two as my…. special guest?”

“I… see,” Spike stated. “But that doesn’t explain how you got into our tree, let alone our backyard. Twilight is out with her best friends at Sweet Shoppe right now.”

Trixie let out an indignant huff. “Well… Trixie showed up at the front door earlier and no one answered. But Trixie didn’t want to leave empty handed, so she went to your neighbor’s yard so she could climb over the fence. But…”

“Let me guess,” Spike interrupted with a deadpanned look. “You were at old man Jenkins’ yard and met Tiny.”

That’s the dog’s name!?” Trixie exclaimed in disbelief. “That monster looks anything but tiny!”

“Yeah… I don’t get why he was called that either but that dog is ferocious, especially if strangers wandered into his yard. In fact, you could’ve simply go the other way and follow our pathway which leads to our backyard.”

Trixie stared owlishly at Spike for a moment before facepalming herself for missing such an obvious easy path.

“Oh now he tells me,” she muttered. She quickly composed herself before continuing her story.

“Well anyway, that… beast chased Trixie around the yard, barely tore my cape off and I eventually climbed up this tree so that thing doesn’t get me!” She took a glimpse at her cape and cringed at the site of a minor bite and scratch marks at the end of her cape. “And this is why Trixie can’t stand dogs!”

Her eyes widened from what she had said and faced Spike with an apologetic look. “Er… no offence.”

“None taken,” Spike said nonchalant.

“So… yeah, Trixie was up here ever since,” Trixie finished while glancing away from him.

“For how long?” Spike asked with a concerned look.

Trixie shrugged. “About a half an hour.”

“Half an hour!?” Spike exclaimed, alarmed with the news. “Why didn’t you call for help!?”

“Well Trixie saw you filming another one of your videos earlier so she didn’t want to interrupt you out of respect for one HayTuber after another,” Trixie answered.

Spike stared at Trixie with a worried expression. “Well that’s nice and all, but you are stuck in a tree. Getting you down should be our top priority!”

“Trixie isn’t stuck, she’s…hanging out!” Trixie denied but then quickly changed the subject. “But forget about Trixie’s predicament for a moment. Will you please be Trixie’s personal assistant for her videos for a while?”

Spike frowned. This does explained why that dog was barking aggressively earlier, how Trixie got up on his tree and why Trixie was here. While he was flattered that she took an interest in him and Trixie’s determination to see him (even if it was a bit creepy), Spike was hesitant to accept Trixie’s request.

“I don’t know Trixie,” Spike said unsurely. “You were never friends with me or any of the girls, both during and outside of school.”

“I’m friends with Sunset Shimmer!” Trixie pointed it out.

Spike’s eyes narrowed. “So I heard. But after she put you in a yearbook as “Greatest and Most Powerfulest”, did you hang out with her again?”

Trixie opened her mouth to defend herself, but stopped when she realized that Spike was right. Sure, she was a bit selfish at the time to get herself in a yearbook in exchange to help Sunset solve the mystery of everyone’s memories of Sunset disappeared, but overtime she grew to respect Sunset for going above and beyond for her friends and felt genuinely bad for her for being alone. While she never admitted it out loud, she was happy that Sunset considered her a friend, which no one called her that before, not even from her two band mates. After everything went back to normal, Trixie continue to act as usual as if nothing happened, but felt bad for not attempting to talk to her new friend since then. Trixie wanted to hang out with Sunset again, but she was too stubborn (and nervous) to approach her and her friends without dropping her boastful persona.

“Which brings me this,” Spike continued, snapping out of Trixie’s thoughts. Spike then narrowed his eyes. “Did you ask me to join you because I have more viewers than you and that you wanted to use me?”

Trixie’s eyes widened and shook her head. “What? No! That’s not the reason at all!”

Spike had an expressionless look, clearly not believing her.

“…okay… it was the reason. But could you blame Trixie? You have over two point five million subscribers after a few months, while Trixie has only…twelve!” Trixie sighed and looked down in shame. “I just… I just wanted to be recognized for once okay! And you’re the only… dog Tri– I know who could help me!” She then pressed her hands together and gave Spike her pleading look. “…please?”

Spike was skeptical about this. He heard stories from Twilight and her friends how this wannabe magician has been a thorn on their side, just so she could prove to everyone that she is better than everyone else. Yet, just one look at Trixie’s sad, desperate face, Spike couldn’t bring himself to say no.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Spike let out a long sigh. “Alright… I will appear in your video as your assisting guest.”

Trixie’s eyes lit up in joy with a huge happy smile on her face as if she woke up on Christmas morning. “Oh thank you, thank you! I knew you will help you lovable–”

Her praise was cut short when Spike held up his paw to silent her while giving her his stern look. “BUT… I will only help you under three conditions!”

Trixie pouted for a moment but then quickly got over it. “Oh yes of course. What are those conditions?”

Spike lowered his paw as he went down to business. “First, if you want me to appear in your video as your guest, then it’s only fair that you appear in mine as well.”

Trixie nodded. “Of course, naturally! And I’ll even give you a shout out to your channel!”

“Second, if we’re doing one of your magic shows, than make sure it wasn’t anything dangerous!

“Don’t you worry my canine friend,” Trixie reassured as she placed one hand over her chest where her heart is while lifting her other hand up. “You have my word as a fellow magician that nothing bad will happen to you during our performance.”

Spike nodded, satisfied with Trixie’s reassurance before continuing. “And finally, when our work is done, not only I want us to hang out often outside of school, but I also want you to start hanging out with the girls as well!”

Trixie was ready to protest about Spike’s last condition, but then she paused processing it further. Suddenly, her eyes widened in realization.

“HEY! That’s four things!” Trixie shouted indigently.

“That last one was a two-parter!” Spike said bluntly. “So do we have a deal?”

Trixie frowned deeply. She didn’t like the idea of hanging out with any of Sunset’s friends. It’s one thing if it was Sunset since the two of them buried the hatchet and started becoming friends one step at a time, but it was another when it comes to her group of friends. She knew it would be difficult since she have a rivalry with those girls longer than she could remember, but if it’s the only way to get their dog to work for her, then she’ll have to tolerate with them. Plus, she figured it was only a matter of time to settle their differences anyway if she were to hang with Sunset again.

So Trixie swallowed her pride and let out a long sigh. “Alright… Trixie… will accept the deal.”

“Do you Pinkie Promise you’ll follow through this deal?” Spike asked.

Trixie blinked. “What?”

“Pinkie Promise,” Spike repeated. “It’s Pinkie Pie’s thing to take promises very seriously!”

Trixie rolled her eyes at the thought of that certain energetic pink girl. It was pretty typical that she was involved with silly stuff like this, but if that’s what it takes to sway him, then Trixie will go through with it.

“Fine! I, Trixie Lulamoon, “Pinkie Promised” that I will follow through our deal!”

Spike nodded. “Good, now do the chant!”

“WHAT?” Trixie cried with a bewildered look.

“The chant,” Spike said as if there was nothing strange about it. He then proceeded to do the chant with his paws as a demonstration. “Like this: Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

…you’ve gotta be kidding me! Trixie thought, couldn’t believe how ridiculous that chant looked. She was about to make a comment if this was a joke, but one look at the stern face dog, pretty much told her that he was serious. Trixie sighed in frustration before repeating that same childish chant.

“Fine… cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my–OW!”

As Trixie rubbed her injured eye that she poked herself, Spike looked up in concern. “You okay?”

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine!” Trixie replied, blinking her eye a few times before giving Spike her irritated look. “Mind telling me what the purpose was of doing this?”

Spike shrugged. “Like I said, it’s Pinkie thing. She expressed how important to keep your promises to a friend. And if you break them, you’ll lose a friend’s trust.”


Trixie immediately felt her spine chilled from that strange sound from the distance. Trixie doesn’t know what it was, but something told her that she should honor their deal. But that thought was quickly forgotten once the registered the one thing Spike had said to her.

“Wait? Does that mean… we’re friends?”

Spike grinned. “Only if you wanted to be.”

Trixie was stunned. This was the second time someone considered her a friend even though this was the first time they talked together. Heck, she never have a friend who was a talking dog before. The thought that this pup was willing to be her friend made her heart… warm. Trixie slowly gave Spike her warm smile.

“Thank you… Spike.”

“You’re welcome Trixie.”

“Um… Spike?”

“Yes Trixie?”

“Could you do another favor for Trixie?”

“What is it?”

“Could you please get the ladder? Trixie can’t get down from here.”

“So that’s what happens. And afterwards, we practiced some of Trixie’s tricks before shooting a video.” Spike concluded before shooting Trixie his annoyed look. “Although I don’t remember we practiced a trick when she was going to cut me in half with a sword.”

“I told you, I got this!” Trixie spoke up defensively. “Trixie would never put you in harm’s way if she doesn’t know what’s she’s doing.” She then set her eyes on Twilight. “While Trixie would have preferred for Spike not mentioning Trixie’s predicament with the tree, everything he said was the truth.”

Twilight just stared at them with a hard expression. While they explained how Spike ended up working with Trixie, but that still doesn’t mean that she liked the idea of Spike getting involved with Trixie’s crazy stunts, especially that involved nearly cutting him in half. Not only that, Trixie was now trying to ride on Spike’s coat tails because of the fact that he’s more famous on HayTube than she is.

And that really ticked Twilight off.

“But why didn’t you two tell me you were doing this!” She demanded with a tinge of worry. “And didn’t we talked about the risks of exposing yourself too much for everyone to see as the talking dog Spike! And what if Trixie’s tricks accidently harmed you if I didn’t show up? Or what if–”

“Twilight, calm down!” Spike cried, stopping Twilight from her ongoing panicking rant episodes. “Breathe!” As Twilight was doing her breathing exercise, Spike gave Trixie a knowing look. “I told you she will freak out!”

Once Twilight managed to calm herself down, it was Trixie who spoke up.

“Listen Twilight,” she said soothingly. “Don’t be mad at him. Tri– I’m the one to put him up for this. And we made an agreement that I will make sure that the tricks I’m using is one hundred percent safe!”

Upon hearing the poor choice of words from Trixie, Twilight suddenly gave her a blank look. “…safe?” Her expression then changed to anger and let out a fierce growl. “SAFE!? You call nearly cutting my dog in half with your sword was safe!?

“That sword was fake! I swear!” Trixie squeaked in freight.

“It looks kinda real to me,” Spike commented.

“Not helping!” Trixie growled through her teeth. She yelped when Twilight quickly walked up to her, ready to give Trixie a piece of her mind. “Hey hey, look! I knew how much Spike means to you. I may be a braggart, but I would never hurt anyone, especially your dog! I Pinkie Promised that everything I have, props and all, will not harm him!”

“It’s true, she Pinkie Promised.”

Everyone jumped from the sound of the forth voice. They all turned around and spotted that the voice belongs to none other than Pinkie Pie… who for some reason appeared out of nowhere.

“Pinkie!? What are you doing here?” Twilight exclaimed with a bewildered look.

“Cameo appearance!” Pinkie said simply in her bubbly voice as she was chewing on her cupcake. She than gave them her friendly wave and walked away. “Bye!”

As Pinkie disappeared around the corner of the building, everyone else just stood there with dumbfounded expressions. No one said a single word until Trixie finally spoke up.

“…your friend is weird!

“Trust me, weird doesn’t even begin to describe her,” said Twilight before facing Trixie with narrowed eyes, but slightly less angry. “Anyway, even if I take your word that Spike won’t get hurt, what about the talking dog thing?”

“We already covered that!” Spike answered. “If anyone asked, Trixie will tell them that I’m either a robot or that she uses her “outstanding power of ventriloquism”… whatever that means.”

Despite Spike’s reassurance, Twilight remained skeptical. “And people actually believed that?”

“Um… Trixie?”

Everyone barely jumped again from the sudden new voice, but this time it was a young female voice. They all looked down to see a little girl with two long pigtails and a hedgehog emblem on her sweater. Despite that she was clearly shy, the young girl was looking up at Trixie with great admiration.

“I…really liked your show… a-and your tricks are amazing!” She then showed Trixie a notebook and a pen. “C-can I have your autograph?”

Trixie gave the young girl her warm smile before taking the notebook and pen from her. “Why of course little one! Anything for my Great and Powerful fans!”

Trixie took a moment to write a small meaningful message on the notepad before signing her name with fancy penmanship. When she was finished, Trixie handed the notebook and pen back to the little girl.

“Here ya go!”

With a happy gasp, the girl took her things back and held them on her chest before beaming up at Trixie. “Thank you so much! I definitely go see your next show soon! Bye” The girl barely walked a few feet away before she turned back towards them. “Oh by the way, I thought your ventriloquism to your doggy assistant was really cute and amazing!”

As the happy girl went on her way, Twilight stared on with disbelieving expression. When she turned to Trixie, she was only met Trixie’s smug look as if to say, “you were saying?”

Twilight only growled in annoyance. “Okay… so that little girl thinks it was all ventriloquism, but that doesn’t mean everyone else is fooled!”

“If no one else is fooled, wouldn’t there be people around demanding to see the talking dog right now?” Trixie challenged.

Twilight was about to open her mouth to argue, but she stopped herself. When she looked around the area, she realized that Trixie was right because they were the only one in the area and that there are no crazy people demanding to see the talking dog.

Seeing that Twilight didn’t respond, Trixie quickly took this opportunity to convince the nerd further.

“Listen Sparkle, with the exception of everyone from CHS and maybe Crystal Prep, many people would only see your magic, my magic and this talking dog as part of a show and doesn’t think it was real. It’s sad, but true. But my true purpose was to give these people great entertainment with my amazing skills with help from your dog. Even if there are some crazy fans out there believed that he was real, Trixie promised that she’ll keep her doggy friend safe. Trust me Sparkle, he’s in good hands.”

“She’s right Twilight,” Spike spoke up. “Ever since we started practicing, she was really nice to me and we had fun practicing. Plus she’s been giving me those delicious peanut butter flavored treats!”

While Trixie appeared to be indifferent with Spike’s words, she was secretly happy that somebody was praising her for once… and it was from her new friend. Twilight meanwhile was surprised with how well Trixie was treating him (up until the box trick) and how fun Spike was having. While she was glad that Spike enjoyed himself, she still had some doubts.

“And how many of her “Street Magic” is she going to perform with you?” Twilight asked.

“Maybe three more times,” Spike answered.

“You’re not going to quit even when I tell you to?”


“Has she been really treating you right?”

“Of course!”

Twilight was hesitating about the idea of Spike working with Trixie even after Spike reassured her that it was okay. She was fine with Spike having fun, but at the same time, she didn’t want him to get hurt, especially that she didn’t know too much about Trixie. About a moment of deep thought, Twilight sighed heavily and turned to Trixie.

“Alright, fine… I’ll let Spike performed with you a little longer.” Before Spike or Trixie could say anything, Twilight raised her three fingers and gave Trixie her stern look. “But under three conditions!”

Trixie sighed in annoyance. “What’s with you two and these three conditions? Is three like your favorite number or something?”

When Trixie noticed Twilight narrowing her eyes at her, Trixie sighed in resignation. “Alright, fine! What are these “conditions”?”

Twilight nodded in satisfaction before she went straight to business. “One, I want you to ask me first before borrowing Spike for your shows!”

Trixie nodded. “Okay, understandable.”

“Two,” Twilight continued before glaring at Trixie. “Never use “cutting my dog in a box in half” trick again!

Trixie gulped. “Okay, Trixie swear she won’t do that trick again!”

Twilight calmed down somewhat, but still kept her narrowed eyes. “And finally… I want to be part of your practice routines and shows to make sure that everything went smoothly for your “tricks”.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “What are ya, his mom?”

“Would you rather if I hunt you down when I heard what has happened to my dog because of you if I wasn’t around supervised?” Twilight threatened with a glare.

Trixie immediately had a look of fright and shook her head as her response.

“…I thought so,” Twilight stated before sticking up her hand. “So do we have a deal?”

Trixie gulped but shook her hand. “D-deal.”

“Great!” Twilight responded, now in her much cheerful tone. While Trixie was surprised with Twilight’s sudden one-eighty mood change, Twilight gently picked up Spike into her arms. “Now if you excuse me, I’ll be taking my dog back home now. See ya later!”

Just as Twilight was leaving, Spike shot Trixie a look, reminding her of the Pinkie Promise the she should try to hang out with the Rainbooms, starting with Twilight. Thankfully, Trixie got the message, but still nervous with the idea. But seeing that Twilight was on the move, Trixie had no choice but to act fast, otherwise, she won’t get this chance again.

“W-wait!” she shouted.

Twilight stopped walking and turned to Trixie with a curious expression. “Yes Trixie?”

Seeing that she got Twilight’s attention, Trixie cleared her throat while trying to act natural, despite feeling a little nervous.

“Um… Tri– I was wondering if you and your… friends would like to… hang out at the Sweet Shoppe sometime? My treat!”

Twilight stared back, surprised with Trixie’s words. “Did… you really mean that?”

“Y-yes,” Trixie answered, while looking away. “I-I know that I… butted heads with your friends many times before, so by inviting you and your group over for some milkshakes is my way to… extend my olive branch to you girls.”

“I see,” Twilight said simply. Trixie felt even more nervous when Twilight didn’t say anything else for a while until she finally responded. “I can’t promise you anything… but I’ll see if I can convince my friends to accept your invite.”

Trixie blinked, taken back with Twilight’s answer. “You… mean that you’ll come?”

Twilight nodded, finally smiling at her for the first time. “Well you have been nicer to us ever since the incident when our memories of Sunset was taken. So I’m willing to give you a chance and I’m sure the others will too.”

Trixie stared in surprise. This was honestly didn’t expect that another member of the Rainbooms aside from Sunset Shimmer are willing to give her a chance. While it may not be so easy to get them to warm up to her (especially from that certain Rainbowed-haired teen), the thought of being friends with them was actually sounded… nice.

Trixie gave Twilight her warm smile. “Thank you… Twilight.”

Spike nodded and smiled at Trixie as if he told her, “You did good Trixie”.

“Oh one more thing,” Trixie added with a sheepish smile. “Will you lend me your telekinesis magic for Trixie’s future shows?”

Twilight gave Trixie her deadpanned look. “Don’t push it.”

Author's Note:

I would have posted this story earlier after that video was released, but real life gets in the way and I want to make sure that it came out the way I wanted it without being under-cooked... so do speak.

Anyway, critiques are welcome, but please be polite. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 15 )

Another very funny story.

Trixie frowned deeply. She didn’t like the idea of hanging out with any of Sunset’s friends. It’s one thing if it was Sunset since the two of them buried the hatchet and started becoming friends one step at a time, but it was another when it comes to her group of friends. She knew it would be difficult since she have a rivalry with those girls longer than she could remember, but if it’s the only way to get their dog to work for her, then she’ll have to tolerate with them.

Technically, Trixie never had a rivalry with Sci-Twi.

Also, I'm pretty sure Spike wasn't in any real danger during the show, since his little puppy body only fit in one half of the box that Trixie was going to cut in half.

One of the things I like about 'Forgotten Friendship' is that it establishes the fact that Trixie does have magic. Granted it probably only that one trick but still...

Kinda wondering if you'll do the rest of the shorts.

Samurai Jack reference for the win!


Her praise was cut short when Spike held up his paw to silent her while giving her his stern look. “BUT… I will only help you under three conditions!”

*gives four conditions*

Trixie was ready to protest about Spike’s last condition, but then she paused processing it further. Suddenly, her eyes widened in realization.

“HEY! That’s four things!” Trixie shouted indigently.

“That last one was a two-parter!” Spike said bluntly.

At 1:58

This was pretty funny. Though in an unused part of the Street Magic short, seen in the leaked animatic version, Trixie just used Spike as her “assistant” by grabbing him off the street when he just happened to randomly walk by. Your version is good too though.

What's next, Photo Finish borrowing Spike for Cute Doggy Picture Calendars?


Maybe he was a puppy when Old Man Jenkins got it?
No, Tiny was already a full adult by then.
Well there goes that idea.

I'm wondering when Sci-Twi will figure out that Spike most be lonely at home by himself so much, now that she has more friends.:moustache::twilightoops:

Good story!

This was good fun.

Since When Did Your Dog Become a Haytuber?
Since When Did My Dog Become Your Assistant?
Since When Did My Dog Become a Rapper?

Comment posted by Justin Mershimer deleted May 26th, 2019

... Well now I wanna see what happened afterwards, Trixie hanging out with them sounds like it could be cute and fluffy. :rainbowkiss:

Trixie opened her mouth to defend herself, but stopped when she realized that Spike was right. Sure, she was a bit selfish at the time to get herself in a yearbook in exchange to help Sunset solve the mystery of everyone’s memories of Sunset disappeared, but overtime she grew to respect Sunset for going above and beyond for her friends and felt genuinely bad for her for being alone. While she never admitted it out loud, she was happy that Sunset considered her a friend, which no one called her that before, not even from her two band mates. After everything went back to normal, Trixie continue to act as usual as if nothing happened, but felt bad for not attempting to talk to her new friend since then. Trixie wanted to hang out with Sunset again, but she was too stubborn (and nervous) to approach her and her friends without dropping her boastful persona.

Sometimes I wish someone else helped Sunset over Trixie for obvious reasons. :duck:

“…okay… it was the reason. But could you blame Trixie? You have over two point five million subscribers after a few months, while Trixie has only… twelve! ” Trixie sighed and looked down in shame. “I just… I just wanted to be recognized for once okay! And you’re the only… dog Tri– I know who could help me!” She then pressed her hands together and gave Spike her pleading look. “…please?”

Wait, didn't he have only a thousand in the last chapter? :applejackconfused:

“Don’t you worry my canine friend,” Trixie reassured as she placed one hand over her chest where her heart is while lifting her other hand up. “You have my word as a fellow magician that nothing bad will happen to you during our performance.”

Right... :ajbemused:

Spike nodded, satisfied with Trixie’s reassurance before continuing. “And finally, when our work is done, not only I want us to hang out often outside of school, but I also want you to start hanging out with the girls as well!”

He can't be serious! :pinkiegasp:

“We already covered that!” Spike answered. “If anyone asked, Trixie will tell them that I’m either a robot or that she uses her “ outstanding power of ventriloquism” … whatever that means.”

Pretty much she talks while her lips are barely moving. :twilightsheepish:

With a happy gasp, the girl took her things back and held them on her chest before beaming up at Trixie. “Thank you so much! I definitely go see your next show soon! Bye” The girl barely walked a few feet away before she turned back towards them. “Oh by the way, I thought your ventriloquism to your doggy assistant was really cute and amazing!”


Trixie stared in surprise. This was honestly didn’t expect that another member of the Rainbooms aside from Sunset Shimmer are willing to give her a chance. While it may not be so easy to get them to warm up to her (especially from that certain Rainbowed-haired teen), the thought of being friends with them was actually sounded… nice.

She honestly didn't expect*

“Oh one more thing,” Trixie added with a sheepish smile. “Will you lend me your telekinesis magic for Trixie’s future shows?”


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